Taylor Lautner The Price U Pay 4 Being Famous.?.?

diane11 posted on Dec 10, 2009 at 01:52PM
what's with kristen stewart?is it really that bad being famous and adored by fans?i read somwhere that these days she just wants to take a walk without being bothered or sumthing to that efect.eminem also said he cnt go 2 the bathrum w/o sum1 standing by it...errr,they wanted 2 be actors ryt?i bet they dreamed of becoming famous,fans and paparazzis comes with being famous.that's so sad.maybe the grass rili is greener on the other side.i guess that makes our beloved taylor stand out even more.he loves the fans,saying things like 'their crazy in a gud way' ,'they won't hurt me', that's what it takes to be a star.he was born to be one and was destined to be famous considering his determination at a young age (loved him in sharkboy!) and is totally embracing everything that's coming with it.i liked kristen in panic rum (is that the ryt title?) and she reali is awesome as bella but i just don't get wats so bad with being adored by people?brad pitt also said he just wants to have bbq in his yard.thats funny,those are things nrmal people take for granted.i guess you'll just have to play the cards that you're dealt with....
last edited on Dec 10, 2009 at 02:00PM

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