Stefan & Elena What I hated & liked about Brave New World!!!

ForsakenMoon19 posted on Sep 17, 2010 at 03:05PM
Lastnight's epsiode sucked big time, a joke an absolute disaster as far as I'm concerned!!! The writing was just awful!! The only high points were the Lockwoods plot, Caroline's plot and Bonnie's retaliation, everything else was total crap!! First we get an annoying dosage of big-bad-vamp Damon whinning like a pathetic child about his loss of Katherine, then he desides to threaten the ppl closest to Elena including her brother Jeremy and finally Jeremy goes from I wanna kill you to lets be good buddies now, ahhh gag me!!! That was soooo unrealistic, the prick killed him and now its lets break bread together, ROTFL!!!

I will say Stefan and Bonnie were awesome lastnight!!! He was so considerate and understanding of that girl taking care of her like that:) And I loved Matt finally confessing his love for Caroline, soooooo sweet. But Bonnie setting fire to Damon was just classic, it had me cheering the whole time!!! Go Bonnie!!! At this point as I made be Team Bamon, I completely HATE Damon!!! The writers are all over the place with him and it's like they work so hard to shove Delena down our throats, including making nice with the girl's kid brother!! I basically wanted to throw my remote at the tv after watching that digusting scene between Jeremy and Damon at the mansion!!! Okay he's hot but that's basically all he's got going for him, Elena should be lucky she has such an awesome guy like Stefan, who BTW kicked ass again!!

Another thing I really enjoyed was watching Tyler beginning to unraval the truth behind his violent nature. Mason was sexy and totally kicked that Carter-guy's ass lol!!! I loved the arm wrestling scene between Stefan and Mason, what do ya thing are we gonna get a cool bromance between Mr. Good-vamp Salvatore & the Lockwood werewolves?? I hope so!!!

Aside from all these possitives, there's just too many negative feelings I have with this episode, including transforming another human character into a vamp, seriously the Vicki pt. 2-thing is getting old!! Now I sincerly hope the writing in this season gets better becuz if it doesn't you're looking at a girl who's about to become one-less-TVD-fan!!! I'm tired of The-Damon-Show, I don't watch it for him I watch it for the other characters!!

These are my thoughts, agree or disagree:)

Stefan & Elena 2 replies

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over a year ago CrazyFruittt said…
big smile
I'm tired of The-Damon-Show
This is what I liked the most! It is so true! He became annoying,big time! I never really liked him,but now,I really don't!

About the last nights episode,i really like it! It wasn't the best of course,but it was decent! :D Maybe because I am such a huge SE fan,that that last scene made my whole episode! Adorable!
over a year ago LeytonTLA said…
How the hell did I miss this article? It's amazing, I know you've posted it a long time ago, but I just feel the need to comment.

I know a lot of us (SE fans) are happy with the few scenes we get. But I'm not. I just can't get over the fact that this season is turning into a DE one so soon. I absolutely do not understand Kevin&Julie. They have been writing this season as if DE has no fans, and they need to lure people to their side. I mean, come on. It's so obvious, and maybe, I wouldn't have a problem with that, if only they hadn't forgotten about the other side. Our side. That's still alive and breathing. But they HAVE forgotten about us. I just can't accept a handful of scenes we have gotten so far. I can't, and I won't. SE still exists, and producers need to remind themselves about that. Although they have already ruined their relationship before it was necessary. DE didn't even happen, and SE is having a crisis.

And now onto your article :)

"The writers are all over the place with him and it's like they work so hard to shove Delena down our throats, including making nice with the girl's kid brother!!"

-Couldn't agree more. I love Damon(his humor and his comments), I do, but, enough is enough. Way too much Damon, waaaaay too much.

"I basically wanted to throw my remote at the tv after watching that digusting scene between Jeremy and Damon at the mansion!!!"

-I can't even find the words to describe my feelings for that scene. I can't, I'm sick of it. The most stupid thing ever. I think a simple SERIOUSLY? will do the work.

"...there's just too many negative feelings I have with this episode, including transforming another human character into a vamp, seriously the Vicki pt. 2-thing is getting old!!"

-Caroline a vampire? A big no-no. When it happened I honestly thought they ran out of ideas, but they made her story different. Which is also stupid. You don't know what's worse, repeating the same Vicki storyline, or changing it. You know why? Cause they've got the wrong character. The fragile Caroline can resist blood cravings? And so early on? (when she kissed Matt) Don't think so. Vicki was much stronger (as a human) comparing to Caroline, and she couldn't do it. It's all wrong, wrong, wrong.

I still love the show. And I think I always will. But these things are ANNOYING THE HELL OUT OF ME. And the sad thing is - it's only the beginning.
last edited over a year ago