The Fanfic The Lost Hero

Simcool posted on Mar 20, 2012 at 09:47AM
First off this is my first post so I want people to comment possitive or negative as long as it's feedback.
What I did here is add my own character (Sam) to The Lost Hero to add my own flavour to it. Hope you like it!
Tell me if I should go on.

Title: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 1
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdaz.

I Sam
The day was pretty much normal 
despite the fact a Minotaur destroyed half of my highschool, (which you ask me isn't that bad).
It started out like any other day, I wake up on the floor. That is'nt necessary the bad part either. I get up and like always my dad is exprimenting with food. Why you ask, I really don't know. Last week he ended up making green pancakes, yes green but they still tasted awsome. There's never a dull moment with dad around. My dad's a lawyer which to me is the world's boring job ever. In case your wondering why doesn't your mom cook she would make normal pancakes, I don't have one. She abandoned me and dad when I was only 6 months, I could care less.
"Morning Sam."
"Hey dad, what's that?"
"Yeah but they're, normal."
"I decided to make "normal" ones today."
He smiles as we sit down to eat. Our apperances are very different. He has  warm hazel eyes with sandy blonde hair. It's always geled up, boys and their gels. He's about six foot one and thirty nine, with slighty tanned skin and a warm smile that can make anyone happy. Me on the other hand I have pierced blue eyes and they're not fun to look at if you piss me off. I have striaght black hair which I usually put in a pony tail with my bangs out, nothing speical. I'm almost tall as dad about five foot nine and sixteen years old.
My best friend always says he can't be your dad, but what does he know. Right now he's at camp but I'll tell you about him later. 
"Sam I want to talk about school."
"Here we go again."
"I know I sound like a broken recored but this is your last chance Sam. I'm running out of places to put you in."
"To put me in what do you mean it's not my fault a-"
"Sam please, don't you think your stories have gone far enough?"
"Dad they are NOT stories I'm dead serious furies put the school on fire not me."
"Yeah and I'm a millionaire, just promise you will try this time, for me?"
"Yeah I'll give it a shot."
Not the best way to start a day but I promise anyway. I just hope nothing wierd happens this time. Half an hour later I'm ready to go. I'm wearing my favourite outfit. Black jeans and my favourite leather black jacket with a purple shirt and my purple converse. I walked to school, this is the biggest school I been to yet. Great. All the more to be paranoid. I walked in and immedalty tripped over this blonde girls shoes. She laughs as I picked myself up. Yep, I've seen her kind a bunch of times. I hate her.
"Hey Becky it's a new girl!" she called over to a girl who was obvously the leader of their little group. She has blue eyes , brown hair and is wearing a sky blue dress and heels. Typical popular girl. 
She walked over and looks at me from head to toe, and pauses at my eyes. Like I said they're not fun to look at if you piss me off and she just did.
"Who are you" 
"What do you want?" letting my eyes drop their stare.
"Nothing It's just that you entered my territory without my premission." She takes a step in trying to intimidate me. By this time we get surrounded by people anxious to see what Becky will do. I can tell she has alot of power in this school.
"And look at your eyes are you some vampire or an emo. Wait I know your a emo vampire with no life." She's jelious and everyone can tell.
"Says who?"
"Says me and as long as I'm here I will make it that you don't have a life!"
She smirks obvously pleased with herself. I feel myself boiling inside but I can't let her know she's getting to me.
"Becky, Becky you don't know me at all, there's no need of getting jelly over me."
I smile and she is outraged.
"You didn't answer me, I said who are you!"
"Sam Pener the new kid the one who's not scared of some creepy desperate girl. I for one will not fall under your power." My smile grows bigger with pure confidence. Becky walks up to me and pushes me. I fall as she laughs. Everyone starts chanting fight fight fight. Great I already fell twice in less than ten minutes. New recored. I get up and stare at her not sure if I should pull her hair out or run her over with a truck. Yeah I know I can think really violently when I'm seriously mad. I walk up to her and as I was going to give her a really hard slap as a teacher walks in and breaks us up. 
"Hey, hey no fighting in school, both of you to the principles office. Now!"
Great now I'm going to the priciple's office all in fifteen minutes. Make that a double recored. As we walked away I made sure I give Becky a really bad death stare, she quickly looks away. Coward. The priciple's office looked like the sterotypical office. It was gloomy even though the curtains were drawn. The room was painted navy blue and the furniture was all wooden. The principle himself was a short bald man with a white beard and looked in his early fifties. His name was Mr. Harold, how original.
"Take a seat ladies." We both sit down on wooden chairs I hope this doesn't take long my butts gonna fall asleep. 
"I see that there has been a fighting matter, as you know we don't tolerate fighting here."
 I heard that before a million times. We don't tolerate breaking school property, we don't tolerate burning the school. He sends me out so he can talk to Becky, I hope she gets suspended. I smile at that thought.
She walks out in five minutes with a witch smile.
"Your in big trouble now freak. I give her a grim smile as I walk in.
"Lock the door Samantha."
I hate it when people call me by that, my mom named me that so I rather have people call me Sam. But I do as I was told. His back was towards me facing the window.
"Have a seat." I sit and feel like something is seriously messed here and I grip the seat tightly till my hands are white. 
He turns around in a daze and begins to melt. He turns into a bull looking thing with big horns. I get up quickly and pick up the chair ready to throw it.
"Oh gods not again!"
Gods? Where did that come from?
"Mr. Harold?" My voice cracks.
"Foolish demigod you walked right into my trap. I am not Mr. Harold I am a Minotaur and I'm hungry!"
Demigod? Whats a demigod?
I bolt for the door but it's locked.
The chair. I chuck it at the Minotaur but it cracked into pieces and that just made him more angry.
I start desperatly banging on the door to knock it down. I look up and see a lock.
"Gods why didn't I see that sooner!"
I rip through the hallway to the far C wing with the Minotuar gaining on me, and sadly destroying everything in it's way. 
"So much for my last chance, thanks alot psycho path!" I opened the exit door and smashed it close on the Minotaur. He rips open the doors , but wait is that gold blood?
"This is just messed, what do you want!"
He looks at me and snickers "Lunch"
I saw a stick and tried to make the monster bleed out more gold and I manage to cut him up but not enough to kill it. I picture my dad telling me how disapointed he is at me. And suddenly I hear a loud boom from the sky. I look up and almost lose my breath. I see a flying horse with wings and a chariot with people in it. The Minotaur notices too and gets more angry.
"More demigods? That means I will have lunch and dinner today."
There it is again demigod. 
The horse lands and a blonde girl about my age rushes towards the Minotaur. A  boy follows her also with blonde hair. The girl looks at me with my stick, I feel like an idot. She offers me a sword.
"I hope you can fight"
I drop my stick, grab the sword and we charged the Minotaur. The girl slashes the monster with her knife and distractes it, boy she's good. The boy stops and sees that the both of us can handle it. I use this chance to stab the monster in the back and slit his neck. In an instant he disapears in puff of gold dust.
The girl looks at me with my ripped jeans and tatterted jacket. She walks to me and I hand her the sword. 
"Not bad for a new commer." 
"What do you mean, and what was that all about?"
I look her in the eyes for the first time, they're pierced gray. They look right through me like she's trying to figure out who I am.
"Malcolm I'll get the chariot ready."
I turn to look at Malcolm. Wow, he has the same eyes as the girls and blonde hair.
I turn back to the girl but she takes off in a huff to the chariot to get it ready.
"Who is she?" Malcolm looks at me and for a moment our eyes caught. He clears his troat. 
"That's Annabeth."
Annabeth, I've heard that before.
"Why is she mad at me I don't even know her?"
"Don't mind her attitude right now, she's looking for someone who's been missing."
"She thought that person was here?"
"Yeah" He looks at me again, he has nice features.
We walk over to the chariot.
"Where are you taking me?" Annabeth looks at me, she looks exhausted.
"To Camp-Half Blood a place for demigods."
Half-Blood? Demigods? I shiver.
"It'll be okay" she says.
"What's a demigod, I heard it all day."
"It means your half mortal half god."
I stay quiet and let that sink in. Malcolm looks at me with concern and glares at Annabeth. He looks cute even when he's mad.
We get on the chariot and in seconds we're air born. I feel tempted to ask who they're looking for.
"Annabeth" she turns around. 
"Who are you looking for?"
She looks past me as if she's trying to find the person with all her willpower.
She sighs deeply.
"I'm looking for my boyfriend."
I expected that a girl like Annabeth would be dating someone.
She looks at me striaght in the eye, and so do I. She gives in.
"A guy named Percy Jackson."
I feel nauseous, now I remember who Annabeth is. It all makes sense now.
I grab the chariot to steady myself.
"Whats wrong?" She sounded panicked
I look at her straight dead in the eye.
"But he's at camp."
She looks at me suprised and a little scared.
Malcolm stares at me. Great I creeped him out.
"How do you know?"
I take a shaky breath.
"Percy Jackson, he's my best friend."

Next chapter: scroll down page
last edited on Mar 21, 2012 at 04:23PM

The Fanfic 53 replies

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over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
This is really good a few spelling mistakes but that's about it post soon I love it. By the way Sam is stealing muh boyfriend. (Malcolm)
over a year ago Simcool said…
big smile
Haha lol yea my word is kids messed
Should get it checked…
Thanks buddy!!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Lol and no prob.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Post soon oh and don't you dare make Sam steal muh boyfriend.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Alright but Malcolm is better anyway.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
No way I've Ben going out with him since last year.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
You probably don't get that bit but yeah he is my fictional character boyfriend.
over a year ago Simcool said…
Okay fair enough
Lol fiction boyfriend not gonna ask
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
over a year ago Simcool said…
Hey everyone had their things
Like me I'm scared of clowns but they are supposed to be funny
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I'm scared of escalators and apparently when I was little I was scared of clowns too.
over a year ago Simcool said…
Lol escalator
But I'm also scared of elavators?
Don't like tight places
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I actually don't mind elevators.
over a year ago Simcool said…
Wow escalators but not elavators?
Interesting lol
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
over a year ago Simcool said…
Okay Chapter 2 is ready to go
Here it is speical thanks to pink-bookworm

Tittle: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 2
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdaz.

II  Annabeth
"What do you mean he's your best friend!?" 
Yeah I'm pissed Percy never mentioned a girl before.
The girl looks like she's going to hurl.
"Who the hell do you think you are!?How do you know Percy!?" Gods it's hard to say his name but I can't belive this, another new one? She's way over thirteen too, how? 
Is she playing some sick trick on me?
"I'm Sam Pener, I come in peace"  she's terrified,  aceptable for now.
"Leave her alone Annabeth, ask her later."
I glare at Malcolm. 
"Maybe she knows where Percy is!"
"Look at her, she's going to puke!"
I look over to Sam, she doesn't seem like a bad girl. I can tell she's a crazy and funny type but also serious. The only thing that bothers me is Percy never told me about a Sam and her eyes, they're like mine but blue. I put my hand on her shoulder, she jumps.
"Tell me your story or else I will blow my top off!"
"I've known Percy since I was five, our parents dated."  Her voice quivers but she smiles at the last part. 
"We went to every school together but, one day I stayed home sick. He never showed up the next day until summer. He said he goes to a school camp now but I think I get it now."
She looks at me not sure what I will do next. Smart girl.
"Do you know where Percy is?" 
I sound like a desperate kid that wants candy.
She relaxes a little and I see that she is confused. 
"Shouldn't he be at camp? He left early this year so he could meet you."
She looks at me with a nervous smile, her eyes just sparked like lightning.
"Nice to finally meet you. Percy never shuts up about you. Wise girl."
"How do you know that?"
I feel like slapping Percy for not telling me about Sam.
"He talks about you, a lot trust me."
She sits up and looks at me.
"Is dad gonna be okay?"
She looks worried and I feel bad for her.
"He'll be fine the monsters just want demigods not mortals."
I turn over to navigate the chariot, I hope we don't crash again like yesterday.
I look at Malcolm he gives me the signal and we start to descend to the landing spot.

Short chapter with Annabeth sorry to team Annabeth.
Anyway do you think Sam and Annabeth will get along?

Next Chapter: scroll down
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
It's really good a few errors but I corrected them in the email.
over a year ago Simcool said…
Thanks Pink you're awsome!
over a year ago Simcool said…
Okay done chapter 3 with Malcolm.
Tell me if you guys liked it.

Tittle: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 3
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdaz

III Malcolm
When Sam said she was Percy's best friend, I thought no way! 
Then Annabeth questioned her and I think it's now safe to say that she is. 
Two strange days in a row, first Jason now Sam?
I walk up to her and help her out of the chariot. She looks shaken up from all of Annabeth's questions .
"Annabeth, should we take her to breakfast, its not over yet?"
Sam looks at me, "It's fine I ate already."
"You sure?" 
"Yeah I'm cool."
Annabeth looks at Sam with a questioning face.
"Malcolm take Sam to Chiron he might want to talk with her."
I lead Sam to the Big House, on the way I point out the different buildings around camp. 
She looks like a little kid in Toys R Us.
"This place is unreal! I feel like I'm on the floor at home still sleeping."
I look at her with a what? face.
"Don't you have a bed?"
She starts laughing. 
I like her laugh.
"Yeah I have a bed it's just that I always wake up on the floor, long story."
We reach the Big House and Chiron walks out.
"Welcome Malcolm. Is this the new demigod?"
"Yeah, Chiron this is Sam Pener."
Sam looks at Chiron from head to toe, well um, head to hooves anyway.
"Yes? Please the two of you come in and have a seat. Inside Sam tells Chiron everything that happened earlier.
Chiron looks at Sam carefully.
"So you claim you're Percy's best friend?
There are pictures everywhere here.
Go find a picture of Percy." 
Sam looks at Chiron like oh come on you too, and points to the picture of Percy and Annabeth on the near wall.
"That's Percy, what's my prize?"
Annabeth walks in and looks more chill.
"Chiron if your done can I take Sam with me?"
Chiron looks at Sam and smiles.
"Percy is one of my favorites."
Sam smiles back.
 She looks relived like she just stopped holding her breath, but a tad bit nervous again going with Annabeth.
We follow Annabeth to Jason, Leo , and Piper the new demigods from yesterday. 
"You guys this is Sam the new demigod."
All three say hi at the same time and start laughing. 
"Sam this is Jason Grace son of Jupiter. This is Leo Valdaz son of Hephaestus, and this is Piper McLean daughter of Aphrodite."
Piper looks at Sam and Sam smiles.
"Can I call you Pipes?"
"No way she doesn't let me call her that."
 We all turn to Leo and he starts to tinker with his little bolts.
"Annabeth, who's my mom?" Sam looks mad but also a little curious to find out.
I look at Annabeth and she looks at me.
We both think the same thought.
"I don't know, but if you're lucky she will claim you tonight at campfire."
She sighs, "Okay I guess."
"Come on you still need to see the entire camp."
"Can I tag along?"
Sam looks at Piper and smiles again.
"Sure I don't mind." She turns to Annabeth.
"Come on Piper let's go."
They walk away and I look at Leo.
"What are you making?"
He grins, "It's a rubber band powered water gun."
"No way."
"Yeah! Here I'll show you."
He points the water gun at the sky and shoots. 
Just before he pulls the trigger a demigod crashes into him. The water sprays Piper on the back.
She turns around and looks pissed.
"Leo! You son of a-"
"Hephaestus? I know gotta go bye!"
Piper runs after Leo and tackles him pinning him down.
"Don't mess with the daughter of Aphrodite, EVER!"
"Okay okay mercy, now let me go!"
She gets up, grabs Leo's water gun and gives it to Sam.
"Oh and Sam can call me Pipes, not you you're just annoying!"
Sam laughs like she's seen that happen before.
She looks at Leo, once again amazed at his water gun and they walk away to the Oracle cave.
"Ha Leo you just got pinned by Piper!" Jason can't stop laughing.
"Hey that's not as funny as the Jello and shaving cream thing!"
They both laugh as we go to our camp activities.
I immediately wished I went with Annabeth guys.
Throwing arrows and sword fighting wasn't much fun today.
I wonder if Annabeth is ranting at Sam or not?…

I hope you guys enjoy reading this and I might post tomorrow or the next day.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I'm gonna read this later cause I got soccer training.
over a year ago Simcool said…
Okay good luck with training
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
great chap but next time you need to get the feel of the charactyter a bit more.
over a year ago Simcool said…
IV Piper

Tittle: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 4
Type: Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdaz

When I first saw Sam I thought she was a bookworm because of how serious she looked. 
Once she smiled at me I right away thought no I'm wrong, now that I think about I'm right.
As soon as we left after I tackled Leo, (which Sam says she always does to Percy when he doesn't listen), she started to talk about random things like if they serve green pancakes for breakfast.
A moment ago she made Annabeth laugh so hard that a tear slid down her cheek.
Right now she has a arm around my shoulders and the three of us are laughing hard.
"Sam I am so sorry for ranting at you in the chariot. It's just that Percy has been missing and you come out of no where."
 Annabeth stops laughing and starts to look tense again.
"Cheer up wise girl, when I find Percy I'll kick his ass for ditching you and me."
She smiles and gives Annabeth a hug. She lightens up a little.
We start walking again towards the oracle cave.
"So Pipes you tell me about your dad, does he make green pancakes like my dad?"
"My dads a Cherokee artist."
My normal response, I wait for Sam to laugh.
"Really? Cool I love art! Better than being a lawyer."
I look at Sam she changed into a new orange Camp-Half blood T-Shirt, I wonder if she will be a daughter of Aphrodite she's really pretty.
Annabeth looks at me and then at Sam
She looks at me. "Nothing it's just great to laugh with a couple of friends."
I feel my eyes drop and look to the ground.
Annabeth just called me her friend, this is a good day.
"Thanks, same with me it feels great."
Even though I'm younger than the both of them, they're still nice to me.
I find myself smiling. I look over to Sam and she stops. 
She's in a deep thought looking over at the big hill and the cave sitting on top. She looks over to me smiling.
"I have a REALLY funny prank we can play on Leo after, to get back on the water thing."
Annabeth looks over with sudden interest when she heard the word prank.
"What is it? Is it a good one?"
"It's a really good one me and Percy used to play it on all the snobby kids at school." She looks at Annabeth.
Annabeth looks at the horizon.
Sam looks like she's hiding something because she starts to look at the ground and kicks the rocks around.
I feel awkward when they both do this, like they're still not comfortable around each other. Why?
We make it to the top and Annabeth starts to tell Sam about our Oracle.
"Thats cool that shes a mortal. What's her name?"
"Yeah Sam there's something I have to tell you-"
"Her names Rachel Dare…"
Annabeth slaps her forehead and Sam looks at me with shock.
Great, me and my big mouth had to blurt it out.
"What's wrong?" I asked Annabeth.
She looks at Sam who is now looking around frantically for the Oracle.
"Piper, Rachel is Percy's best friend, so that means she's Sam's best friend too."
She still has doubt if that's true, I can clearly see it by they way she said it.
Just then someone walks in.
Its Rachel. 
"Annabeth, Piper? Is there something wrong?"
Rachel stops talking and notices Sam. 
Sam stops looking under rocks for Rachel and gets up.
Rachel stares at Sam like she came back from the dead.
Sam drops the rock she was holding and bolts towards Rachel with her arms spread out and tears falling from her eyes.
They both hug each other tight and Sam try's to stop crying.
"My gods Sam I've missed you like no tomorrow!"
I look at Annabeth, all her doubt is gone.
Sam doesn't say anything and continues to hug Rachel with a big smile on her face.
After a moment they stop hugging and all of us sit on rocks.
Sam looks at Rachel now with a relived and carefree face.
"First Percy leaves and magically comes here. I didn't mind that much though, but when you left too. I was all alone and started to moves school more because of the monsters."
"I'm sorry Sam you know my dad once he's  made up his mind."
They both shiver and start laughing and start talking about the pranks they pulled together.
Sam looks to me and Annabeth.
"Should I explain Leo's prank to you two now?"
Fifteen minutes later the three of us are walking through camp and to find Leo.
We invite him to come to the lake with us.
He joins us and we start walking towards the lake in silence with Leo in front. 
Sam looks at the sky a couple of minutes  later and screams really loud "Furies!!" and points at the sky. 
Then all of us scream and fall on the ground with our hands on our heads.
Sam, Annabeth and I get up and start laughing really hard. 
Rachel comes out of a bush with Sam's iPod recording everything. 
She joins in the laughing.
"Rachel are you getting this?"
I can barley stand up straight but I keep laughing.
Leo gets up sweating but confused and notices that there are no furies in sight.
"Got you back Valdez!"
Leo looks at me.
Sam gives me a high five and Leo finds out he was set up.
"Not cool guys! I thought I was going to die!"
He runs away embarrassed.
Annabeth falls down laughing and so do the rest of us.
We lay there looking at the sky.
Rachel stops recording and gives the iPod back to Sam.
"I got everything!"
"Really? Let's see!"
We lay there watching the video of us pranking Leo over and over until it was dinner.
This has got to be the highlight of my whole week.
We get up and say bye to Rachel then walk to dinner.
Sam put one arm around Annabeth's shoulders and the same with me.
"Ladies, we did good, I say we should celebrate with green pancakes!"
The three of us laugh all the way to dinner.
I'm happy Annabeth and Sam like me, I finally feel like I belong some where after a very along time.
I laugh and put an arm around Sam.

Next Chapter: link
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Simcool said…
Im gonna need more people to comment other than only one person
Because I need to know if you like it or not
So I'll post the next chapter when I get more comments from people
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I'll try advertise it for you and last chap was so good best yet.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Hey Sim it's second on pop content.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Dang! This story's pretty popular.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
That it is.
over a year ago Simcool said…
big smile
Wow I'm soo freakin happy!!
Thanks for reading
Here's the next chap
over a year ago Simcool said…
Title: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 5
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdaz.

V Sam
"Gods you guys, this feels just like the old days!"
I look at Annabeth, she looks like a lot of stress has been lifted off her shoulders.
I wish I could tell her but I don't know her well enough to know how she will react.
That prank must have been a real shocker to Leo. 
Maybe he'll think twice before doing anything ever again.
Annabeth leads me to a table with only Jason sitting there.
"Why don't you join Jason he's sitting alone?"
"What about you and Pipes?"
I look to Piper but she's talking with Jason. 
They both smile and talk.
I've got to ask Piper about Jason later.
"We have to go to our cabin tables but you can come if you want."
I look over to Jason. Heck, why not? Won't hurt to sit with him, right?
"No that's fine, I haven't talked to Jason yet but can I come in a bit?"
I sit down on the table, it's cold and hard, but i don't mind. 
Jason looks surprised that I didn't go with Annabeth.
There's a long awkward silence between us.
"So how did you like camp"
His question startles me, but thank gods he broke the silence.
I look at him and smile.
"It's great, I found a lost friend."
He looks at me with interest and a little confusion, so I decide to tell him about Rachel.
"You're Percy's best friend?"
I sigh lightly, Percy ended up being a big shot and didn't tell anyone about me.
Wait never mind he probably didn't want Annabeth to…
Maybe I should tell her about it…
Agh the stress is killing me but it was the past…
I look at Jason, it must feel awful not recalling anything from your past.
"How's the memory going?"
"Same thing, nothing."
He looks sad.
"Hey, common cheer up."
He looks at me, his blue eyes hold a blank expression.
"Guess what Annabeth, Rachel, Pipes and I did to Leo?"
I sit there telling Jason everything.
By the time I was done he had an amused smile on his face.
"Thanks for doing that. It gets him back for the prank he pulled on me."
Then it's his turn to tell me what Leo did.
I laugh but also feel slightly grossed out.
"Oh that is just gross! Can you even do that with Jell-O?"
"Yeah apperentally you can."
Jason doesn't seem like a bad guy after all, a cool person to chill with sometimes. He's just a little confused.
I get up and say bye to Jason and make my way to Athena's table.
I feel everyone stop talking at the table as I sit next to Annabeth and Malcolm
I feel uncomfortable and start to finger my necklace again.
"You guys this is Sam, she hasn't been claimed yet."
I look at Annabeth with my eyebrows raised.
Everyone at the table look like geniuses.
I immediately feel like an idiot sitting with them.
They all are looking at me like I'm a blueprint or something.
I don't blame them, I look at new people carefully too before I talk to them.
Everyone just sits there looking, I guess I'll have to prove myself.
"So Sam, Annabeth told me about Rachel and you. How do you feel."
I look at Malcolm, he's not like anyone else at this table. 
He doesn't look at me like I'm a blueprint, just as a girl.
 "It feels amazing just to talk to that girl after a year."
He smiles and we continue to talk and laugh until its time for capture the flag.
I get up suddenly nervous. 
I feel sweat forming on the palms of my hands. 
Annabeth and Malcolm walk with me to the clearing.
"Sam, don't be scared." 
"I'm not scared, do I look scared?"
"Nope, not at all."
She sucks at being sarcastic.
"Here put this armor on and take this sword."
"Quickly demigods hurry up were are starting soon!"
I walk up to Chiron with a nervous smile.
"Oh yes Sam, everyone this is Sam Pener a new demigod."
Everyone looks at me and whispers go around.
I don't mind crowds but this is kind of nerve raking.
"She will need a team, who will accept her?"
I look at the blue soldiers and then the red.
Finally Annabeth steps in to my rescue and hands me a red soldier helmet.
Both teams run into the forest to hide the flag.
"Try not to die okay Sam?"
"Gee thanks wise girl, that makes me so not scared."
"Just stick with me and Piper, you will be fine.
The horn blows and the game starts.
"I hope you're right Annabeth."
And the three of us run into enemy territory.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Congratz! This is number two on the popular list. Hopefully SOMEBODY can beat HecateA's Mark of Atehna. Hopefully....
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Wicked chap and yeah congratulation you beat me and yes fingers crossed.
over a year ago Simcool said…
big smile
Thanks buddy!
You the best
over a year ago Simcool said…
I have the next chapter and I guess I'll post it
But I might not post for 2-3 days.

Title: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 6
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdaz.

Annabeth VI
I have to say I didn't expect Sam to be good with a sword.
The moment the horn went off Piper, Sam, and I ran into enemy territory.
"Okay you guys follow my lead."
Sam ran into Leo?
I don't know, but Sam slashed her sword at the boy and he fell down in pain.
"Like that Annabeth?"
She looks shocked but amused.
I look over to Piper, her jaw is hanging.
I couldn't help but smile myself.
"Yeah like that now come on let's find us a blue flag!"
We ran straight into groups of blue soldiers but wiped them out in seconds.
Piper is flinging her dagger all over the place knocking down two demigods at once.
"Come on let's go!"
We follow Sam to the edge of canoe lake.
The flag is out in the open.
I don't like that.
I frown and look at Sam who looks confused like me.
Piper speaks up.
"Should we walk in or something?"
I hear a stick crack and turn towards the flag.
There standing is Malcolm and Jason.
Malcolm steps forward.
"We're not letting you win so easily. You have to go through us."
Sam grabs her sword and twirls it.
"Oh good, it's just you two, I thought a threat was near. Might as well give us the flag. Before we hurt you."
"Oh yeah what can you do?"
Bad question Malcolm.
Sam charges Malcolm and both of their swords clang together.
She gets the handle of her sword and hits it against Malcolm's helmet.
It goes flying off.
I charge Jason with Piper, we both strike him.
He's good, different style but not good enough and pretty soon Piper knocks his sword into the tree.
I look over to Sam just in time to see her knock Malcolm's sword.
"I can do more things than I let on Malcolm"
She gets her sword and knocks Malcolm to the ground.
The skies rumble and I run over to Sam.
"Good job Sam!"
Rain starts falling from the sky and Lightning and thunder goes crazy.
"Wonder why Zeus is mad."
I look at Sam.
"They haven't been talking to us for a month now.
Lightning strikes closer.
The winds start to pick up.
Lightning strikes Sam and me.
I grab onto Sam's wrist and the wind strikes us hard, sending sand flying into the air.
I could hear demigods running towards us and yelling.
When everything cleared everyone was staring at Sam.
She had a blue glow around her.
She had on different battle armor.
Lightning was sparking around her and in her eyes again.
My stomach felt like a brick.
Chiron steps forward puzzled.
"Hail Sam Pener, daughter of Zeus, lord of the skies and thunder bolt."
I look at her wrist where I was holding it.
There in its place was a bronze bracelet with turquoise stones around it.
Chiron notices and has a worried face.
"Sam, you have the curse of Athena. You are bound to Annabeth, she is your lord un till the curse is not lifted."
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Wicked chap.
over a year ago Simcool said…
Okay here the next chap, it's rated T just to be safe.
Title: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 7
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdaz.

Malcolm VII
The dust clears and my heart stops beating.
Annabeth let's her hand drop from Sam's wrist.
In its place is the cursed bracelet of Athena.
My heart sinks, Annabeth cursed Sam.
But that wasn't the shocking part, it was Sam. 
She had on new shiny bronze armor, with a vibe rent blue aura surrounding her.
Her celestial bronze sword is newly polished and strapped to her side.
Her hair is gleaming in the moonlight.
She looks confident and glances at me.
Her blue eyes spark with pure lightning. 
I can feel my ears slowly burning up and my throat tightens.
Everyone starts to cheer as Chiron knocks his hove on a near by rock. 
"Settle down demigods! Yes Sam is a daughter of Zeus. How, I don't know her mortal parent is her dad."
I look over to Sam, her ears are red.
"But I'm sure Zeus will send her a message in her dreams. We congratulate the red soldiers with their victory!"
The red soldiers lift Annabeth, Piper, and Sam off the ground and carry them to campfire.
I follow with Jason and Leo.
"Dang, Sam sure kicked my behind before I could even react! No wonder she's a daughter of Zeus."
Leo rubbed his back and dragged his bent sword in the dirt.
Jason looks at me with a face.
"Hey Malcolm what's up?"
He must have noticed my red ears.
"Oh, I'm nothing just a little off balance."
"Yeah? Sam sure did send your helmet flying."
My throat tightens at the thought of Sam.
Inside I thank the gods she's not my half sister.
We reach the camp fire and I see Sam sitting with Annabeth and Piper.
I see that Annabeth's eyes are red, I feel bad for her.
Piper gets up and walks to Jason, the both of them sit down together with Leo.
I feel a wave of anxiety wash over me as I make my way to Sam and Annabeth.
She looks up at me with an uncertain face, like she's waiting for my reaction.
Annabeth gets up and leaves to talk to Chiron in front of the fire.
It was a blue flame tonight.
I sit beside Sam, she's looking into the fire, waiting for me to speak up.
My throat tightens up but I manage to open my mouth.
She continues to look at the fire.
I feel my heart skip a beat when she looks at me.
"Do you think I'm a freak?"
Her question hits me by surprise.
"Why would you say that?"
"I dunno, I just got struck with lightning and apparently now I'm Annabeth's slave or something."
She looks at her blue Nikes.
"Worst of all my dad is Zeus, which makes no sense to me."
"Sam your not a freak your the most funniest person I know."
She looks up at me her eyes moist, I see her blush faintly.
"Thanks Malcolm your the nicest person I know."
My cheeks burn like no tomorrow.
"Thanks I know I'm nice."
Shit why did I say that, but I hear Sam laugh.
"Okay then smart ass whatever you say."
Great I wrecked the moment.
"Sorry I-"
Chiron gets everyone to settle down with his hooves once more.
Sam looks at me nervous and then turns to Chiron.
"As we all know a tragic incident has happened. Sam has been stricken with Athena's curse."
Everyone looks over to Annabeth and whispers go around.
Annabeth has red eyes and for the second time she looks like lost everything.
"Chiron and I have decided that Sam and  I will leave for a journey to Olympus tomorrow. Also Jason, Piper, and Leo will go on their quest to free Hera."
Silent messages go around once more and I see everyone looking at Annabeth, Sam, Jason, Piper, and Leo.
Sam grips her sword and stares at the fire.
I wish I could comfort her.
She stands up and walks to Annabeth as Chiron calls it a night.
I follow her and they start talking about their departure tomorrow.
"Sam we leave after breakfast tomorrow, okay. So be ready we're going to Olympus to get rid of that curse."
She jesters at the bronze bracelet. 
"Annabeth it's alright, it's not your fault."
"Sam I'm so sorry!"
Annabeth sits down on a bench and breaks down.
I feel like an intruder to their conversation and I turn to leave but Sam jesters me to stay put.
"Hey, it's alright I'm not dead right?"
She puts an arm around and she starts to calm down.
I sit beside her, "Hey Annabeth it's alright you and Sam will go to Olympus break the curse and come back safe. But of corse you two will kick monster ass on the way too."
Annabeth stops crying and sits there with a determined face on.
"Okay thanks guys."
She gets up and heads towards our cabin leaving me and Sam alone.
Sam looks at me with a anxious face.
"I can't go to sleep yet, want to go to canoe lake?"
She looks at me like I'm crazy but agrees to come anyway.
We walk in silent and look at the stars.
We reach the lake and dip our feet in.
"Shit it's freezing!"
She pulls her feet out shivering.
"Sorry I forgot."
"Yeah thank." she smiles
We sit there awhile not talking.
"Yeah Malcolm?"
I look at her, she looks really pretty in the moonlight.
"I'll miss you when you go on the quest."
She seems struck by my words.
"Whose going to pull the pranks?" I add in quickly.
She laughs and gently pushes me.
We get up and I walk her to Cabin 1.
"Night Malcolm."
"Night Sam"
Before I could stop myself I hug her.
At first shes surprised but then she hugs me back.
She smells like pancakes.
I watch her enter the cabin and I walk towards mine, smiling.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
awww awesome chsapter.
over a year ago Simcool said…
Thanks Pink

This chapter today mainly focuses on Sam and her feelings.
So here it is!

Title: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 8
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdez

I stepped into my cabin still a little shocked from that hug.
But I have a big problem on my hands, well wrist but you get the point.
I close the door and try to pull of the bracelet.
At first it does no harm to me so I continue, but it's stuck to me like super glue.
Then the pain kicks in, the stupid bracelet started to absorb my energy and glowed like crazy.
I fall back sweating.
"Gods Athena what did I do to you?"
I turn around quickly and smash my hand on Jason's head, oops.
"Ouch, someone's jumpy!"
"Oh sorry Jason I forgot that you're in this cabin too."
I couldn't help but laugh at the expression on his face.
He looked like a kid that couldn't catch up to the ice cream truck in time.
"Aren't you a nice half sister."
"Aw thanks Jason. Why are you on the floor, in a sleeping bag?"
He points to the big Zeus statue in the centre of the cabin.
The whole cabin was blue with the sound of lightning coming in here and there.
I look at the bed in front of Zeus, is face in a frown.
Talk about your happy place.
"How come I have to sleep in front of Zeus?"
"I came here first, so yeah."
I shiver as I look at him, 'can he really be  my dad, then what about my other one?'
"You better change Sam, Annabeth left you a fresh camp shirt."
I look down at myself.
My camp shirt was ripped and torn from capture the flag, then it was burned from the lightning.
My pants weren't doing good either.
I pick up the shirt and almost tripped over these shoes on the ground.
"Oh yeah, Piper left you her extra runners and some pants."
Wow my friends sure care about me, I turn to Jason.
"So Pipes left me some shoes huh."
"Yeah I guess."
"So what were you guys doing in here when I was out?"
I smile and he gets up awkwardly.
"Nothing, we didn't do anything."
His ears were red and I start to laugh.
He walks over to me with an embarrassed smile.
"Hey stop laughing!"
I stop but with a smirk on my face.
"What were you doing outside for so long?"
I stop smirking and feel my ears turning warmer.
"Oh yeah? How's Malcolm Sam?"
I grab my pillow and smack it on him, quickly pick up my clothes and run to the bathroom.
I lock the door and sit on the floor smiling.
"Sam, that wasn't fair, you didn't answer my question!"
"He's fine."
"So you did meet him?"
"Stop being an annoying brother, go to sleep!"
I hear footsteps and then faint snoring.
After I got ready for bed I sat in my bed looking at Zeus.
"If you're my dad, then who is, dad?"
I fall asleep before I even hit the pillow and dream of me at home.
I turn around but don't see Zeus.
"Don't call me Samantha"
He made a warm breeze go by.
"Sam, I understand that you are confused, please let me explain."
The dream shifts into this little house.
I see Zeus and this lady arguing.
He has pierced blue eyes.
I shiver.
"No you can't go, I'll kill myself!"
"Dont't make this hard Karen, please."
Zeus walks out and the lady looks my way.
I turn to hide but Zeus blows wind and I fall, the lady doesn't notice me.
Thank gods for the mist.
"Whose that lady?"
A chill goes down my spine.
"That lady Sam, is your mother."
My world stops spinning and I feel like running away to dad.
I look at mom and see her hang up the phone.
She looks a little like me with the black hair but nothing else. 
She looked about twenty nine but I don't care.
I watch her go into a room and bring a baby out, me.
She sets me in a high chair and I start to cry.
I feel tears starting to grow in my eyes.
Zeus speeds things up a little and then stops.
A man walks in, wait that's dad!
I felt like running up to him and to hug him but Zeus says no.
"No Sam, you must watch if you want answers to your questions."
I turn my attention back to dad he looks young.
"Karen what's wrong?"
"Oh Mitchell, my husband ran away!"
"Karen I'm so sorry."
Mom hugs dad and she starts to cry.
"Mitchell you're my best friend, can you take care of Sam for me?"
My knees buckle together and I fall on the ground.
"Sure Karen I promise I won't let anything happen to Sam while you're gone."
Mom goes with a suitcase leaving me and dad.
I sit up and watch as Zeus made the years go by.
I watched as we moved when I was two to our home, how he took care of me year after year.
Then finally Zeus stops and takes a deep breath.
"Sam I'm sorry this happened."
"So you're my dad?"
"Yes and I'm proud."
"Yeah right thanks for being there when I grew up."
I point to dad.
I hear him sigh and I wake up to Jason shaking me awake.
"Morning sleepy head."
"Thanks for waking me up."
He goes to make his bed and I stare at the statue of my dad, my real dad.
I lock the door to the bathroom and cry.  
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
loved the chapter itr was awesom,e.
over a year ago Simcool said…
I'll post this one quickly before I go to school
Thanks Pink

Title: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 9
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdez

Sam IX
After I came out of the bathroom Jason was in front of the door worried.
I rubbed my red eyes and tightened my ponytail.
"Hey, are you alright?"
"Yeah Im fine, let's go I'm hungry."
He obviously didn't believe me but we went to the dinning pavilion anyways.
On the way we ran into Leo, it didn't help because he tried to cheer me up by telling me jokes.
"Okay how about this one? Why is there a fence around the graveyard?"
"Why Leo."
I really wasn't feeling his jokes today.
"Because everyone dies, to go in!"
Jason and Leo crack up laughing, I had to smile at that last one.
Piper joins us but I see Annabeth and jog over to her.
I wish I didn't, she looks stressed.
"Hey Annabeth."
My voice must have sounded weird because her gaze softened.
"Hey Sam, any news from Zeus?"
I took a deep breath and told Annabeth everything. (Except me crying but I think she's figured that out anyways.)
"Wow that's really tragic Sam."
She gives me a hug.
I notice that she's wearing her battle armor over her clothes, like me.
"You ready for the quest Sam?"
"Yeah I've got my sword and armor plus my backpack."
We reach the pavilion and sat for breakfast.
Jason sure looks like a nervous wreck, I guess because he has to save the world and all.
He takes a sip of, is that juice, I don't know.
Piper walks over and Jason spasms out and spits out his juice on my pancakes and sword.
I was about to chop his head off but then I looked at Piper.
She had on normal clothes but she was glowing and her hair was thick with no braids.
She even had makeup on her face!
Jason is red and my jaw in hanging open.
Piper sits beside me but I get up and go to Annabeth.
"Be right back Pipes."
I hope juice doesn't wreck my sword.
She laughs at the sight of me with a juice sword.
"Sam it will be fine. Calm down its celestial bronze."
"Okay it's my only one ya know."
"There're more in the shed genius."
"Hey I'm not the daughter of Athena, don't go all wise girl on me."
We laugh and Piper walks over.
Annabeth's eyes widen, I smile but Piper looks at her with a questioning face.
"Can I talk to you Annabeth?"
Uh oh she sounds serious.
I leave the two alone and find my self sitting at the steps in front of the pavilion.
I wonder what dad is doing right now…
I jump at the sound of Malcolm's voice.
"Oh, um hey."
"Big day huh? Two quests in one day."
I look at the bracelet, it itches really bad under it and I can't scratch it!
Malcolm laughs at me trying to stop the itching.
I got my hand and trying to dig under the bracelet, I hit it on the steps too, still itchy.
"This is not funny."
"Just a little."
The itching finally stops.
"Finally it stopped."
He smiles at me, I smile back.
"Annabeth told me about your dad, I'm sorry."
I look at the ground not able to meet his eyes.
"It's okay Sam."
I look at him still unsure.
He starts laughing hard, and I join in too.
I can feel the heat coming off my cheeks, he looks red too.
"Excuse us for interrupting you two."
We quickly get up and see Annabeth and Piper smiling but dead serious.
"Sam we should get moving."
I grab my sword and hug Piper.
"Good luck with the quest Pipes."
"You too Sam."
I look at Malcolm standing there.
He walks up to me and hugs me tight.
I hear Leo walk and and starting to laugh.
I walk off with Annabeth to the entrance of camp.
I hear Leo telling a joke before we left
"What did do you call a banana shoe? A slipper!"
I hear people laughing like crazy in the background as Annabeth and I step out of camp.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Simcool said…
Okay so pop content finally came back
And I'm still on it!
So I want to say thank you to everyone who's been reading
And to the people who commented
*Cough* Pink-bookworm a lot
And mr perfect a couple of times

So thanks and heres the next chappie!XD
Always rated T remember that folks

Title: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 10
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdez

Annabeth X
The cold breeze stings my face as thousands of thoughts and ideas swarm around in my head.
I can't believe that I cursed Sam.
Even though I never heard about her until yesterday.
She reminds me of Percy, I guess that's why I feel bad.
As soon as we are about five miles away from camp, I spot something in the sky and sure enough it's a small flock of griffins.
I feel my hands reach for my bow and arrows, positioning them ready for the first blow.
"Sam follow my lead!", but she's already using her Zeus powers and summons lightning.
The skies darken and thunder crackles. 
I see she's been practicing.
I launch an arrow striking a griffin's head as it instantly crumbles into dust.
I look over to Sam and she's using her sword as a conductor for the lightning.
Wind picks up and I grab onto a tree, to be safe not scared.
I watch as she strikes her sword forward, sending lightning vaporizing five griffins at once.
The clouds begin to slowly part as the sunlight breaks through.
That leaves one griffin, the fastest one to me.
Running I charge the griffin and do a spin kick, knocking the thing down.
It didn't like that and it flew past me breaking my bow.
"Crap! Stupid-"
"Whoa Annabeth, I know your mad but please."
I glare at Sam but she shrugs her shoulders.
I unsheathe my celestial bronze knife, it glimmers in the noon sky.
I swiftly doge and strike the griffin but it's fast. 
"Sam a little help please!"
The griffin strikes his talons at me.
I look at my left arm and find a gash where the griffin striked me.
Surprisingly no pain.
I look at Sam and she's clutching her wrist, the bracelet tightly with her eyes close.
Oh shit!
The bracelet is taking my pain and giving it to Sam.
How could I forget?
She opens her eyes and they look dull.
I find myself get taken over by anger and I realize it when I stab the griffin in the eye, it crumbles.
Sam gets up but she still looks like she lost a lot of power.
"Sam I'm sorry, my wounds are going to give you pain."
I give her a little ambrosia and I see her power starting to return.
She takes a roll of band-aid from her bag and puts it around my gash.
I look at her surprised but she's already walking on.
There's something Sam is keeping from me, the problem is I can't figure it out.
As the sun starts to set the both of us decide to set camp.
We split up jobs, "Sam you go get water, I'll start the fire."
She walks off with a lightning bolt floating on the palm of her hand.
She's getting good with her newfound powers.
The fire took no time to do so, I also put up the tent.
Just water was missing and, Sam hasn't came back with the water yet…

Sorry it's a little short but I will post soon
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Simcool said…
Tittle: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 11
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdez
Rated: T

Sam XI
I step through the woods, covered in mud from knees down.
Rain drops pouring down on me from above.
Clutching the canteen Annabeth gave me filled with water.
Pain, excruciating pain at my wrist.
Hair stuck to my skin with drenched clothing weighing me down.
The slightest bit of hope suspended by a hair.
Dreading, wishing, praying.
Denying the past, present, and future.
Giving no thought at all except one that's been haunting me.
Trudging up to a soaking wet Annabeth I brace myself.
I look her.
Constantly piecing things together without any hesitation.
Yet not understanding me.
She has her hands to her hips, clearly not impressed by my actions.
A permanent gray eyed stare looking through me, at my thoughts.
It's time.
"Where have you been Sam? It's been an hour!"
I look past her seeing a tent and a an extinguished fire.
I feel tears despite of nothing to cry about.
They are tears of pure misery.
I look down at my wrist where the curse sits upon me.
The curse of Athena.
"Are you going to answer me or not?"
Nothing left to do but to let every bottled thought spill out.
Annabeth grabs my arm and stomps off into the tent letting go only to let me in.
Inside is dry with two sleeping bags and a flashlight sending faint light around the tent.
She continues to stare at me, not sure of what to make of my delay.
What should I tell her?
That I don't like you.
But the problem isn't that at all.
She touches my arm, her hands are cold like mine.
I don't meet her gaze as a tear slips down my cheek.
I feel like an idiot, why am I crying.
"What is it?"
I shake her hand off pulling off my jacket and shoes.
Looking up only because the bracelet sends a shock through my body.
She is hurt and disappointed.
Her curly hair is knotted together dripping water of its tips.
Her face mad and hurt.  
I lie down in my sleeping bag wet clothes and all.
I feel Annabeth's gaze on me.
Finally hearing movement and then a click of a flashlight turning off.
Leaving me alone in the darkness to suffer all my thoughts, all night.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Wow soo good and I like how you are showing so much emotion through the characters.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome Minnie part lol and haha I new you didn't die.
over a year ago Simcool said…
Tittle: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 12
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdez
Rated: T

Annabeth XII
I feel the sun strike my face as I casually stretch my arms apart.
Looking over and to notice Sam not there.
I feel panic rise to my chest at the billions of possibilities swarming in my head.
Why was she so cross yesterday?
As usual I'm getting ahead of myself, as I get up and notice her standing outside.
We say nothing as we dismantle camp and get ready to set out again.
It worries me to think what Zeus will do when he finds out Athena cursed Sam.
I shiver at the thought of massive destruction.
I just hope Jason, Piper, and Leo free Hera before we make it to Olympus. 
I look over to Sam, she has a guilty look on her face.
"Finally decided to talk to me Sam?"
We reach the edge of the woods and Sam takes out her iPod.
"Check for a safe route to Olympus."
She taps her iPod screen for awhile. 
"We just need to walk 5 miles up north on this road. There's a small town called Deer Park with a dinner."
"Let me guess your hungry?"
"It's on the way to Olympus."
But she's already walking up the road with a starved face.
I may not know her well but there's something wrong with Sam.
We press on up the road one step after another in hopes of a warm breakfast.
Sure enough around two hours later we reached Deer Park.
Something about this place makes my stomach churn.
There's a gas station that's looks abandoned, some old houses but surprisingly the dinner is open…

This is a really short chap sorry
But the next one is action packed
I will post later on today
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Simcool said…
Tittle: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 13
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdez
Rated: T

When I punched in small town with diner I should have added not abandoned. 
It looks likes like the Madrigal Branch hit this place, Jesus.
Wow I should seriously lay down on the 39 clues series for awhile.
One look at this place and you could mistake it for where the roadrunner lives.
The sign is missing the K so it says Deer Par.
Reminds me of golf, with a deer, um wrong image.
"Sam I don't like this place it looks like a trap to me."
Annabeth and her obvious remarks. "Yeah, sorry about that my iPod said this was the closest town." 
She looks around cautiously. 
"There are some mortals around here though, let's just make this quick okay Sam." 
"Yes! Come on, I'm starved."
We jog past the gas station it's called Deer Par Gas.
I'm not going to think about that.
The diner itself is a complete mess with rusted window frames, cracked windows.
The whole place is covered in a years supply of dust, here come the allergies.
Thank Gods for ambrosia I hate the taste of Buckleys. 
We enter the place and get welcomed by this happy lady.
She looks like she's in her early thirties. 
She must be delusional, if I was her I'd be sad, living in a dump and all.
We pick the booth away from the psycho path lady.
I sit across Annabeth, she picks up the menu a streams through it.
Annabeth looks like an absolute, complete hot mess.
Her curly blonde hair is bunched up together and her camp shirt it ripped from the whole griffin incident.
She doesn't look too happy to be in a unknown town with a psycho lady looking at us.
I look at myself, my clothes are tattered and damp from last night.
Then the stupid bronze bracelet is tighter today, making my wrist red.
"These names sound really weird, they all have deer in them."
"Maybe that's why no one comes here, to stay away from the deer eating people."
That actually makes sense.
"Hey um Annabeth?"
She puts down her menu deciding either  to get the deer burger or fish and deer.
She looks up at me with her full attention.
"Why are you sorry Sam?"
"Cause I've been a jerk.'
"Yeah you have been."
"Annabeth you're making this harder to say."
I poke the bronze bracelet unable to meet her eyes.
"It's just that I feel that you don't like me like you disapprove."
I look up and it's her turn to look guilty.
"Sam I-"
"Girls are you ready to order?"
The psycho lady is standing there with an apron from her waist to her feet, weird.
I glance towards Annabeth, I can tell she's thinking the same thing.
"Not really."
She looks mad by Annabeth's words.
"Why not, you're ordering now!
She takes a step forwards and her apron tares off.
Underneath she isn't a women anymore, she had scales.
Annabeth unsheathes her dagger in a blink of an eye.
"I knew this place was no good!"
Great I lead the both of us into a trap.
I quickly take out my sword but I get tossed across the diner. 
I feel my vision blur into blackness and regain consciousness followed by a series of sharp pain at my wrist.
I look at where the scream came from, Annabeth is on the ground bleeding from her good dagger hand.
I feel the bracelet tighten against my wrist some more.
Why is she screaming, all of her pain is coming to me.
Annabeth is across the diner on the ground with the Kempe closing in.
In desperation I summon lightning from the skies above.
The clouds thunder and in seconds I feel myself overwhelmed with energy.
I carefully guide the energy towards my sword waiting for the right moment.
The Kempe is in arms length to Annabeth.
"Sam! Do something!"
I flick my wrist and the energy surges towards the Kempe.
It literally explodes with gold dust flying everywhere.   
Annabeth slowly gets up and makes her way towards me.
"Sam are you-"
But I feel the darkness return to my eyes, the pain is just too much.
I feel myself go limp as I fall into Annabeth's arms.

Okay this is a better chapter size
Decided that I'll post every 2 days from now on
Just easier for me this wayXD

Oh yeah and if you can
Make an illegal left turn to my other forum
That would be awsome, just don't get caught.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Will read the next chap later.
over a year ago Simcool said…
Just a heads up I will be posting shortly today
Shortly as in 3 hours:P
I guess that's not shorlty but yeah today for sureXD
over a year ago Simcool said…
Tittle: The Lost Hero
Chapter: 14
Type: Adventure, friendship/romance, comedy, fantasy.
Characters: Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase, Piper Mclean, Sam Pener, Malcolm, Leo Valdez
Rated: T

Annabeth XIV
The expression - life is like a bowl of cherries, mostly sweet with a few pits.
It's suppose to mean life has its ups and downs, to count every moment like its your last.
Downs equal the pits and ups equals the cherries.
So far in the past three days I've been attacked by griffins, drenched in rain and attacked by a psycho path.
Right now I'm bleeding like no tomorrow dragging an unconscious Sam on my back along a dirt road.
I have no possible way of knowing the outcome of today.
Where's my cherry?
I spot an abandoned ware house just about ten meters away.
With newfound hope and strength I drag Sam inside.
It's an old Costco ware house with parts of the roof caved in.
I make my way to a safe spot by the cash registers and put Sam on top of the convertor belt.
Next to me she looks pretty bad.
Her face is flushed pale, only her left wrist is red.
Her sword is hanging loosely from her belt and one of her shoes are missing. 
I feel a tang of guilt and thankfulness.
Guilty because she's injured only because I cursed her.
Thankful because she's taking the pain away from my wounds.
I feel guilt wash over me again as she moans but still not fully conscious.
I take a peek at my arm and feel light headed.
There's a deep gash about three inches down my arm, and it continues to bleed.
My best chance to help the both of us, is for me to stop the blood.
I take a quick browse at the isles and I spot, wait is that a ONE DIRECTION ALBUM!?!
I spirt over and pick up a copy of Up All Night.
This has got to be the best day ever!
I was about to open it when I look at my self standing here while Percy is missing and Sam is injured badly.
Take a deep breath Annabeth your trying to find gauze, and you have Percy just keep walking.
Sadly I put it down and walk down a few more isles and spot some packets of gauze.
"Thank Gods."
I make my to Sam as I take one last look at One Direction from afar.
Sighing I reach the convertor belt and notice Sam awake sitting awkwardly.
"Uh Annabeth, where are we?"
She seems to be fine but she's clutching her wrist and trying not to show any sign of pain.
"We're in Costco Sam, you were unconscious for two hours."
Her eyes widen and her mouth pops open.
"Did you carry me here? By yourself?"
"No with the Easter bunny."
Her eyes widen more.
"No. I did, wasn't easy though. You drool when you sleep."
"Oh um sorry?"
She watches me struggling to open the gauze. 
"Here, let me."
She reaches out and surprisingly takes the gauze and opens it with her sword.
I watch her reach into her bag and pull out some ambrosia. 
"Hold still okay."
She cleans out my cut, it was easy for me no pain but Sam clenched her teeth.
Then she wraps the gauze and some bandages around by arm.
She finishes and we look at each other.
"Oh uh thanks Sam."
She flashes a smile at me, and for the first time ever I smile back.
We get some extra supplies and get ready to head out.
I look at Sam smiling and I smile back, being here with her in this moment makes me happy.
We walk out as I give her a hug.
Life is like a bowl of cherries, mostly sweet with a few pits.
And right now I just found my cherry.
Thanks for readingXD
Remember friends are precious don't let them go.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Like I already said before amazing chapter and awesome thing to do with the cherry saying.