The Fanfic The Mark of Athena by Kronos429

Kronos429 posted on Oct 29, 2011 at 03:03AM
Hey everyone! So, this is my first fanfic here and i hope you like it! (btw im not really like mushy with anything K?) for those of you who've read my preview you might want to restart from the beginning because i added a BUNCH of stuff. Anyways; here goes
Title: The Mark of Athena
Rating: T
Type: Adventure; action; friendship/romance; maybe (not likely) humor
Chracters: Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Reyna, Hylla, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Octavian, Ella, Tyson, Nico, various gods
OC: Hailee Melyneux
Synopsis: The sequel to the Son of Neptune; the greeks meet the romans, will they work together or not? What will happen to the seven?
Disclaimer: Rick Riordan owns Heroes of Olympus! Not me!
A/N: So my first fanfic... I really hope you like it; here goes nothing...
last edited on Nov 14, 2011 at 09:03PM

The Fanfic 280 replies

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over a year ago Kronos429 said…

Jason was restless, Leo was hyped up (as usual), Thalia looked sick, and Annabeth was sulking. Piper couldn't blame them, she felt sick herself.
She glared at Leo as he steered the ship absently.
"Leo!" Piper exclaimed. "You're going to get us killed!"
"Chill Beauty Queen," Leo said, grinning. "I got this."
She kept glaring at him until he sighed, defeated.
"Fine," Leo grumbled, as he took a firmer hold on the wheel.
She sighed, relieved. It wouldn't do any good to die now, she thought. She glanced over at Jason, who was lost in thought. She wondered if he was thinking about his friends and his (possible) girlfriend. She knew that's what she was thinking. She sighed, thinking about all those memories created by the Mist. She wished they were real, all of them.
She shook herself off. What's your problem Mclean, she scolded herself. You have bigger things to worry about. Like whether the Romans will attack or not.
She shuddered. What was to stop the Romans from attacking them? She just had to believe that this Percy guy had convinced the Romans to welcome them. She also hoped that when they saw Jason, they wouldn't attack. But some small part of her warned that the Romans would not be at all friendly.
She could hear Leo yelling orders as they prepared to land. All the senior campers from Camp Half-blood hastened to obey.
Piper stared. This wasn’t a camp. This was an entire city modeled after Rome. Piper couldn’t believe all this amazing architecture. She could see beautiful buildings as they slowly descended. She saw great statues and temples for the roman gods.
No way, Piper thought. Piper leaned over the edge to get a closer look. Yep, they were definitely aqueducts. She couldn’t believe they had aqueducts. She knew normally Annabeth would be right next to her, pointing out all the buildings and such. Judging by what everyone said, she loved architecture. But Annabeth clearly wasn’t in the mood right now
As they neared the ground Piper saw something amazing. Piper could scarcely believe her eyes. Right before her were 200 some campers, at least twice the number camp half-blood had. She gulped.
She heard a soft *thump* as the ship hit the ground.
Piper stepped out, heart beating fast. She put on a brave face.
"Um-hi everyone," she said awkwardly.
The Romans stared, dumbfounded. They obviously hadn't expected an approach like that. She could hear everyone clambering out behind her.
Then, a girl in a purple cloak shouted something in Latin. Piper figured that this girl was probably the leader. She guessed that she had ordered everyone to lower their weapons, which is what everyone did.
They started muttering amongst themselves.
The girl in purple calmly said, "Welcome, Greeks."
Out of the corner of her eye, Piper saw Jason come forward and she held her breath.
The Romans were shocked. Even the girl in purple, who had looked calm the whole time, looked shocked.
"Jason?" she said. "Is that really you?”
"Uh-yeah," he replied self-consciously.
"So you're Jason," someone mused.
When Piper saw the speaker, she immediately knew who it was. She had only ever seen him in pictures but there was no mistaking him. It was Annabeth's lost boyfriend, Percy Jackson. She glanced at Annabeth, waiting to see her reaction. Annabeth's face lit up when she saw Percy, but at the same time the Daughter of Athena looked scared.
“And you’re Percy Jackson,” Jason said as a statement rather than a question. “Let me guess, your Praetor now right?”
“Yeah,” Percy said. “But you can be Praetor again if you want to, I-,”
“No,” Jason cut in. “I’ve failed my camp by being away. You’re praetor now.”
Percy looked self-conscious but he nodded. As Jason walked away, he was mobbed by his old friends. He laughed as they carried him away. The Romans dispersed and Camp Half-blood stood there.
Piper’s eyes flitted between Annabeth and Percy as they stared at each other. Piper could feel Annabeth’s anxiety right now.
“Um- I don’t-.”
“Oh,” Annabeth said softly, looking down. “So you don’t remember.”
Percy stared at her, and then he doubled over, laughing.
“You- actually thought- you should’ve seen your face!” Percy yelled gleefully.
Annabeth had realized that Percy was joking. She punched him on the shoulder.
“Ow,” Percy said. “What was that for?”
“That wasn’t funny Percy!” she said angrily. “I actually beli-.” She faltered. “Did you say ow?” she asked, bewildered. “But I thought you had the Curse of Achilles so…”
“Apparently, the Curse of Achilles is a Greek curse only,” Percy replied. “So when I crossed into Roman territory, it faded.”
“Wait,” Piper asked. “You had The Curse of Achilles!?”
“Cool!” Leo exclaimed “That gives you like invincibility right?”
Piper nodded.
“So if someone goes up to you and he’s all like ‘I’m gonna kill you’. And you just go like ‘bring it’ and it bounces off you and he’s like ‘whoa!’ and then you like kill him?! How cool is that bro!!”
“Leo,” she chided. “You’re embarrassing yourself”
Percy looked at Leo strangely. “Is he always this weird?” Percy asked.
“Sadly enough, yes,” Piper replied “We can’t get him to shut up.”
“Hey!” Leo declared hotly.
“Leo, shut up,” Piper said exasperatingly.
“No!” he yelled firmly.
“See what I mean?”
“Uh- okay then…” Percy said. “Hey everyone, its been a while.”’’
Camp Half-blood crowded around Percy, asking him questions.
“How long have you been her?”
“Any good adventures lately?”
“Lost your invincibility huh? Bummer.”
“Whoa! Nice tattoo! Where’d you get it?”
“Hey Percy!” Thalia yelled. “How’re you doing? Oh and you know Jason?! He’s my little brother!
“No way,” Percy said, shaking his head. “You mean like same mom and dad?!”
“Yep, he’s definitely my brother,” Thalia grinned.
“Nice to see you too Thalia.”
“Percy?” Annabeth asked. “Where’s Nico?”
A shadow fell on Percy’s face.
“He’s being held by Gaea,” Percy replied, with a look of pure hatred, directed at the ground itself.

ik its kinda short but...
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
hmmmmm i like it! post soon! (also, pleeeeeease dont kill percabeth!)
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
thanx and lol i probably wont
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
i LOVE it please post soon!!!!
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
oh thanx im workin on it right now
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
over a year ago v_lav said…
loved the convo about the curse of achilles it was hilarious exactly how Leo should be
“So if someone goes up to you and he’s all like ‘I’m gonna kill you’. And you just go like ‘bring it’ and it bounces off you and he’s like ‘whoa!’ and then you like kill him?! How cool is that bro!!”
this was great post soon and keep at it my forum that's on popular content is also my first fanfic so don't worry about it
a few words of advice with ur fanfic make sure you have a plot already forming in your head. Always be descriptive example if you walked into a room you would explain what it looks like. 3rd character development like the relationships that the characters have and last but not least make sure that when writing in a another characters Pov make sure they have emotion like I screamed in anger meaning that whoever it was, was angry and it gives us a description of their personality use this with new characters and old ones too.
hope this helps just some advice don't hate on me for it
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
oh thanx for the advice v_lav
lol thats what i thought leo would've done, its how i see him
over a year ago Xhoni said…
Hey "Kronos" It's Xhoni lol. I read this and it was really good =) When it ended I was like "nooooooo, I wanna read more!" Lol. Anyways during this paragraph

"Fine," Leo grumbled, as he took a firmer hold on the wheel.
She sighed, relieved. It wouldn't do any good to die now, she thought. She glanced over at Jason, who was lost in thought. She wondered if he was thinking about his friends and his (possible) girlfriend. She knew that's what she was thinking.

I'm not sure if it's not making sense to me, or if you just typed it wrong, but it says "She knew that's what she was thinking." Idk if im correct, but isn't it supposed to be what "he" was thinking? I think this because shes talking about Jason. Anyways it's all really good :D Continue on making more and good luck!
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
lolll really xhoni?

shes not talking about Jason...
shes talking about herself, it was originally in bold but for some reason that didnt come out
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
it was really good
sorry i didn't comment before lol
over a year ago eejin2 said…
big smile
Post soon Kronos429! the first chapter was really good! cant wait! haha
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
k im either gonns post today or tommorow
but.... if i get held behind from writers block or something itll be on thursday (at the latest)
oh and i ususally will post once or twice a week

btw im currently writing the 2nd chapter in jason POV and im wondering if i should change it. help?
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Cool story so far. I think you should do all of the POVs
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
oh i am
(plus extra that you will be surprised to see)
anyways im done with the 2nd chapter and it will be up tommorow, i just need to edit it
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
um it might be up on thursday sorry. i need to write a chapter for combined MoA so that might might push it back to thursday
over a year ago Kronos429 said…


Jason laughed in spite of himself. It was embarrassing to be carried away by his friends. Yet he had to admit he was enjoying it.
They set him down in front of the temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus.
That is definitely an overstatement, he thought, snickering. Thunder rumbled in the distance.
He looked around, reminiscing. He could see many familiar faces, and new ones too.
He was kind of upset when Percy had told him that he wasn’t Praetor anymore, but Percy had earned it.
But it was obvious that all these people still saw him as a sort of leader. Jason knew that Percy sidn’t want to be a leader. How? It was just his aura, you could feel that he wasn’t the leader type, yet was always the leader.
The only thing that he cared about right now was that he was back home.
Then Jason saw Reyna. His heart did a little tap-dance as she approached. They stared at eachother for a while until Reyna said,”Welcome back Jason.”
Jason blushed. “Um- thanks,” he said, unsure of what to say exactly. Reyna’s gaze drifted to his face and her look said something like, We need to talk. And he agreed.
Then Reyna grabbed his arm and held it up high. “It is my pleasure to welcome back our old Praetor, Jason Grace!” Everyone cheered in approval. He couldn’t believe how loud they were. But then Jason noticed one person not cheering. Octavian.

Octavian sneered up at him. Jason could feel hatred emanating from him as he said that. Jason looked on with equal hatred. He remembered this guy. Always trying to convince the campers that he was the best. “Well,” he said, clapping his hands together mockingly. “Isn’t this a surprise! Jason Grace. Our old Praetor. I can’t say that I’m glad to see you, because I would be lying.” He said amusingly.
“Octavian-,” Reyna started.
“Oh please Praetor,” he said, smirking. “Don’t tell me you’re going to defend him?! He’s been gone for 8 months, 8 months And you expect us to welcome him back? I say we kick him out of the legion, and let him fend for himself.”
At that moment, Jason saw how dangerously effective Octavian’s plan to kick him out could be. Not many people had the power to resist Octavian and his words. He had to speak up for himself, or else he’d be kicked out of the legion.
“Romans!” he shouted commandingly, into dead silence. Everyone looked at him expectantly, even Octavian, but with a smirk on his face.
“I was sent to the Greek camp,” he said. “Just as Percy Jackson was sent here. Juno did this to combat the new threat that is rising, the giants- and Gaea. The prophecy of the 7. Those 7 are divided between the Greeks and the Romans. So to defeat Gaea and her minions, we must combine forces.”
The Romans started muttering about how crazy this was.
Jason continued. “We are all just one big family, and it has been divided for too long. Even my sister, who is a hunter of Artemis, is Greek.”
Reyna spoke up. “How is that possible?” she asked. “How can she be Greek and your sister?”
“I’ll tell you later,” Jason said, out of the corner of his mouth.
Reyna nodded.
The Romans dispersed. He couldn’t tell if he had made a good speech or not. But he could still sense unease amongst them. As he was leaving, Reyna grabbed him.
“I-um- need you to do something,” she said, fidgeting nervously.
“Um-it would be great if you could gather up the Greeks and bring them to the Senate house,” she said awkwardly.
“Okay,” he agreed.
“Thanks a lot Jason.” She looked relieved.
He watched her as she walked unsteadily toward the Senate house. He had to talk with her later. But right now, he had to go find Percy Jackson.

its kinda short...
the next chapter is in Nico's POV!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Nice chapter!
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
wow that was a pretty bad chapter...

but itll do for now

anyways you wont have to wait as long for the next chapter
fixed :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
that was not a bad chapter! it was really good.
over a year ago v_lav said…
been a while since you posted what am I on about i haven't posted either in 2 days and don't worry about the chapter it's good
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
not bad chapter! GREAT CHAPTER!!! YOU NOW GET(drumroll) a cake! its cake flavored!
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
yes!!! my fav. kind :)
over a year ago Kronos429 said…


Nico looked around him.
His head hurt. Where am I? he wondered. He tried to stand up, but his arms and legs were chained to the ground. He cursed in ancient Greek. He leaned back and took a closer look at his surroundings. He was in some sort of dark cave. Earthen tendrils stuck out from the ceiling. Then he saw what the walls were made of and he cursed again. The walls were made of soil.
Gaea he thought viscously.Great, now what do I do? he asked himself.
Nico focused, trying to summon some skeletons to free him. Nothing happened. He could feel his power being suppressed just by being in this cavern.
He shuddered. He didn’t like this cavern at all. He shivered. Something- a cold presence had just entered the cave. Some of the tendrils cracked as they froze over. There stood the goddess of snow, Khione.

Khione smiled coldly. “Well son of Hades,” she said.” We meet again.”
Nico gulped. He could figure out easily enough what she wanted. Last time they had met, he had destroyed half the ice statues in the palace. Boreas had been away and he had left Khione in charge. He grinned at the though of Khione getting in trouble. Dang that goddess was mean.
He noticed Khione glowering at him. He stopped grinning at once. Khione regarded him coldly.
“I have a bone to pick you demigod,” Khione said, glaring at him. “You can not imagine the pain I endured when my father returned home to find half his collection destroyed.”
Nico knew he should keep quiet, but he couldn’t help himself. “Why? What’d he do to?” Nico asked.
“He put me in a sauna!” Khione said. “And it’s your fault! I am the goddess of snow; do you think that being in a sauna is enjoyable?”
Nico smirked. “Maybe,” he said
Khione’s eyes flashed dangerously bright. “If I had my way demigod, you would already be dead,” she spat. “Unfortunately, my mistress has commanded me not to kill you.” She said this distastefully.
Nico was surprised. Why would Gaea want him alive? It made no sense.
“I must abide by her wishes. But mark my words demigod, if we meet again-“
Nico shuddered at the thought of fighting this goddess.
Khione continued. “But right now, you have a visitor,” she smirked.
Oh no, Nico thought. It must be Gaea.
“I will leave you now,” she said. And with that, she disappeared.
The cave instantly warmed up. He hadn’t even realized that he had been shivering uncontrollably the whole time. Nico knew that Gaea wouldn’t leave him alive without a reason. He had to figure out the reason, and use it to his advantage. But Nico could not wait. He knew that whatever Gaea had in store for him, it was not pleasant. He was so desperate; he even tried to shadow travel away. Of course it didn’t work. All it did was drain his remaining energy. He suddenly felt exhausted. No, I cant fall-
Nico fell to the ground, fast asleep.
Of course he had a dream. He saw his father Hades, bending over a piece of paper. Nico watched as all the color drained from his face.
“No-,” he muttered. “Not him-,”
Nico wanted to yell out, but before he could, his dream shifted.
This time, he saw a huge maple tree in the middle of central park. It was really strange. That was the only tree around for a hundred feet on either side. Even as he watched, a figure emerged piece by piece from the Maple. Nico couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The Titan Hyperion had escaped his prison.

Nico woke up in cold sweat. He didn’t want to believe what he had seen was true, but he couldn’t deny it. The thing is, he knew demigods dreams weren’t just dreams. They were real. Whether it was in the present or future, he didn’t know. All he knew was that Hyperion would rise sooner or later. And nothing could stop him from combining forces with Gaea. Not even the gods. He suddenly felt a massive presence very close to him.
Nico gulped nervously. Gaea had come for him.
over a year ago v_lav said…
Nice cliffhanger very nice
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Nice chapter!
over a year ago Persephone16 said…
I like your story! I'm glad you got me to read it! Hope you figure out what to write soon.
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
HA, i love cake flavored cake too! Ya, know what it tastes like? cake. DUH! I like how khione[or however you spell it] got put in a suana! Ha R.R should use that in HIS story! Anyhow please post soon!
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Love it so far
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
This is amazing!!!!! POst soon!!!!
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
im sorry i haven't posted, I had writers block
over a year ago Safree said…
yup writers blocks suck but post when u can
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
yeah ik

Welcome :)
over a year ago Kronos429 said…


Percy grinned widely. He felt like he was back home. His friends threw dozens of questions at him. But not everyone was here. Only the counselors of the main cabins were here.
When he couldn’t take it anymore, he held up his hands to shield himself. Just then a little girl about 9 or 10 years old pulled on his sleeve. Percy looked down. She had long, silky black hair and a face that shone with a fiery radiance. But her eyes- her eyes were startlingly purple. She stared up at him, indifferent.
”Are you Percy Jackson?” she asked him.
He nodded.
“Okay then,” she said. “Jason Grace wants you at the Senate House, and he said to bring all your friends.”
“Okay,” Percy agreed. As she was walking away he called out, “Wait- who are you?”
She stopped and turned around. She glared at him piercingly. Her Intense eyes seemed to dance with a shadowy light. She studied him, her eyes cold and calculating
“Hailee Melyneux,” she finally said. “Daughter of Nyx. And with that, she bounded away, seeming to melt into the shadows.

He’d always sucked at Greek Mythology, so he had no idea who Nyx was. He decided to ask Annabeth about it later. He led the other campers to the Senate House and smiled at the audible gasp that rippled through them.
“It’s amazing,” Annabeth breathed beside him. He turned around. He hadn’t noticed her slide up next to him.
He chuckled at the awed look at her face. “Quite a site isn’t it?” he said. Annabeth loved architecture, so it wasn’t a surprise when she nodded almost instantly.
“Percy, h- how long did this whole camp- no, city take to build,” she asked, gesturing around her. There were many people walking around, some of them pointing at them and muttering things. Percy could tell that whatever they were talking about, it was not something good.
“Take a guess Wisegirl,” he said, smirking.
“Percy!” she said, punching him playfully on the shoulder. “Why can’t you just tell me?”
He shook his head, smiling. “Nope, just take a guess,” he said.
She sighed. “Fine,” she said with mock defeat. She thought about it for a minute. “Well I would guess around a year or two. Eight months at the earliest.”
“Nope, not even close.”
“How many months then?”
“Not months,” he said, enjoying this. “About 3 to 4 days.”
Annabeth looked at him with shock. “But that’s impossible!”
“Don’t believe me? Ask anyone here and they’ll tell you the same thing. See Romans are trained to build. They could take down everything and rebuild it in probably 5 days.”
“Oh,” Annabeth said. “I still don’t see how all this was built in a few days.”
He laughed. “I didn’t believe it at first either.”
Annabeth looked at him expectantly. “Shouldn’t we go in now?” she asked slyly.
“Oh shutup,” he said, trying to sound irritated. Annabeth smiled and so did Percy. He put her arm around her and they walked in together.

As soon as they got in, Reyna jumped up and welcomed them. She directed everyone to the back and Percy to the front. They had set a bunch of seats in the back, which the campers took. He reluctantly let go of Annabeth and made his way to the Praetor’s chair. He sat himself down and scanned the room. All of the Senators were there, as well as other people. He saw Octavian in the crowd and scowled at him. He merely smirked and turned his attention to Reyna.
“As most all of you know,” Reyna started. “The Greeks have arrived and they offer help.”
Muttering started about ‘How untrustworthy Greeks were’ but with a look from Reyna, everyone shut up.
“Anyways,” Reyna continued. “It’s obvious that these demigods need some training. So we will assign them each a cohort to train until it’s time to go.”
Everyone started shouting in protest. Reyna tried to quiet everyone down, but it didn’t work. Octavian stood up, looking positively murderous.
“Praetor,” he glared. “I was under the impression that these Greeks would only be allowed to stay to get the seven and go. But this,” he gestured around him. “Is more than seven people. So I ask ‘Where do the rest go?’ Certainly not here.” He said with disgust. Everyone around him started nodding their heads.
Reyna looked stumped, but then she stood up straighter and snapped, “It is not your place to decide this Octavian. They will stay her whether you like it or not.”
Octavian looked furious, but he nodded and sat down grudgingly.
“Now,” Reyna continued, her eyes daring anyone else to speak up. “We will assign each of them a cohort right before dinner, when the legion assembles.”
Many people were unwilling , but they eventually agreed.
“Now that that’s settled, everyone can go.”
The Romans started muttering amongst themselves as they walked out. The demigods of Camp Half-blood remained behind.
Reyna took a deep breath and said, “Okay, now introduce yourselves,” she said. “And quickly.”
Annabeth stepped forward and said, “Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena.”
Percy noticed her scowl deepen as Annabeth introduced herself.
Oh no, he thought. This isn’t going to end well. But Reyna let it pass and moved on.
Piper said, “Piper Mclean, Daughter of Aphrodite.”
“Leo Valdez, handsome son of Hephaestus at your service.” Leo said, as he smoothed his hair back.
Everyone followed their example.
“Okay,” Reyna nodded. “You can go now. But when the horns blow, meet me in front of the principia and we will assign each of you a cohort, one through five. Percy will show you where it is.”
As they shuffled out the doors, he felt someone grab his arm. It was Annabeth.
“Percy, why did that girl keep glaring and scowling at me?” she asked, confused.
“Long story,” he sighed. “I’ll tell you later.”
She studied him, trying to figure out what was wrong. “Okay,” she finally agreed. “Let’s go.”
And on that happy note, he walked out, holding Annabeth tightly.
over a year ago Persephone16 said…
So you decided on Nyx? Cool! Can't wait to see what happens. Good chapter.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
That was amazing! btw, I posted an extra on Jason Grace forum
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
oh yea *checks Jason Grace forum*
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
over a year ago Safree said…
wow u got over your writer's block fast great :) please post soon
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago Xhoni said…
I read them all dude and they are very good =)
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon!
over a year ago Helen_of_Troy said…
big smile
Nice chapter, when will you post next. Cause..
I have ADHD and i can't wait long.
over a year ago Helen_of_Troy said…
Hey Kronos429 did you notice that when you mean to type here you type her...
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
thats only sometimes...
0_0 you have ADHD!? ADHD = demigod o.O
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
I never would've thought....
over a year ago venus143 said…
very nice story your chapters are interesting i like where your story is going so far i hope you post soon laters:)
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
lol jk jk
Post soon!!!!!!!
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
lollll^ ikr
im just awesome like that :)