The Fanfic The Danger in Seeking

the-time-thief posted on Dec 31, 2011 at 09:39PM
Hi everyone the-time-thief here!
This is rated now that I think about it this might be PG. Hmmm. Idk though. :/

Book One: Anna's Top Secrete Journal
A/N: Don't worry book one is like a new series. They sort of conect. Plus I'm writing them both at the same time.
Book Two: The Danger in Seeking
Book Three: Haunted (This one I'm not writing right now.)

Katherine Manilla has gotten herself into a lot of trouble. In the past she has always been able to get herself out. But this time she's gone too far, and she knows it. But will she catch trouble by it's own hand or will she run out of time? Can she stop the trouble at it's source or will her own faith pull even with her and destroy everyone?

Kathrine Manilla
Jason Timothy
Gracie Gambrel
Courtney Cambridge
Samantha Samara
Richmond Jameson
Jasmine Kemberly
Annalise McBeth <- (My sister said the name was cursed. so :D now its in my story! XD)
Genevieve AKA Gwen

Ok these are the chapters I have planed some I have written others I have not. Enjoy!!
Chapters- this is in progress
Chapter one: Running
Chapter two: Seeking
Chapter three: Caught
History of hills
Chapter four: Escape
History of Kingdom
Chapter five: Hiding Six Parts
Chapter six: Travels
History of Life
Chapter seven: Town-PLANNING
Chapter eight: The Plan-PLANING(LOLthe irony)

I'm posting the links to my other forums here. Enjoy!!

i made a new one XD

_Aphrodite_ for being Awesome! And your comment!
_Posiedon_ my bro and his support!!
Belle(Goddess Demeter) For your comment!!
Mister Perfect1 for commenting and also being Awesome!!!
Julle(hollistergurl) for supporting my Story and Helping me with the title!!
Everyone Else!!!!! Thanks!!
last edited on Jul 25, 2012 at 05:02PM

The Fanfic 77 replies

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over a year ago the-time-thief said…
A preview of Chapter one: The Danger

Chapter one: The Danger

A girl, the girl, with long, pitch black hair, starling, blue eyes, comes sprinting through the dark ally way. Dirt flying behind her. Obviously in a hurry. Even in the faint silver moon light you can see her scared expression.
Gotten herself into more trouble no doubt. Why? No one knows. For money? Family? Power? That's what some say. Will they ever know? Probably not, or for at least awhile.
Katherine breathes in, out, deeply. She pants. Gasps as she looks up. Examining her surroundings, the ally way leads straight forward. Not turning as far as she could see in the dim light. Dust and boxes scattered throughout the road. The windows of the buildings where dark, vacant, and are broken. She glanced behind her, they won't be far behind, she thought, they'll catch up soon I have to keep moving. She stood back up, a siren sounded in the distance, she took of at a run, not really knowing where she was headed or what is at the other end of the ally. She ran for which seemed like miles.

i would enjoy it if you comment and give any thoughts.
Thanks for reading! Enjoy your Day!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
AWESOME! preview! :)
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
^lol! You rock!!! I'll post the rest later! Glad you liked it!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Good start! Can't wait for the actual chapter!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
Thanks!! You BOTH Rock!!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
Here's the rest of chapter one! Enjoy! I made some changes to the chapter! I forgot I changed a few things! Lol!
Chapter one: Running

A girl, the girl, with long, pitch black hair, starling, blue eyes, comes sprinting through the dark ally way. Dirt flying behind her. Obviously in a hurry. Even in the faint silver moon light you can see her scared expression.
Gotten herself into more trouble no doubt. Why? No one knows. For money? Family? Power? That's what some say. Will they ever know? Probably not, or for at least awhile.
Katherine breathes in, out, deeply. She pants. Gasps as she looks up. Examining her surroundings, the ally way leads straight forward. Not turning as far as she could see in the dim light. Dust and boxes scattered throughout the road. The windows of the buildings where dark, vacant, and are broken. She glanced behind her, they won't be far behind, she thought, they'll catch up soon I have to keep moving. She stood back up, a siren sounded in the distance, she took of at a run, not really knowing where she was headed or what is at the other end of the ally. She ran for which seemed like miles. The silver moon was only bright enough to light up the five feet in frount of her.
Nearly twice she ran into a wall or an uniddentified figure. Kathrine stoped running, quickly ducking behind a pile of boxes, she waited for who ever had been chaseing her to come into view. It had never according to her that in order to hunt down your enemy you need to know what they look like. Of course she has always gotten lucky and have been, in the past, able to see the person who was at the time in hot persute on her. But this time she knew that it wasn't going to be too easy to get a good enough glance at him or her, without revieling her own hiding spot. Think she commanded herself when her hunter came into view, how could I get a good look at him if I can't move, throw something? Too dangerous. Voices. Too confusing and risky. I can't get jailed agian! I'll be dead before I even get home.
A figure moved on the other side of the ally. Someone is watching. Do I give my signal if it is one of the gang? Would that be risky? I know Jason is in the hills two thousand miles away but what about Gracie or Sam? Jason sister is bounded to be with him so Courtney is out of the question. Still thinking I move within the shadows very quitely, as if I wasn't there. It was a trick I learned from a book, it took forever to master.

Enjoy! This is dedicated to Julle!! Enjoy!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
awesome Cal!
thanks for the dedication!~Julle
post soon!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
Duh! I will!! But I'll post once I finnish! Welcome Julle!
over a year ago GoddessDemeter said…
Great !!!! sis
this would be awesome even tho i just started

over a year ago _Posieden_ said…
big smile
Nice one, sis. I really liked it. I can't wait for chapter! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
Here's a preview for chapter two!!
Chapter two: Seeking Jason's Piont of View.
Kathrine, went in and out of view if she wasn't as fast as I know she is, she would have been spoted a mile ago. Lucky for her, her persuteter was a half a block away since she melted in to the shadows to try and escape.
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
Yep! the short ones are always the best!! LOL.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
nice (but short) preview! lol :)
post soon!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
Ok heres chapter two!!!! Still in Jason's PoV. I think this might be in thrid/first person PoV. Oh well. Enjoy!! And sorry for the wait.

Chapter two: Seeking

Kathrine, went in and out of view if she wasn't as fast as I know she is, she would have been spoted a mile ago. Lucky for her, her persuteter was a half a block away since she melted in to the shadows to try and escape. It seems like she trying to get rid of me now! Come on Jason you know that you cann't just follow her and expect that she won't find out. Jason sighed This wasn't exaclly easy if I showed myself she'll either be mad or she'll end up hurting me invoulntary. I sighed just follow her explain later. Jason followed Kat into the dark, twisted ally. Kat didn't seem to notice until they entered a building. The name of the shaby, brown, building, was in lights, although they were dim you could still see them, it said "Vipers Posion". Why anyone would want to go there I don't know. But hey I've been in weirded places. So Jason followed Kathrine into the building regaredless what was going to happen if he got cought by the police.

As soon as Kat appeared out of the shadows, I did the same. Before I lost her I grabbed her wrist, she spun around lighting fast to see who it was and manage to stop herself before she punched me. "What do you think you are doing?" She hissed. "Trying,and failed, to keep you out of trouble." I replied She shot me a look, that said both thanks but no thanks, and get out before you get caught.

"What did you do this time?" I asked slightly scared of her answer. She looked around, the room was filled with drunk and dangerous people, but it seemed like they weren't paying attention to two teen aged kids argueing on who did this and why. But there was someone who was Always listening. We walked to the back of the room and found a door, that lead to a cabinet. "I may have angered a few people." she replied. "Tell me exactly how many people." I said "Oh, maybe, like twenty or less." Kat said. "Twenty?!"
"Or less." she added. I shook my head, ran my fingures through my hair. What do I do? I thought, come on think of some thing. "How did you 'anger' these people." I asked. Her eyes light up. "Ok so I found this poem and it conected to a treasure in Connell, so I thought why not particpate in the 'treasure hunt' but accualy I can solve this mystery." she said "No you'll just get in trouble, and then get jailed." I said, "You know how everyone thinks of you." "But this could be MY only chance to prove them wrong. Besides everyone in the hills knows that I'm good. So why not prove that? So are you in or out?" I figured this must really mean a lot to her. I mean basically everyone, well it would be a bit extreme to say they hate her but that's kind of the truth.

Makeing the decision was slightly more difficult then I thought. "I will only go if Gracie, Sis, and Sam come. And you know that we all work better as a team. And yes, before you say anymore, I know everyone on the hills knows who you are, and I know you want to change everyone elses or at least most of them, but you can't do this. Not alone." I told her. But before she could reply the cabinet door opened.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
yay you posted Cal! :)
post soon!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
I'll post once I fiinish it I'm a little, a lot, behind but I'll defineatly post! Sonn.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
okay, hope you post soon!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
Here's a preview! Enjoy! And HecateA got her account back! Hurray!!

Chapter three: Caught-Kat
When the door opened I could not believe my luck! It was the guards! How did they fined me? Did I not cover my trail correctly?
  Of course life always has a way to come back and bite you. You just have to wait for it. 
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
I feel like you guys need a longer preview. What do you think? :P
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
that was the shortest preview i ever saw lol :P
post soon!!! :D
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
Ok long preview it is! But it's still short! :P

Chapter three: Caught-Kat
When the door opened I could not believe my luck! It was the guards! How did they fined me? Did I not cover my trail correctly?
  Of course life always has a way to come back and bite you. You just have to wait for it. 
    As they pushed us out of the cabinet, I saw someone who I did not want to see here. I mean out of all the place he could have gone! He chose to come here, at this very spot were I was been escorted out of the area. Curse him! They chained us at our ankles and wrists, then yanked us forward. When they did I thought, wow you couldn't have asked us to move? But I quickly demolished the thought. Sighing I aloud them to pull, push and  shove us into the carriage. It took but a few minutes to arrive at the jail house.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
post soon :D
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
I would but that's all I have for the chapter so far. Lol.
over a year ago _Posieden_ said…
Nice preview, sis. Post chapter three soon!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
Here's something very Important. You need to know about. I might have even given something very valuable away.

History of hills 

The small town was founded in 2456. Like most town the population grew as people in the town came and went. The ruler at that time was a generous man, he called himself Lord Demure. No one knows why that's his name. The town was invaded in 2489, by a group called semi. The Semi's were a deadly group of people. They murdered at will. Not hesitant, not pure either. They stole girls that were of the years 13 through 17, and boy from 12 to 21. No one ever saw them again. When the king found out he ordered them to be stopped, but it was of no use, they were already caught  by king Hines  Mocker, he became the hero and soon added hills to his list of ever growing towns, and to an even longer growing list of kingdoms. 

Years past and no one knew or remembered Lord Demure. It was as if he just disappeared. But some do remember him. They teach others of him in private and then those who have heard go to tell they're family. Soon word got out that there was an illegal teaching going on and it force the families into hiding. 
The Lord Demure's ancestors are still alive. The Manilla family will live on forever. 
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
Ohh! New page here have cake! :D
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
are the main characters Lord Demure's ancestors?
and awesome :)
post soon!!!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
What??? I don't know. Maybe. But you didn't hear it from me!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
I can't decided wether to give you the chapter or to make you wait. Hmmm. What do you think?
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
Here you in derivation to Julle and Sparks!!! Oh and Blossom! Enjoy!!

Chapter three: Caught-Kat
When the door opened I could not believe my luck! It was the guards! How did they fined me? Did I not cover my trail correctly?
  Of course life always has a way to come back and bite you. You just have to wait for it. 
    As they pushed us out of the cabinet, I saw someone who I did not want to see here. I mean out of all the place he could have gone! He chose to come here, at this very spot were I was been escorted out of the area. Curse him! They chained us at our ankles and wrists, then yanked us forward. When they did I thought, wow you couldn't have asked us to move? But I quickly demolished the thought. Sighing I aloud them to pull, push and  shove us into the carriage. It took but a few minutes to arrive at the jail house.
 See the thing you need to know about the country were I live is they do not hesitate to steal, kill, or even attack you just for breathing. We are ruled under a very harsh treatment from our 'beloved' king Sir Hines Mocker, or as I like to call him Mr. Full of Himself or SHM for short. Anyway he cares nothing for his people. And one day I'm going to show him, I'm going to show them all. 
   Girls are not treated with any respect. If a man or boy older or slightly younger than you said to do something you have to do it. Which explains why most girls only go to school with their brothers or don't go when everyone else goes. Normally it doesn't happen tell higher grades.    
Now you need to know more about me. I don't listen to anything that will get me into trouble unless it's a dare. I love dares, sadly that's mostly why everyone thinks I'm a trouble maker. Mainly the men, but all the women know I'm either forced to or have to obey the boys will of judgment.  That means a few things, see boys can over write each other on what they want that girl to do, it can't be to disturbing or emotionally painful, but they always seem to find ways out of those rules. If a boy your age says one thing but one older says another you listen to the older one, because if you don't you get punished servilely. That's why you always need to know at least one boy.  Lucky for me. But I know Jason won't always be there for me. I have to be more careful. 
      As they shoved me into one carriage and Jason in another thoughts ran through my mind, how will I get out of this one? What was He doing here, watching me get arrested? Why didn't he say anything, probably because of Law 267 don't interfere with young punishment. Which is a stupid Law.  If you ever get jailed know this, step 1: don't argue at all. Step 2: just nod your head agreeing to what ever they say. No matter how ridiculous. Step 3: follow them quietly and calmly as you can. Step 4: don't yell too much, and act as innocent as possible. After taking of the chains, they pushed me towards Jason. Now is the time to come up with a plan to escape. 
"Be careful, be quite, don't say anything unless you are spoken to. Also until I say you can speak. Got that?" was the first thing Jason said when I got there. I just nodded knowing he already had a plan. 

We went into the jail house, where they already had a jury, but no onlookers. So no one to my, our defense. Great.  Walking in, I could see they were told to go to the only jail house that does not have windows. Promptly destroying Jason's plan. Rats! 
   The judge cleared his throat, "May the captured come forth. Sit." he said after we walked froward, we sat. He looked us up and down. I tried not to glare at them. I knew what my sentence is to be. Judge Salter had it out for me the second he saw me about five years ago. I'd be lucky if I get two weeks of jail. Jason on the other hand might get two days or none. 
"Miss Kitty Cat, how nice to see you again."  said Judge Salter
"Wish I could say the same to you, Sir." I replied
He glared, not happy with my response. Then I remembered what Jason told me and it took everything I had not to smack myself, Jason was probably doing the same. There was a cold silence, you probably want to know about Kitty Cat. Well back when I was eleven, when he asked me my name I said it to soft for him to hear. In conclusion he thought I said Kitty Cat. But the Guard corrected him. 
"Jason you get...."
I didn't hear the rest because someone screamed and the room went black. 
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
but awesome Cal!
post soon!!!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
I will maybe in a few days.... I don't know when. But soon!! :P I'll try Julle!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
Ok here's a preview!! Enjoy!!

Chapter Four: Escape- Kat

When Kat woke up for good she figured it had been two whole days.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
^ another short preview, lol
post soon!!!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
Yep!! Agian I love giving very short previews!!! They keep you in suspence!! And I do them on purpose!!! Haha!! :P
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
I might post a longer preview tomorrow. Maybe. It all depends.. I have two test and one quiz tomorrow so less homework. There is a mostly possibility that I'll post.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
good luck on your two tests and quiz!
hope you post a preview.
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
Umm. Maybe but have to finnish homework. Then I'll post. I'll probably be done in a hour. Oh and thank you I did well on them!! Ok I official fail with time. I can't post tonight so how about tomorrow morning! Until then..... Peace and Enjoy your life!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
Here's your preview!!

Chapter Four: Escape- Kat

      When Kat woke up for good she figured it had been two whole days. Also that Jason got no punishment except a warning, and from what I could figure I had five weeks. Outside my cell He was there watching. Like always.  Which is really creepy when you think about it.
      "Oh good, the Kitty Cats awake! Has it come to play?" said a too much familiar voice.
       I turned slightly and pain shot up my left ankle and calf. I must have hits it when I blacked out or they decided to leave me a present.  
        Probably both, but mostly the latter.  After grimacing I managed to turn around without screaming in pain. They didn't look too happy that I didn't scream because I'm not going to give them that satisfaction.  
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
aww, i hope she gets out of the jail!
post soon!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
I'll post tomorrow, maybe. But not tonight. I'm too tired and lazy. :/ haha. So yes maybe tomorrow. You have 75% chance of that happening! Good night!!!!!!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
Hey guess what my 75% chance just went down to zero%! Sorry but I'm very busy sis had three soccer games. And I had horse back lessons. So for sis's soccer the two she had Saturday she lost :( but the one she had today she won!!!! Hurray!! :) Plus I haven't touched the story since where we last left off. Good night!!
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Post soon!!!!!! This rox!!!!!!
over a year ago GoddessDemeter said…
Great sissy post soon liby loo
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
@icuStalker, Awe, Thanks!! Hey guys I'm at my grandparents house in GA! I'll post when I get back! :-) Have a Grea weekend!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
Hey! I promised to post once I got back right? Yes I did. Uhh! I'm so sorry I'm super busy! So here's something random for your unnormally long wait!¡!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!¡¡

Today Was A Fair Tale

Today was a fairytale, you were the prince
I used to be a damsel in distress
You took me by the hand, and you picked me up at six
Today was a fairytale, today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale, I wore a dress
You wore a dark gray t-shirt
You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess
Today was a fairytale

Time slows down whenever you're around
But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there

It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale

Today was a fairytale
You've got a smile that takes me to another planet
Every move you make, everything you say is right
Today was a fairytale

Today was a fairytale
All that I can say is now it's getting so much clearer
Nothing made sense until the time I saw your face
Today was a fairytale

Time slows down whenever you're around
Yeah yeah

But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there

It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale

Time slows down whenever you're around
I can feel my heart, it's beating in my chest
Did you feel it?
I can't put this down

But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there
It must have been the way

But can you feel this magic in the air?
It must have been the way you kissed me
Fell in love when I saw you standing there

It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
It must have been the way
Today was a fairytale
Today was a fairytale
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
Ok heres another preview. I'm hoping to be able to do the whole chapter and post it tomorrow. Enjoy!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Chapter Four: Escape- Kat

      When Kat woke up for good she figured it had been two whole days. Also that Jason got no punishment except a warning, and from what I could figure I had five weeks. Outside my cell He was there watching. Like always.  Which is really creepy when you think about it.
      "Oh good, the Kitty Cats awake! Has it come to play?" said a too much familiar voice.
       I turned slightly and pain shot up my left ankle and calf. I must have hit it when I blacked out or they decided to leave me a present.  
        Probably both, but mostly the latter.  After grimacing I managed to turn around without screaming in pain. They didn't look too happy that I didn't scream because I'm not going to give them that satisfaction.  
        "Kitty Cat rather not take the chance." I replied.
"Too sad." said Salter,"You may have guessed already that you have exactly one month of being in jail."
I gasped. No way! One month! The trashed hunt could be over by then! No I had to get out sooner than that!
"But lucky for you, you have been bailed out. Your free to go." he added,"Just so you know He will not always be there for you." And walked away.
I looked at the man still standing outside my cell. He was watching me. 
"Open the cell." He said. The guard did as he was told, he opened the cell, then took off the chains on my ankles and wrist. Ignoring the pain in my ankle, I moved forward out of the cell. Looking around expecting James, or my parents, or my brother. I saw no one. Who bailed me out?
"Please follow me." said the man,"I bailed you out. Now come if you wish to get to that hunt of yours. I will answer all questions later for now just follow."
          How did he know about my hunt? How did he know where, when, and how to find me? That's creepy. 

over a year ago hollistergurl said…
whoa, strange man!
lol, jk, but awesome preview Cal :D
see, i got the name right this time ;D
hahaa, post the rest soon!!!
over a year ago GoddessDemeter said…
Neat post soon liby loo