The Fanfic Moonshadow©: Rise of the Ninja

MisterPerfect1 posted on Oct 21, 2011 at 05:16PM
This story has nothing to do with the Heroes of Olympus, because that seems like the only stories that you all are writing about. So I'm am going to introduce to you a new, unique fanfiction that will bobble your mind. So I present to you--Moonshadow: Rise of the Ninja.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Humour, Romance, Mystery

Characters: To Be Announced

All Rights to Simon Higgins.

When you all comment, it inspires me to keep writing. But if you don't comment, then I will stop writing this story.

And this is the actual book:

This story has nothing to do with the Heroes of Olympus, because that seems like the only stories tha
last edited on Nov 16, 2011 at 01:03PM

The Fanfic 157 replies

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over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Chapter One

Moon Shadow leapt into the air, narrowly evading Asuma’s blade. He struck down with his own sword. But Asuma was quick. He reeled back his samurai sword and used it as defense. Both swords clashed, metal sparks flying everywhere.
Moon Shadow heard a slight whoosh. He ducked. A shuriken sailed by above him.
Asuma chose that as an opportunity to attack. But Moon Shadow did a back flip and slid down the side of the building. Jiro had thrown two shuriken, but Moon Shadow had evaded them accurately with his back flip.
Asuma had taken it as a getaway. But then he saw the shuriken. He pulled back his sword and tilted to the side. Jiro had thrown the shuriken at the exact speed and time, so that the opponent could deflect one of them, and get hit by the other one at the exactly the same time.
Asuma had tilted to the side, dodging one shuriken, and then he deflected the other one with his sword.
“Real smooth, Asuma,” Jiro said. “I’m trying to get the kid here. Not you.”
“Shut up, dweeb,” Asuma said, “before I go after you instead of the boy.”
Jiro shrugged and jumped off the roof. Asuma followed suit, and landed softly on the old, cobblestone floor. Asuma put a finger to his lips, telling Jiro to shush. Then he put cupped a hand to his ear. This way, sound waves would be captured more easily, and Asuma would be to have better hearing.
It was Moon Shadow’s footsteps on the cobblestone floor. Silver Wolf had been smart to use cobblestone tiling. It amplified the sound of footsteps, making tiptoeing futile.
“Let’s go,” Asuma said. Jiro nodded and ran after him.
The only problem was: If they could hear Moon Shadow’s footsteps, what was to keep Moon Shadow from hearing theirs?

As a matter a fact, Moon Shadow had learned the same technique. His hand was cupped around his ear, and he could hear the repetitive rapping of probably Asuma’s footsteps. Jiro must’ve been following him.
Moon Shadow was amazed. The last time he had met the two, they had been arguing over everything. But now, they were working more like a team. Silver Wolf must’ve trained them well. Asuma and Jiro were both walking at the exact same pace. The key was to make the enemy think that there was only one person coming, but then they would split up, still walking at the certain pace, and ambush the enemy from behind their back.
But Moon Shadow was prepared for this. Snow Hawk was hidden somewhere in the fortress roofs, waiting for Asuma to walk by. Ground Spider was doing the same, except this time, he was waiting for Jiro to walk by.
Moon Shadow was the decoy. As usual. But, luckily, Badger (Moon Shadow’s sensei) had thought up the plan, teaching his pupils before he had sent them on this mission.
Moon Shadow gave a thumbs-up sign to both Snow Hawk and Ground Spider. But Moon Shadow had stretched his arms out too far, letting Asuma to catch sight of him. And sure enough, Asuma was walking toward him right now.

Snow Hawk got out of her hiding place, and threw a demon wind shuriken. It was larger than an actual shuriken. About a yard across. The shuriken crashed into the wall, inches from Asuma’s face. Asuma reeled back. The shuriken was rigged, which meant that it was attached to a thin line of thread. The thread was the color of black, so it camouflaged in the night. Luckily, Asuma hadn’t noticed that. He had held out his sword. But Snow Hawk was already sliding down the thread. Her boots slammed into Asuma’s face. As Asuma fell back, Snow Hawk clipped her foot with Asuma’s sword, and pulled the sword away. The sword clanged away in a few feet.
Asuma regained his composure, realized that he no longer had possession of his samurai sword, and began doing hand-to-hand combat with Snow Hawk.
Everyone knows that samurai are only half as good with their swords. So, through hand-to-hand combat, Snow Hawk had an advantage. She leapt in the air, and spun round like a tornado. The heel of her boot hit Asuma in the stomach, and if it weren’t for his armour, Asuma would’ve been knocked out cold.

Ground Spider had been trailing Asuma and Jiro the whole time. When Asuma and Jiro had separated, Ground Spider had stalked Jiro.
But Jiro had eventually noticed him.
It seemed as if Jiro had led Ground Spider into a trap. They were in an alleyway. Three buildings around them had sloping roofs. When Jiro had spun round, and hurled three shuriken (instead of two) at Ground Spider, four samurai leapt off of the sloping roofs. One was beside Jiro, another to Jiro‘s left and right, and one opposite Jiro.
Ground Spider was cornered.

The same thing was also happening to Snow Hawk. It had all been an act. Asuma had pretended to be weary from Snow Hawk’s roundhouse kick, but it had only been a diversion. Four samurai appeared before Snow Hawk. They surrounded her, holding two swords in each hand.
Snow Hawk was obviously surprised. She looked around at the four samurai, letting her guard down. Asuma got up and drove his elbow into the spot behind Snow Hawk’s ear. Snow Hawk went unconscious.

Ground Spider eyed the samurai closely, trying to calculate their weakness. Moon Shadow, Snow Hawk, and Ground Spider each wielded a different ninja weapon. Moon Shadow had a duelist sword; Snow Hawk had a long bamboo rod with a short scythe at one end; Ground Spider wore gloves with one-foot-long blades that could slice through almost anything.
But was it enough against these samurai?
Then, each of the samurai pulled out a shuriken and flung them at all of Ground Spider’s weak spots. Ground Spider dodged/sliced most of them with his hand-blades, but one of them reached their mark—Ground Spider’s cheek. Even if it had barely cut his cheek, the shuriken must’ve been poisoned. And the effects were already showing. Ground Spider felt lightheaded and his movements were those of a sloth. He moved groggily for a while, and when he could handle no more, he collapsed.

Moon Shadow knew that both of his friends were in serious trouble. But what could he do? Soon, the samurai would come after him. And, of course, he would be terribly outnumbered. But if his friends got captured and held as hostages, who knows how much information they might be forced to give out. Moon Shadow had to do something. But he couldn’t save both of his friends at the same time.
Then his answer came…
There was a sudden whoosh in the sky. Shadows began to dance around the courtyard. And he heard it: The quiet poof of a smoke bomb, and the repeated thuds of fallen men.
Giant birds were looming over him. They zipped down and picked up Ground Spider and Snow Hawk. But birds didn’t have hands. No, these were people. Air ninja to be exact. Air ninja had been thought to be extinct. They were ninja who could fly. Somehow they were here now. And they had Moon Shadow’s friends.
Moon Shadow tried to throw a shuriken at one of them, but they just tilted to the side, and the shuriken ricocheted off of their backs with a metallic clang.
Moon Shadow tried to follow them, but they already a mile away. They and his friends. It was hopeless, like trying to catch a bird that is a hundred feet in the air with your hands.
Moon Shadow watched as his friends sailed away, until they were a tiny speck in the horizon.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
So what do you all think?
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
What is it a fanfic of? Who's Moonshadow?
over a year ago Raiden646 said…
It might be about Naruto. If it's not than what is it?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Answer said…
Need to explain more.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
big smile
Sure, I will. Tomorrow I will post another chapter. It might help explain some things. And thanks for commenting!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
And by the way, this story has little to nothing to do with Naruto. Just in case if anyone is wondering.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Chapter Two

Living in a sewer is harsh. But it was the only place I could hide in.

Let me rewind: the samurai noticed that there was three ninja that they were sent to capture. Only two of them had been abducted, and three minus two is one--did I mention that I was that unlucky one.

Now the sewer. The samurai had led up a good chase. I had been dodging and weaving through many winding streets and alleyways, until I had come upon a sewer.

Now, if you were in a life-and-death mattter like me, there are two things that you should never do--unless if you were in a last resort--and those two things are: STOP and THINK. Because if you then the process might change into STOP and THINK and GET A KNIFE DRIVEN THROUGH YOUR CHEST. Yeah, sick huh?

And I almost came to that decision. I mean, what sane person would jump into a sewer? Me, that's who.

Anyways, how do I describe the sewer?--and I strongly advise to never go near one. You could say it stinks. But that is an understatement. You know how deodorerant helps you smell better. Now picture anti-deodorerant. Picture someone emptying a hundred cans of anti-deodorerant--which is mainly liquid--into a drainage pipe, which will eventually end up where I am in right now.

Yep, it's that bad. Plus, certain doom was right around the corner--literally. There was at least ten samurai walking around here this second. And it's funny how the one which they are looking for is right under their noses.

Two shadows danced in the light--two men each holding a torch. I peeked through a crack in the pipe. One of the men was facing away from me; the other, the total opposite. They were both dressed in complete black, so I couldn't see a lot of their features. One was short; one was tall. That's all I can say.

Tall said, "We can't go back now. We still have to keep looking."

Short said, "But it's past midnight. Silver Wolf will soon find out anyway."

"But I just have a feeling that the boy is right under our noses."

I tried to stifle my laughter.

Then something else happened.

I heard a low rumble, like I was in a hungry lion's stomach. The drainage pipes started to clang against another. And the stench multiplied tensfold.

I tell you, it was like being flushed down a toilet. The water gushed out like a hurricane. I had been tossed and banged throughout the entire experience. And worse, I got some of the anti-deodorerant in my mouth.

The turmoil lasted for a few seconds, but the pain made it feel like an hour. I was washed through many other drainage pipes, like I was on a rollercoaster, and finally I saw light--or whatever light you can see during the night. I washed out into what seemed to be the fortress's moat. Believe me, a fortress isn't complete without a moat. but luckily, there weren't any crocodiles in it.

I kept walking until I found myself in a little inn. The hosts obviously didn't mind having a teenage stink-bomb walk into their inn. And there was hardly anybody there, so they let me stay in for free.

I changed into a different pair of clothes. As a shinobi, I always have to stay undercover. Right now, I had pulled out a some typical clothes for a newsboy. The hosts might suspect that something was up, so I went through the bedroom window.

But as I walked through the small villages of Ancient Japan, thoughts kept bubbling in my head. Where were my friends? Were they still alive? Why would Air Ninja pop out of nowhere, and take away my friends? What would I tell my masters? And more importantly: How will I get this disgusting smell off of me?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
big smile
I know it's not enough info, but more chapters are coming that might hopefully help out with all of of y'all's questions. So stay posted, and please give me some feedback.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
big smile
no this is good. Can't wait 4 next
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
(@Weirdo) Thanks!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
I have to go to church, so I might post a chapter after I come back in the afternoon. So stay posted, and please comment.
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
This is great! And I give this an 'skillage' (which is a pretty high rating in my world)
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
big smile
This story is Osome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­! U better post soon!!!!!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Chapter Three
(Snow Hawk)

Cages are meant for zoo animals. Period. They are not meant for pretty teenage girls like me--and ugly, tall boys like Groundspider. But no matter how many times I tried to knock that into those delinquent ninja. No wonder they are called Air Ninja, because that's what their heads are mostly made up of.

Sadly, the Air Ninja had tranquilized Ground Spider and me, so it was a cheap shot. We didn't put up much of a fight, and I didn't get enough information about them.

"Information is power," Badger--my sensei--had said once. "If you know your enemy, then it will be easier to find their weaknesses.

But how could I know my enemy when I had been tranqed, kidnapped, and held in a cage--did I mention that it was dark?

CREEEK! My ears perched up. Light was seeping into the room, as if a door was opening. I hoped it was Moonshadow--even though it would be embarassing being saved by him. What? You've never heard of a Princess Charming?

But instead, a young man walked in. He looked well-built; tall, muscular, and arrogant. The first two descriptions would've made that man my kind of guy. But arrogant. No. Back to square one.

The man was holding a torch. He shone it on my face, and then he walked to my right, and shone it on...Oh my goodness! It was Groundspider! He was also trapped in a cage, and he looked asleep. Or worse--dead. Nah. I know Ground Spider, and would've never given up without a fight.

Maybe that's why he was unconscious; the Air Ninja must've given him an overdose of the tranquilizer. Sometimes it was good to just play-along. Then again, sometimes it was good to fight back.

And that was what I was about to do.

I pulled out a wara dātsu (a short bamboo stick that had been hollowed out, and inside of it was a poison dart that you blew out through your mouth). That's exactly what I did. I put the end of the straw to my lips and blew.

But no matter how fast I had done it, the man was faster.

The man puffed his cheeks and blew, too. But it was a strong blow. It caused the flames from the torch to spiral at the dart. The dart didn't stand the chance. It smoldered in the heat and burned into ashes.

The man thrusted out his hand and caught some of the ashes. He examined it and smiled.

"Wara dātsu, eh?" he said.

I didn't know if he had just asked me a question, so I shut up.

The man puffedhis cheeks again and let out another strong blow. The ashes turned into flames once more, landed on cage's lock, and melted it to liquid.

I was free. That thought came out more like a question. I was free! But even if I did get out, the man was still an obstacle. And I don't know how I could compete against his Old Country Science. (Old Country Science was a special, unque ability/magic that a master passes down to his pupils from generation to generation. Usually, most ninja know an Old Country Science save the ronin.)

But I also had some Old Country Science of my own. If I could just touch that man, maybe, just maybe, it might work. But like Badger always says I am pretty careless.

And too bad I didn't listen to his advice at this moment.

I leapt out the cage and sprinted for the man. Now trying to grab him was the tricky part. I could only use my hands, which left the lower part of my body wide open.

The man was like a handsome fish--don't ask about the handsome part. Hey, if you would've have seen him, you would've used more words than just handsome.

The fish part--the man was as hard to grab as a fish. He wasn't exactly slibbery and slimy, but his movemets were so graceful and unpredictable, I looked like a blinded toddler trying to catch a butterfly.

Cause: graceful and unpredictable movements; effect: major embarassment.

The man had been dodging and weaving so much that I didn't notice when he leaned really far to the right and extended his left leg. Reaction: I trip and fall so hard that Ground Spider awakes.

He sees me lying on the floor and tries desperately to open his cage. But it was useless.

I was on floor, and my opponent was looming over me. His beautiful brown eyes made me melt.

And then it hit me: his eyes.

In my Old Country Science, I could also use people's eyes.

The man kept staring at me with his brown eyes. Then I looked up and our eyes locked. Mine began to glow light green; his turned blank.

I stood up and dusted myself off. "Open GroundSpider's cage."

The man complied. His movements were no longer graceful; his body became sluggish and he looked like a zombie when he walked.

The man did the same trick with the ashes, except on GroundSpider's lock.

GroundSpider got out, eyed the man, and then looked at me, astonished. "How did you do that?"

I smiled. I had forgotten that I had never told Moonshadow or Groundspider about my Old Country Science. But can't a girl keep a surprise?

I turned to the man. "Escort us out of here."

The man seemed to nod, and with a low grunt he led Ground Spider and I out of the room.

But if only I had known that there was no way out here, then maybe I wouldn't have fallen into the trap.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
So what do you all think?
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
I need three comments before I can post chapter four.
over a year ago Jokester0 said…
Your story is super uber good! post soon!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
I will post another chapter once I get back from school, so stay posted and keep the comments coming.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Chapter Four
(Snow Hawk)

It is sort of crazy to see your greatest enemy face to face. But that's what happened to me.

Ground Spider and I were running behind the man. I had ordered him to get us out of this bloody place, but if only I had known that there was no bloody exit.

But a thought kept nagging me.

It is said that a ninja can sense the presence of another ninja. Well, I could sense one right now...and we were headed right at him.

I paused and halted. Ground Spider would've trucked me over, but I twisted around in a 480 degree circle, grabbed Groundspider by the collar of his jonin vest, and yanked himback.

Man was he heavy!

It was funny how I never realized that until Groundspider was atop me, his weight pinning me to the ground. I couldn't even push him off.

"Uh, Groundspider," I started, "could you move over a bit?"

Groundspider looked down, embarassed.

"Oh, sorry!" he said.

He stood up, and helped me to my feet.

"You know, you really shouldn't do that," Groundspider pointed out. "Don't you know how uncoordinated I am?"

Drat! Another thing that I didn't know. Information is power. Got that right.

"Well, well, well," went an irritating voice. It sounded old and raspy, and was sprinkled with a whole lot of arrogance.

I looked at the man before us. He was tall for his age. Grey eyes, grey skins, grey hair. It seemed so unnatural. If the man had been frozen, I would've thought that a statue had talked.

"If it isn't the Grey Light Order...brats," the man continued.

Then I noticed the eyes. They were deadly, and they looked at me as if saying I wonder what spices would go good with her?

I gulped. The eyes were intimidating. Almost like a wolf's.

Then it hit me. The eyes, the skin, the hair. They weren't grey; they were silver!

"Silver Wolf," Groundspider spat--literally. The trail of spit sailed at the man, but the man thrust out his hand, and...caught the spit?

Blowing through into his palm, the spit traveled back to us, growing and expanding, until it was about the size of two gallons of water.

The water hit us; I was drenched, disgusted, and angry. Groundspider seemed the same way, but with the unbelief in his eyes, I could tell that he still couldn't push away the fact that that was his spit.


The man, however, was amused.

Silver Wolf said, "Do you brats know what Old Country Science is?"

"Why does that bother us?" I asked defiantly.

But Silver Wolf continued as if I hadn't responded. "Old Country Science is a special ability/magic that was created long ago by the Japanese monks; our ninja ancestors. But there was ten Sciences that stood out from the others. These Sciences were powerful, and I have one of them."

Something was ringing in my head, but it was still distant.

"So, you mean, that Science that that man used on us, you--"

"I taught him, yes."

"So what is it?"

"So kindly you asked. But there seems to be no harm in telling you. You are about to die anyway. And plus, you two will be my bait. That Moonshadow will come here looking for you. And once he does"--Silver Wolf smashed his fists--"I will kill you two in front of him. And then I will save the most painful death for last."

I rolled my eyes. "Very cool. Can't wait. So what's your ability?"

Silver Wolf grabbed his cane. "Hasty, hasty. My ability is to alter the exact atoms and molecules of an object. See, I can turn water into fire, and burn down crops. And then I can turn the fire back into water and start afresh. Isn't it neat?"

I shrugged, secretly eyeing Groundspider. We were going to escape. But we had to kill this man first.

"Yeah, sweet," Groundspider said finally. "But I know something neater."

Silver Wolf furrowed his brow. "Oh, really? And what is that?"

"Your death!" Groundspider proclaimed, flinging a shuriken at our opponent.

On cue, I charged, holding a long bamboo pole with a short scythe blade at the tip.

Silver Wolf crounched low, and caught the shuriken. Then he placed his hand on the tip of his cane. The shuriken melted through his fingers, oozed onto his cane, and hardened, forming a steel blade.

This was scary. Silver Wolf was truly powerful. He could make a weapon into something harmless, and form another weapon.

I didn't know what to do, so I let my instincts take over.

I leaped into the air, my bamboo scythe raised.

But Silver Wolf had more tricks up his sleeve.

The blade that had been formed on the cane had somehow melted again. It began to cover the cane with a layer of steel, but stopped at the handle.

Silver Wolf lifted up the new weapon, and gleamed. The cane had now become a short ninja sword.

This had happened so fast that my brain hadn't processed it fast enough.

Silver Wolf sidestepped me, leaned in closer, and drove his elbow into the soft spot on my belly.

Air was driven out of my lungs. I was paralyzed in shock; I couldn't breathe and the pain was unbearable.

Groundspider (stupid as ever) jumped in front of me, blocking the path between Silver Wolf and me.

They stared at each other for a while. And then they attacked.

Groundspider had on hand-blades. They were gloves with one-foot-long blades of steel coming out from the knuckles. Just picture Wolverine in X-Men with those razor-sharp claws of his, but this time there was only one thick, flat claw protruding out.

I had to admit; it was a cool weapon. But did Groundspider really stand a chance between the most feared ninja in all of Ancient Japan.


Who will win? Groundspider or Silver Wolf. And please explain why.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
I think Groundspider might win. Because if you have read Naruto and you have Rock Lee against Kimomaro, then you know what I mean. Kimimaro was way more experienced, but Rock Lee used his clumsiness to become unpredictable, and that gave him the upper hand. So that's just my opinion. What's yours?
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Please comment!!!!
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
I gotta tell you, I really think ninjas are cheesy but you made it really original and good. I give you a fantabulousticular ( like A score higher than skillage)
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
And I thonk groundspider too
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
(@Childofaeolus) Thanks for commenting! And fantabulousticular? LOL. Where do you get those words?
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Woohoo! Page Two!
over a year ago magic-cow said…
how did you come up with those words childofaeolus?
Oh and cool story. Ninjas Rock
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
(@Magic-Cow) Thanks! When you all comment, it inspires me to keep writing. But if you don't comment, then I will stop writing this story.
over a year ago kristalovepercy said…
cool story,post soon!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
big smile
This story is dedicated to Kristalovepercy, Childofaeolus, magic-cow, and the people who are reading. Thanks goes to you!

Chapter Five
(Snow Hawk)

I couldn’t believe it. Groundspider (the idiot) was about to fight against one of the most powerful ninja of all time.

Honestly, I was scared. Groundspider could be so annoying sometimes that you just want to drug his cereal. But this was too far. Groundspider had always been careless, but this had to have won the Gold Medal.

As for me, I was just lying down in the Bahamas, drinking a smoothie, and watching my Prince Charming get killed—did I mention that I was dying.

Yep, I had been just as careless as Groundspider, fighting a legendary ninja. Even the emperor feared Silver Wolf. But I just had to leap into the air, looking all cool, and look at me now.

I had ended up as road kill; road kill that was just about to beaten by a wolf.

Yuck! What a disturbing image. I wonder if wolves eat spiders, because Groundspider was about to become rotten meat.

Anyways, Groundspider and Silver Wolf charged one another like a rampaging bull. Groundspider had on hando-burēdo—not hand burritos, but hand gloves—and Silver Wolf wielded a two-foot-long ninja sword.

Silver Wolf ducked at the last moment and swung his sword horizontally. I swore that I could hear the whoosh of the blade slicing through the air.

The blade would’ve left Groundspider with no legs if he hadn’t jumped.

Groundspider had jumped ten-feet into the air, clung to the ceiling with his hando-burēdo, and flung himself over Silver Wolf, landing softly on the tiled floor in a low crouch.

Silver Wolf had seen all of it and had tried to do a roundhouse kick on Groundspider, but Groundspider had craftily landed in a crouch, and the foot had hit only the air.

With Silver Wolf on one foot, Groundspider did a ha kyōfū no arashi (swinging one’s leg in a horizontal circle while in a crouch. It is intentionally done to trip one’s opponent.)

But Silver Wolf knew it all too well. He impaled his sword into the floor and used it to propel himself into the air.

Groundspider stopped before he got his foot amputated, dug his foot into the floor, and used his foot as an anchor as he performed a roundhouse kick to Silver Wolf’s torso.

Thrusting himself off his sword’s handle and into the air, Silver Wolf narrowly evaded Groundspider’s leg. But he had made a mistake by leaving behind his sword.

Groundspider grabbed it—which goes into number two of the most careless things he has done—and screamed. He tried to let go of the sword, but the metal layer had started to move across the surface of the sword’s handle, and onto Groundspider’s hand like frost.

Soon, the metal had enveloped Groundspider until he had become a metal statue—or Metalspider, if you must. Hey, that sounds sort of catchy.

Silver Wolf stood up and dusted himself off. “Well…that was exciting. But, I’m sorry. I can’t kill you now.”

Silver Wolf bent down and slammed his palm on the floor. Everything began to shake and tremble, like a miniature earthquake.

But then I felt like I was sinking in a pool of syrup. I looked at the floor. It was no longer a floor, but a gray pond. Groundspider and my body slipped right through, and we kept falling into an endless void.

Hope'd you liked it!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
big smile
If you liked it, then comment! Please.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
I'm sorry if you thought that Groundspider would win, but I think it would be better this way. Don't worry, soon you'll believe me.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
big smile
I'll post another chapter today, once I come out from Middle School.
over a year ago magic-cow said…
Yhea that was preaty good
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
(@childofaeolus): Where do you get those weird words?
(@Magic-cow): Yeah, ninja do rock.
(@kristalovepercy): Thanks for commenting! And I am about to post a chapter. IT will be dedicated to you for commenting.
(@Supporters): Thank you all all. I about to add another chapter, so stay posted. And could you guys add this story to your updates? It would help when I add a chapter.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kristalovepercy said…
big smile
this story is so cool i love it keep posting
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Okay, today. I will definitely post. I was helping my cousin to write his own fanfiction. If you want to read it, here's the link:
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Sorry for not posting in like forever. My computer started malfunctioning. So yeah. But I will post a chapter in a few minutes so stay posted.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
big smile
Chapter Six
(Snow Hawk)

Silver Wolf promised that he would kill me, but I never knew that I would die from boredom. The only thing that kept me awake was pain—it was everywhere, and, at least, it showed that I was still alive.

As a ninja, I was trained to see in the dark. But right now, this was darker than the night itself. Just imagine the life without the Sun; darkness everywhere, and then again, we wouldn’t be alive.

But was Groundspider still alive. I couldn’t hear any other sound besides my breathing, so I called out his name. Instead a cold hand clasped over my mouth.

“Shush…” said a voice. It reminded me of that man that we had met in the cages. I would’ve protested or fought back, but all the fight had been sapped out of me. The man picked me up in his arms and carried me away.

It felt like only a few minutes, but in this endless void, time didn’t seem to exist. Who knows, Groundspider could’ve grown a beard by now. I shivered at the unpleasant thought. No offense, but Groundspider was good just the way he was. But I should give him some slack for getting his butt kicked for my behalf. To me, that was pretty brave, which I hated. Women don’t always need men to watch over them as if they were defenseless pets. No. And to tell you the truth, I was not a defenseless woman, and I hated it when a man swoops in to rescue me. If I was Rapunzel, my Prince Charming would be the one needing to be saved—by me, of course.

The man slung me over his shoulder, and then thrust out his free arm, causing a huge chunk of the wall to melt away like lava. We walked out of the endless void and into a brightly lit hallway. I had never been so glad to see Groundspider in my life—even if he was just a hunk of metal.

The man gently placed me on the floor. I tried not to look into his beautiful brown eyes. He was still the enemy, and it would take a lot more than taking me out of a room to set things right between us.

The man walked toward Groundspider. He lay down on his knees beside him, and rested both his hands on the statue’s chest. As much as I hated to, I watched as the metal layer that encased Groundspider started to evaporate in fumes of gray steam. Groundspider’s color began to return to normal and the sword that he had been holding fell out of his hand. The man helped Groundspider to a sitting position. Groundspider seemed awfully stiff. Being a human, and then turning into a statue, and returning back to human form was a very turn of events. Even for a ninja like myself.

Now Groundspider was back to normal, I was free, Moonshadow was still in Silver Wolf’s fortress, and our enemy was standing right in front of us acting like a hero. That was a very bad equation. But as long as we were in the Air Temple, we were far from safe. And this could all be a trap.

I stared at Groundspider. We both exchanged uneasy looks. But it was final. We had to take this slowly; one obstacle at a time.

In other words, Groundspider punched the man.

His chin went high, and he spat out blood. I threw two pinged shuriken at the man and they twirled around him, the string that they were attached to wrapping him in a tight bundle. Once I knew that the bonding was firm, I tugged on the string. The man fell forward onto the floor with a soft thud. Groundspider loomed over him, awaiting another attack.

“What’s your name?” I demanded, tugging harder on the string to tighten the grip.

“Look guys—“

“What’s your name?!!”

The man lowered his head in defeat. “My name’s Hibachi.”

I thought about that for a while. The ma might’ve been lying.

“And why are you here?” Groundspider asked.

“Groundspider, please, let me handle this.” I faced the man. “And why are you here?”

“Look, you guys want a way out. Then I can show you.” The man wiggled around for a while and the string began to burn until it was useless lines of burnt wax. “Follow me. You may not trust me, but I am your only chance.”

Groundspider shrugged. He followed the man. But it could still be a trap. And I would never forgive myself if it was. A ninja had to take risks sometimes. It was life. And if it was a trap, I will stay a few paces behind. I glared at the man as he walked away with Groundspider at his heel.

I followed them.

Please comment!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
sorry didn't comment earlier I couldn't find your story..I didn't know this spot was for all types of stories.should've looked here earlier LOL
ok so this story is unlike any story I have ever read in a good way. it's interesting although I am not a fan of ninjas it is cool. nice names by the way. post soon :D this is really good
and read my MoA too! it's on top of popular content HoO spot
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Yeah, you can write anything on here. It just matters what you love. I love ninjas, action, mystery, and adventure. That's why I am putting so much into this story more than any other that I have ever written in my life.
over a year ago kristalovepercy said…
this is AWESOME! post SOON!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Thanks, Krista. You know what else is awesome? You are! xD
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Okay, guys, I just need FOUR more comments before I can post another chapter. Okay. I only need FOUR
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
sorry i couldn't comment earlier, Xavier
lol that never gets old
First of all, you definately did a great job making ninjas seem awesome.
Second of all, I have never heard more interesting names lol
Third of all, MAKE A MARK OF ATHENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I probably won't comment here often, but i will try
Keep posting
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Oh, and is this a fanfic, or an original story out of your head?
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
MisterPerfect1 (my brother) let me borrow this book. It was awesome. When I went to visit him in Australia, he was engrossed in this book. We hardly even talked that day. And then he let me read it, and now I'm engrossed. Yes, this is an actual book. Xavier (MisterPerfect1) said that when the second book comes out that he would make a fanfiction of that book. Just search up [Moonshadow Simon Higgins] on the internet. This story is awesome. Almost like the real thing. My brother makes me jealous of his good writing skills.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
I might post a chapter today or tommorow. It matters what mood I am in.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
(@NiceCatch and other supporters): Should I really make a Mark of Athena FanFiction?