The Fanfic In The Background Discussion

dragonsmemory posted on Feb 22, 2012 at 10:01PM
My newest fanfic, In The Background, is coming out this summer. It will be posted in the Harry Potter Fanfic club on this site. I would appreciate it if you would comment here, on this forum. This is where I'll explain the story. I'll also answer any questions you may have.

The Fanfic 75 replies

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over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I'll be posting the first part of In The Background on July 31. Check here at the end of this month for a special preview. Eacn part will be posted on weekends, hholidays, and Harry Potter days. Harry Potter days are days influential to the story. After a new chapter is up, I'll give a bit of background on it here. Also watch for special Harry Potter one-shots starting September first. They will appear randomly and will not have titles. Props will be given for the best title for the one-shot within 24 hours.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Hailey Potter stood on the ffield with the other first-year Gryffindors, watching the line of Slytherins. Both groups were excited for today's lesson, as it would be their first flying lesson. Draco Malfoy, the apparent ringleader, was sharing tales of narrow escapes from Muggles. The Slytherins were laughing fit to burst.
To distract herself from the Slytherins across the way, Hailey looked around at her fellow classmates. Her twin brother Harry looked uncomfortable, as usual. Neville Longbottom looked terrified of the mere thought of flying. Hermione Granger seemed nervous, whichh summed up the rest of the Gryffindors.

That's all I'm writing until this summer. Please comment.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
big smile
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
The story itself wo'nt start until summer. It will be posted in the Harry Potter Fanfictions club. As I said above, this is where I'll discuss the story with you. Speak your mind here.
over a year ago malandcar said…
big smile
sounds great
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Of course, if a lot of people like the sneak peek, I might start sooner. However, I am expecting questions and comments on everything. Just keep the story free of comments. At least, until the end. I can't say anything more about that until later. The Death Eaters are everywhere. If You-Know-Who heard this…anyway, just keep your eyes open.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Sounds cool.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Also just a question when is summer? I know it sounds like a silly question to ask but I live in Australia where summer is from December to febuary so I'm just not to sure what months it's in where you live.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
July. I had to keep it vague so the Death Eaters won't find out.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Okay thanks.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
No problem. What did you think of the sneak peek?

I'm aiming to keep the same feel as the original, just a different point of view. Hailey is the only character of my own invention.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Yea it was really good and just to let you know I love Harry potter twin stories.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
You'll love this one, then. Hailey knows she has a brother, but the two never met after the Battle of Godric's Hollow. She doesn't know what he looks like. They only find out they're related at their Sorting. The story will follow all seven years. It makes for a smoother plot. I'm also cutting out certain parts that Hailey couldn't have seen.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Alright sounds really cool and I like how your making hailey know about him.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Well, she lived with a Wizarding family for a time, before striking out on her own. She saw some old pictures of the family and heard his name. He doesn't know about her at all. Neither do the Dursleys. She looks like Lily, but with James's eyes.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Ah okay.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I can't say too much more here until the first chapter is up. Just saying, if you have questions on a chapter, make sure to head the post with the chapter title. Try to get all your questions/comments in one post. It'll keep the place neater.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Yep and thanks for the info.
over a year ago GryffindorGirl2 said…
Um,no offense..but I kind of feel like your copying from my character,Jasmine. You must know I'm very protective about her,and it took all my will to post a fan-fic with her in it,which I said I wouldn't.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
If you watch the story, you'll find it's my idea. Hailey, unlike Jasmine, was not marked. She does not have a scar, nor is she a Horcrux. A lot of twin stories will sound the same. Mine is going to span all seven years. I'm also cutting out a lot of the summers. Hailey doesn't live with the Dursleys. She was with a Wizarding family for a time, then struck out on her own. Just follow the story. You'll see a lot of differences.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Hey, there, my readers. Today's very special post is in honor of Remus Lupin.
This chapter should look somewhat familiar to those of you that read DH. If you, haven't, you don't have to. I don't think I have to explain much on this post. If you're concerned about length, it'll improve once the story gets going.
So, any questions?
over a year ago twipotter said…
That was good...
btw who else knows that Hailey s Harry's twin sister?
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Theoretically, everyone
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome first chap.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Thanks. Any questions? Next chapter will be posted…at some time
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Yep can't wait I can tell this is gonna be great and you got a really nice writing style too.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Thanks. I was aiming to keep the feel of the originals.

It's called stream of consciousness. I use it a lot in my writing
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Yeah I do it sometimes but I can't do it very long without talking so yeah.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
It really helps when you're trying to explain. Anyway, thanks for being the most active reader!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
No problem.
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
I don't get it
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
What don't u get Matt.
over a year ago Kronos429 said…
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Just sit back and enjoy life while you can
over a year ago suroa said…
big smile
I'm looking forward to read your story. I can't wait!
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Well, suroa, if you know which characters were born in March, you can predict the next post
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I know when your posting next but aww I don't want to wait that long but oh we'll.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Tomorrow, in honor of the late James Potter's birthday, there will be a new post.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
haha cant wait.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
A good portion of this should look familiar to those of you who know SS. If you don't just roll with it. I decided, in the interest of my time, to split the chapter. So, let's talk about the first part, shall we?
In writing the chapter, I have made a slight modification. If you've been following both of these forums, you'll see it. I have kept the quotes to a minimum, but there are going to be times when I'll have to quote. Mostly, I'll quote dialogue. However, I will be using a technique of (probably) my own invention. I'll explain it now, since there isn't much else to talk about at the moment.
It's called a half-quote. In it, I'll take the original quote and edit it to suit the story. These half-quotes will be cropping up quite often in certain chapters.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Ok. Now that all of Chapter 1 is up, let's talk. This second part is a lot more dialogue-heavy than the first. In the interest of the story, I did some cutting. I left the canon characters' dialogue alone and just added Hailey's. You could almost take your copy of SS and follow right along. I only changed one line. I switched that last bit of dialogue. I didn't like the sound of the book version, so I used the movie line.
As you saw, I cut out most of the dialogue between Harry and Ron, as well as Hermione's speeches. I figured they just take away from the feel of the story. If you don't like it, go write your own version.

I'd love to hear from all of you!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
First chap was awesome.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
*bows* Thank you, thank you.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
No problems your an awesome writer now to wait till the something of so and so. You know what I mean.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Yep. Not too far away.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Due to circumstances beyond my control, Chapter 2 must be postponed. I apologize, but the Muggle world never wants to cooperate. I am really very sorry. I promise to post it as soon as possible.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Chapter 2 will be posted as the official start to the regullar posts. Starting this summer (winter for you in the Southern hemisphere), there will be weekly posts.
The official date is beyond top secret, as there are still Death Eaters among us. Only the Most Dedicated Reader (reader that left the most comments) can know the date.
For everyone else, you'll just have to check back here from time to time. Don't worry, I'll put up SOMETHING. Probably that one-shot title contest.
Anyway, see you all this summer!

over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Wooh can't wait till this winter. (I live in the southern hemisphere)
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
I believe you mentioned that already.