The Fanfic Jason Grace and The Avenger's Spear

nicecatch42 posted on Oct 16, 2011 at 03:10AM
Jason Grace and The Avenger's Spear

Rating: T just in case


Main Character(s): Jason Grace

OC: Parker Thompson, Sheila Justice, Camilla, Tony, Greg Jamison, Penelope Avery, Octavian, Dakota, Gwen.

Synopsis: Mars Ultor has ordered a quest.....but is it really necessary, or is it just part of another big conspiracy?

Disclaimer: PJO and HOO belong to Rick Riordan.

Author's Note: Don't give up on this! The story gets good from around Chapter 2!
last edited on Nov 23, 2011 at 12:39AM

The Fanfic 175 replies

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over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
I will try and post on this every Friday only, cuz I have another forum that I work on more then this.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
The sun peeked through the clouds over the park. Thalia Grace walked hand in hand with her two year old brother, Jason. Her hair spiked up all over the place, with randomly coloured highlights brightening up the image. Her black shirt and black jeans looked ruffled.
Jason, on the other hand, was about 7 times smaller then his big sister. His blonde hair was pushed to the side, but tufts of it still drooped in front of his blue eyes.
In Thalia’s mind, something was wrong with Jason. He had the same personality as her, but he always looked more stern, even if they had the same parents.
Thalia always knew about Zeus being her daddy. The Sky God had revealed himself to their mother immediately. Still, Zeus had changed slightly when Jason had been born. He looked more violent and depressed. That was probably why Jason looked so worn out.
“Thalia, where are we going?” asked Jason. Even at two, his vocabulary was superb.
“To the park, Sparky.”
She addressed him by his nickname.
“Look, there is you Mother,” noted Thalia.
She spat the last word out. Needless to say, her mother and she did not have a great relationship.
Her mom was waiting in the middle of a park. She carried a picnic basket.
“Mommy!” squealed Jason, and he ran to give his mother a hug. Thalia stayed back and looked at the scene with disgust.
“Don’t be that way!” smiled Mrs. Grace.
“Silence, Mom!” snapped Thalia.
“Honey…” coaxed the irresponsible parent.
“Don’t honey me!” yelled Thalia.
“Ok, ok!” surrendered the mother.
She laid out the picnic items and then gave a gasp of surprise.
“Oh my goodness!” she said, her eyes widening. “I seem to have forgot the plates! Could you run over to the car and get them, Thalia?”
Thalia furrowed her brow. Rarely did Mother call her to her aid....something was wrong.
Still, she waved goodbye to Jason and jogged towards the car.
When she came back to the picnic site, she would find her mother screaming as a lady in a goat skin cloak picked up Jason and then teleported away.
Thalia’s brother had been kidnaped.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Let me now what you think! The next chapter will come on Friday!
over a year ago v_lav said…
good prologue you started it very well however you should have made Thalia more worried before going to get the plates like you could write she was suspicious, mum rarely asked her to get things but she eventually agreed
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
^yeah, you are right
i sort of fixed it, and edited it, so you can check it out
over a year ago v_lav said…
yeah i checked it's good that you fixed it and stuff like how you used the expression of
Thalia furrowed her brow. Rarely did Mother call her to her aid....something was wrong.
Still, she waved goodbye to Jason and jogged towards the car.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
lol thanks!
over a year ago v_lav said…
what are fellow writers for :D
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Great prologue
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
^^^^welcome, wecome welcome!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 1: Jason
Jason Grace did not wake up in a hip bedroom. In fact, the structure he slumbered on was nothing more then a rock carved into a cave. For him, however, this was luxurious.
Jason was not an ordinary child, and he knew it himself. Even though he had been barely exposed to the outside world, he could still figure out that ordinary children were not raised by wolves or trained with very pointy objects. He was also aware that normal children had two mortal parents. They got all the luck.
Jason was a son of a god. If he had been given permission to call himself one, he would’ve called himself Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. His lineage was painfully obvious, but Jupiter had never taken the time to ‘claim’ him, so it was not official.
Even the boy’s trainer, Lupa, knew that he was Jupiter’s child. She believed that he would be claimed when he first attended Camp Jupiter.
Lupa, the she-wolf, had acquired Jason a good ten years ago. She remembered the day clearly- the storm outside, the rain pounding the stone, the wind whispering it’s ancient warning. Lupa had been sharpening some swords in her human form when Juno had appeared in the entry way.
She had dropped a bundle near the door, in the freezing cold and beckoned for Lupa to approach.
“This is Jason Grace, son of Jupiter!” she had announced. “He is a peac offering from Mrs. Grace to me. Take care of him! He shall play a tremendous role in the events to come!”
She had then left without waiting for a reply. Lupa had raised Jason, the content of the bundle, with much care. She had harvested his power and trained him well. Now she awaited the day Juno would return and give the wolf consent to release Jason into the real world, where he would have to find his way to Camp Jupiter, which was the only safe place for Roman demigods.
Jason rubbed his eyes as he sat up straight.
“Lupa?” he yawned. “Did Juno come?”
“Is a wolf’s but green?” replied the wolf amusedly.
“Uhh…I don’t know, I have never been there..”
Lupa gagged.
“And you do not want to, my boy! Now get ready! Train harder and maybe Juno will let you to camp!”
Jason stayed on his bed.
“I don’t want to go to camp, Lupa,” he nodded.
“But Jason,” gasped Lupa. “You have worked for ten years in my service! You are ready for camp! You can become the greatest warrior ever!”
“Jason,” coaxed the lady. “Every day, when you wake up, you ask me if Juno will let you go to camp. You want to go there, Grace!”
“I don’t want to go to camp! I want to be claimed! I want to have a father! I do not want to live like this! I don’t want my dad to ignore me!”
“The only way you are going to get claimed is if you go to camp!” explained Lupa.
“You know that is not true, Lupa,” spat Jason venomously.
Lupa was impressed. The boy was smarter then he looked.

That night, Lupa lay in her sleeping bag, thinking about Jason. Soon, he would be called to camp, and he would totally forget about Lupa. The problem was that the she-wolf was attached to the boy. She cared for him like a son.
“Is that how you feel, Lupa?” came a female voice from the entry way of the cave. Lupa gave a wry, heart-broken smile.
“Juno,” she said emotionlessly. “Come in.”
The goddess did so, her hulking form plopping into the only cushion in the dwelling.
“I take that you know why I am here?”
“Yes. Jason will be allowed into camp. Am I right?”
“Why, of course! I just have to give you official consent!”
“Why?” growled Lupa. “Why do we need YOUR consent?”
“You know very well why, Miss Wolf!” said Juno smugly.
“Because you are his patron! I know! But why? Why have you ruined his life? What about his family? What if he just wants to be normal!”
“Do not contradict me,” laughed Juno. “I am his patron, I decide what is right for him!”
“You are a snake, Juno!”
Lupa growled at the lady before her.
“Do you feel good, Juno?” she whispered. “You have ruined another kid’s life.”
Juno just shook her head.
“You will see, Lupa. Great evil approaches. Be prepared.”
With that, she handed a slip of paper to the wolf. Lupa grabbed it and snarled as Juno walked away.
That morning, Jason woke up to see Lupa in her human form. She stood beside his bed. He looked at her questionably.
Lupa just gave him a pitiful sigh and wordlessly handed him a slip of paper. Jason unravelled it, puzzled.
On the paper, in neat cursive writing, a clear message was printed.
I, Juno, the patron of Jason Grace, give my consent for the child to report to Camp Jupiter. "

Don't give up on me- the prologue and chapter 1 are bad, but the rest is awesome, so read it!

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^next chapter on friday
comment plz!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
No one liked it?
over a year ago parras said…
big smile
i did! it was great
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
thanks parras!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Ok cool! And interesting I usually don't go on here that much ( the club ) and so I'll try to keep up but no promises
over a year ago v_lav said…
yay and that was interesting
It was exactly how i thought Lupa's personality would be
good chapter anyways and i don't care about promises as long as you update at least once or twice in two weeks since your busy with when worlds collide and the rebel association
over a year ago 3rdCj2ndCJR said…
It was really good.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
thanks guys
fridays the posting day
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
the next chappie is fiished
it is crazy long
so keep reading
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Hectic but it's Friday where is your post lol I'm kidding different time zones.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
i have an Australian posting schedule as well
I post on your Saturdays
i cat believe u didn't read my international

No fingers were harmed in the making of this chapter. It was merely what happens when you leave me with a computer for a week......

Chapter 2: Jason
The sun was already half-covered in the horizon, illuminating the world in a pale orange. The waves quietly lapped over each other, making peaceful sounds. Birds chirped in the distance, and the crickets began their nightly song.
Jason, clad in nothing but jeans and a white shirt, sat atop a broken wall that was the Wolf House. He was waiting for Lupa. Once the wolf sent him off, he would be on his own, in the cruel world.
Jason could write essays on the word, but at the same time, he did not understand it. All of his life, he had had Lupa watching over him. He was always in company. Lupa was his sole accomplice. Jason doubted that he would have been able to get through life without the compassionate wolf.
By the same token, however, Jason had an eternal feeling of loneliness. Perhaps it was because he never knew his family, or perhaps it was because he was so…so different.
Even by demigod standards, Jason was an oddball. For starters, the boy knew his godly parent, yet he had not been claimed, for reasons unknown. Secondly, he had trained with Lupa for a decade. Other heroes stayed for a month or so, and then it was decided whether the child be killed or allowed to make his way to Camp.
The journey to camp was in it’s own, an adventure. Lupa would not tell the hero where the camp lay- she would, however, give a hint. Jason was hoping that their tenth of a century together would allow him a more clear clue.
As Jason thought of all this, he heard faint footsteps from behind him. He took a deep breath for his final encounter with his mentor, guardian and friend.
“Lupa,” he said without turning.
“Jason…” she replied in a hoarse whisper. The unclaimed demigod whirled around to see the most important figure in the history of Romans crying.
“Oh god, Jason………I’m so sorry…” wept the tall lady.
Her eyes were red and puffed up.
“It’s ok, Lupa,” he comforted, not sure what to do. “I’ll Iris Message you or something……”
Lupa looked straight into my eyes.
“Jason, in the future, life will not be fair to you. You do not deserve what approaches. Still, you must fight through. semper ad finem lucis cuniculum
He understood what she had uttered. It was Latin for, “There is always light at the end of the tunnel.”
It was, till this day, the most highly favoured saying in Lupa’s mind. Now Jason knew why.
“Will I be claimed?” he asked.
Lupa stifled tears.
“Jupiter is a strange god, Jason. He is always busy…and he has his reasons for everything he does…”
“Why are you telling me this?” whispered Jason.
“You will need it soon, my hero,” she replied, her voice equally low. I could see specks of water dropping from her eyes.
She cleared her throat and said,
“I have also brought gifts for you,”
“What?” asked Jason. “I don’t need-“
“Take them!” commanded Lupa. Jason outstretched his hands.
In one hand, she dropped about twenty denarii. In the other hand, she gave him a single denarius.
“What? Twenty-one coins? Err…thank you?”
“Flip the single coin, Jason.”
Jason grasped the coin and emptied the others into his pocket. Then, he casually tossed it into the air.
For a moment, the coin just spun, and then it turned into a beautiful golden gladus.
Jason was awestruck.
“Lupa…….” Was all he could manage.
She nodded and then tossed him a long, black cloak.
“Take this as well, child….whenever you see it, you will be reminded of me.”
Jason nodded, still speechless.
The two sat there for a minute, taking in the sunrise. Both of them were holding back tears.
“I guess this is it…” choked Lupa.
Jason gulped and nodded.
“Goodbye, Jason,” whispered Lupa, sticking out her hand for her to shake.
Jason looked at her, his whole form trembling. Then, he ran up to Lupa and gave her a hug.
The sun was at it’s lowest point as they ended the embrace.
“I’ll never forget you, Lupa,” declared Jason.
“Go, Jason,” she smiled. “Make me proud.”
“Goodbye, Lupa,” said Jason again as he turned around to leave. He sprinted away, unable to stay in the wolf’s company for much longer.
“Goodbye, son.” Whispered Lupa as Jason ran out of sight.

Jason received a piece of parchment fifteen minutes later. He knew it was his clue to finding Camp Jupiter. He hoped for the best as he opened the paper.
Inside were only three words,
“Follow your instincts.”
“WHAT?” yelled Jason.
He had a great reason to be upset- Lupa had just made the most emotional send off in the history of demigods, and then she gives him the vaguest clue?
Wolves these days.
Jason sat down. He was beginning to feel nauseous. Now that he had been given a unclear hint, the possibilities were endless. There was a chance that the predicted great warrior would wander America forever, searching for the camp he would never find.
Jason took a deep breath and channelled the wind, as Lupa had taught him. He brought the currents to a relaxing and smooth howl. The sound and feel made him relax.
Again, he took a deep breath and reread the clue. Then, he tried searching his insincts.
His instincts weren’t being very helpful. He knew that he would be tested sooner or later by his first real monsters, so he felt fearful. All of his instincts told him to bolt away. Still, he kept on walking, going wherever his feet took him.
He knew that he was still in California. He had not walked far enough to change states. He just kept on chugging.
It was after an hour or two that Jason came to his first highway. Cars whizzed by, the drivers gawking at the old-style dressed kid standing on the side of the road. Jason ignored the mortals. He had been taught that they were clueless when it came to demigod matters.
The unclaimed son of a god stared at the only sign that was poorly attached to a flimsy steel pole. It read,
“SAN FRANSISCO- 100 miles”
Jason heaved a sigh. The nearest big city was still a long way away.
Again, Jason stopped to think. San Fransisco was his best shot. If he got there, he would probably see some monsters. He could track them to the camp’s borders.
Or, he could just keep on walking. That option seemed more relaxing- just wandering until that brilliant moment of inspiration. Jason shook that thought away and headed in the direction of the sign.
The air was cold, as it always was on February nights. Jason still kept on walking along side the highway. Whenever a car pulled up to check on him, he would turn to them wordlessly. That piercing stare that had been inherited from the gods scared the helpful person away.
It was a couple of hours later when Jason encountered another sign. This one read,
“San Fransisco-75 miles.”
Jason was outraged. He had spent hours walking fifteen miles. Not cool.
He would need transportation. Lupa had suggested flight a couple of weeks ago, but he was not powerful enough to stay in the air that long.
He would have to take a car.
There was no shortage of vehicles. Cars zoomed by frequently. The problem in this situation was trying to get a car to stop and help him. There had not been much of hose helpful people in the last five miles or so, so Jason was skeptical.
Still, he tried waving his hands in the universal hitchhiker symbol. No one let him join.
Jason walked a bit more, and his legs started to ache. The bones felt like they wanted crumble, and the muscles screamed. Jason was about to take a break when he heard the screech.
You didn’t have to be a genius to know that high pitched screeches were bad news.
Reluctantly, Jason turned around to see flying lions.
“Wonderful,” he thought, trying to rack his brain to remember something about the bloodthirsty animal in front of him.
There were about three of them, from the looks of it. They had the heads of eagles and the bodies of lions, save the large, feathery wings that outstretched three yards to either side.
The first one swooped out, and Jason jammed his hand into his pocket. Then, he flipped the coin.
He expected a sword, but he got a coin.
“Wrong one!” he exclaimed in frustration. He rolled under the first attack. As the creature screeched again, Jason remembered the real name of these monsters.
“Griffins….” He whispered as he tried to flip another a coin.
Again, no luck. The second griffin screeched and swooped. Jason flipped another two coins as he dodged another griffin swoop.
Jason swore as he brought out a handful of coins. The situation called for this act of recklessness.
The trio of flying lions attacked again, and Jason dove under them, tossing all the coins into the air.
There was a series of clinks as the regular coins hit the floor, and then a big clank as the sword slammed into the ground.
As soon as the coins hit the floor, the griffins swooped low again, grabbing the coins in their talons.
“Griffins love treasures!” remembered Jason.
He dove for his sword as the last griffin tried to nab it as well. The result: the griffin grabbed the sword and flew into the air with Jason hanging on to the blade from the bottom.
The creature screeched and tried to shake Jason loose. He did a pretty good job. The demigod was left hanging on with one hand on the sword. Another shake and he would plummet.
Jason got mad right about then. He had barely started his stupid journey, and now he was about to die. He didn’t think so.
With his anger came powers. He used the wind to help him jump from his griffin onto another one, and called upon lighting to smoke the untouched griffin. It dropped to the ground.
Jason grabbed onto the neck of the griffin that he was on. The griffin with his sword circled him, trying to peck his hands. His griffin shook.
Jason grunted and then called electricity into his body. He could literally feel the currents pulsing in his body.
He waited for the second griffin to float on top of him, and then he made his move.
His plan was short and simple: shock the griffin with the sword, catch the sword, land on the other griffin. It was pretty basic, but still advanced enough that failure would be unacceptable.
Jason leapt, again using the winds to propel him. He channelled the electricity to his skin and grabbed onto sword griffin’s claw. There was a crack, and the griffin screeched in pin from the shock.
Jason, on the other hand, dropped towards the ground, grabbed the sword, and slung one leg around the only remaining griffin.
All of a sudden, he had another great plot.
He needed safe transportation and a monster to follow to the camp’s borders, where it would be attracted. The griffin would be the monster, but it was not reliable for transportation. He would still need a car for that.
So, he would have to highjack a car. To bad ancient wolves did not know the ways of the cables; otherwise, Jason would be good to go. No, he needed an easy highjack, with keys included.
He already knew how he would do that.
First, he had to make sure the griffin was in place.
Jason sent a light dosage of electricity into the griffin. It gave a low shriek and tumbled to the ground, down but not out.
As the griffin tumbled, Jason slowed the winds, so that he was standing in air. Then, he fired lightning at a car’s tire.
The Corolla’s wheel didn’t stand a chance. Burning rubber’s scent filled the air. The driver pulled over to check on his car.
Jason, being the good planner that he was, had made sure that the electricity had struck just a miniscule amount of the rubber. The car would run fine, despite the odd smell.
As the driver went to check the wheel, Jason dropped to the road. He didn’t bother picking up his coins- he just dashed into the driver’s seat.
By the time the driver noticed him, he already had his seat belt on. His hands gripped the wheel. The smart mortal dove to the side as he accelerated down the highway. The griffin rose at just the right time, and then stopped for a moment, wondering where to go.
Jason knew he was searching for demigods. Soon, the griffin began flying again, in the direction of San Fransisco.
Jason grinned.
Maybe this journey would not be so tough after all.

over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
its good! post soon!
over a year ago Graecus100 said…
Awesome Chapter Post Soon!!!
over a year ago HecateA said…
Amazing! Wow! What a difference between the Jason RR gave us and this new, unexperienced, young Jason- its perfect! But you've still got the fact that it's Jason and he's not going to just take the easy route from the right one, and that he can still pull his stunts. I also laughed at the part 'wolves these days'. And Jason's theft- awesome! I love it! Keep posting!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
^Wow. I'm kind of dazed............
lol your like a celebrity and u commented on my forum.......
lol thanks
over a year ago Crazy4Thalia2 said…
I completely love it. Want more. I like.
Continue. Awesome stories.
Keep post.
over a year ago v_lav said…
nice but again when did he get taught to drive just a question and it's a good chapter
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
^lol he didn't get taught to drive....
he just did lol
demigod skills
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I'll read it later my friend is here
over a year ago v_lav said…
haha demigod skills they learn fast don't ya think ;)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Great job loved it so much
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
its really good!!! but i have one question. Doesn't Jason have 12 lines on his tattoo which means he's been at camp for 12 years? the way your putting it he's 12 and spends about 2-3 years at the roman camp. Im not saying you should change it but im just curious. thanks
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
^yeah, you are right
i guess i'll just say that he had his tattoo from the time he came to Lupa or something
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
Follow your instincts WHAT that made me laugh
over a year ago Graecus100 said…
big smile
POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO­OOO­ST SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
Hmmmm.... well.. i guess that would fit that description but doesn't the augury have to see whether you can be in the legion or not? And dont they have to prove bravery or at least stay one year before getting the tatoo?
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
everyone please vote for me!

and im working hard on the next chapter, but i dont know if i can finish it.............
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
kk, i am finishing off chapter 3
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
here is the chapter. I will probably post again, because this chapter isn't great near the end (it was rushed), so....yeah.
Please please comment. It is the only reason i post.
And................I am introducing PJO Extras. They are mini-chapters I will post on this forum that will show the connection between the stories of Jason and Percy. If I ever do post one, it will be on Wednesday.
Enjoy and Please Comment!

Chapter 3: Jason
Jason slammed the pedal. His Corolla sped down the highway. In front of him, a couple of miles away, the skyline of San Fransisco stretched out of the ground, a doze skyscrapers protruding the clouds. The sun set over the water, the bridges spiralling around the city. Twilight peeked out over the sky, the golden lights of Golden Gate Bridge illuminating the world. The griffin flew steadily in front of him, the constant flap of wings almost sounding natural.
Jason saw red lights in front of him and swore under his breath. He had encountered a driving demigods worst fear: traffic.
He pushed the brakes and honked in frustration. The griffin kept on flying. Jason trained his eyes on it. He was well aware of the mortals gawking at him, barely 12 and driving.
The griffin kept on going. Jason honked again. More people stared at him. Jason grunted. He knew he had no chance of following the creature now. He also knew that driving was useless with this much jamming.
He sighed wearily and popped open the sunroof of the car. It flew open with a satisfying crack. The demigod propped one leg onto the roof and pulled himself up.
There was more honking as he stood on top of the battered Toyota. A fat man in a jeep next to him pulled a cell phone to his ear and yelled something down the line. No doubt he was alerting the police.
Jason drew the winds to him and used it to hover in the air. He was only a few feet over the cars. His Toyota caused more build-up behind him. The sound of horns filled his ears.
With a great leap, Jason flew a good mile over the cars. He saw the faint shape of the griffin. It seemed to be turning around a building towards another bridge….
The unclaimed Roman rubbed his eyes and looked again. Sure enough, the creature was averting from `Frisco. Jason must`ve been wrong about the camp`s whereabouts.
Something inside him troubled him. What if the griffin had just sniffed some treasure, and was going to pick it up before returning to the city. What if the camp was actually in Russia? What if-
Jason restrained himself. Lupa had taught him not to think, just to do. Her clue was starting to make sense to him now. If she had given him a more clear clue, he would analyze it more and stir doubt within. Lupa’s note to him had simply told him to do.
Driven by these thoughts, Jason pushed the wind forward. His stomach felt hollow- he had still not gotten used to flying. He had only learned hovering last week, so actually soaring was a whole new concept. He did a little tumble in the air.
The golden bridge was straight ahead now. Jason took a deep breath and brought the winds to a halt. He was about to cross the water. If he really was Jupiter’s boy, then water-crossing was not a cool activity.
He willed the currents of air to take him over the liquid. He felt the immediate change in air. He was now riding more risky and thin wind. He felt his form drop, but the wind kept him above the water.
He panted and tried to once again cross the water. Again, the wind did not support him. His stomach plummeted and his head went under his toes. He curled into a ball and used all his strength to cushion the air. He felt the cool vapour against his skin. The wind had saved him again.
Jason had pretty much figured out that he would not be able to head over the river just yet. He did not have the power to control those intense winds as of now. He was sure he would harbour those skills later; for now, he had to get into the city.
The most obvious way to cross was to get onto the bridge. Traffic was at a standstill, and it would be easy to jaywalk into town. Still, Jason had already caused enough disruption to the mortal world with his high-jacking scene just a few hours ago. He could not risk further exposure. There was also a high possibility that the gods had at least one more test for him. Lupa had told him that the gods tested one when they were at a time of difficulty. If they were ever going to test him, now was the time.
Jason stared at the bridge. It was his best chance, but it would be hard. The cars took up all the space on the bridge, leaving only the other side of the barrier for him to walk.
His other option was to use the winds. That obviously would not work. This was a huge dilemma.
The demigod sighed, as if to say, ‘Here goes nothing,’ and then proceeded to the bridge.
The traffic began moving. There were honks and yells from the drivers. A blue Corolla swerved into the next lane, coming dangerously close to the barrier.
Jason put a foot on the thin walkway he had. It was about an inch wide, so he had to grip the barrier to move. He pulled a string and shifted his feet. He had progressed only two inches.
Another car got slightly bumped on the other end of the bridge. I skidded towards Jason and banged into the barrier. One of the boy’s hands was knocked off, leaving him suspended from one foot.
Sweat dripped of his face. He gulped and hauled himself up, but his other hand became dislodged. He grabbed the bridge just before he fell off.
As if his situation wasn’t bad enough, Jason heard a low-pitch grumble.
He took a deep breath. Whatever had made that sound was not human.
The gods had sent their test.
Using his occupied hand to push upwards, Jason brought his eye to the level of the pavement. He saw the wheels of cars and saw a very peculiar set of feet.
They were orange and thin, and they seemed to connect to thickening legs. The leg connected three other ‘branches’ that stuck out from the foot. On each branch, there was a very sharp point.
So the monster had pointy rooster feet. Lovely.
Jason called on the winds to support his feet. He let go of the bridge, and for a moment, he was standing in air. Then, he pushed the air down and used the pressure to spring it back up and jump.
Jason grabbed at the cords on the barrier and let the air loose. He was safe for now.
He could now see the upper body of the monster that was crossing the bridge towards him. In truth, it was a interesting combination of feathers and snake skin. From what he could tell, it was feathers growing on snake skin. The lion shaped body made way to a slimy neck, where the feathers began to grow less frequently. Atop the neck were about ten stems, all leading to a different head. The creature had about ten of the heads at the moment. They were very reptilian, like a snake. There were sharp teeth and stains of green venom tinted the beast’s mouth.
Jason remembered this creature, not from Lupa, but from something else. A memory tugged at Jason’s head, a memory that even he did not know he had. A memory in which the characters and the setting were alien to Jason. A memory he knew was real, but could make no sense of it……..
It was a stormy day outside. Jason stared out the window. He seemed to be sitting on a red toy chest. It was trimmed in gold. The walls of the room were a warm brown. The younger Jason, who looked about two years old, turned backwards. His piercing blue eyes saw a girl, about 12. She had punk style spiky hair and a black vest on top of a t-shirt. Headphones lay on her neck, useless for the moment. The girl had a pencil and was scribbling something on a paper.
“Thalia?” asked the toddler.
“Mm-hmm?” nodded the girl.
“What are you doing?” asked Jason.
The girl sighed and pushed her chair away.
“Just some homework. Mr. Angostopoulous wants me to study this monster. It is a Hydra.”
“A Hydra?” said Jason slowly.
“Yeah, yeah. Basically, every time you cut one of one of it’s heads, it grows two more.”
Little Jason trembled.
“But it isn’t real, is it?” he quivered.
The girl looked at him with sympathy, as if she wished she could tell me how wrong I was………

The strange flashback went away. Jason blinked. The Hydra was only a lane away. He must’ve been dreaming for a minute or so.
The vision troubled him. He felt as if the girl was important, as if that particular part of his life was important. According to Lupa, he had been adopted by the wolf after Hera had taken him from his mother. He knew that this was not far from the truth, but his mentor and friend had been unwilling to describe his past in further detail. That was what bothered Jason. Once he got to Camp Jupiter, he would definitely find someone to talk to about this predicament.
For now, he had more important problems. For example, the Hydra that was jaywalking towards him.
The beast roared and stomped over the last lane of traffic. Jason pushed himself up and shakily pulled the coin from his pocket.
He held it in his right hand, staring at the monster. The beast stood right in front of him. Both of them were panting.
The beast roared again. It was a painful sound. A soft rain began falling from the sky, as if the gods were telling Jason, “Prove yourself.”
Jason shivered from the cold. The Hydra advanced on him. He was young and inexperienced. There was no way he could defeat this.
The monster pounced. Jason leaned back to avoid the jaws of the creature, and he felt his feet began to slip of the bridge.
He regained his balance and flipped his coin. The monster shot acid at him. He dove away, and his sword landed a meter away from him.
The monster cut off Jason’s way to the sword, blocking any chance of retrieving the weapon. Jason backed away, terrified. Lupa’s voice rang in his head.
“Use your power, young Jason.”
He jumped away from the next attack and tried charging towards his blade. On of the Hydra heads snapped at him, backing him away. His sword was still guarded.
He thought of what Lupa’s voice had told him.
He called upon lightning from the sky. There was a sharp blast, and electricity sparked near the monsters head. It barely did any damage. Jason had never been good with his offensive powers.
Not willing to give up, he tried taking control of the winds. He willed the currents to fly his sword into his hand. The blade came soaring like a feather into his outstretched palm. With a wild hack, Jason cut off one of the Hydra’s heads.
There was a moment of silence, and then the Hydra’s remaining heads roared. Two more heads sprouted from the stump.
Jason swore. He should have known.
Acid came flying at him, and he leapt, using the air to float him over the bridge. He landed softly and slashed at the belly of the creature. The Hydra leapt away, snarling.
Sweat dripped down Jason. He tried summoning lightning again. Nothing happened except for a quick spark on the ropes.
The Hydra spat again, and Jason used the wind to push the stream away. The monster was wearing him down. Cars honked on the bridge and swerved near the edges of the crossing. The Hydra spat more venom at him.
This time, he barely dodged it. His form went rolling towards the barrier. One of the Hydra claws lunged at him and scraped his knee.
Jason howled in pain and used the wind to scoot him away. He did not realize he was on the road now.
There was a loud honk, and a car jammed the brakes. It skidded to the barrier and tipped over, threatening to fall. The Hydra gave an evil smile and lunged at Jason.
He jumped away, his leg ailing. There was no way he could escape the Hydra. He was going to have to some other way. If only he had water powers, he could throw it into the water.
That thought gave Jason an idea. Maybe he could use the winds……….
Jason grinned and started to jog towards the end of the bridge, the end with San Fransisco. The Hydra, puzzled, began to bound after him, spitting poison.
Jason began using the winds to tear the cords at the top of the bridge. His muscles were pumping as he tried to get to the other end before the monster.
He also pushed on the winds, feeling the pressure of the air against the firm, black wires. He focused more, feeling the cords bend.
The monster lashed out at him. He slid under the attack and wildly flailed to get away from the beast.
He ducked another spray of purple liquid. He needed to put some space between him and the creature, but doing so would be risky.
‘It is the only way,’ thought the boy as he made a sharp turn. For a second, he was in the middle of traffic again. Two cars collided and gasoline splattered over the floor. The Hydra’s poison caught on to the liquid, and the fire began. Jason dodged the flames.
He was almost at the halfway point of the bridge now. That was where he would turn around again, hopefully putting distance between him and the Hydra. He would have to time everything perfectly. He started gathering winds near his feet. They pushed against his shins, making it difficult for him to run, but a backwards draft was important. He also started pushing harder with the air on the cords.
Flames spurted out in front of him. Jason leapt. The Hydra bounded after him. In a last attempt to help his cause, Lupa’s pupil drew his sword and slashed a wide arc behind him. He heard the splitting sound that indicated Hydra heads being cut off. More were probably going to grow, but that didn’t matter now.
Jason took a deep breath and then completed his plan. He caused the wind to snap the cords and he leapt backwards, the air fuelling his super-jump. The Hydra, puzzled, made a final lash out and acid spread all over Jason’s foot.
The pain was terrible, but the wind kept the howling boy afloat. He landed in San Fransisco territory, the Hydra stuck on the falling bridge.
It was there that Jason realized that he had made a grave miscalculation- he had forgotten about the mortals on the bridge. The cords snapped and the bridge was sliding into the water, the mortal vehicles toppling into the river.
Jason felt a pain in his heart. Even though his leg was hurting, he called on the air to keep the cars suspended in the air.
He could not let go. He could not take the responsibility for that many lives.
His face etched in concentration, Jason tried lifting the cars. They inched upwards. Jason’s muscles bulged, as if he was actually lifting the people in real life.
His arm burned, and his head felt blurry. The cars stayed suspended in the air. The Hydra slid down the bridge and gave a huge yell. One car dropped into the water.
Jason scrunched up his face. He started groaning as the magnitude of the task ahead of him.
`How could I be so rash?’ he thought as the cars began slipping from his grip. He heard sirens in the distance. His vision was blurred, with everything moving in slow motion. Just as the last bit of strength left Jason, his eyes locked with those of one of the drivers hanging in the air.
His eyes were terrified and pleading. They sent only one message,
“Why did you do this, kid? Do you have a heart?”
Tears rolled down the demigod’s cheeks, even though he had lost all his senses. The only thing that he could feel was the strength finally disappearing, and he saw the cars plummet into the water. There were splashes, each one reminding Jason that he was a heartless criminal with no consideration for others.
He was a killer.
He dropped to his knees, the sirens loud behind him. The police cars approached the scene of the crime, while reporters started flooding towards him.
He stared blankly at all of them. Guns were loaded and pointed at him.
Jason gave another hop, and he floated into the air, the mortals looking at him.
He didn’t care anymore. He didn’t want to care.
He didn’t have a heart.
Jason sat on the outdoor café table, eyeing the television set that was mounted onto the structure. A black hood was pulled over his head, and he wore black jeans.
After he had fled from the bridge, he had stolen some clothes from a San Fransisco store and walked over to this café. The news anchor had just appeared on the T.V.
“Hello, this is Julia Johanssen here for 123 SAN FRAN News, the one and only San Fran News Station. Here is what is making news this hour!”
The screen changed to the Golden Gate Bridge. Cars were driving over it just fine. I could make out a tiny figure clinging on to the side of the bridge. I recognized it as me.
“Golden Gate Bridge is subject to a juvenile terrorist attack!” announced Julia from on screen.
“We go on site to Jamie McGregor, who has an update for us.”
A middle aged man popped on screen in front of the site of the bridge. Debris was floating in the river, with random auto parts joining them. Sirens blared.
“It was right here that we witnessed a tragedy of a huge scale. Just an hour ago, a young boy-“
Jason’s picture popped onto the screen. He bent down lower and pulled his hood over his head.
The reporter continued.
“For some reason, this young boy felt the need to set a bomb to the Golden Gate Bridge, destroying the monument and killing hundreds.”
Footage of the incident began to play. There was a loud screech as the bridge gave way. The mortal cameras showed the cars falling straight into the water and a chopper coming to pick me up.
I shook my head at their ignorance, but my heart was torn as I saw the people plunge into the river. It did not look right. This was not supposed to happen.
“As for the identity of this boy,” nodded the reporter. “He has been identified as Jason Grace, a boy who went missing when he was only a toddler.”
Jason froze. He had gone missing? But Lupa told him that he had never been raised by anyone else, save for a month by his now gone mother.
The reporter took no heed to the demigod’s change of emotions. He kept on rambling,
“If this boy is seen, please call…….”
A number flashed on screen. A waiter came and delivered Jason a coffee. He followed his gaze to the television screen and shook his head.
“Sad, isn’t it?” he asked sourly. “That kid has no heart,”
Jason fought back his anger and sadness.
“Yeah,” he muttered in reply. “A murderer, he is,”
The waiter noticed that the level headed teenager left right after their little conversation.
‘Maybe he was……nah! He couldn’t have been.’ Thought the waiter.
Meanwhile, Jason was strolling in the direction he had seen the griffin go. It was his only lead. If he remembered correctly, he was heading towards Bay Bridge, which would take him to Oakland. There was no guarantee he was going the right way, but his instincts egged him on.
He passed some nice little squares, where people sat in restaurants, gazing sadly at the monitors all over the place, watching the boy with blonde hair blow up the bridge.
Jason felt terrible. He was alone now, without Lupa, and with monsters and police on his tail. He was also partially lost and bruised, and the whole world despised him.
“Why?” he wondered aloud. “Why couldn’t I just have killed the Hydra and then fled? Why didn’t I have the strength to save those people?”
Follow your instincts, Jason,’ reminded Lupa’s voice.
Jason growled and made his way to Bay Bridge. He was a short walk away now, so he just flew over. He was stopped by the black helicopter in front of him. Not daring to move past it, the demigod descended, stumbling on his landing.
He was still not a perfectionist when it came to flight.
He observed his surroundings, trying to figure out why the helicopter was here. It wasn’t long before he got his answer.
Police officers and other agents of higher ranks, all armed, had surrounded the bridge. A group of about 10 men would check every car that was going to cross the bridge. The drivers were being intensively interviewed. Some audio from a radio in one of the cars drifted into my ears.
“-that is right, Sam!” said the radio. “Bay Bridge has been reinforced with security measures, causing major build-ups. As far as we know, the teen who attacked Golden Gate Bridge earlier is still in San Fransisco. For more info on other safety precautions, visit our website, at www……………”
Jason frowned. His mission was a failure. Even if the camp was in Oakland, there was no way he could get there. He had been trapped. It was only a matter of time before he was caught.
Jason Grace would never make it to Camp Jupiter.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
if one person comments, I will post a PJO extra
over a year ago Graecus100 said…
Awesome Chapter post soon
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
and i actually wont post the extra
ill save it for later
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
oh you trickster/..
awesome chappie i was wondering if you abandoned it..
you didnt post for 3 for3 days!!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
^lollllllllllllll trickster? really?
And i didn't abandon it, i post on this forum every friday only
thanks for all the comments guys
over a year ago v_lav said…
u sure ur not going to add the PJO extra
over a year ago HecateA said…

Oh my... Wow.... Whoa... People often hesitate to turn the protagonist in even a fraction of the bad guy, to have him do even a little wrong- so good job on that! Poor Jason- he's beating himself up! You're just 12, don't be so freaking harsh on yourself! That was amazing and I can't wait to see how you're going to get Jason to Camp!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
^lol Who said I was going to get Jason to camp.............
And I will post a double PJO extra..............when I feel like it........
haha Im so cruel...........
Thanks for all the comments
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
If you like this and HAVE NOT read my other forums, thennnnnnnnnn...............

^read that. I post way more frequently on it.
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
yes, very cruel... on all your forums especially this and rebel association (ESPECIALLY rebel association)
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
well, i am just making some changes in the plot, so the title of this forum will change soon