The Fanfic My Preyna Fic

Mayla4president posted on Nov 18, 2011 at 10:35PM
Okay so this is my Preyna fan fiction. I am actually a Percabeth supporter, but I like Preyna too because I can see many possibilities with it. But I seriously doubt it happens at all. So here is my starting. Mainly I will post in Reyna's point of view but it will change from time to time. I'll post randomly and put notices of posts on the wall of this club. The charcters are all the ones from the book, (No new ones) and I own nothing. And this is a fantasy/adventure for those who care. Rated T for language.

Believe me, I never thought I would end up being with Percy Jackon. I used to dream about Jason at night...did I just say that? My cheeks are burning brightly but it is true. So heres the story.

The ship was landing and oh-my-gods I was going crazy. People were rushing everywhere and my hair was a mess. No joke. I couldn't find my other pretear and I was hyperventalating in the inside. And pretty much on the outside. I was probably showing my emotions so much that if Lupa were here I'd be dead. Thank the Gods she isn't. Or is she?...get back on track! Reyna focus! Find Percy and tell hi-

Umph! I landed on my ass as I was knocked over by a great force. I looked up ready to kill who ever was close, but it was Percy and he looked so hot, scared, concerned, and sexy-

"I'm so sorry, Reyna, are you okay?" He asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

I was school-girling so much on the inside and melting that I had to put on my best fierce/yeah-whatever-if-you-werent-pretear­-yo­u-w­oul­d-b­e-d­ead look so I wouldn't have to say anything. Oh my gosh I am going crazy.

"Jackson, you best be filing these people out of here. The ship is here and it is complete choas. They haven't even left the boat yet and we're going crazy." I said.

He nodded and went off to shut everyone up. Then I heard a loud,"ATTENTION EVERYONE! SHUTUP AND ACT LIKE ROMANS!"

Immediate silence. I went up to the pretear stand to make myself look important and junk and like an actual pretear, when I was really day dreaming about how hot Percy looked with the wind blowing his hair back and his eyes, oh his eye-

"Reyna? Do you have any words?" The green eyes looked confused and amused in mine.

"Whu? Oh uh-um yeah. Everyone! Show the Greeks respect. And I will tell you the truth: if you don't we all die. The. End." I said and thats when the plank lowered and the Greeks came off one by one.

Jason, of course, the elf dude ,Leo, the girl with pretty eyes ,Piper, and a tall blonde with grey eyes that Percy seemed to stare at and freeze up, most likely because she was holding hands with Jason.

I internally smiled but somehow managed to keep a straight face...

last edited on Nov 20, 2011 at 02:14AM

The Fanfic 21 replies

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over a year ago rickjackson said…
YYAAAYYYY!!!! its a forum please post soon

I hate percabeth btw, so no offence
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
Coolz. Post soon. Not that I hate percabeth, I just think the whole ideas old. It's been going since the Sea of Monsters. Maybe it's time for new ideas.
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
*gives cupcake for idea* can't wait....
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Awesome idea, but Jasabeth?
Anyway, post soon, destroy percabeth, etc., etc.
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
There r specail rules for writing stories? Who made those up? People should be able to write how they please. If there r they should be called guide lines.
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
^they are guidelines to post.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
^^They are just guidelines on what information to put in your description, like "Genre, Rating and Summary"
over a year ago Mayla4president said…
Idk about you guys, but I live in a country that is free. So I may write as I please. Go ahead, report me. Get me kicked off of here or whatever. I'll still be the same, not fazed. Do tell me, though, when a law is made that says, "You Must Follow Guide Lines To Write A Story".

Toodles and what-not! ~Jade
over a year ago Mayla4president said…
Oh and Asmadasahater? I do believe I put all of that in there. Just not how you'd perfer.
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
I agree with Maya4president we live in a free country well some of us do. Asmadashater you shouldn't ban people just because of rules about stories. Stories aren't some sort of specail report you get a grade on unless you want it that way. Stories are ideas, how people express themselves or just have fun writing. How would you feel if somebody came up to you and said 'Follow these rules or i'll report you.' Would you like that? I wouldn't.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
I agree with you guys, but these rules aren't restricting her creativity- they just tell people too organize their descriptions so that it is easier for people to understand.............
But whatever- just calm this situation down, just post soon!!!!!!
Can't wait for some epic nonpercabeth awesomeness! Do you have a posting schedule?
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
Teah do you have a posting schedule?
over a year ago venus143 said…
i wish i could be on more so i could of read this when you first posted it i love the entire preyna thing kill percabeth for all i care i hope you post soon this is great:) post soon laters.
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
I like you story!!! It's so cute!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
this is interesting, and even though i dont HATE percabeth, this is something new... lol post soon!
over a year ago childofwisdom said…
This is good. Not a Percabeth hater, really. But this is good. Post soon!

ANYWAYS if you hate Percabeth no need to say it. Some Fanpoppers maybe hurt. No offence meant to anyone
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kristalovepercy said…
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
I like percabeth but I like things that are different, sometimes it's nice just to get a break. Post soon please!
over a year ago Percabethteam said…
This story is awesome!!!! Cant wait for the next post!!!!

I dont care what Percabethteam says...

Percabeth, Preyna, Piper ( this may be weird but still, PIper and PERcy *note capital letters*), Perzel

Jasonabeth, Jiper, Jazel, Jayna

Leonabeth, Leoper, Hazeleo, Leona

Frazel, Frankanabeth, Friper, Frayna/Freyna

If this is spaming, NOT INTENDED

sorry if this is spaming
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
interesting use of space. i find that odd, though.
over a year ago darange said…
post more