jereimy posted on Oct 08, 2010 at 02:41PM

As the Stefan-Elena-Damon triangle heats up on The Vampire Diaries, we once again turn to you fans to help us figure it all out. See, there's a gaping hole in our TV Couples We Love gallery where we simply must put a pairing from TVD. But which pairing? Elena (Nina Dobrev) has the canonical coupling with Stefan (Paul Wesley), but then again, she also has that sizzling chemistry with bad-boy Damon (Ian Somerhalder). We're hoping another TV Love Debate can put this controversy to rest once and for all. So, here's what we need from you:

MORE: Ian Somerhalder dishes on Delena.

If you are a fan of either Elena-Stefan or Elena-Damon, write up an essay explaining why they are the couple of The Vampire Diaries. Limit it to 350 words or less, keep it civil (no tearing down opposing fandoms), and try confine your arguments to what we've seen so far on the show proper. (Source material is for sissies!)

Send your essay to us by email at, or post it in our comments section, before Sunday, Oct. 10. We'll review all the submissions, pick the best ones for each side, and then post them online along with a voting booth where you fans can cast your ballots after considering the voices speaking for both sides.

The winning couple, as decided by your poll votes, gets a place of honor in E! Online's TV Couples We Love gallery. Ready? Set? Go!

Read more: link

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