The Fanfic The Right Hand Of Justice

v_lav posted on Oct 15, 2011 at 01:58PM
I've read many Percy and Chaos Stories so i want to try it out however i'm going to put a twist in mine.

I forgot the rules on how to set up a forum so I am adding now on my description and here's a link for those who did not know


And thank Asmadasahater for reminding me about the rules

Title: The Right Hand Of Justice

Rated T: For mild language and mild violence

Type: Adventure, Romance, Heartbreak, Mystery and Love


Percy after a quest saves two new demigods of the age of 17 the same as Percy one was a son of Poseidon Dylan Jones and Andrea Simpleton a daughter of Zeus.
Dylan being jealous of Percy's achievements and how the Camp looks up to him and Jason as them being leaders of camp he wishes to take Percy's position as leader(yes PJO and HoO is going to be in this). So Dylan with the help of Andrea steal Hades helm of darkness and Zeus's lightning bolt and hide them in the Poseidon Cabin by hiding under the floorboards before going on a quest with Andrea and Annabeth to retrieve the Golden Fleece. Anyways after they go on the quest Percy gets accused by Zeus, Hades, Hera, Ares, Athena, Dionysus and Hephaestus because Hera forced him too stand on his side and because the others hate his guts. So those Olympians propose Banishment. While the others Poseidon, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite and Demeter because she's got nothing against Percy try to stop them.
So Olympus reaks havoc and Percy being the nice,friendly humble person he is accepts banishment so that war doesn't take place
I wanted to add more but it will ruin the plot and i'll also try to post often however don't blame me if i don't i'll probably be busy with homework and other stuff

Characters: All the characters that RR set up and a few OC’s that I created

Disclaimer: Sure I'm Rick Riordan jking anyways all credit goes to Rick Riordan and I repeat, repeat that I do not earn money from this only the pleasure of making people interested in my fanfic
last edited on Oct 30, 2011 at 10:45AM

The Fanfic 183 replies

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over a year ago v_lav said…
Chapter 1: 3rd Person POV
"Hey Chiron were back," Percy said with enthusiasm. Chiron noticed two teenagers a boy and girl who looked like Percy and Thalia. Percy then told Chiron what had happened and that the teenager with tousled black hair and light green eyes with sharp features that screamed out prince charming was his brother and that his name was Dylan Jones and that the beautiful girl with straight blonde hair and deep blues eyes that matched the sky perfectly she also had a stunning smile this girl was Andrea Simpleton a daughter of Zeus however even though she was beautiful as any Aphrodite girl her cold , icy stare told you to think twice before touching her.

Chiron nodded and told Percy and Annabeth to take them on a tour around the camp and to introduce them later at the camp fire so that they could get claimed, even though they already knew there Godly parent but it was just so that they would get a grand entrance in front of the camp.

Later on in the next few days Dylan and Andrea got use to the routine of the camp. In the morning they would get to sword fighting and was either taught by Jason or Percy and after that Chiron and Annabeth would teach monster fighting class. After that it was lunch then it would be Ancient Greek/Roman there they would be taught the ancient history of their civilization and would be taught the language of Greek or Latin. Then you would go off to the Pegasi stables to learn how to ride them and fine your own personal Pegasi. The next thing they did was Archery.

Half way through Archery Dylan learned he was quite decent at archery and that Chiron silently chuckled and said "You're much better at archery than your half brother". Dylan beamed at Chiron and Percy sheepishly said shut up. Andrea however was amazing with the bow she would tug the arrow into the string and gracefully shoot the arrow in the air and get a bulls-eye.

After they had came to the basement with Piper looking desperately for a weapon that would suit the two, however they ended up with nothing.

So Piper said Plan B.
They walked past the other cabins and the arena to the Hephaestus cabin to meet Leo the Cabin leader to create a weapon for the two.

Dylan became wide eyed at the cabin, there was wire, cables and bits and pieces of metal scattered across the room. You couldn't walk in any spot ]without touching a piece of metal in the room.
Dylan turned and looked at Andrea's blue eyes, bye her facial expression Dylan could tell as well that she was surprised as much as he was.

Piper pointed a finger to a room and the other too shuffled behind her. As you got deeper in the room the temperature changed it became more hot, the heat was almost unbearably. As they emerged they could see machines ovens tools workshops everywhere in the room, Piper pointed at a tanned boy with a goofy grin. Piper replied "that's Leo say hi to him". Dylan and Andrea walked carefully so they wouldn't break anything around them to the workshop that was a few meters in front of them.

Leo casually talked to Piper about new experiments and couples at camp. And when they finally saw the two coming Leo walked up and shook Dylan's hand. Piper talked in between saying things like "Dylan meet Leo, Leo meet Dylan". Just as Piper was going to say Leo meet Andrea Leo's eyes widened and stared at the girls for a good minute while muttering holy Hera over and over.

He then pulled his hand back and straightened his hair and confidently asked "can I have your number" awkwardly. Dylan and Andrea laughed breaking the ice while Piper groaned out loud and said in frustration "Leo how many times do i have to tell you not to hit on every girl you see". Leo laughed and said geez it was just a joke no need to get seriously about it. Piper stared and Leo finished talking and said so what do you guys want. Dylan and Andrea grinned after laughing and said make us a weapon.

I know i haven't gotten to the main plot and that Dylan doesn't hate Percy yet. I'm just getting over the introduction and making Dylan turn into a twisted bastard anyways i already have an idea about what their weapons will be i just wanted to know what u guys think

ohh and guys this is only part one of the first chapter i just wanted ideas for weapons
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
nice start!
post soon!
over a year ago v_lav said…
i will nice catch it's just right now it's 2:30 am in the morning but it's the weekend so i'll probs post in the morning when i get ideas
over a year ago paulion98 said…
lol, where i am its mid-day!!!!
over a year ago v_lav said…
haha i live in australia melbourne
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
Great start!
Post soon and its 5:00 pm where i live
over a year ago Inevera said…
I like the start; keep going. I like that you are taking time to explain what's going on with the half-brother. Most of these stories basically just say he killed a hydra causing everyone to fall in love with him.
over a year ago TheSennin said…
over a year ago v_lav said…
ok i'm going to post soon
over a year ago v_lav said…
Damn nobody gave me ideas :( oh well i did have a good idea
Chapter 1 Part 2:
Dylan Pov
I tilted my head to the side where the heat was the strongest and there was an elfish, small boy emerging."Hey Leo you done". Yeah check it out your weapon is this badge with a symbol of an Trident your fathers symbol and when you squeeze on the side where the Trident is upright you'll get a celestial bronze sword and when you squeeze on the other side that has the Trident facing down you will get your sword and a shield made with a imperial gold trim and inside the trim is celestial bronze and drakon scales are glued onto the celestial bronze so that you can absorb an attack of an opponent.

I noticed that Leo blushed when he said Andrea's name and I then saw Piper mutter something about "Leo never changes".
Anyways Leo told us about Andrea's weapon. It was a celestial bronze hunting knife. When you opened the blade and turn it down and press the hilt a Imperial Gold blade will appear and it makes it easier to control Andrea's Lighting abilities and when you open the knife and thrust it in the air a maple bow painted green will appear in her arms and a quiver in her back will also appear as well. He then told us that the quiver was enchanted. The quiver will only listen to the masters wishes so Andrea could choose any type of arrowhead. She could choose from celestial bronze, Stygian iron, Mortal Steele, Imperial Gold, and even arrow heads dipped in the River Styx. It was also enchanted to refill it's ammo when used.

After getting our weapons me and Andrea went for dinner. Percy my older bro by a month told me that i could wish for any type of drink and it would appear.
I thought i was kinda funny on how Percy would only drink blue cola and only blue food. During my time with Percy i learned about his adventures and i couldn't help but feel jealous like come on who wouldn't. After talking I asked if i could invite Andrea over since she was lonely and also because she didn't have much friends besides me, Percy, Annabeth, Piper but i'm not to sure if she would like to be around Leo though.

Percy and Andrea became more closer, he told me that Andrea looked a bit more like Thalia but have the complete opposite personality. When i thought of that i couldn't help but laugh. Percy had said that she was more of punk, being a rebel not listening to others.

Percy though said they have the same hair and eyes but it's just that Thalia had hers a bit more shorter where as Andrea had hers long and wavy.

He showed us a picture of him and Thalia and this kid called Nico a son of Hades. He had pale olive skin, jet black hair and dark black eyes that looked like he was looking into your soul but i guess he was, after all he was a son of Hades.

They were all smiling and being cheerful they all had three fingers up as a sign of the big three.
After debating on Thalia's and Andrea's looks I started to look up to Percy even though we were the same age. He had this feeling of protection like nothing was going to hurt us i guess that's why everyone in camp looked up to him as a leader. everyone looked up to him.

Near the end of the campfire we sung along with the Apollo cabin and went back to our cabins went to sleep.

The next day i lost my respect for Percy.
While sparring we started trash talking each other.
He started saying things like you can't get some, your mums a slut, your family left you alone to die probably because your not loved by your own parents and then i yelled back in rage "Oh yeah all you can get is Annabeth!!! and you have had only one girlfriend so who are you to talk about anything." "And my mums dead you faggot".
He then dropped his sword and looked me in the eye with a sad expression and said "sorry about your mum i guess i'm lucky to have one". But then he did something even more unexpected "Hit me anywhere on my body with your sword i'll take the blame on what happened just do it". I ran in rage and stabbed him in the gut. Blood poured everywhere and campers ran all at me.
I then saw blood on my hands. On my face was an evil grin and I laughed hysterically.
I was then shell shocked i loved giving pain to other people, loved seeing the blood pour out but i couldn't understand why i liked it.
So what do you think
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
I have a lot to say
First off,
Pandrea FTW! lol i hate percabeth
and no offense but you made Percy look like the bad guy! Interesting twist!
But please clear Percy's name!
lol i cant stand him being an enemy

and.... wow that was stupid of Dylan
and Percy
please clear his name!
over a year ago v_lav said…
yeah i know i'm going to
Percy's gonna say that he provoked him and that they shouldn't blame him and that they should have sympathy for him because of his mum and that he was a bad hero, all in all they both become lost their name in being good people and now they technically both hate each other
over a year ago v_lav said…
gonna post later on tonight
over a year ago Inevera said…
Wow, Dylan almost sounds possessed.
Instead of making it so that Chaos has an army, you could make it so that they are more like the hunters, just operating outside the Olympian's sphere of influence. They would still be people who lost everything etc., but they would be more like Choas' family instead. Since the immortals need people to remember them so they don't fade and Chaos is largely forgotten, it would make sense that he/she would collect other forgotten people to remember him/her. Wow that sounded really confusing. Well, feel free to take all or none of it.
over a year ago v_lav said…
yeah thats what i originally planed but then that hunting group joins chaos and then years later something happens to dylan but i can't tell you other wise it will ruin the plot
over a year ago v_lav said…
Chapter 2
Andrea Pov:
I watched in shock as Percy and Dylan fight.Percy was yelling trash talk at Dylan while he gave some interesting comebacks.

You could feel the deadly tension in the arena it was like two cowboys staring at each other for a minute before a shootout.

Percy had put venom in his words making Dylan even more angry and then when Percy had mentioned his mom I fought down some tears. His mom had taught us on how to survive in everything when we were on the road

Half way through spring break.
I was hiding in the trees as figures with one eyes called out my name in my sisters voice. The creature perfectly mimicked her voice.

"Andrea, sweety come down, there's nothing to be afraid off".

I shuddered in fear. No matter how scared I was I steeled my resolve and promised myself to never comedown until help came.

I prayed to the Gods for help to come and i was beginning to think that i wasn't going to be able to get out of the tree, EVER.
But thankfully help came.

A boy with jet black hair and a middle aged woman with fair brown hair emerged behind the monsters and stabbed them in the back.
The monsters exploded into a yellow powder and was swept away into the breeze in a few seconds their remainders were gone.

The boy walked up to me and asked me my name.
I said Andrea in a scared small voice.

He told me about monsters the Greek Gods and so on. I learned that he was the same age as me 14 and that his name was Dylan and that his mum over there was Marsha a mortal with clear sight. His mum was always ready for a monster attack so she trained and learned how to kill monsters. Eventually teaching himself and me.

During the year when the battle of the labyrinth came we were hunted by Drakons.

She sacrificed her self so we could escape.
We ran to the cave with Dylan calling out his mums name. He wanted to help but i had to hold him back and in front of him we saw his mother die right in front of us.

Her back snapped and her body fell down and limped over her stomach with her bones sticking out of her pale skin, her body was snapped into half and her eyes were staring at us in a scared expression but she still smiled.

I thrashed my hands to the ground in rage and sadness and summoned lighting all around us destroying the drakons into nothing.

We ran to Marsha crying. Her last words were "Go theres a camp with demigods in the west you will learn more about your powers and you will get even better training". She turned to me and said with her last breath "Your father is Zeus and Dylan don't be sad your father Poseidon will protect you". Her eyes closed and we stayed their for a day and gave her a little funeral.

During the next year Dylan became depressed and sad but his only hope was the camp and he put everything into that. When killing monsters he started to change a hidden dark personality escaped, his only mission was to destroy.

So when we got halfway through to the camp we started arguing.

We didn't notice the Monsters coming behind us, but Percy protected us and got us here and in the first week of camp he started to look like his old self. End of Flashback
Now hearing him laugh hysterically I have a bad feeling, i felt that he was back to his evil sick personality when he was depressed.

He would kill monsters and enjoy the thrill of destroying things. I prayed to the gods and hoped that Percy was going to be okay.

Annabeth Pov:
I ran to all the commotion and there I saw seaweed brain lying on the floor with blood all around him.

Before I broke into tears I ordered the best healers in the Apollo cabin to heal him and give him Ambrosia and Nectar.
I then turned around and snapped i yelled "WHO DID THIS".

I glared at the person who stepped forward.I realized it was Dylan.

I yelled even more louder making the other campers shiver in fear "HOW COULD YOU, YOUR OWN BROTHER, YOU STABBED YOUR OWN BROTHER".

I slapped him in the face so hard that even my hand throbbed in pain. But before I got to slap him again I heard someone groan and say in a quiet tone "Annabeth don't hurt him it was my fault i'll explain it to you when I finish recovering". With that Percy passed out.

I scowled and turned to Dylan "Your lucky Percy told me not to hurt you.
Later on midnight

"Annabeth," muttered Percy.
I turned and walked back. "Yes seaweed brain" i said in a caring voice.
Is Dylan all right you didn't hurt him did you.
No I didn't Percy, tell me how did he stab you.
Percy plainly told me that he lowered his guard and that was how he got hurt but I could tell that there was something else in this but his glare told me not to ask.

Then I heard a knock on the door. I reluctantly grabbed it guessing that it was Chiron and Mr D. But to my Dismay i saw Andrea.

She asked can I please talk to Percy alone.
I accepted and took my chance to eavesdrop. I wanted to know what truly happened and me being Athena's daughter not knowing this pained me eventually curiosity had taken me.

I inched closer to the wall.
"Percy," Andrea said.
"Wait I need to close the door properly". She turned and glared she knew what I was doing.

Even though she knew I still went over and listened into the conversation.

I picked up a few things like evil personality, Drakons, Marsha, Zeus and Poseidon.

I opened the door and Andrea left with a scared face. I turned and looked at Percy he too was scared.
I closed the door and crept behind Andrea i wanted to know more and I couldn't leave this opportunity.

I followed and listened to her mutterings and what I heard was so devastatingly shocking that it sent shivers down my spine

Damn that was long it took me an hour to write that an i will probs add to that an edit it later anyways give me advice and all but there will be props to the person who guessed what Annabeth heard
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago v_lav said…
i'm sry if the story is going slow i just want to have my story have depth so things can be explained more easily
over a year ago Inevera said…
Don't worry about the speed; I think so far it is very interesting. It's always better to explain things as they happen through the story rather than stating it outright.
I am going to guess that Annabeth heard about Percy telling Dylan to stab him; that would make anyone seriously concerned for a friend.
Or maybe she heard that Percy caused Dylan to have a mental breakdown. Hmmm...I don't know.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
pandrea ftw!!!!!!
lol post soon
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
Great chapter and post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago v_lav said…
thanks for all the comments and inevera your such a helpful critic it also good to have someone telling what you can improve on so thanks
Anyways posting after i get home from school so yeah :D
over a year ago Inevera said…
Your welcome. I'll try to keep being helpful. You are doing a great job, and you are definitely succeeding at being original.
P.S. It is very weird though that you are going to school today, where I am it's still Sunday.
over a year ago v_lav said…
oh cus i live in australia different time zones
over a year ago v_lav said…
Oh my god i'm so pissed when i finished this chapter before my computer stopped responding and it didn't post so i am rewritting this chapter aghh!!! ><

Chapter 3
Percy Pov:

"Ah Percy can I please talk to you". Alone.
Annabeth nodded and walked to the door with her hair whipping around her back.

"So ahh what do you want to talk about Andrea". Before answering she turned and glared intensively she then said "Wait I need to close the door properly".

I guessed that Annabeth was listening I could tell. I saw her stormy gray eyes dart around the room when she peeped on the side of the white wooden door.

Andrea walked over to the door and hissed "I know your there Annabeth". Her tone of voice even scared me this must be serious I thought.

She turned and looked me in the eye, her electric blue eyes flooded with tears of sadness but also pained for another reason she was probably worried as well.

She walked forward and grabbed one of the closest wooden chairs and sat with her arms hunched over her back her hand clawed the armrest and then relaxed she sighed.

"Percy I need to tell you the full story before we came here". I nodded with a blank face and listened.

For a few good minutes she talked about their first meeting, how the cyclopes stayed near her while she was hiding in the trees, her training with Marsha and the death of her. their Godly parents guiding them and then Dylan's sick twisted other personality. But the last thing that she told me shocked me beyond other things I've seen in my small demigod life as a pawn for the Gods.

"Percy Kronos is back when Gaea opened the doors of death she revived Kronos so that he could be plan F if they failed {haha get the pun F for fail woops i guess it wasn't really funny :( } and that his mission was to get the Giants Gaea and the other Titans out of their slumber and return to destroy the Gods and demigods.

When we traveled around trying to find the camp Kronos forced half of his essence to try and control him. But Dylan fought back now his body is in a battle against Kronos and his evil personality.

However when Dylan is in massive pain and grief Kronos would feed off those emotions and grow stronger and at weak times like this he would gain power over his body.

"Trust me i know". She paused and clutched onto her heart. I was about to help but she continued on.
"Kronos he- tri-ed to kill me once but Dylan screamed not to with tears flooding from his face".
"When his weapon came close to my heart Dylan stopped and regained control".

She started crying and ran out of the room i called her name but she ran quicker than i could blink an eye. I sat up on the bed shocked and scared. 1 for my half brother. 2 for the new thhreat that was coming.

Annabeth ran into the room and saw my face. She turned back making squeaking sounds on the floorboards and slamed the door in pursuit of Andrea.

Andrea Pov:

I tried to hold my tears back but my emotions couldn't lie to my body. I mumbled while walking to my cabin "Damn Dylan getting possessed by Kronos".

I heard a twig snap i turned and moved close to the sound I heard a gasp and then all of a sudden a blonde haired girl flew pass me. I realized it was Annabeth

"Hades no I just told her about Kronos". I ran trying to find her but I soon gave up their were more important things that I should worry about.

I walked pass the other cabins the Big house the ocean and the Oracles Cave all the way to the Poseidon Cabin.
I opened the blue door. The smell of seawater was in the breeze. I saw a water fountain filled with golden drachmas on the bottom of the bowl. I looked at Percy's bunk his clothes were chucked on top of the bed. The bed sheets were messy and the cover for the pillows were crinkled. I tilted my head to the side i saw pictures Items his beaded necklace that had four beads on it. The last one had a engraved picture of the empire state building with small names engraved around the Building.

I then called for Dylan.

He materialized behind me and with his left hand he grabbed my two hands and swung them around my back as if I was handcuffed by two policemen. With the other hand he covered my mouth so that i couldn't scream.

He whispered in a different voice "Guess again".
He let go off my mouth but still held on too my two hands.
I silently muttered "Kronos".

Major cliffhanger now boys and girls this is when the story actually begins.
Now do the usually comment give advice and guess what will happen next
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
very cruel cliffie
so is Dylan actually a good guy but he is taken over by Kronos?
or is he naturally evil
for some reason i want him to be naturally bad
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
That was great! :D

Lol same here nice catch I want him to be naturally bad idk why tho
over a year ago Inevera said…
Nice chapter :). I loved that comment about him being a pawn for the gods; that was classic Percy sarcasm.
Why didn't Andrea tell people about Kronos before this? Did she just want to keep Dylan from getting in trouble, or did Kronos threaten her? I'm excited to see what happens next.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago v_lav said…
Both personality disorder
good dylan battles evil dylan while battling kronos
evil dylan likes kronos personality so they fight against good dylan
good dylan eliminated means two evil people with a lot of cronies behind they're back wanting to destroy the world step 1 of doing it eliminating percy and the rest you have to guess
over a year ago v_lav said…
hope that helps nicecatch and kgirl evil in the beginning
over a year ago v_lav said…
i'll probably post tomorrow or late at night because i got a project due and i need to finish that and practice my speech
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
awesome chapter, cant wait till the next one
over a year ago v_lav said…
today i will post asap
over a year ago v_lav said…
I haven't been posting lately and I'm really sry any things have come up so i'll probably post 2 chapters to make up for the rest and the weekends since i'll be doing tons of hw

Chapter 4 (I think lol):

Andrea Pov:

"Surprise eh". "Yes it is a surprise so what do YOU WANT!" I demanded.
"ssh everyone will be able to hear you".
"It's not like you care," I scoffed back in disgust.

I spat and turned around and slapped him in the face leaving a large red mark that made a print of my hand visible on his face for a few seconds.

He glared at me with a murderous intent. I stumbled back a few steps away from him to get away from any pain he was about to bestow.

"You will learn not to hurt or DISRESPECT ME!" He bellowed.
"It's not like you deserve any," I sneered right back him with venom in my mouth. I guessed it wasn't the right thing to say but I pressed on and continued.

"What do you want anyways?”
"I want to get rid of Jackson," he huffed. "I want to destroy him to pieces and make him beg for me to help him".
"I want to see him crawling on floor with so much pain and anguish before I'm done with him".
"I will continue to torture him every day and leave scars and markings that will never go even if he can be healed by water".

He said in raged.

I yelped and squeaked "what are you going to do to him then?.
"I am going to frame him for the same crime he was accused of when he was 12 years old," he jeered. I gulped in sheer terror.

"That's right I'm going to steal the helm of darkness and Zeus's lighting bolt with your help".

"What makes you say I'm going to help," I questioned while I stared at his eyes. I knew Dylan was still there but I didn't know how to stop or save him.

"You’re going to help whether you like it or not otherwise I will kill the boy".
"You see i won't get hurt because my essence will return to me but the boy will die".

I gulped back my words.

"Ok I will help you but what do you want me to do," I asked while looking down at the ground depressed.
"When I teleport to the Underworld and grabbed the helm of darkness and catch the Lighting bolt I want you to distract the campers so they don't realize that Dylan's body is gone". “I’m going to lose control of this body soon so tomorrow we’re going to execute the plan”.

I nodded and walked back to my cabin sniffling tears.

Sry I know it’s a small chapter it’s just that I’m horrible at poetry and it’s a skill I need in order to write prophecies. So please bear for a while until I think of two prophecies that are needed in the story later on
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Inevera said…
Poor Percy, things are going to get bad for him now. :( Good luck with the poetry; I do not envy you your task.
Your gave Kronos a very angry tone, which is good, but in the books there was always a mocking edge to whatever he said. Of course, that may be because then he was on the rise, and now he is just trying to get revenge. Thanks for posting.
over a year ago Graecus100 said…
big smile
Awesome chapter post soon!!!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee chapter!
over a year ago v_lav said…
I finished Posting on Nicecatche's forum on the mixed Mark of Athena so i'll post soon.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
kkkk post soooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago FrankyFuqya12 said…
big smile
awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! post soon
over a year ago v_lav said…
jess123 wat r u spaming bags or something if your going to spam you could at least say check this out or something
over a year ago paulion98 said…
lol so true, i have no idea what you are talking about!
over a year ago v_lav said…
guys i'm going to post later at night probs at 7:00 but to u guys it might be a different timezone
over a year ago v_lav said…
Sry guys i'll need to post tomorrow because my dog of a brother took my laptop of me and i'm really pissed like aghhh anyways it's either i use the computer in my study room or on my phone which is what i'm using to post and it'll take ages to pos on my phone if i do so sry guys
over a year ago Inevera said…
:( You need to send your brother to puppy school.
over a year ago v_lav said…
i'm so pissed computer stopped working and deleted the chapter that was close to finishing oh my god arghhhhh ><
over a year ago v_lav said…
Chapter 5

Dylan Pov:

My hands brushed against the silk sheets. I groaned and rolled over the bed and crashed down onto the hard wooden floorboards. Ow I thought but the pain instantly went away as I realized that I was fully clothed and ready to go out. I was puzzled my body was meant to be in between the sheets but the sheets were draped onto the floor, the pillows were misplaced and everything else wasn't looking normal. Personal belongings of Percy's was chucked around the floor, the Minotaur horn was snapped in half. All the junk stopped spreading at the front door of the bathroom

I walked to the bathroom and looked at the clear white mirror. My clothes were all messy. Crinkles started appearing all over my clothes from my t-shirt all the way to the bottom of my jeans.

I chucked my hands in my pocket looking for my badge. But instead I pulled out a small paper note that read:

Dear Dylan,

I'll be taking over at 5 pm
be prepared

At the end of the note it looked like the words were etched out teasing me trying to tell me to figure out who it is.

I scratched my head thinking as minutes passed by. As i was thinking i didn't notice minutes, hours, passing by and by the time I realized breakfast already past.

I turned and walked back to the bathroom being careful of all the belongings that were scattered across the floor. I stepped in and looked at my reflection. I flattened my clothes, fixed up my hair and moved thick strands of hair creating my fringe again. I did a rough job as I thought it would probably become messy again.

I took one more step before walking out of the door and remembered the smell of the sea and the cool breeze that was in the cabin. I got out and walked along the grass.

I walked across people training doing courses and eventually said hi to people I know, and nodding to people who i thought were pretty cool.

When walking by roman demigods I would nod my head and bow slightly and say hi then walk off.

I passed a few more cabins before seeing Mr.D and Chiron. I looked up to Chiron right in the eye and smiled as he was a person I highly respected. I tilted my head and scowled at Mr.D I hated his attitude.

When me and Andrea first meet him, he talked to us as if we were pets or servants. He even thought I was meant to know everything even this game called Pinochle it was apparently a really old outdated game that most people in camp didn't even know how to play except for himself, Chiron, and surprising Grover.

But that wasn't the thing that annoyed me the most it was the fact that he didn't even bothered getting our names right always confusing them for something random. I suspected that he actually knew our names but decided not to as a rebellious streak against Zeus.

I left him glaring at me and walked calmly to the Arena. I saw Jason and realized that Percy wasn't there because of the injury I dealt.

I grinned evilly at the thought of that and said hi to Jason with that smile on my face. He looked at me and hesitated at the look of my face and I hardened my look. he realized it was nothing and grabbed my hand into a handshake and whispered in my ear "lets see what you've learned so far".

We took our sides and grabbed our weapons. Jason flipped his coin into a sword and I squeezed my badge that had the side of the my dad's Trident sticking upright and turned into a 3ft celestial bronze sword.

I stood there in a defensive stance while Jason ran at me.

I blocked and parried his slashes and strikes, eventually I changed into offense.

My ADHD was working full time up to the brim. I noticed how he slashed with his sword, how he lunged and how he moved the sword in his hand gracefully.

I saw his move coming and blocked at the right time and then with a flash I slashed at his right.
He backed up and looked at me bewildered. I saw a change in his eyes and he started pressing harder against me.
As our swords connected we could feel the vibrations in our hands creep to our arms and shoulders.

As we fought we would lunged and sidestep each other. As we slashed we would block or parry against each other.
After slashing and lunging and blocking each other for more then ten minutes we started seeing a crowd forming cheering us on.

I turned to the crowd seeing Piper cheer for Jason. Then I looked for the blonde haired girl on the right, Andrea.
I smiled at her and all the other girls cooed but she didn't smile back. She looked at me deep in the eye sadly, she turned from my face rejecting me.

Pained from this rejection I decided to finish the match.
I parried at the right moment and twirled the sword around in his arm making him jerk his hand away from the hilt and fling it to the side.
I ran to where his sword was and kicked it away then brought my sword up to his neck.

The crowd went silent for a second and then cheered in triumph.

People came up to me and patted me in the back. Most of the girls cheered and ran up to speak with me. Even some of the girls flirted with me.
Then the thing that surprised me the most was that Clarrise slammed me in the back. Smirked then said "nicely done punk".

After all the patting in the back and the girls looking at me in awe. I offered my hand to Jason who took it and stood up and whispered to my ear "nice work, your a natural swordsman".
But I didn't get that much time to celebrate my win as the conch horn blew three times.

I turned to Jason "What does that mean". It means that there's an army of monsters at the border. So meaning not good. Yeah" muttered Jason.

"Since Jason was silent I decided to take over.

Hephaestus cabin slash Vulcan cabin I want you guys to set up as many traps as you can in the woods".
"I want the Apollo Cabin and Artemis slash Diana cabin to stock up in arrows and camp in high places and use your bows to keep the monsters outside of the border".
"I want the Demeter slash Ceres demigods to make a wall of poison ivy and any other dangerous plants around the camp".
"Hermes cabin slash mercury Cabin I want you to make the most deadly pranks you can think of".
"I want the Dionysus slash Bacchus cabin to help make the poison ivy wall'.
"And I want the Athena and Minerva demigods to make battle plans then join the rest of the campers to battle".
"The minor Gods and Goddess demigods use your powers in a way that will help the battle and rest follow me to the front line".

Everyone bewildered by my orders looked at me skeptically. But everyone eventually agreed to the plan and everyone was in order.

In the next hour the battle begun.

So after this Dylan an Andrea and Annabeth go on a quest and
Dylan gets lovey dovey with Annabeth.

Enjoy what happens next.

And i will post tomorrow morning as I do not have school when I'm suppose to

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
^nice chapter,
and if it is Dylabeth (Annabeth/dylan) then please make it Pandrea!!!!!!
post soon!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Inevera said…
Very good chapter. I like how you show how Dylan is becoming a leader. Also, I liked how you had the note from Kronos; he does love to play mind games.
Poor Percy is stuck in bed while Kronos is planning to destroy his life. :(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
very good chapter cant wait till the next one!
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
your story is great! post soon!