The Fanfic The Meaning of War - an Inheritance fanfic

DMLIME posted on Feb 14, 2012 at 05:45PM
Rating: The same as Inheritance Cycle
Characters (from old book): Eragon Shadeslayer, Saphira Bartjskular, Arya Drottning, Firnen Edoc'sil, Blodgharm and the other elves, Glaedr and the Eldunari.
New Characters: Read it and find out.
Synopsis: It is set 200 years after Inheritance so only read if you have read ALL FOUR books of the Ineritance cycle.

Disclaimer: C. Paolini owns most of this, including Alagaesia and lots of the characters. All credit goes to him.

PLEASE COMMENT if you like it!

Chapters 1 & 2 are here
last edited on May 18, 2012 at 07:12PM

The Fanfic 168 replies

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over a year ago DMLIME said…
It seems that the Inheritance club is completely dead and no-one reads any forums so I'm moving it here to get a few more comments and views and so on.
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
This is awesome (so far)
I like Eragon's old title (Shadeslayer) better than kingkiller :/
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I agree. Eragon probably agrees as well.
over a year ago DMLIME said…
I've changed it. I'll probably post chapter 3 tomorrow.
over a year ago DMLIME said…
Hey! I'm posting! Ummm,a a little shorter than the last but Im trying to make them longer. Enjoy!

Chapter 3: Decisions

Eragon knew from the prophecy that Angela had given him that he could not go himself to the Urgals and convince the Rider and Dragon to train with him. He would have like to have seen his homeland one more time but he imagined that some type of magical barrier would stop him and Saphira from re-entering. At least that was what he thought. He decided not to ponder on that thought. Angela had said that he was never to set foot in Alagaesia again, and that was that. Then again, Angela did have a sinister and deceptive side...

No. The only option would be to send one of his apprentices. He would have liked to have sent Brond and Caloric because they were his best pupils. They had an advantage being the first pair out of the first eggs Eragon had sent. But he was reluctant to let them go. He had made good friends with the Riders and it made no difference that he was their mentor. He also wasn’t sure that they could do the task. It would certainly be a shock for them returning to their home which had most likely gone through some large changes. No doubt it would be a shock for Alagaesia too, not having witnessed any Rider and Dragon apart from Arya and Firnen.

But it must be done, he thought, as he paced along the corridors of his home with Saphira. She took it upon herself to encourage him.

You should let them go. It is not like any of them have had any real mission’s apart from you sending them into Trath forest. They are better off than you think, little one. She said. And the thought gave him great comfort.

“Your right. Thank you, let’s go now and tell them. We should probably go and explain in Glaedr Hall.”

Then as they leapt up into the sky as they had done a thousand times before, for one reason or another, it dawned on Eragon and Saphira that in all their time together they had never pushed the limits to how high they could fly. Not really anyway. Saphira turned her head and what could only be described as a grin crawled across her face. Of course, it was confirmed by the rush of excited feelings Eragon could sense from her, and he felt them too.

An agreement passed through their minds and Saphira arched her body and they flew higher and higher till it grew very cold and they found it slightly harder to breathe. When they were far above the clouds and surrounded by stars, they realised that they could fly forever and there would never be an end. It was an amazing experience, one they would cherish and quietly swore (not that anyone could hear them from their height) to show to the other Riders one day. It was with that promise that Saphira swooped down at an astonishing speed towards their home again. Just before they passed through the clouds and they could breathe much easier, they enhanced their sight with a simple spell and could just make out another island, larger than their own home and much further to the west. It was then they realised that it was Alagaesia and their hearts reached out towards it. They both had such a strong connection to Alagaesia it was difficult not to just leave everything and go there. But they both knew that there would be some sort of consequence.

When they soared much closer to Isilwen, their new home, Saphira roared so loud the noise could be heard for hundreds of miles in every direction. It certainly got the attention of the other Riders. Eragon and Saphira called for a meeting in Glaedr hall, which also happened to be Glaedr’s home and also the home of the other Eldunari – at least, the ones who had stayed and not passed into the void. It had seemed right at the time to name the Hall after them. It was just as grand and it made him feel better to have the place for making important decisions named after him. He had been in a slight mood lately, after hearing the news that Murtagh and Thorn would be coming within the next decade or so.

I made it abundantly clear at our last meeting that I couldn’t forgive. I only made an effort to understand. He argued.

“Look, I could do with the help and so could Saphira. It’s not going to kill anyone.” Eragon said back.

I wouldn’t be so sure.

They sat down at in the smooth stone chairs that had been sung into perfection partly by Eragon, but mostly, he admitted, by the elves. A long table stretched out through the hall wide enough so that each dragon could fit right behind his or her Rider. Eragon sat at the head of the table with Saphira directly behind him. To his right, sat Blodgharm, the elf who had been his friend and helpful advisor through the years. To his left, sat Brond with Caloric behind him. Along Blodgharm’s side of the table sat Carod, with Jura behind him. Then Rickk and his dragon, Roslarb, a male dragon of stunning turquoise scales. After him was the strange dwarf Rider, Grimbor. His dragon was a golden female named Barome. It suited Eragon perfectly that the only dwarf Rider was part of Durgrimst Ingeitum. Along Brond’s side of the table sat the 4 elves. First, Arwenial, a graceful elf with eyes that could kill. Behind her Nendric lay, her white scales giving off a faint glow and lighting the room slightly. Then Elrindt and Sendalt. Elrindt was someone with no colour in his face. Colourless eyes and hair. His dragon however, was a strong brown male, born for war. Then was Fialen, a quiet elf with a rather shy dragon named Vanilor, both a female. Vanilor had shining silver scales that made the sun reflect on her like stars. Finally, Niadrel, someone who had lived a long time and with a great history of dragons. She and her dragon, Hirador had one of the closest relationships ever between dragon and Rider. Whether that was because of their longer time together or Niadrel’s knowledge or the fact that they were of opposite sex.

They were all nervous about the meeting. A meeting on as short notice as this hadn’t been called in a long time. At least not since the problem with the sheep (another story).

“It has been brought to my attention that another egg has hatched in Alagaesia.”

There was cheering from everyone and the dragons roared in unity but Saphira stayed quiet so as to keep the wildlife outside from running away from the noise she would create.

“Calm down everyone, please.” They had learned to obey their master over the years and quickly quieted down and listened.

“It is not all good news. In fact there is some bad news that needs to be taken care of. The new Rider is an Urgal.” Eragon announced.

There were more disgusted looks than intrigued among the people present.

“Before you give your own opinions, it seems that this particular Urgal is not very co-operative. He thinks it best that he trains among his own people to fight and teach himself in the ways of magic. I suppose it is to be expected, the Urgals have always been an independent race and it might shame them if their only Rider needed the help of others to accomplish his goal.”

“But master, what of his dragon? Do we know his opinion?” Niadrel asked. He thought the question would come from her, having such a close relationship with her own dragon.

“He picked this Urgal as his Rider because he believes in him and shares his views on life. That is the reason for picking a being to be the dragons Rider. If that answers your question then I believe that we must move on the decision of who will go and bring the Rider and dragon here. I already know who I would like but if they don’t want to and others do then I welcome volunteers, but there will be only two.” Eragon replied.

No hands came up but only a question from Brond.

“Who would you like to go, Ebithril?” he asked.

“You and Caloric, and -” he started,

Along with Carod and Jura, Saphira finished.

Really master? Jura asked.

Of course. She replied.

Eragon and Saphira sensed their thoughts before they spoke them. They felt they could not turn down such a quest. They were grateful and let the Riders and dragons know.

“You will prepare and leave as soon as possible. I wouldn’t want to keep Tarik and Shok’tarl waiting.”
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
big smile
Awesome chapter!
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Can't wait for more!
over a year ago DMLIME said…
Should be posting tomorrow and I just realised this forum is on pop content! Its only sixth but I've never had something there before. Not sure with time diffrerence but it means I'll be posting in the next 24 hours. :)
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Can't wait!
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I'm staring at my screen, waiting for more.
over a year ago dark_vanyar said…
over a year ago dark_vanyar said…
Hate waiting...
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
over a year ago DMLIME said…
Ok am meant to be posting right now but for some reason my computer has gone crazy on me and won't recognise my memory stick which has the next chapter on so really sorry but I can't post right now. Soon though.
over a year ago DMLIME said…
Yay! Its working, sorry for the long wait. My school must think I want to spend every waking minute doing homework...Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 4: Going home, for a while

“We’re going home Jura! Home! If Brond and Caloric don’t mind, we might be able to visit my family.” Carod exclaimed.

I know. It should be.....exhilarating. She said.

“I’ve packed everything we need that we can’t pick up when we get there, like some Lihat meat and that wonderful fruit: masries.”

Then let’s meet up with Brond and Caloric so we can return home.


Brond and Caloric were much more worried about returning to their homeland. It had been much longer since they had left than Carod and Jura. They were not scared so much as anxious. It had given them comfort though, when Grimbor and his dragon, Barome, had bid them farewell,

“Now you travel safely lads. Wouldn’t want you to get caught in a swarm of Dingbyres, now would we?” Grimbor joked with a large grin on his face. The dwarf Rider always seemed happy. His female companion was mostly the same, but on this occasion took the serious note.

Seriously, you must travel safely and stay with Carod and Jura. It wouldn’t do for you to get yourself killed on the first quest any Rider has been given in hundreds of years. Barome said, soothingly.

With that, the four companions took off, dominating the skies.


It was just Brond’s luck that they would actually get caught in a swarm of Dingbyres. They had just passed the small island between Isilwen and Alagaesia that was used as a pit stop sort of thing. They were about half a day from Alagaesia, not a problem for Jura and Caloric, when Carod said he could feel something coming, something big. He said he sensed it with magic so they grew cautious. When nothing came in the next half hour they relaxed, but only a few minutes later a huge swarm of Dingbyres appeared from above. Brond was shocked. How could Carod have sensed something with magic so far away? He knew he was a great magician, even better than him, but what had just happened was just...

He had been thinking too long. Caloric’s bright blue scales made him almost camouflaged in the sky with no clouds but the swarm soon spotted him and, as if in mockery, joined together in the shape of a large, black, croaking dragon. The croaking was a result of the noise that comes from a Dingbyre’s throat. They communicate by a strange croaking sound. Their physical description is much more horrifying though.

They are much like very large bee’s but their heads are like that of a dragon who hasn’t eaten and as effect is very skinny and bony. More so their furry scales aren’t brilliant and shiny, but dark and like dead leaves.

So when they came together in the shape of a dragon, it looked like death.

Come Brond. Let us show these vermin what a real dragon is like in battle. Caloric urged.

“Let us.” Brond agreed.

Together they hit the swarm and Caloric blew a wave of fire burning the fake dragon’s left leg off. He then proceeded to rip apart the creatures forming its head. Meanwhile Carod had destroyed its tail and Jura had set its main body on fire, a group of Dingbyres that were a little thicker than the rest. Together, the 2 dragons ad Riders were too much for the fake dragon which quickly shrunk into only one Dingbyre, which quickly sped away into the clouds below.

“Well, that was fun.” Carod joked.

While the dragons roared in agreement, Brond grinned and said,

“It sure was!”

They then continued their journey and suspected they would arrive in only a few hours. In those few hours they took a small nap while their dragons powered on, getting closer and closer to Alagaesia. Brond woke up just as they got to the eastern rim of Eldor Lake in the east of Du Weldenvarden. Jura woke up Carod and the two dragons went down and lay by the water downing gallons and gallons of it after their long journey.

Ahhh, there is nothing quite as refreshing as elfish water. Caloric thought to the others.

You are right there, my friend. Jura agreed.

When the dragons had rested up and the two Riders had gathered their bearings, they decided to let the people of Alagaesia know they had arrived. He imagined only te elves, who were closest, would respond. While the Riders stayed on the ground, the two dragons shot up into the sky and blew enormous blasts of fire in every direction. It was night time now but you could still hear the growing response coming from deep in the forest. It began with small shuffling, gradually turning into a run and soon they found themselves surrounded by gawping elves.

“What sort of trickery is this? Which of you have created this illusion?” someone asked.

“It is no illusion friend.” Brond responded. He then proceeded to greet them in the ancient language. Carod did the same. They still seemed unconvinced but it was then that Caloric and Jura introduced themselves and the elves knew that the greeting of a dragon in the ancient language would be far too difficult to forge.

The elf that seemed to be in charge of the large group stepped forward.

“We are sorry. I remember now who you are. We elves have been going through problematic times and are becoming slightly forgetful.”

“It’s alright. We are on an important mission but I suppose we could stay to here and help with your...problems.” Carod offered.

“These are problems that are not easily solved, Master Rider. We have been divided into 2 ‘clans’ you might say of our race. We believe in Arya and Firnen and their ability to rule over us. Others do not, to put it simply. They believe in the old tradition, that you cannot rule a race and be a Rider. They believe it so outrageous that we have been forced to break off from them. The fact that the Urgal Rider has decided not to go to Eragon Kingkiller, you master, is not helping our case.”
“But of course, this is not your problem. We can guarantee you safe passage towards IIirea. We can arrange this but you’ll need to travel just south of Ceris and then straight through the heart of the Hadarac desert. As experienced Riders you should make it through fine. I bid you good luck.”

They then parted and began their short journey south.

They arrived at Ceris in a few hours and stayed in a home there that the elves had lent to them. It was comfortable and warm so they decided to stay the night and get some rest. Of all the things he loved about the elves way of life, it was their bedding he liked the most. It was a strange preference, but he couldn’t help but notice how much softer the pillows were, or how smooth mattress was. It was an incredible sensation, one he was grateful to experience for the whole night.

Unfortunately the next morning didn’t turn out to be as good.

First of all, they got up late, all four of them. And to add insult to injury, they all felt starving and had plans to be a third through the Hadarac desert by the time they left. After a quick breakfast, they took off into the windy domain of the sky, which was particularly ruthless that morning.

When the sky was to sandy to fly through the desert, they decided it might be best to walk from there, or in the dragons case, crawl. But they stumbled upon the same problem Eragon had when he first come through here. They quickly ran out of water when they were only half way through the desert. By this time it was night and they hoped to be through by morning. Brond, Caloric, Carod and Jura were unused to the environment and they struggled through, their mouths becoming much drier. It was Carod who came upon the idea. He was constantly thinking about water in his head, repeating the word in both his own and the Ancient language. It was after a few hours that a small drop seemed to appear in front of his mouth and fly into it. He was astonished, and while he was excited by his sudden discovery, he found himself wanting to lie down.

“Jura, I have a solution. I‘ve done it,” he said. He quickly grabbed his flask from Jura’s back as she stared at him in confusion. He thought the word again as strongly as he could, using the ancient language in his head. He knew this was dangerous, but it seemed to get more water into his flask and he was getting tired as well. Brond seemed to notice and Caloric too so they both tried to stop Carod. But he wouldn’t stop. He grabbed a bucket they had which was large enough for both dragons to drink from, and started pouring water into that. When it was filled to the brim he said,

“I did it,” and with that he collapsed to the ground, a smile on his face as he was exhausted into unconsciousness.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Incredible. I love it. Can't wait to see how the Riders are accepted in Alagaesia.
over a year ago dark_vanyar said…
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
That was an awesome chapter!
over a year ago DMLIME said…
2 more comments and I post!
over a year ago dsalvatore13 said…
that was awesome!!!

thats 1 comment
over a year ago dark_vanyar said…
That's right. Amazing, really... That's the 2nd...
over a year ago DMLIME said…
Ok, so this ones kinda short comapred to the last. Sorry....
Thanks for the comments and praise. Really motivating so keep them coming! Hope you enjoy, even if it is short...

Chapter 5: A Father of many

Eragon paced back and forth in his home with Saphira laying a few feet away.

Why do you worry so much little one? Saphira asked gently.

“Because I can’t help but think that if something happens to any of them then I’d be responsible, and I couldn’t live with myself.”
He replied, sadness taking hold of his voice.

You should have more faith in them as I do. Saphira said.

“I know but it’s frustrating not knowing how they are doing. Whatever part of Alagaesia they’re in is too far for even me to scry them. I just don’t want anything bad to come their way.” He said, and he looked like a father whose children had just run away from home. That of course was not the case. He just had an unusual amount of worry, clouding his mind to reason and logic, thus making him look like a fool.

Then something unusual happened. Eragon knew of the strange magical powers of the dragons. He knew that it was rare an unexpected but occurred when there was great need or emotion in the dragon or Rider. He had witnessed it when Saphira had turned Brom’s grave of stone into a diamond case that would preserve his body forever. He witnessed it in the sheep situation years earlier. He saw it when she turned an enormous flock of raging Klamataurs into Robins, just by breathing heavily onto the first few. He gazed at the beauty of it when she turned a dying willow tree into one that could have been mistaken for the Menoa tree had this one not been so small.

But these were all physical changes with magic. What Saphira did just then to Eragon was literally breath reassurance onto him. Her breath immediately and indefinitely made him feel great about sending his 2 apprentices away. He was sure they would succeed in bringing back the new Rider and there was no doubt in his mind that they would all return unscathed.

She did not brainwash him. She simply forced him to a conclusion that she would have convinced him of by speaking. Only the speaking would have taken much longer.

A strange look appeared on Eragon’s face and he looked at Saphira kindly before saying,

“But I suppose you right. In fact I feel sure that they will be fine. This is a strange feeling. When can we expect them back, do you think?”

Not long, 2 weeks at most. But that excludes the fact that the Urgals might not like 2 Riders whisking away their most valued warrior. We know how much they value strength and honour. A Rider brings them more honour than any in the history of their kind! She pointed out.

“Oh that shouldn’t be a problem. They are great warriors themselves, Brond and Carod. And Jura and Caloric are more than capable of fending for themselves.” He stated, rather sure of himself.

It seems, thought Saphira, I have convinced him beyond even my doubts. Little-two-legs and his strange mind. I had thought that after hundreds of years he’d have made enough wards to stop people from just changing his little mind. She then kissed her teeth as best a dragon could and said silently to herself, Humans.

Eragon turned towards her, obviously noticing the strange noise emanating from the enormous mouth.

Saphira laughed in her head, not sure what she found so funny. It was probably the bewildered look on Eragon’s face.

He heard her and innocently asked,

over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
over a year ago dsalvatore13 said…
same here!
over a year ago dark_vanyar said…
then we're 4!!
over a year ago DMLIME said…

posting soon...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
over a year ago DMLIME said…
Hey, I'm posting! Sorry for the wait, but this ones a longer than the last and I've had homework...issues at school. Particularly with the size of homework. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and keep on commenting!

Chapter 6: Civilised beings

Arya was becoming more and more aggravated by the minute. It didn’t seem fair that all these things had to happen to her.

But she was strong. She could handle it.

Her main problem was the elven separation. She was thankful that so many, the majority, of her kind had chosen to support her. But there were more and more leaving and joining her enemies: the elves who thought that they should stay in complete democracy, those that thought that a Rider had no right to rule over their race. In part they had a point, but Arya was a very considerate elf. She knew that some would feel this way and had done her best to even out her attention.

Unfortunately, some elves were too wound up in their narrow minds to comprehend what she was trying to do. For elves they were acting like animals. They had only one thought: Arya could not be Queen. This of course did not help her in any way, shape or form.

But the worst problem of all was Firnen. Although she had to concentrate on her race and its issues, she could not just abandon her companion. He was ill, with what no-one could determine. Just after Saphira and Eragon left he had been very distraught. He understood they had to leave but didn’t want to fully accept it. He appeared much worse than he did on the day of their departure. But she imagined he hid it to show how strong he was to Saphira or something.

Eventually that feeling passed but in the past few years he had grown ill with a sort of cancer. Arya could feel it spreading through his body and paining him every moment. He insisted on flying whenever she couldn’t suppress the need to. She would try to hide it but when she failed he would stop at nothing to fly with her. But she knew he was never up to it. He was the sweetest dragon, always trying to please her and she couldn’t deny she loved flying. There was no sensation like it.

Not a single elf had managed to diagnose Firnen’s disease, but he was slowly becoming bedridden.

And then there was Eragon. There wasn’t a single day that had gone by that he didn’t enter her thoughts. It sounded like something out of a cheesy tale but nevertheless it was true. She did not regret saying that she needed time. Unfortunately that meant that because they were leaving and she was Queen that they couldn’t be together. Maybe if he came back, or if she went to visit him. But she knew he couldn’t come back without some unknown consequence and she would never have the time.

So, she had moved on as best she could and, albeit the very rare night of painful longing, things had been normal. She would fly up with Firnen in the morning, after a few minutes of arguing about his ability to do so, and he would do his best to create a roar of flames which, even in his condition, was something to behold.

People’s hands weren’t enough to shield them from the light and heat. The green flames danced about the sky, blazing the air around them. Then he would go back to rest and the elves would take part in something they were not known for, but were very good at:


It is questionable whether what they do is hunting. They don’t eat meat and so they eat plants and fruit. But some plants have a habit of hiding and moving. These are the ones that the elves enjoy. These are the ones that make them excited. These are the ones that take the elves minds off all troubles, because it takes all the concentration of even an elf, to see these things.

Faster than a fairly young dragon and the camouflage ability that none can match. They are incredibly difficult to find. But once found they have the sweetest smells and tastes in all of Alagaesia. They are known by the elves as Ebrithil abr Maela, literally meaning, “Master of Quiet”. And if you asked the elves, they really were.

They were found in the deeper parts of Du Weldenvarden, farther north than most ever go. They can blend into a tree and make another branch. They can turn into a whole that looks just like the den of some other animal. They could quite easily shift the colours into anything and be anything they wanted for a while.

So the elves had figured out a way to find them.

The special magicians – ones with stronger powers – and that meant Arya, would feel their surroundings. They would close their eyes and sense all around them. They could tell where a tree was and sense the connections between the branches and the bulk. If an Ebithril abr Maela was masquerading as a branch the elves would sense the joint between them and the tree and see the fake reality of its connection to the bulk. They would then know and chase after the plant.

On one special occasion, Firnen did one of his magical tricks that dragons are known for. Even in is state he was able to conjure up something incredible. The elves were on the ground searching and Arya was up flying with him. They hadn’t had much luck and Firnen was becoming annoyed. Arya tried to calm him but he wanted to catch them. Then he simply breathed very loudly over the forest beneath and several of the Ebithril abr Maela simply dropped in their places and glowed bright green, the colour of Firnen and Arya’s magic and fire. The elves were astonished and so was Arya, though as she could sense his emotions, she had suspected something like it in the moments before.

That was a good day, but on this particular morning not a single one was found. Arya returned to their home and stayed with Firnen till night when she received news about 2 new Riders in Alagaesia.

“I must sort this Firnen, will you be fine?” she asked worryingly.

Of course, stop worrying. I am dragon. He said, bravely defending his pride, though even the voice in his mind sounded broken.

She left the tent and went to the elf that had given the news to her moments earlier.

“What do you mean, 2 riders have passed through?” she asked, shocked.

“They came through just an hour ago, looking for shelter and on
some important mission. No details were given.” He replied sharply.

“Well do you know where they are headed?” She asked.

“Yes, my Queen. They are going through the desert of Hardarac.”

“What’s he doing?” She muttered to herself. “Well, make sure they are properly treated. These are the apprentices of Eragon Shadeslayer. They deserve the very best.”

“The very best is already being given, my Queen.”

“Good, and see if your men who saw them have gathered any news about Eragon’s plans.”

“I’m afraid, no real information was given. I’m sorry. We know nothing more about Eragon and his apprentice’s mission any more than you do.”

“Okay.” She said and walked back to her home with Firnen. And on her face, only a few would be able to detect the slight hint of sadness.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Awesome. I love it.
over a year ago DMLIME said…
big smile
Also guys, I love the praise but if you could also tell me where im going wrong that would be great. I would like constructive critisism though, not insults :D
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I can't find anything wrong, aside from what look to be typos
over a year ago dark_vanyar said…
over a year ago dark_vanyar said…
Love it :) :) :)
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
big smile
I can't wait for the next chapter
over a year ago Asmadasahater said…
Great job. I like the idea. It's really good.
But, ummm I find that you need to describe it more and less. I don't think you needed to describe all the characters in the last chapter when you should have described the surroundings more. It kinda like painting a picture. I just can't see what your trying to describe. Some parts are a bit short, like you got bored of writing about that scene and jumped right into the next. Then other part were not needed. The character descriptions were too long and too similar. You only described hair, eye colour, and a small partof the personalility. That part was just blah to me. Sorry.
You have really good ideas, but the chapter wasn't your best job.
Keep trying and don't take this as an insult. Practice makes perfect. Writing is a skill, and to master any skill takes practice. :)
over a year ago DMLIME said…
Thanks for the advice its exactly what I need thanks!
over a year ago dsalvatore13 said…
I think it is just awesome
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
you need to make the chappies lonnger; that is all
over a year ago DMLIME said…
Guys, just wanted to say I'm real sorry for not posting in ten days. Its terrible but I've been really I'll this past week and a bit before but I'm getting better and I'll see if I can post by the end of the weekend (which might be different for some because of the time difference)
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I'm getting really antsy for it
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
hey! what happened to chappies 1 and 2 ? post them please!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Hope you feel better!
over a year ago DMLIME said…
Hi guys I'm posting finally! I had a really bad throat and lostmy voice for a bit. Then I was sick and I just wasn't well for most of the last week and abit. But Since yeterday I've been feeling a lot better (thanks MisterPerfect1) and I should be fine to post more regualrly now.

@trivia101 - chapters 1 and 2 are on the link at the top. If you stil can't find them, its the same forum but on the inheritance club.

Anyways, Enjoy!

Chapter 7: Greetings

It was several hours since Carod had passed out and he was beginning to worry Brond. Jura had closed herself off to the others and tried to spark Carod’s mind so as to wake him. So far she had failed. Brond and Caloric had tried to penetrate his mind and maybe force him into consciousness, but found that his sub-conscious had an incredibly strong defence. While Carod stabbed at his mind with a sword and Caloric had roared against it, an enormous defensive tidal wave had forced them to retreat. No imagined brick walls like most other magicians. Carod just had a constant tsunami threatening anything that got too close. The only good thing about it was its apparent inability to fight back. It would only defend, but never attack.

Eventually, Brond and Caloric realised that they were only making fruitless attempts. They would just have to wait till he recovered by himself. That would take time. But they could still move on. He guessed they were still a few days away from reaching Illrea.

As they soared through the skies, Carod improved. Jura could feel emotions and he began to twitch slightly. Over the next 2 days he began to move a little more and began muttering. When they were only a few hours from the edge of the desert, he woke.

He was shaking like he was cold, but he was really scared. He seemed like some unspeakable monster had been about to kill him before he woke up. In a sense that was what had happened.

After committing what was an amazing piece of magic, he had passed out into a sleep. This sleep was filled to the brim with nightmares. One incredibly monstrous creature had been taunting him, threatening him. His courage and confidence of being a Rider has deserted him completely. His mind was helpless to the creature’s attacks. Just seeing this monster, and he couldn’t close his eyes in the dream, injected fear into him. It was a horrifying experience, but the creature’s presence wasn’t the worst thing.

The sight of an adult Ra’zac, or Lethrblaka, can revolt anyone, especially if they have not seen one before. They are creatures made of unearthly things. But you could say they look like humanoid beings with a body of conjoined maggots and a beak. The wings and larger size is only a feature of the Lethrblaka, not the younger, slightly less frightening Ra’zac.

Having this creature, stare and screech at you for hours almost drove him mad, but he awoke before his could lose himself

The dragons decided to stop and rest for a few hours to check on Carod, even though they were only a few hours from the end of the desert, and then on to Illrea. They all drank some more water, while Carod just stared into space, occasionally muttering a word or two. Mostly it was just things like, “Go away....! No! I won’t tell... Leave me alone!” This continued for almost an hour before he got some grasp on their surroundings.

They were in bare open land, as the desert always looked, the sun was slowly going down but had not yet reached sunset. There was a slight breeze and so the ground looked like a yellow sea, the grains of sand like graceful, flowing waves.

Carod seemed a lot surer of himself as Jura prodded his mind with hers. He reluctantly let her in, sensing a great closeness with his dragon, but still feeling suspicious. He really wasn’t himself until Jura’s thoughts washed over him, and his true self came back to him. He felt stronger, slightly different but still like who he was before earlier events. One thing was for sure. He was going to figure out his true name again, because it had undoubtedly changed.

Eragon had taught them about true names, almost as soon as they began their training. It was very important, he said, that you know yourself, as it increases your abilities and self-confidence.

Carod and Jura had spent ages figuring out theirs: just under a decade. It took them longer than most, but then they are very complex and intelligent. They had always had a broader perspective and mind, making it harder to define them. They had asked for help, but Eragon went all old-and-wise on them and said it was not just about the result, but about how you get it; that the journey was as important as the destination. Both Rider and Dragon understood, but neither was happy about it.

And now he was certain that he had changed, meaning he would have to figure it out again. This was especially hard seeing as he wasn’t sure how exactly he had changed, but only that he felt different inside, like a certain power had begun to build in him, magically as opposed to physically. He looked up at Jura and their minds joined together completely. He remembered fully what he was doing, where he was, and where they were going. He was scarred, and he would have to talk to the others later, because right now, they had to get to Illrea.

He jumped up and almost gave Brond and Caloric a shock.

“C’mon guys,” he said, climbing onto Jura’s back, “We’ve got somewhere to be.”

“Um, yeah sure, if you think you can. Don’t you want to talk about what happened? Because I’d damn well like to know how you created water without saying a word. Ebithril Eragon and Saphira said never to do that. They said that Eragon still struggles without passing out for days. Remember that time the elves had to train us because they couldn’t wake him? And that was just because he tried to lift a rock without speaking.”

“Yeah I remember but we can talk later. I want to bring this new Rider back quickly. Alagaesia’s changed.” He sighed.

Everything felt different. Like there was a new presence that had covered the whole land. It didn’t seem like his home anymore. Jura felt the same. They couldn’t place what it was, but something was new here. And it wasn’t just a different generation or even the elves civil war. Someone or something incredibly powerful and amazing with magic had come to Alagaesia and was...meddling.

They decided to put those thoughts away and get on with the task at hand. Despite feeling much better, he still felt incredibly nervous at meeting Queen Nasuada the third. She was told to be beautiful and stunning, but had inherited the fierceness and strength of her family. He knew he must be like the first Nasuada, who Eragon often told stories about. The Riders assumed he exaggerated, because he depicted her like a God almost. He couldn’t wait to meet her, but he couldn’t help feel intimidated, a rare occurrence for a Rider.

Brond climbed on to Caloric’s back and said,

“Well, if you’re sure. To Illrea!”

And they leapt up from the ground and while their dragon’s roars flew miles in every direction.
over a year ago dsalvatore13 said…
big smile
awesome!! post soon
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Incredible! You should enter the Writing Games.
over a year ago DMLIME said…
^I don't know if its that good!

And I should post the next one by Friday hopefully, depending on the generosity of my teachers with homework.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Trust me, this is much better than some of the stuff I see in the Writing Games
over a year ago dark_vanyar said…
Awesome!!! You're improving each time you post!!!
over a year ago DMLIME said…
MY LAPTOP STOPPED WORKING! Its so unfair, I turn it on and then 3 seconds later, it goes off. I only managed this message through the internet on my phone which is incredibly slow anyway. I'm really sorry I can't post (especially since I'd practically finished the next chapter) but It'll be a few days before its fixed - hopefully..