The Fanfic Mark of Athena

dancergirl78 posted on Oct 26, 2011 at 07:45PM
Title: The Mark of Athena

Rating: I really don't know how the rating stuff works here...

Type: Adventure, friendship, romance-ish, humor (I guess)

Characters: Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Reyna, Octavian, Tyson, Ella

Synopsis: When the Argo II arrives at Camp Jupiter, conflicts and disputes between the Greeks and Romans arise.

Disclaimer: The story base, characters, and everything does not belong to me, it belongs to Rick Riordan, who created Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Heroes of Olympus.

The Fanfic 62 replies

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over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Chapter One

Annabeth swallowed nervously as hundreds—no, thousands, maybe—of people at the Roman camps came into view from the Argo II. She gripped her beaded necklace in her hand. What if Percy didn’t remember her? And what if… well, what if he had a girlfriend? Millions of thoughts whirled around in her head, and she couldn’t focus on just one. She heard someone sneak up behind her and turned around.
It was Piper. “You seem nervous.”
“Well, I’m not,” Annabeth snapped, but exhaled slowly when she realized how rude she was being. Calm down, she told herself.
“Sorry, Piper. I’m being rude. It’s just that…well, I am nervous.”
Piper simply stared at her with those kaleidoscopic eyes, as if reading her mind. “I know what you’re thinking. You’re worried about your boyfriend. Percy, isn’t it?”
Annabeth nodded, still staring at the camp, as it approached them slowly and slowly. Suddenly, she felt the ship stop moving.
“We’re here!” she heard Leo yell from inside the ship.
People poured out of the ship. Annabeth rushed out, pushing and shoving past people, keeping her eyes out for Percy. Her heart jolted as she spotted a familiar black-haired boy with sea green eyes standing next to a curly-haired girl and a chubby Asian boy.
Percy saw her too. Annabeth’s heart did a hundred jumping jacks in her chest as her own gray eyes met the green. She couldn’t help it. Did he remember her? Did he know who she was?
Finally, after what felt like hours of standing there, which was only for a split second, Percy spoke.
Percy grabbed her and embraced her in a big hug.
Annabeth almost cried tears of relief, but chose not to. “Percy. You—you remember me?”
“Duh,” Percy said teasingly, as they broke apart.
Annabeth smiled. It felt like a long time since she smiled. But she finally felt at home again.

As soon as he stepped off the ship, he was attacked by hundreds of familiar faces. Thousands of questions were aimed at him, and he barely managed to answer any of them.
“Are you alright?”
“You O.K.?”
“What happened?”
“It’s me, guys… It’s okay. I’m fine—great, really.”
Jason saw a girl with dark hair and a purple cloak hug coming towards him. She looked familiar. Suddenly, the realization flooded back to him. It was Reyna. His old girlfriend.
The girl, who looked like she had a permanent smile on her face, cracked a small smile. “You remember me.”
“Well, yeah. How could I not?”
It was awkward for two seconds, and then Reyna tackled him in a huge bear hug. “I missed you so much!”
Onlookers stared at the scene. One person wolf-whistled. Both Jason and Reyna turned red as they quickly untangled themselves from each other.
Suddenly, Jason’s heart started to pound as he saw Piper walking swiftly away, her head drooping down. Had she seen what had just happened? Jason sighed. He hoped not.
Just then, he heard a horn blow. The talking and laughter died down, and people covered their ears looked around. It was Octavian.

over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
awesome reunions
not to mushy
awesome awesome chapter
just use exclamation marks
and post soooooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh, and JIPER FTW!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
That was great! Post soon!
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
yay, thank you! I expected no one to comment, haha. I'll probably post soon, but I'll wait to see if other people will comment. :)
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
big smile
nice chapter! Im loving all this conflict and love-triangles and whatnot.
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Chapter Two

“Attention, please, Romans and…Greeks.” Octavian snarled and looked at Percy. He said the word Greeks as if it were the name of some contagious disease.
Murmurs rippled through the crowd like a big ocean wave.
“Shhh!” Octavian growled. “Listen, people. Us Romans do not need any help from you Greeks. So you can get back on your silly little boat and go back to wherever you came from. This is our problem, not yours, and we do not need foolish Greeks trying to interfere.”
“Do something!” Annabeth cried.
“Yes, you! You’re praetor, aren’t you?”
Percy tried calling out, but he could barely even hear himself over everyone.
“Shut up, Octavian!” a Roman camper yelled loudly.
Octavian fumed, his face turning as red as a tomato. “Who’s side are you on?” he blurted out.
Everyone started arguing. It was a disaster.
“Hey!” Percy said. “HEY!”
The quarreling and bickering seemed to stop. Percy stood and raised his voice. “They didn’t come here all this way to argue. They came here to help. If we all just sit here and argue, we’re not going to get anywhere. We have to work as a team.”
People murmured and nodded in agreement.
Octavian scoffed. “People, people! Are we really going to believe him? He’s just trying to trick us. Romans and Greeks never get along. And besides, Rome is known for their power and dominance. We can do just fine without any help.”
“No, Percy is right,” a strong, clear voice stated. It was Reyna. “We must find a way to work together. And you, sit down!” Reyna sounded a bit like her sister, Hylla. Octavian looked a little frightened and embarrassed as he sat down slowly.
Annabeth tugged at Percy’s sleeve and whispered in his ear, “That guy looks kind of familiar, doesn’t he?”
Percy scrunched his eyebrows together. “Who? You mean Octavian?” He looked at Octavian, but he didn’t seem familiar to Percy at all. “Not really.”
Annabeth shrugged but frowned. Percy wondered what she was thinking behind those stormy gray eyes. But after all, it was Annabeth. You never knew what she was thinking.

By dinner time, things hadn’t improved nor worsen. The Greek demigods and Roman demigods pretty much skirted around each other and didn’t really talk to one another. Maybe people really believed Octavian.
“Let’s go talk to Percy,” Hazel said to Frank when dinner was over. Frank sort of wanted to spend time alone with Hazel, but he let her drag him along.
They found Percy talking with a bunch of Camp Half-blood demigods that Frank didn’t know. He was telling the story about how he woke up after eight months of sleep.
Percy looked up and noticed Hazel and Frank standing there. “Oh, hey, guys! Sorry I didn’t introduce you yet. This is Hazel, daughter of Had—I mean, Pluto, and Frank, son of Mars.”
“Hey,” Hazel said.
“Hi,” Frank said nervously.
Everyone greeted them politely. They were much nicer than Frank expected, unlike most Roman demigods. And finally, after months of Percy talking about his girlfriend, Annabeth, they finally met her. She had blond hair and stormy gray eyes. She was nice, but seemed sort of of intimidating. She seemed like the kind of person who didn’t want anyone to mess with her. And there were the Stoll brothers, who looked as if they were about to steal something from you any second. And there was this weird, redheaded girl (Rachel or something) who wore a lot of bizarre clothing.
While Hazel and Annabeth got deep into conversation, seeming to get along, Frank talked to Percy. “So, Octavian finally gave up,” Percy said.
Frank nodded. “Seems like it.”
But Frank noticed that Percy looked kind of…nervous. No, worried. Like he had something else going on in his brain. “What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean?”
“You seem kinda nervous.”
Percy looked around to see if anyone was listening, but they were too busy chatting. Percy lowered his voice. “It’s the prophecy. You know, the one that Ella recited. About Athena’s mark burning through Rome and the wisdom daughter walking alone?”
Frank nodded.
“But that’s not it. I had a dream a couple of nights ago. Hera—I mean, Juno was in it. She told me stuff about the prophecy.”
Frank widened his eyes. “How come you never told Hazel and me about it?”
“I don’t know. I guess I was just so overwhelmed with everything that I forgot. I don’t think it was that important, though. But she told me that Annabeth—” Percy glanced over at his girlfriend, but she didn’t seem to be paying attention. She was discussing the architecture of Rome with Hazel.
“Anyway, she told me that Annabeth would be causing me lots of trouble. I have no idea what that means, but do you think the wisdom daughter from the prophecy is Annabeth?”
Frank shrugged. “It could be any child of Athena.”
“True. But it would be kind of weird if the prophecy were reffering to a random Athena kid. Hera hates Annabeth, so it makes sense, doesn’t it?”
Frank nodded. “I guess so, yeah.”
But before Percy could say anything else, it was announced that it was time for bed.
Frank went to go see Hazel off, but he noticed her talking with a curly-haired boy wearing a tool belt. He was most likely a Greek camper. He felt a pang of jealousy. Who was he and why was he talking to Hazel?
Frank hid behind a nearby tree so he could listen in.
"I'm sorry, you just look like someone I know," he heard Hazel say.
"Well, that someone you know must be handsome," the boy replied.
Hazel giggled, and Frank felt anger boil up inside of him. Who did that boy think he was, stealing his girlfriend?
Frank stepped out behind the tree. "Um, hi, Hazel."
"Frank! I didn't see you there. This is Sam--I mean, Leo. And Leo, this is Frank."
"Yo, what's up?" the boy called Leo said, sticking out his hand.
"Hi," Frank said stiffly, shaking it.
"Well, I better go," Leo said. "See you later, Hazel." He jogged towards his cabin.
"Who was that?" Frank blurted out once he was gone.
"That's Leo. He kind of reminded me of... never mind. It's nothing."
Frank frowned. He kissed Hazel good night and went off the bed. But as he got dressed and climbed into bed, he thought of how Hazel looked so happy chatting with Leo. But, too exhausted to even think, Frank doze off.
Sorry that chapter was a little boring... hopefully I'll get more views before I post again. Remember to comment! :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
guys I need more replies or else I can't post another chapter! D: please comment! thank you!
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
I love it! please post soon!!!!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Awesome awesome awesomeeeeeeeeeee chapter
And personally, I am with Lazel over Frazel
Which means Leo has got to destroy Frankkkkkk!
lol Leo still as funny as ever
Post soon!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
that was great :) post soon
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
lol but doesnt percy say in SoN that Octavian reminds him of someone too? like luke maybe?
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
oh yeah LAZEL FTW
over a year ago parras2 said…
post soon
over a year ago parras2 said…
oops I meant to put a smile but my finger slip
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
big smile
Amazing chapter
please post soooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago ninjagirl77 said…
yes Lazel!!! No offense to Frank and Frazel fans, but i didn't really like Frank...
Anyway ότι ήταν μεγάλη! that's Greek! I hope it translated right...
over a year ago parras2 said…
post soon
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Right, sorry! I'll post the next chapter in an hour or so. Remember to keep commenting.
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Change of plans... D: I gotta go soon so I guarantee you that I will post tomorrow. Ciao!
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Chapter Three

Piper stared down at her plate, playing with her food as she tried to ignore Reyna’s constant talking.
It was breakfast time, and she was sitting with Jason, Leo, and, unfortunately, Reyna. It wasn’t like Piper didn’t like her, of course. Piper thought Reyna was pretty cool. But she couldn’t help but feel…well, a little jealous. No, that wasn’t it. She felt a lot jealous. Piper and Jason were almost off to a good start, but things got kind of awkward right when they arrived at Camp Jupiter and Reyna made a big scene.
Piper sighed quietly, barely touching her food. She wasn’t hungry anyway. She looked around. She saw Annabeth with a guy with dark hair and sea green eyes (who Piper figured was the famous Percy Jackson) and some other campers. Annabeth finally looked happy. Her stormy gray eyes were glowing as she sat close to her boyfriend. It seemed as if they never took her eyes off of him.
“Um, hello?”
Piper took her eyes off of the other campers. She finally realized that Reyna was talking to her, and blood rose to her face. “Oh, sorry, what was that?”
Piper found it hard to tell what Reyna was thinking; her expression was as hard as a rock. She looked at Leo, who shrugged. Then she shifted her eyes over to Jason and noticed that he avoiding her eyes.
“I said, how long have you known Jason?”
Piper swallowed. “Oh, um, a long time.”
Reyna raised an eyebrow. “Interesting.”
When breakfast was over, Reyna left while everyone was tidying up, four people came over to their table: Annabeth, Percy, a curly-haired girl with gold eyes, and a burly Asian boy whom Piper didn’t recognize. A strange-looking red bird with a woman’s head followed them, shaking out her feathers.
Annabeth and Percy slid onto the bench next to her and Leo, and the other two sat across from them next to Jason. The red bird lady sat at the curly-haired girl’s shoulders.
“We need to talk,” Percy announced.
Glances were exchanged.
“Talk? About what?” Jason asked.
Percy glanced left and right as if to make sure nobody else was listening, and then lowered his voice as he spoke. “A lot of things. First thing’s first—Octavian doesn’t seem like himself.”
Everyone looked over to Octavian, who had a suspicious look on his face. He didn’t touch his breakfast, and he was staring absently down at the table. Even though Piper didn’t even know the guy, she had to admit, he didn’t seem normal to her. He looked as if he were scheming something.
"You're right," Piper said.
Percy nodded. "We came to talk about the prophecy too.”
“Which one?” asked the girl with the curly hair. Her eyes golden eyes gleamed.
“Hold on a second, Hazel, you mean there’s two prophecies?” Annabeth asked, frowning.
“Um, yeah…” said Percy uncomfortably. “I didn’t tell you about that one yet. Sorry.”
Suddenly, the bird lady starts talking:
“Wisdom’s daughter walks alone,
The mark of Athena burns through Rome.”
It wasn’t until after that in which Piper realized that the bird lady had just recited an actual prophecy.
“She can talk?” Leo asked, amazed.
“Her name is Ella!” the bird lady squawked, smoothing her feathers. “And yes, she can talk!” People from different tables stared, probably thinking, What the heck?
“Sorry,” Leo mumbled.
Behind Annabeth’s stormy gray eyes, Piper could tell that her brain was working overtime.
Piper wondered who wisdom’s daughter could be. Athena’s the god of wisdom, right?
Piper didn’t realize that she had just said it aloud until Jason said, “Right, Piper. The prophecy has to be referring to a child of Athena…” His voice trailed off and he glanced at Annabeth, but she looked too busy trying to figure things out to notice.
“Well, it could be anyone,” the sturdy-looking Asian boy said quickly, and the girl named Hazel agreed.
"But wait, how does Ella know the prophecy? What if that's not it? Or what if there's more to it?" Annabeth questioned.
But before anybody could speak, it was announced that everyone was to meet in the Senate.
Piper must’ve seemed confused, because Percy explained to her, “The Senate is pretty much like the Big House at Camp Half-blood. You’ll see.”
In front of the Senate, which was enormous—an armless statue started talking. Geez, Piper thought, How much weirder could things get? First a talking bird, now a talking statue?
“Excuse me, Greeks, but you need to hand over your weapons to me before you enter,” the statue said, and started calling for someone named Julia.
A little girl in pigtails wearing a blue dress came out from behind the statue and giggled. She was holding a tray which contained a knife, a hair clip, a piece of gross-looking chewed up gum, and a salt shaker, which seemed kind of weird to Piper.
“Put your weapons on the tray,” the statue said. “Oh, and for you Greek demigods, I am Terminus.”
“Terminus? That name sounds sorta familiar…” Leo said, wrinkling his nose.
The statue glared at Leo.“You idiot boy, I am Terminus, the famous Roman god. Surely you have not heard of him?”
“No, sorry,” said Leo, not seeming to care.
After the others, Piper set Katoptris onto the tray. She didn’t really trust the little six-year-old girl with her dagger, but what else could she do?
She stepped inside the building and gasped. Next to her, Leo whistled and said, “Gods, this whole place is huge.”
That pretty much summed up what Piper was thinking. Not just the building, but the architecture at Camp Jupiter was amazing. Annabeth was probably thinking the same thing.
Piper strained her neck to locate Annabeth. Finally, she saw her a few people ahead, holding hands with Percy, jabbering away. Piper could’ve sworn she heard the words ‘Roman architecture.’ She smiled to herself.
She felt someone nudge her arm and she turned around. It was Jason, and surprisingly Reyna was nowhere near him. “C’mon, let’s get to the Fifth Cohort.”
Fifth Cohort? What’s that supposed to mean? Piper asked herself as Jason dragged her over to the back of the room. She didn’t want to say it out loud, though, because she knew she’d sound clueless, and she didn’t want to make a fool out of herself in front of Jason.
Piper watched as Reyna rose gracefully from her seat. “Romans and Greeks, if I could please have your attention.”
That was only half of the chapter. I'm going to be busy later so I'll probably either post the next half tonight or tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed it so far.
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Guuys, I don't mean to be annoying, which I know I already am, but I need more commentssss...
over a year ago someone3724 said…
okay then hi
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
MORE COMMENTS PEOPLE!! YOU HEARD HER!! hi! love the story! post soon!
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Thank you guys for commenting! :) I really appreciate it.
At once, the chatter died down immediately. Hazel had to admit, Reyna did seem kind of intimidating. Her dark eyes were piercing and her expression was the same; you could never tell what was going on inside of her head. And her voice sounded so loud, clear, and almost queen-like, like her sister Hylla.
Reyna cleared her throat and glanced at Jason. “As you all probably know, Jason has returned.”
The room exploded into applause as people craned their necks to see Jason, who was standing with some brown-haired girl whom Hazel didn’t know. It didn’t look like he was enjoying the attention. His face was bright red.
“Um, hi, guys,” said Jason, his face as red as a tomato. “I know most of you are thinking that it must’ve been horrible to stay at the Greek camps for eight months, but they were friendly to me and took care of me. They aren’t bad at all.”
Murmurs filled the room, but Reyna continued, ignoring everybody. “Thank you, Jason. Anyway, Percy Jackson is now praetor, so Jason will be part of the Fifth Cohort.”
All eyes turned towards Percy, who looked a little uncomfortable.
“Anyway, I called you all here because we have some important things to discuss,” Reyna said. “Firstly, all of us, including us Romans and you Greeks, must learn to trust each other.”
Hazel could’ve sworn she saw Reyna glance at Annabeth when she said that, but Annabeth stared straight ahead, her expression unable to read just like her stormy gray eyes.
Through the whole meeting, Hazel couldn’t stop thinking about Leo. He reminded her so much of Sammy, and it didn’t help that he looked exactly like him too. There was no way that he could be him, though. He didn’t even show any signs of knowing Hazel when they met.
Hazel put her attention back on Reyna, who was looking at Octavian. “That means we must make an effort to get along and be friendly to one another, like Jason said.”
Octavian scowled, but instead of saying something negative like he usually did, he grumbled, “She’s right.”
Hazel was surprised, and suddenly realized Percy was right. Octavian wasn’t acting like himself. Frank seemed to be thinking the same thing when they both exchanged a worried glance.
Reyna seemed to be a little surprised herself. “Right. Anyway, I’m afraid I’ll have to cut this meeting short, but remember, Capture the Flag Romans versus Greeks after dinner.”
The room broke into chatter and jabber, and Hazel went over to talk with Frank, Percy, and Annabeth.
“There’s something strange about Octavian,” Percy said.
“Yeah,” Hazel agreed. “There certainly is.”
But she was staring at Leo, who was coming her way.
Thanks for reading. I'll probably post the next chapter tomorrow.
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
post soon
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
oh ya i made 2nd page
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
This is awesome!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said… epic Lazel senses are tingling! lol
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Chapter Four

Leo kind of liked this Hazel girl. He liked her curly, dark cinnamon hair and her shiny gold eyes. He liked the way she giggled at everything he said. But there was something odd about her. She called him ‘Sammy’ a few times, whoever that was, and then she was all, ‘Do I know you?’ Oh, well. Maybe he just reminded her of someone.
He thought about this as he started heading her way after the meeting. He gave Hazel a brief smile before he turned to the others.
“I don’t believe I know you,” Leo said to a dark haired boy with sea green eyes holding hands with Annabeth.
The boy grinned, shaking it. “Percy Jackson.”
“Ah, the most famous Percy Jackson,” Leo said, mustering his best British accent and curtsying with an imaginary skirt. “Very well to meet you.”
He turned to Frank, the guy he’d met last night. He noticed that he was standing especially close to Hazel, which kind of bothered him for some reason. “Ah, I believe we’ve met already, haven’t we? Fred, correct?”
The truth was, Leo knew that his name was really Frank, but he just felt like messing with him.
The guy turned a weird shade of red. “It’s Frank,” he said through clenched teeth.
“Right,” Leo said, grinning. He glimpsed furtively at Hazel, who looked a little uncomfortable. She wouldn’t meet anyone’s eyes and stared down at the ground.
Was it just him, or was Hazel acting really weird?

After the meeting at the Senate, Percy took Annabeth by the hand and pulled her away from the crowd. Annabeth suppressed a smile. She was more than glad to find out that her boyfriend was back and alive—and without a girlfriend.
Before she could speak, Percy took her gently by the shoulders and kissed her. Annabeth breathed in that warm, familiar scent of seasalt. Behind them, Annabeth could hear someone wolf-whistling. They broke apart and looked around.
It was Leo. “Annabeth and Percy sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!”
A few people watching sniggered. Annabeth and Percy were both red in the faces. As Leo ran away, laughing, Percy turned to Annabeth with a half amused, half bemused smile on his face.
“He gets annoying after you get used to him for a while,” Annabeth informed him, though she smiled.
But something else caught her eye. She saw a sour-looking Reyna walking away with her chin held up high, her purple cloak trailing behind her and her two dogs pacing at her side. Annabeth’s smile faltered.
Percy noticed her frown, and asked, “What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing.” But when Percy raised her eyebrows, she said, “It’s just that girl, Reyna. I don’t like her. She just seems so…cold. And unfriendly.”
Percy rolled his eyes. “Well, maybe you don’t like her because you two are both so much alike.”
“Me and her? Alike? Yeah, right,” she said, glaring at him. There was no way she and Reyna were alike. Reyna was just so stiff and formal—and not to mention Roman. Annabeth knew it was wrong, but ever since they arrived at Camp Jupiter, she started to dislike the Romans. And that Octavian guy, too! He seemed so…well, stupid. But strangely enough, he somehow reminded her of someone else she knew.
Sorry this chapter was so short, but I hope you liked it!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Post soon
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon !
over a year ago Helen_of_Troy said…
Awesome chapter post soon!!!
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Thanks :) Sorry I haven't been posting in a while, I'm really busy D:
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Chapter Five

Jason was talking with Piper when someone was approaching behind him. He turned around. It was Reyna. He groaned inwardly. It wasn’t that Jason didn’t like her, which he totally did. He was actually kind of had a crush on her, but he liked Piper at the same time. Was he supposed to pick one of them or something? It was all too confusing.
“Jason, we need to talk.” She looked at Piper briefly, then said stiffly, “Alone.”
Piper raised her eyebrows, folding her arms across her chest.
“Um, talk to you later,” Jason mumbled to Piper, then followed Reyna into a secluded place near a big shady tree.
Jason shoved his hands in his pockets, feeling kind of nervous. He felt like he was in trouble at school and he was about to get scolded by a teacher. What was she going to say to him?
Reyna took a deep breath. “I’m sorry to say this, Jason, but I…I don’t think I want to…um, date you anymore.”
Jason felt heat rise to his face. Technically, they hadn’t really been dating. It had just been awkward when Jason came back. He wasn’t sure how he should feel—disappointed or relieved. “Oh.”
“It’s just that ever since you arrived, it’s just been…I don’t know. Weird between us. And you’ve been spending an awful amount of time with that Aphrodite girl. But I hope we can become good friends,” Reyna said, managing a smile.
“Wait a second, you mean Piper?” Jason’s throat felt dry all the sudden, a blood rose to his face. “We’re just friends.”
Reyna just smiled and simply said, “Goodbye, Jason.”
Jason felt strange as he walked away. That had certainly been a very interesting conversation. He felt kind of…disappointed. He liked Reyna, and she liked him. They’d been going out before Jason disappeared. And she had just broken up with him.
When he approached Piper, she just gave him a puzzled glance, as if to say, What was that about?
“She just wanted to talk. About the prophecy,” Jason lied.
Piper nodded, but she didn’t look satisfied with his answer. She asked if he was OK, seeming to have been studying his face carefully, as if trying to figure out what they’d been discussing.
Jason assured her that he felt perfectly fine and put on his best smile. But on the inside, he didn’t know what he felt.
There ya go! It's only the first half, but I'll try to post the second half ASAP. Enjoy!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Awesome! Post soon.!
over a year ago PJforever14 said…
Post soon please !!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
ASAP mean soon?! It's been three days! Dont worry take your time.
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Haha sorry bout that. I'm going to post later, I promise.
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
“Annabeth’s gone!”
Chiron, who was talking to Clarisse, turned to face Percy and placed a firm hand on his shoulder. “Calm down, my boy. What did you say?”
Percy paced back and forth while he fingered Riptide in his pocket. He explained everything in a rush.
“Annabeth’s missing! When Annabeth didn’t come down for breakfast, I knew something was up, so I asked some campers if they’d seen her, but nobody said they did, so then I asked Rachel and Piper and they said that they didn’t see her when they woke up and all of her stuff was there.”
Chiron started trotting back and forth, his chestnut tail swishing, which was a sign that he was very worried. Even Clarisse looked concerned. But so was Percy. A few days ago they had finally reunited, and Percy was the happiest he’d ever been in his life. And now this?
Chiron turned to Clarisse. “Clarisse, help Percy search around the camp. In the meantime, I’ll see what I can do. Good luck.”
Chiron cantered away, leaving Percy and Clarisse alone.
“What are you waiting for? C’mon, let’s go!” Clarisse growled.
First, Percy and Clarisse stopped by Annabeth’s cabin. Annabeth’s bed wasn’t made, in fact, it was rather messy for a neat freak like her, and there was a note on her pillow.
Percy picked it up, and it took him a long time to read the note because of his dyslexia. In untidy handwriting, the note read:
“In case you’re window…I mean, wondering, I tap—captured that Annabelle girl. If you wish to have her rerun—returned, then fool…I mean, follow my orders. Sincerely, Juno.”
Suddenly, Percy felt his blood go cold. Juno. He should have known. He clutched Riptide in his pocket. What did she do to Annabeth? He wanted to kill Hera—or Juno, that is.
Clarisse scowled and flipped the note around. On the back was a paragraph. But when Percy looked closer, it looked a little familiar. His heart started pounding in his chest—it was the prophecy that Ella had recited, except different.
“Wisdom’s daughter walks alone,
The mark of Athena burns through Rome.
Seven half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm or fire, the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.”

Percy and Clarisse exchanged worried glances. They both knew that the last four lines were the Great Prophecy—or, rather, the Prophecy of Seven, as the Romans called it.
Percy and Clarisse raced out of the cabins to go find the centaur. When they found him, they both tried to talk at the same time.
“The Great Prophecy—”
“There was a note—”
“Juno took Annabeth—”
“And then it said—”
“We have to go—”
Chiron frowned. “Calm down, my dears. What are you trying to tell me?”
Clarisse glared at Percy, which was a way of telling him that she wanted to speak. “We found a note on Annabeth’s bed. I think you’d better read it instead of us telling you.”
Chiron took the note and read it over. His expression hardened.
“The prophecy,” he muttered. “I should’ve known.”

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
This is getting scary! No it isn't it's getting very interesting! I love it! Post soon!!!
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
O.O awesome
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon! I'm di'en here!
over a year ago PJforever14 said…
sooo awesome !! post soon !!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
why dont you post :(
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
is this abandoned?
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
That was awesome!!!! I love it!! Post soon or when ever you can!