Stefan & Elena Is it just me or when Paul/Nina/Ian do interviews together, does Nina seem to check out Paul more then Ian?

ApplePie88 posted on Feb 16, 2011 at 05:44PM
I was watching a bunch of interviews this morning with Paul, Nina and Ian, and I was watching the body language between the three actors. From what I can see, all three of them are close. They all have really good professional relationships with each other and they are very in sync with each other. However, I noticed that throughout all of the different interviews I was watching, I kept noticing that Nina always gives a "special look" to Paul. She always seems to be checking him out,and no, my eyes are not deceiving me, because I asked my mom if she thought Nina was checking Paul out and she said YES. But she doesn't look at Ian the same way she looks at Paul. She looks at Ian of course, but it's like she gives a "special look" to Paul that she doesn't to Ian. Personally, I think Paul/Nina are so cute in their interviews off-screen. I totally think Nina has a bit of a crush on Paul! She keeps checking him out in all of their interviews.

Has anyone else who has watched Paul, Nina and Ian interviews noticed this, or am I just seeing things?

P.S. - Nina tends to check out Paul's arms a lot. LOL

Stefan & Elena 4 replies

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over a year ago rabya_1 said…
I am sorry but I don't think so Ian n nina has a definate connection which can be anything I always think Paul is a third wheel but l love them on screen even most de fans think pina r hot n cute as steferine but
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago silvina19 said…
well i thought the same when i saw them but paul is very well with his couple.. they seems to have much in common and with ian i dont know, their relationship seems more funny ..but who really knows!?..
over a year ago CrazyFruittt said…
I think Paul&Nina are just great friends...that's all...:)
over a year ago heathledger said…
i think they all r great friends ,that's it, but Paul n Nina also have a connection, i'm putting myself in her place and i would at least have a little crush on paul ,they have so many intense scenes, they r the two people who has the most scenes together