The Fanfic Forgotten Family, Remember Me?

sparkles3 posted on Dec 26, 2011 at 06:01PM
All things mentioned are only in the mind of the author. any similarities are a mere coincidence.
Rating: all ages should be fine. may contain a little violence and will have a complex plot.
Characters: 3 main, Star Whitted, Addy Smith, and Melissa Hawkins minor, Meg and Arnold Whitted, Sandy and Frank Smith, Lia and Paul Hawkins
in the dark shadow of the Parthenon in Tennessee, a man and woman stood huddled against the night wind. a small child squirmed in the woman's arms. "if they find each other-" she started. the man, her husband, stopped her. "we won't need to worry about that, honey. they are in different parts of the country. they will never see each other. ever." he may have been trying to console his wife, but really he was just reassuring himself. "they will never get to use their powers." the woman said. "it is for the best." her husband replied. the little baby cried out. "who's there?" a guard asked from inside the enormous building. "we must go." the man said urgently. the woman lay the child on the soft grass and together, the man and woman faded into the night. the baby cried all night. finally, in the morning, a couple heard and rushed over. they picked up the little girl and rushed away.

The Fanfic 10 replies

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over a year ago sparkles3 said…
i will post according to how many comments i get. im thinking three until i post the next chapter...
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Sounds interesting. Post soon.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
i need 2 more comments till i can post! get some friends to post if you like the story so much!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
This reminds me of Harry potter, I only saw one of the movies, Well post I want to know more :)
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Yeah, it does sound familiar...
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
*13 years later*
Chapter 1; Star is light, Star is bright
i was walking home from my last day of school. i had received excellent grades that year. i clutched my yearbook and started to run. it felt so good to have the wind in my hair and the sun on my back. i almost felt like singing. well, can you blame me? it was the last day of school, i got the best grades in my class, and had gotten the most signatures in my yearbook. what was there to not be happy about? only the fact that i had just recently found out that i was adopted. for all i knew, my parents could have been fugitives. or, even worse, normal everyday Americans. i know what your thinking, how can being normal be so bad? well, would you rather be so normal that you are completely invisible? or would you rather stand out, even if it ment being a criminal? actually, don't answer that. just thinking about my biological parents made my fingers get kinda tingly. and it made my head spin. i sat down on a bench and looked at the pictures of all my best friends. a truck drove by and loud music blared. i knew the song and kind of liked it. i started to sing along. next thing i heard was screeching tires and twisting metal. i grimaced at the horrible noise. the truck was totaled. it looked like a giant fist smashed its front end. there was no sign of anything that could have caused it. i took out my cell and dialed 911. "hello, please state your emergency." a pleasant female voice said. "a truck just got into and accident, but there was no cause. i don't know if the people inside are ok. please send police and an ambulance." i said frantically. "help is on the way." the voice said. 'wow' i thought. an image of randomness flashed into my mind. a man and woman holding a little baby girl by Parthenon in the middle of the night. the set her on the ground and vanished. the baby screamed loudly. i came back to reality. sirens wailed on ambulances and squad cars. a police hopped out and ran over to me. "how did this happen?" he demanded. "i d-don't kn-know." i stammered. the paramedics ran over to the car. they had to use the Jaws Of Life to pry open the door. but the strange thing was, the truck was empty. completely empty. i was absolutely discombobulated. "young lady, i think you have some explaining to do." the officer said menacingly. i tried to swallow, but there was a huge lump in my throat. i bit my lip instead.
over a year ago GoddessDemeter said…
Great when will u post chapter 2 Happy New Year! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
big smile
i will post if i get 3+ comments
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
This is interesting!! Post soon!!! Lol.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
2 more comments!!