The Fanfic Forever: Book 2-- Rise Above

hollistergurl posted on Nov 10, 2011 at 08:05PM
Book 1: The Beginning
Rating: C+-- mild language
Main Characters: Ariela Fosters, Nico DiAngelo, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, and Leo Valdez
OC: Ariela Fosters
Synopsis: It has been 3 years since the war with Gaea and the Giants. The demigods of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter have been living in peace: very few monsters had attacked them and there were no prophecies said yet. But, their peace ends when a new prophecy is announced that a new demigod will succeed against a war with the monsters. The monsters have gotten stronger and smarter each year, no longer held back by a leader, creating chaos.
*A/N: The demigods won the war against Gaea & the Giants, Hazel and Frank died, and Jason and Piper are a couple.
this forum is chapters 6-end. chapters 1-5 are on the Heroes of Olympus club

Book 2: Rise Above
Rating: C+-- mild language
Main Characters: Emily Greenwood, Nico DiAngelo, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez
OC: Ariel Fosters (from Book 1), Emily Greenwood
Synopsis: Two years ago, Nico DiAngelo attempted to bring back Ariel Fosters, but failed. He has recieved banishment from Zeus, who had done this job without any of the other gods' consent. Some are on his side; others are angry. The gods are fighting constantly ever since this dispute, wanting Zeus's throne; they are disrupting the mortal world with hurricanes, volcanoes erupting, and major earthquakes. The demigods of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter must work together in order to stop a possible World War 3; but who is the mysterious new demigod, who seems to have all powers of the gods and other powers that are unknown?
Disclaimer: Everything from Percy Jackson and the Olympians + The Heroes of Olympus belongs to Rick Riordan.

to EVERYONE reading this forum and commenting, you guys are AWESOME. <3 thanks for keeping this forum on Popular Content for most of the time! :D

check out my other forums:
-Heroes of Olympus Talk Show! (3-way collab: me, universalpowa, nicecatch42)
-The Darkness Rising (collab: me & kronos429)
-The Heroes of Olympus Musical (collab: me & universalpowa)
-The Regretted Choice (collab: me & MisterPerfect1)
-Turning Back Time (collab: me, universalpowa, and Meef)
-The Hearth Lost
last edited on Apr 12, 2012 at 01:31AM

The Fanfic 973 replies

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over a year ago dezzypoo said…
first one yea!!!!
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
ello again,i just caught up.I figured i check this out.
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
OK! Now, we wait for the AWESOMENESS to begin! IM THE THIRD ONE TO COMMENT! *Does happy dance*

over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Okay...I found the link HEehee POST PLEASE (I'm the fourth one to comment though I hate the #4)
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
hey everyone! today is 11.11.11. and veterans day! thank you to all those veterans out there, we love you <3
did u all make a wish today? i did!
so, here is ur chapter. dont worry guys, the action will start soon [: hope u enjoy! happy Friday!-- its the weekend, weekend!

Chapter 6: Percy

Percy was panting as he led a giggling Annabeth towards the beach where they first had their underwater kiss.

“Percy! Would you please tell me what your surprise is?!” Annabeth asked, clearly pleased to spend some alone time with her boyfriend.

“When we get there—it’ll blow your mind away!” Percy could barely keep his nerves down; his stomach had butterflies fluttering like crazy.

He heard their breathing panting in the dark night, and he was glad for the clear sky and the bright moon. Hopefully, the mood after Annabeth’s surprise would be well, also.

When they got to the beach, they took off their shoes and sat down on the cold but comfortable sand.

“Are you going to tell me now?” Annabeth asked, her breath coming in little puffs.

“I will. But first, let’s have a little midnight snack, plus some blankets—your nose is turning red like Rudolph’s.” Percy replied, spreading out a picnic blanket across the sand he had brought with him, plus some very Christmas-y snacks: gingerbread men cookies.

Annabeth glanced at him curiously. “Did you make these?”

Percy grinned. “Yep, with the help of Ella, Tyson, and Leo.”

Annabeth shuddered and they both laughed. “Hey, don’t make fun of my cookies! We all tried them, and they actually didn’t taste too bad.”

“Uh-huh. Sure, Seaweed Brain.”

“Shut up, Wise Girl. You’re gonna love them. I’ll remember to thank Ella, Tyson, and Leo later.” Percy winked at her, and then spread a warm, fuzzy blanket over them as they watched the calm sea.

He saw Annabeth take a hesitant glance at the cookies, and then reach for one cautiously. Ever so slowly, she bit a piece off of the gingerbread man’s head—ouch—Percy thought, and was chewing very, very slowly.

“And here comes the drum roll,” Percy said, drumming his thighs. Annabeth rolled her eyes but he could tell she was pleased. “Well, Annabeth, I am waiting for the final verdict—what do you think of these cookies?”

She gulped and said, “Well, I. Think. They. Are. Wonderful. For. A. Seaweed. Brain. And. His. Friends. With. Barely. Any. Cooking. Skills.” Annabeth said, slowly and carefully.

Percy grinned at her. “Thought so. Remind me tomorrow to thank all of them before the quest starts.”

He saw Annabeth pale at the word “quest” and Percy instantly regretted bringing up the topic, especially tonight, in the most special night of his life.

They sat and ate cookies in silence for a while, also watching the slow but steady, crashing waves.

“So, Seaweed Brain. You can’t keep me waiting for long, you know. I know this isn’t your real surprise for me.” Annabeth narrowed her eyes at him, casting a soft glare with her intense, gray eyes.

Percy gulped, and then said, “Okay. Close your eyes and stand up.”

Annabeth looked at him suspiciously, but did what she was told.

When Percy got the box out of his pocket, his hands were trembling with nervousness, excitement, anxiousness, fear, any emotion possible. He got down on one knee before he broke down in a nervous sweat, and was ready to ask the most important question of his life.

“Annabeth, you can open your eyes now.”

She opened her eyes and gasped at the sight of Percy on one knee, holding a small but delicate box in his hands that held a beautiful ring.

She covered her mouth but was able to say the words, “Percy…”

Despite his extreme fear and nervousness, Percy was able to look Annabeth straight in her beautiful gray eyes. “Annabeth Chase, Wise Girl, will you... will you marry me?”

Annabeth had tears rolling down her cheek, and Percy was anxiously waiting for her answer.

“Oh my gods, Percy,” He heard her say. “Oh my gods… YES. YES. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Percy saw her squeal in delight and hugged her so fiercely, lifting her up in the air. He slid the ring on her ring finger, and they both admired it in the shining moonlight.

“I love you Seaweed Brain.” Annabeth whispered in his ear.

“I love you too, Wise Girl, even if that nickname was the one Clarisse came up with.” Percy replied. She giggled, and he took her arm and led her underwater, where Percy made an air bubble so that they could both breathe and kiss.

‘This,’ Percy thought, ‘is the best underwater kiss. Ever.’


will percabeth survive throughout the whole quest? stay tuned til the end folks!

^that was my impression of a host lol. hope u guys like it. i really hope RR will marry percy and annabeth <3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Well, I despise Percabeth, so please end it lol
and no Anico? WHY? I was geting warmed up to it lol
epic chappie
over a year ago venus143 said…
why does percabeth have to be together i hope they are the ones that don't end up together in the end hehe and great chapter post soon:)
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
Oh sorry I posted on the other forum in the Heroes of Olympus spot...oh well. Post soon! :)
over a year ago dancergirl78 said…
And why does everyone hate Percabeth? :(
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
I LOVE PERCABETH you better not break them up!!!!! I mean it!!!!!

Thank god they're engaged
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
Eh aren't they a bit young to be engaged
, but good chapter
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
@nicecatch42: dont worry there will be anico along the way..
@crazyperson22: well, they are demigods so they dont know when theyre gonna die, so i decided to make them engaged.. plus it makes good drama lol jk
@everyone else: i dont hate percabeth either, but u will see who i break up in the end. *smiles mischievously*

here is a character extra:

Character Extra 2: Annabeth

Despite the cold, wintry night, Annabeth’s cheeks felt warm. She couldn’t help keep down her excitement, even after the kiss with Percy, which she had to admit, was AMAZING.

He was walking her home and they had the fuzzy blanket over them, too. When they got to the Athena cabin, Annabeth turned to look at Percy, and smiled.

“Thanks for the ring, Seaweed Brain. I love it… I hope mom will approve.”

Percy smiled. “Thank Tyson and Ella, too. They helped make it. Plus, I already asked Poseidon and Athena, so no worries, Wise Girl. I can be smart too, ya know.” He winked and kissed her softly, and left to go to his own cabin. Annabeth sighed, and went inside her own cabin, where all of her siblings were asleep.

“Where were you…?” She heard a voice, and realized it was Malcolm.

‘Figures.’ Annabeth thought, ‘Of course Malcolm would be the only one awake enough to realize that I was gone for two hours.’

“It’s none of your business, Malcolm… Let’s just say, it was a pleasant trip.” She smiled, and saw him roll on his other side and snore.

Annabeth lay down on her bed but couldn’t seem to fall asleep. Even though it had been the best night of her life, something was obviously bothering her. It was the quest, especially the line that terrified her the most.

‘And although romantic ties will be kept, one will be broken.’ Annabeth thought. She didn’t know how a relationship would be broken; there were just too many ways: breaking up, someone dying (Annabeth shivered at the thought), memory loss, etc. She hoped that she and Percy would still be a couple after this quest ended; it meant more to her now that they were engaged.

‘Engaged…’ Annabeth thought. The new word felt sweet and pleasant, and as she started to fall asleep, her mind was filled with the words engaged, Percy, fiancée, and the most troublesome of all: prophecy.
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
Hmmmmm,Great chapter
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
@kronos429 & @crazyperson22: thaaanks! if i get 4 or more comments, then i will post later today.
over a year ago percabethrules said…
if i get my cousin on my profile and she comments does that count as a different person.

BTW epic,awesome,amazing chapter as u can tell by my name u can tell i am a percabeth fan!! PERCABETH!! U R AN AWESOME WRITER!!!
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
that was AWESOME!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OK that was cute awwwwwwwwwwwwwww is all i can say for this chapter because am starsturk i think i said it right if i didn't oooooo well again AMAZING CHAPTER!!!!! AND POST SOOON PLZZZZZZZ
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
one more comment and i post later! and @percabethrules: sure, i guess that will count cuz i feel like post lolol. glad u all liked the chapter!
over a year ago rickjackson said…
That was epically freaking AWESOME!!!!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
okay i got one more comment so i am posting! the action will be coming...

Chapter 7: Ariel

The vision started out at camp, which was funny since Ariel was already there. It was early morning, the sun just coming up. There were battle cries heard and everywhere she looked, Ariel saw monsters attacking each camper. It was horrible—there was blood everywhere, even though the demigods have fought these monsters since they first came here. She knew it was a sign that their enemy had gotten stronger and smarter—Annabeth had told her that they used to come in armies and straight lines, but what Ariel saw frightened her even more: chaos. There was no leader to direct the monsters, and they just fought like crazy, never holding back. She saw several Hyperborean giants lunge towards someone special; who, she didn’t know, but she heard herself cry, “NO!”

Ariel woke up with a start, her hands trembling. She looked at the clock and it read 6:00 AM.

‘Dawn.’ She thought. It was time to get up and start the quest.

She got up and dressed, brushed and washed her face, then got out a small duffel bag to pack her things. Ariel knew she should have packed the night before, but she remembered that she had kissed Nico on the cheek and couldn’t do anything after that.

Chiron had told her to pack ambrosia, nectar, mortal money, drachmas, food, and clothing. Ariel did exactly as she was told, and found herself ready to go. She didn’t know exactly how she and the others would get to the Bermuda Triangle; she had overheard last night Jason and Leo talking about some warship, the Argo 2, but they didn’t sound so sure. She didn’t see any campers outside yet, and decided to practice at the archery range.

When Ariel stepped outside she felt the cold, wintry air biting at her cheeks and suddenly remembered she had forgotten her coat. As soon as she was about to step inside her cabin, she heard a growl and knew it wasn’t her stomach; she had lost her appetite after her vision. She quickly decided to take the risk and get her winter coat, and five minutes later, lots of campers gathered in the sword arena, fighting something.

Ariel cursed. She knew she shouldn’t have taken so long to get her coat; after all, it was only just a piece of clothing. There were far more important things to take care of. When she sprinted to the arena, pools of more monsters were coming in.

Ariel took off her bracelet, and it instantly turned into a bow with arrows. She shot the celestial bronze arrows at every monster, killing it instantly as the arrows made a WHOOOSSHH! sound that filled her ears. But, no matter how many times she killed the monsters, hellhounds, dracanae, storm spirits, more just kept coming.

‘How did they get through the magical barrier?’ She thought. She looked at Thalia’s tree which had the Golden Fleece over it, and Peleus and Argus guarding it. She saw nothing wrong with it. Ariel frowned. Something was very, very wrong here.

She saw Nico on the other side of the arena and was about to run to him, when suddenly she almost fell inside a huge hole that was dug up inside the camp. Ariel peered inside the hole, and saw more monsters coming her way. Her eyes widened, and she quickly ran towards Nico to tell him the news.

“There’s nothing wrong with Thalia’s tree, is there?” She asked him.

Nico frowned. “No, it doesn’t look bad at all. Why?”

“Well, how do you think the monsters got in Camp Half-Blood in the first place?” Ariel asked, and pointed at the huge hole where numerous monsters were coming out.

Nico cursed in ancient Greek. “So that’s how they’ve been getting in here… but how come we never noticed?”

“They must have covered it up with something.” There was an empousa behind Nico, and Ariel quickly shot it in the head, wondering why on earth it was wearing a cheerleading costume.

“Where are the others? We have to start the quest!” Nico said, anxiously.

Ariel looked around her. She saw Percy and Annabeth fighting off a group of hellhounds with Tyson while Ella was circling them, murmuring something about prophecies. Jason, Piper, and Leo were fighting the dracanae and storm spirits. Behind her, Chiron was coming towards them.

“Campers of the quest! Leave now! We can handle this, do not worry about us!” He yelled, and Ariel was surprised to see him as a half man, half horse—erm, centaur.

“Pony is right! Percy and friends, you must go!” Tyson yelled, and Ariel saw Chiron frown at the word ‘pony.’

“But… Chiron! There are more monsters coming!” Annabeth yelled, looking worried.

“Do not worry, child! Go to the sea of monsters, there will be more awaiting you there! I have already contacted Lupa; she will send the Roman campers here soon! GO!”

Ariel, Nico, Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, and Leo quickly scampered off, and just as they were about to leave the camp, they heard a cry from the battle.

“Chiron!” Annabeth yelled, tears starting to form in her eyes at the sight of the centaur on the ground, surprised by an attack from multiple Hyperborean giants.

“Gods, this is not good…” Leo muttered, and Ariel noticed mints were suddenly coming out of his magical tool belt.

‘Think Ariel, think. What powers does Apollo have?’ She thought, and when she looked at Chiron’s injured form, her brain clicked. None of the other Apollo campers could help him, and she knew that if she went back into battle, there would be less time for the quest.

Ariel sent a silent prayer to her dad, hoping her plan would work. Will Solace had taught her a hymn for healing yesterday, and she was glad she had learned it well. She said the words of the prayer loud enough that Chiron could hear, and felt some of her energy draining away.

“Piper! Charmspeak Chiron to wake up!” Ariel urged, and heard her fellow camper speak.

“Chiron! You must wake up now!” Piper said in a strong, confident, clear voice that made Ariel believe that he could wake up, too. She said the words over and over again as loud as Ariel chanted her hymn.

When she finished the hymn, she caught a glimpse of Chiron slowly standing up, and the Apollo campers helping him, also probably chanting more hymns for healing.

Ariel looked up into the sky and silently thanked her dad, thinking, ‘You’re not so bad after all, dad. Even if you make bad haikus.’

It was her last thought as she realized that her vision had been right once again, as Ariel crumbled to the ground in darkness from fatigue.

btw, i have 3 songs that kind of tie into this song, all of them i absolutely LOVE! <3 so im just going to say them and give u guys a link if u want to listen to the songs.

"It Will Rain" by Bruno Mars
if you ever leave me baby,
leave some morphine at my door
cuz it'll take a whole lot of medication
to realize what we used to have,
we don't have it anymore.
there's no religion that could save me,
no matter how long my knees are on the floor

"Without You" by David Guetta feat. Usher
i can't win, i can't reign
i will never win this game
without you, without you
i am lost, i am vain
i will never be the same
without you

"The One That Got Away"
In another life
i would be your girl
we keep all our promises
be us against the world
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rickjackson said…
Awesome..... AGAIN
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
yes pretty epic

Love the songs

plz kill someone in this story
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
^lol silly Kronos.......jk jk
Awesome chappie!
POST SOON! Do you have a plot for the story yet, cuz it seems really organized!
over a year ago venus143 said…
awesome chapter and my favorite song on there is with out you gosh i friken love that song but POST SOON great story!:)
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
i just realized i forgot to put the links up. urrgg. lol, well, here they are:

It Will Rain: link

Without You: link

The One That Got Away: link

the one that got away by katy perry is kind of sad to me. i admit i got a little teary when i watched the music video :P

@rickjackson: thanks!
@kronos429: ikr the songs are AMAZZINNG <3 and thaanks!
@nicecatch42: yes, i actually have this one planned out, annd i actually have like 7 more chapters written up already lol. thaanks!
@venus143: lol yeah i love that song, but my fave is it will rain. i absolutely adore bruno mars <3 and thank youu!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
HOLY! 7 more chapters? *whistles* that is pretty good!
over a year ago percabethrules said…
over a year ago katniss311 said…
who is ariel again? which book was she in? can't remember...aaahhh...but good story, definitely
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
@katniss311: ariel is my OC (own character)

Chapter 8: Nico

Nico had promised himself not to get too attached to Ariel, but it was hard not to because of her soft, brown hair with her fair skin and intense hazel eyes. Now, as he saw her unconscious on the floor, he couldn’t help himself being angry and sad at the same time.

They couldn’t possibly lose her now, could they? Not when the quest hasn’t even started yet! Nico’s feelings started bubbling up inside of him, and he said impatiently to Piper, “Can’t you Charmspeak her to wake up?”

Everyone stared at him, but he didn’t care. Piper replied, “Yeah, that’s what I was planning to do.” She cleared her throat and then spoke in a confident voice that made Nico believe her, “Ariel. You need to wake up NOW. Wake up NOW. WAKE UP NOW.” She kept on saying that for what felt like hours to Nico, but finally they saw her eyes flutter, and Nico let out a huge sigh of relief.

“Looks like she woke up. I think you owe me a thank you, Nico.” Piper said to him.

“Yeah, yeah, thank you.” He blushed, angry that everyone had seen his feelings for Ariel in public.

“Anywho, how are we going to get to the Bermuda Triangle?” Annabeth asked.

Nico saw Leo glance at Jason. “Well, me and lightning boy here—“

“You know Leo; you could call me by my name.” Jason said, annoyed but smiling.

“Nah, I’d prefer to call you lightning boy. Anyways, we were thinking of taking the Argo 2 but…” Leo’s voice trailed off, and Nico saw him with a look of despair.

Jason patted Leo on the shoulder. “It’s okay, repair boy. That was one freaking amazing’ war ship you built there. It was meant for one quest, and one quest only.”

Leo nodded, but Nico could tell he was still upset about what had happened to the Argo 2. Nico could care less about that ship, but was glad that they saved Festus’s head from the wreckage.

“I guess we’ll have to travel on foot ‘til we get to the coast of Florida.” Percy said, clearly disappointed.

“The Bermuda Triangle is off the coast of Florida?” Nico heard Ariel ask, and felt his whole body shake in happiness.

“Ariel, you woke up.” He managed to say calmly, despite his emotions.

She glanced at him. “Yeah… just drained out all of my power, was all.”

“That was amazing what you did there.” Annabeth said, nodding her way. “I never saw an Apollo camper heal a person that far away.”

Ariel shrugged. “Must be a special gift from Dad.”

“Well, I’m just glad you’re okay.” Nico said, wanting to hug her so badly, but he was afraid of getting attention from the others. After all, they had just witnessed his emotions, which Nico hated.

She smiled at him, and Nico’s heart melted, which never happened before.

“No one answered my question yet.” Ariel whined, but well heartedly.

Percy gave a half smile. “Yes, it is the coast off of Florida. I guess we’ll just have to borrow a boat there to travel into the sea of Monsters. We’ll need a huge one too, almost as big as the Argo 2 was.”

Leo raised his eyebrows. “Don’t you mean steal a boat?”

Percy shook his head. “We’re gonna try not to steal from the mortals’, since we don’t want their attention directed towards us… it’s hard being a fugitive, anyways.”

Nico saw Ariel look confused, but he knew the story of Percy being a fugitive on his first quest.

“I guess we should get started now, guys.” He said to everyone.

“To Florida on foot we go!” Leo said cheerily, while the others groaned.

As soon as they exited Camp Half-Blood, Nico stood face to face with a Cyclops, who was not the friendly kind like Tyson.

Jason groaned. “Five seconds out of camp and we already have a monster to attack?!”

As everyone was about to get out their weapons, Nico got his stygian black ice sword out the fastest and quickly slashed the Cyclops a few times, sending it back to the Underworld.

He wiped monster dust off his blade and said, “Easy peasy.”

Too soon though did he say that, because as soon as he uttered his last word, hordes of Cyclopes came towards the demigods.

Annabeth glared at him. “You spoke to soon Nico!”

“Hey, I didn’t know more were to come!” He defended.

“Just fight!” Annabeth replied back, clearly exasperated with him.

Nico growled, slashing and hacking at the Cyclopes, quickly looking here and there at Ariel, checking if she was okay.

‘She isn’t just okay,’ Nico thought, ‘she’s doing a freaking good job.’

He saw her shoot five arrows at once at five different Cyclopes and just as quickly take out arrows and started shooting again, in the perfect spots that made them turn into monster dust in an instant. Nico wondered if she would ever use her sword, but he guessed not since she was a daughter of Apollo.

“Nico, watch out!” He heard Piper cry out to him.

A Cyclops tackled him, and he was sent to the ground.

Nico cursed; he shouldn’t have gotten distracted by Ariel, she was doing a great job. He tried to get off the monster, but it probably weight about a thousand pounds.

If this was the way he was going to die, crushed by a stupid Cyclops, Nico wasn’t going to go down without a fight. He tried to grab his sword that was mere inches from him, but no such luck. The Cyclops was too heavy, and its weight was pressing down on Nico’s skinny body. Exasperated with himself, he tried to reach once again for the sword, and finally grabbed it, stabbing at the Cyclops’s back. With a howl, the monster disappeared and Nico was covered in monster dust. He was dusting himself off while spitting out the disgusting remnants of the Cyclops when he heard more battle cries.

Nico thought that it was more monsters coming their way, but he looked back at Camp Half-Blood and his heart sank. The campers were overwhelmed by the monsters, there was blood everywhere, and there was nothing the seven demigods could do about it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PJhero02 said…
YEEEAAAAAAAAAA*breath*AAAAAHHHH! I caught up!! great story, keep posting!
over a year ago percabethrules said…
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
yeahhhh action!!!!!!!
over a year ago percabethrules said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
so i found more songs that kind of key into this story, but theyre not as good as the other 3. hope u like them!

Enchanted by Taylor Swift

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you.

Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift


Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain
Cuz I see sparks fly
Whenever you smile.


i am posting on wednesday, btw. and yes, i love taylor swift <3
over a year ago percabethrules said…
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
I caught up!!!!! OKAY awesome POST And NO CHB DON"T DIE ON ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­111­1 *runs away sobbing* NOT *snaps fingers* See I'm not a BABY like my evil twin sister her names is RomandoesnotRULE727

watch out for her *watches* By the Way [the things written in parenthesis are by my evil sister]

(like this?)

over a year ago dezzypoo said…
big smile
dude post soon plzzzzzz and amazing chapter!!!! and i like all the songs that u posted!!!!! i love without you but does usher sing the whole time becuase i looked at the video and he was sing the whole time?and david guetta owns the whole song just why is he not sing in the video????
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz post soon
nico looks (more like stare to me) at Ariel and a sec later he is on the ground with a cyclops on him!
some body is in love!!!
over a year ago percabethrules said…
over a year ago percabethrules said…
OH..........MY...............GODZ........ THAT WAS SO MEAN OF ME TO SAY!!! I AM SO SORRY!!! FORGIVE ME!!!!!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
^at times like this, we make use of the 'delete button'
I agree, though
over a year ago venus143 said…
wow that was a grat chapter can't whait untill you post and i kinda like taylor swift shes ok. laters can't whait till you post:)
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
So, ya know i leave for THREE days, and you post a BAJILLION times?? AWESOME! Story EPICLY AWWWWWESOOOOME! Post soon! OR feel the wrath of my non-stop pleading!!!
over a year ago elifsila said…
big smile
I love it ,love it ,it was wery good
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
I love Taylor Swift! Hmmm is it just me or did Nico almost get squased to death coz i think he did.
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
(You stink!) RomandoesnotRULES727 STOP

She/He does NOT stink she's the best (shut up) Woah there!!! Sassy!!! Sorry about that Hollistergirl
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
so yesterday something REALLY FREAKY happened to me on facebook yesterday so my mom won't let me do fanpop, but i'm coming on here secretly. Anyways, here's your chapter!

Chapter 9: Percy

Percy cursed in ancient Greek. Right when the campers need the strongest demigods the most, they have to go on a stupid quest to defeat the stupid monsters. He had hoped that today, the day after Annabeth’s proposal there wouldn’t be too much chaos, but of course he was wrong.

Percy glanced at Annabeth and an understanding seemed to pass through them.

He cleared his throat and said to everyone, “Guys, I hate doing this as much as the next person, but we’ve got to move on… Even with our help, Camp Half-Blood would be a disaster. We’d be helping them by going on this quest and finishing our job.”

To his surprise, no one protested and Percy hoped that there would be no fighting between the seven on this quest. Not only would it make it harder, but more confusing as well.

“To Florida on foot we go…” Leo said this time, in a less cheerful voice.

They trudged on towards Manhattan, where Percy knew they had to get a taxi in order to at least get to New Jersey. He shivered. He remembered his last visit to New Jersey; the blown up bus, the kindly ones, and Medusa. The name of the monster sent a chill through Percy’s back, and he hoped that the snake headed woman would still be rotting down there in Tartarus, since she hadn’t come back in the Giants and Gaea war, surprisingly.

The seven encountered some monsters here and there on their way to Manhattan, but thanks to the Mist the mortals didn’t even look their way as they took out their swords and weapons.

When they finally got to Manhattan, Percy breathed in the not so clean, but home to him air. Jason looked disgusted by the sight of the congested streets and bright billboards, but even his face didn’t bother Percy; he was glad to see his other home.

“Uh, Percy, sorry to bother your daydreaming, but maybe you should call a taxi now?” Nico asked him, his “sorry” sounding sarcastic.

Percy glared at him but managed to catch the attention of two taxi drivers, which was good since they needed two taxi cars to fit in all of the demigods. Percy, Annabeth, Jason, and Piper rode in one while Leo, Nico, and Ariel rode in the second one.

“Remember to tell them to drop you off at the Holland Tunnel.” Percy reminded Nico, who nodded and gave him a glare to let him know that he indeed has a brain.

When he got into his own taxi cab and gave the directions and mortal money, Percy was glad that the driver didn’t ask any questions about four teenagers going to the Holland Tunnel by themselves. Hopefully they were planning this quest right, or else Percy would be toast.

They were dropped off not so nicely, the drivers basically pushing them out.

“Well. They were friendly.” Leo said sarcastically.

“At least they weren’t monsters.” Annabeth said, looking behind her to check if anything new came their way.

“But I bet we’ll encounter some soon.” Jason said, his voice tired. “I wonder how Camp Half-Blood’s doing right now…” Percy shuddered at the thought.

“We’ll try to Iris-message them by at least tomorrow morning.” He said, also wondering if Camp Jupiter had arrived to the camp’s rescue; hopefully, they did.

“What’s Iris-messaging?” Ariel asked.

“It’s basically like IM’ing, except you say, ‘O goddess of the rainbow, except my blessing,’ throw in a drachma at a rainbow and then say the name of who you want to talk to and the place that they’re at. If she accepts, then it’s kind of like video-chatting the person on the other end.” Nico told her.

“Oh. That’s cool. I’ve never tried video-chatting before.” Ariel said, looking embarrassed.

“None of us here have, I think. Technology is bad for demigods.” Annabeth replied, the ever so smart Wise Girl.

They walked in silence after that, not encountering a monster which seemed kind of weird to Percy. He had expected a whole bunch to come after them when they got dropped off to the Holland Tunnel, but they had come all the way to New Jersey unscathed.

The crew was about to set camp when something caught Percy’s eye. Up the road, he saw a familiar-looking store that had frozen-like statues out front, ones that seemed fairly new…

‘No, it can’t be, could it?’ Percy thought, hoping that this would not be the store.

Out of the corner of his eye, Percy could see Annabeth staring at it too, and as they met eyes he could tell she knew what was in there.

‘Aunty Em’s…’ Annabeth seemed to tell him, mouthing the words.

Percy understood. He knew who he was going to face, and was terrified.

He cleared his throat. “Um, guys, I know that we just settled camp here, but I think we have business to attend to up that road…”

Jason glanced up there. “Why? I just see a store with statues out front.”

“That’s where Medusa lives.” Percy replied.

Ariel looked astonished. “Wait. You mean the REAL Medusa, the one who freezes people when they make eye contact with her?!”

Annabeth nodded grimly. “That’s her. That’s the exact store we met her in six years ago when Percy, Grover, and I were on our first quest. It seems she came back from Tartarus.”

Ariel looked dumbfounded and scared at the same time, and Percy couldn’t blame her. He had fought Medusa once, but in that time span she could have gotten stronger, smarter somehow, and he wasn’t willing to fight her again.

Percy knew that they had to fight her now, or else she’d come looking for them.

“We’re going to have to go in there, whether we like it or not, guys. Come on, let’s go kick some ugly snake’s a hole.” He said, leading the way.

Annabeth stood next to him, lacing her fingers through his. He felt confident next to her, and he hoped that the others weren’t scared to face Medusa.

As they were approaching the door, Percy was overwhelmed by the smell of cheeseburgers, greasy fries, and milkshakes. His stomach grumbled loudly, and heard the others’ grumble, too.

‘No,’ He thought. ‘I can’t let her trick me with food this time, and I won’t let the others get tricked, either.’

“Ignore the food guys, trust me. Annabeth and I tried it before, and I almost fell for Medusa being a nice lady.” Percy said, hoping to distract them from their growling stomachs.

Annabeth nodded. “Percy’s right. We can’t let her tempt us with food.”

The others tried to direct their attention from their howling stomachs, but Percy knew how hard that was going to be. He took a deep, large breath, and slowly opened the door to Medusa’s lair.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percabethrules said…
big smile
over a year ago percabethrules said…
did i mention that oh i don't know.........I LOVE IT?!?!?!?!?!!