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TDWT's HeatherxAlejandro Question

What episode made you start liking Alejandro and Heather?

I liked them as a couple as soon as Heather started faling for him, which I think was in episode 2. They didnt become my FAV couple until Sweden Sour, though. <3
 Snowiyflake posted over a year ago
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TDWT's HeatherxAlejandro Answers

tdafan121 said:
Probably episode... Oh, I don't even know... I fell in love with this couple from episode 1, but I think I realized it after I began to flip out in angry fan rage after seeing the commercial for episode 4. You know what I'm talking about. They didn't become my all-time favorite never-to-be-beaten couple until the whole Triangle situation started to get annoying.
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Probably episode... Oh, I don't even know... I fell in love with this couple from episode 1, but I think I [i]realized[/i] it after I began to flip out in angry fan rage after seeing the commercial for episode 4. You know what I'm talking about. They didn't become my all-time favorite never-to-be-beaten couple until the whole Triangle situation started to get annoying.
posted over a year ago 
Yea, thats what happened to me! I was a forever fan of DxC, and I still like them, but its not as fun when there arent anymore of their moments...:'( But, atleast the writers made it up to me an some other DxC fans by making AxH!!! :D
Snowiyflake posted over a year ago
DxC forever!!!!
lovestinksalot posted over a year ago
phoebew114 said:
probley the episode where they almost kissed because event thought heather resistest it they r made for each other
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probley the episode where they almost kissed because event thought heather resistest it they r made for each other
posted over a year ago 
PrincessVandal said:
Ever since the first episode of TDWT, I was interested in them, knowing that Heather was in denial. However, they're not my all-time favorite couple. But the one episode that won me over would have to be either Broadway, Baby and Slap Slap Revolution. They're s of now in my top three.
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posted over a year ago 
EgoMouse said:
Hmm...well, I've been thinking about an answer the last three days. Uhh...I forgot which episode, but the reason why I like HeathJandro had to do with role play instead of the show. At first, I didn't really like HeathJandro. I was on Fanpop one day (last month I think) and I was on IM. A fangirl of HeathJandro talked to me and we made up a TDWT challenge with almost all the characters (Team Victory had only two players, DJ and Lindsay). We hooked Alejandro and Heather up (with Alejandro being a prick at one point because he didn't want to admit he liked Heather). I don't want to go into details about this XDD (unless you want to hear it..). It was REALLY LONG. Somehow, I started liking HeathJandro because I liked the role play (..I played Alejandro most of the time).
This was before the London episode, I believe.
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posted over a year ago 
Awesome!!! :D I luv making up the episode b4 it comes out! If I hav to wait for 25 to come out on TV, Ill probably hav like 5 versions of it...XD
Snowiyflake posted over a year ago
Wow, 5 versions? Sounds really fun :D Good idea! I've only made it to episode 14 (next is The EX-Files). Hawaii doesn't air EX-Files until several weeks and I want to watch the episodes on television first. But, I'm having a hard time -.- I should do that fanfiction thing! I think that should take my mind off the leaked episodes :D Thanks!
EgoMouse posted over a year ago
Yea....its cuz Ive seen 24, and the first 8 min of 25 and I know he suppousedly wins, so if it doesnt come out online Ill hav to wait like 3 Ill hav plenty of time to write 5 versions or so! lmao
Snowiyflake posted over a year ago
25 came out!!! Before I even made any versions!!! I only make my versions when Im waiting for over 2 or 3 weeks, cuz I get so mad about waiting. lmao
Snowiyflake posted over a year ago
Duncan_Courtney said:
Hmm, the first episode that I really started to think of them as a couple would be "The Am-AH-Zon Race" their little argument at the end really sold it for me. I started to hard-core ship them around the time that "Sweden Sour" came out.

I guess I like them so much because they're kind of a forbidden romance. They both know that they're not suppose to like each other and that they're both sworn enemies, but they've seem to have fallen for one another anyways. Plus they're so stubborn that they wont admit it.
I also like how much they tease each other, they're always at each other's throats and saying that the other's going down, I can't wait to see what happens in the finale :)
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Hmm, the first episode that I really started to think of them as a couple would be "The Am-AH-Zon Race" their little argument at the end really sold it for me. I started to hard-core ship them around the time that "Sweden Sour" came out. 

I guess I like them so much because they're kind of a forbidden romance. They both know that they're not suppose to like each other and that they're both sworn enemies, but they've seem to have fallen for one another anyways. Plus they're so stubborn that they wont admit it. 
I also like how much they tease each other, they're always at each other's throats and saying that the other's going down, I can't wait to see what happens in the finale :)
posted over a year ago 
lovestinksalot said:
The second episode.
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posted over a year ago 
TDIlover226 said:
It wasn't really an episode.. xD
During my chatting with Esper before TDWT even started, she said that Alejandro and Heather would be a cute couple and I agreed. So I started liking them as a fanon couple even before I knew that they'd become the fanon-canon that they right now.
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posted over a year ago 
Yup. I knew they'd hook up, ever since the trailer. I...AM...PSYCHIC. :)
TDIfangirl posted over a year ago
TDIlover226 posted over a year ago
It was pretty obvious that theyd hook up. I was hopin they would too. And I also thought Duncan and Gwen would hook up and look wat happened!
sumerjoy11 posted over a year ago
PSYCHICS UNITE! (P.S JG get on IM :3) *holds up hand for a high-5*
TDIfangirl posted over a year ago
M169 said:
I liked them when they went to New York because they reminded me of Duncan and Courtney (My fav Couple) Even though they weren't opposites it was funny to see Heather hate him and Alejandro like her.
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posted over a year ago 
soxfan89 said:
I Would Probably Say It Was "Jamaica Me Sweat"!
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posted over a year ago 
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