Team Edward Elric Welcome thread

Ishkie posted on Dec 31, 2009 at 12:36PM
Heya guys! If you didn't know I'm the one who started this spot!

I've been a huge fan of Edward Elric since I first found Fullmetal Alchemist, and I've never really liked Twilight at all, I find it boring personally (please don't kill me fans of Twilight! D: ), and after finding out there was no club dedicated to Edward Elric being better than Edward Cullen I felt there needed to be one! So here it is, and I hope you enjoy it!

I'll be changing the icon and banner soon as I'm not entirely satisfied with them at the moment, so bear in mind that these aren't permanent ^^

If you want to suggest a new icon or banner go ahead, I'm open to suggestion :D

Edward Elric > Edward Cullen!

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