The Fanfic The Lost Hero

Simcool posted on Mar 20, 2012 at 09:47AM
First off this is my first post so I want people to comment possitive or negative as long as it's feedback.
What I did here is add my own character (Sam) to The Lost Hero to add my own flavour to it. Hope you like it!
Tell me if I should go on.

Title: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 1
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdaz.

I Sam
The day was pretty much normal 
despite the fact a Minotaur destroyed half of my highschool, (which you ask me isn't that bad).
It started out like any other day, I wake up on the floor. That is'nt necessary the bad part either. I get up and like always my dad is exprimenting with food. Why you ask, I really don't know. Last week he ended up making green pancakes, yes green but they still tasted awsome. There's never a dull moment with dad around. My dad's a lawyer which to me is the world's boring job ever. In case your wondering why doesn't your mom cook she would make normal pancakes, I don't have one. She abandoned me and dad when I was only 6 months, I could care less.
"Morning Sam."
"Hey dad, what's that?"
"Yeah but they're, normal."
"I decided to make "normal" ones today."
He smiles as we sit down to eat. Our apperances are very different. He has  warm hazel eyes with sandy blonde hair. It's always geled up, boys and their gels. He's about six foot one and thirty nine, with slighty tanned skin and a warm smile that can make anyone happy. Me on the other hand I have pierced blue eyes and they're not fun to look at if you piss me off. I have striaght black hair which I usually put in a pony tail with my bangs out, nothing speical. I'm almost tall as dad about five foot nine and sixteen years old.
My best friend always says he can't be your dad, but what does he know. Right now he's at camp but I'll tell you about him later. 
"Sam I want to talk about school."
"Here we go again."
"I know I sound like a broken recored but this is your last chance Sam. I'm running out of places to put you in."
"To put me in what do you mean it's not my fault a-"
"Sam please, don't you think your stories have gone far enough?"
"Dad they are NOT stories I'm dead serious furies put the school on fire not me."
"Yeah and I'm a millionaire, just promise you will try this time, for me?"
"Yeah I'll give it a shot."
Not the best way to start a day but I promise anyway. I just hope nothing wierd happens this time. Half an hour later I'm ready to go. I'm wearing my favourite outfit. Black jeans and my favourite leather black jacket with a purple shirt and my purple converse. I walked to school, this is the biggest school I been to yet. Great. All the more to be paranoid. I walked in and immedalty tripped over this blonde girls shoes. She laughs as I picked myself up. Yep, I've seen her kind a bunch of times. I hate her.
"Hey Becky it's a new girl!" she called over to a girl who was obvously the leader of their little group. She has blue eyes , brown hair and is wearing a sky blue dress and heels. Typical popular girl. 
She walked over and looks at me from head to toe, and pauses at my eyes. Like I said they're not fun to look at if you piss me off and she just did.
"Who are you" 
"What do you want?" letting my eyes drop their stare.
"Nothing It's just that you entered my territory without my premission." She takes a step in trying to intimidate me. By this time we get surrounded by people anxious to see what Becky will do. I can tell she has alot of power in this school.
"And look at your eyes are you some vampire or an emo. Wait I know your a emo vampire with no life." She's jelious and everyone can tell.
"Says who?"
"Says me and as long as I'm here I will make it that you don't have a life!"
She smirks obvously pleased with herself. I feel myself boiling inside but I can't let her know she's getting to me.
"Becky, Becky you don't know me at all, there's no need of getting jelly over me."
I smile and she is outraged.
"You didn't answer me, I said who are you!"
"Sam Pener the new kid the one who's not scared of some creepy desperate girl. I for one will not fall under your power." My smile grows bigger with pure confidence. Becky walks up to me and pushes me. I fall as she laughs. Everyone starts chanting fight fight fight. Great I already fell twice in less than ten minutes. New recored. I get up and stare at her not sure if I should pull her hair out or run her over with a truck. Yeah I know I can think really violently when I'm seriously mad. I walk up to her and as I was going to give her a really hard slap as a teacher walks in and breaks us up. 
"Hey, hey no fighting in school, both of you to the principles office. Now!"
Great now I'm going to the priciple's office all in fifteen minutes. Make that a double recored. As we walked away I made sure I give Becky a really bad death stare, she quickly looks away. Coward. The priciple's office looked like the sterotypical office. It was gloomy even though the curtains were drawn. The room was painted navy blue and the furniture was all wooden. The principle himself was a short bald man with a white beard and looked in his early fifties. His name was Mr. Harold, how original.
"Take a seat ladies." We both sit down on wooden chairs I hope this doesn't take long my butts gonna fall asleep. 
"I see that there has been a fighting matter, as you know we don't tolerate fighting here."
 I heard that before a million times. We don't tolerate breaking school property, we don't tolerate burning the school. He sends me out so he can talk to Becky, I hope she gets suspended. I smile at that thought.
She walks out in five minutes with a witch smile.
"Your in big trouble now freak. I give her a grim smile as I walk in.
"Lock the door Samantha."
I hate it when people call me by that, my mom named me that so I rather have people call me Sam. But I do as I was told. His back was towards me facing the window.
"Have a seat." I sit and feel like something is seriously messed here and I grip the seat tightly till my hands are white. 
He turns around in a daze and begins to melt. He turns into a bull looking thing with big horns. I get up quickly and pick up the chair ready to throw it.
"Oh gods not again!"
Gods? Where did that come from?
"Mr. Harold?" My voice cracks.
"Foolish demigod you walked right into my trap. I am not Mr. Harold I am a Minotaur and I'm hungry!"
Demigod? Whats a demigod?
I bolt for the door but it's locked.
The chair. I chuck it at the Minotaur but it cracked into pieces and that just made him more angry.
I start desperatly banging on the door to knock it down. I look up and see a lock.
"Gods why didn't I see that sooner!"
I rip through the hallway to the far C wing with the Minotuar gaining on me, and sadly destroying everything in it's way. 
"So much for my last chance, thanks alot psycho path!" I opened the exit door and smashed it close on the Minotaur. He rips open the doors , but wait is that gold blood?
"This is just messed, what do you want!"
He looks at me and snickers "Lunch"
I saw a stick and tried to make the monster bleed out more gold and I manage to cut him up but not enough to kill it. I picture my dad telling me how disapointed he is at me. And suddenly I hear a loud boom from the sky. I look up and almost lose my breath. I see a flying horse with wings and a chariot with people in it. The Minotaur notices too and gets more angry.
"More demigods? That means I will have lunch and dinner today."
There it is again demigod. 
The horse lands and a blonde girl about my age rushes towards the Minotaur. A  boy follows her also with blonde hair. The girl looks at me with my stick, I feel like an idot. She offers me a sword.
"I hope you can fight"
I drop my stick, grab the sword and we charged the Minotaur. The girl slashes the monster with her knife and distractes it, boy she's good. The boy stops and sees that the both of us can handle it. I use this chance to stab the monster in the back and slit his neck. In an instant he disapears in puff of gold dust.
The girl looks at me with my ripped jeans and tatterted jacket. She walks to me and I hand her the sword. 
"Not bad for a new commer." 
"What do you mean, and what was that all about?"
I look her in the eyes for the first time, they're pierced gray. They look right through me like she's trying to figure out who I am.
"Malcolm I'll get the chariot ready."
I turn to look at Malcolm. Wow, he has the same eyes as the girls and blonde hair.
I turn back to the girl but she takes off in a huff to the chariot to get it ready.
"Who is she?" Malcolm looks at me and for a moment our eyes caught. He clears his troat. 
"That's Annabeth."
Annabeth, I've heard that before.
"Why is she mad at me I don't even know her?"
"Don't mind her attitude right now, she's looking for someone who's been missing."
"She thought that person was here?"
"Yeah" He looks at me again, he has nice features.
We walk over to the chariot.
"Where are you taking me?" Annabeth looks at me, she looks exhausted.
"To Camp-Half Blood a place for demigods."
Half-Blood? Demigods? I shiver.
"It'll be okay" she says.
"What's a demigod, I heard it all day."
"It means your half mortal half god."
I stay quiet and let that sink in. Malcolm looks at me with concern and glares at Annabeth. He looks cute even when he's mad.
We get on the chariot and in seconds we're air born. I feel tempted to ask who they're looking for.
"Annabeth" she turns around. 
"Who are you looking for?"
She looks past me as if she's trying to find the person with all her willpower.
She sighs deeply.
"I'm looking for my boyfriend."
I expected that a girl like Annabeth would be dating someone.
She looks at me striaght in the eye, and so do I. She gives in.
"A guy named Percy Jackson."
I feel nauseous, now I remember who Annabeth is. It all makes sense now.
I grab the chariot to steady myself.
"Whats wrong?" She sounded panicked
I look at her straight dead in the eye.
"But he's at camp."
She looks at me suprised and a little scared.
Malcolm stares at me. Great I creeped him out.
"How do you know?"
I take a shaky breath.
"Percy Jackson, he's my best friend."

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last edited on Mar 21, 2012 at 04:23PM

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