The Fanfic One Night's Mistake

universalpowa posted on Apr 07, 2012 at 08:40PM
Title: One Night's Mistake

Rated: T (It's mostly cursing. Lots of cursing. Well, not so much in the beginning, but oh well lol)

Type: Fanfiction (what is this site again? lolz)

Characters: Everyone from HoO and a few OCs


Leo and Piper have been just a little more than friends for the past few months. Jason left Piper for Reyna after the war, having received the rest of his memories.

It started as a day at the coffee parlor in New York, and became a rollercoaster from there...

One night, in the middle of their senior year, something big happens. Their choices will impact the rest of their lives, and their friends.

It all started out slow, and in one night became a jet plane of life- and changes everything.

When the unexpected happens, Leo is forced to grow up, and become more like an adult. Piper is forced to limit her access to the outside world, arising suspicion in her close friends...

When her friends discover the truth, they are in disbelief. Of course, Leo and Piper aren’t the only ones keeping secrets...

When one night mistake impacts the rest of your life, it’s hard to grab on and stay on the rollercoaster ride until the very end.



Every story has to have a beginning, a middle, and an end.
Welcome to Leo’s life. Some of his choices have been poor, leading him to this disaster.
Let’s start at the beginning.


Disclaimer: All Characters belong to Rick Riordan, OCs belong to meeee :D

[A/N- Hollister is the most gullible person I have ever met]

Title: One Night's Mistake

Rated: T (It's mostly cursing. Lots of cursing. Well, not so much in th
last edited on Jan 03, 2013 at 02:22AM

The Fanfic 463 replies

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over a year ago hollistergurl said…

i still can't believe you pranked me with this idea, except twisted it D:
and i still can't believe i fell for it too D:

i already read the first chapter in Google Docs, but POST SOON ANYWAYS! XD
over a year ago universalpowa said…

thanks hollister! xP

soo im gonna post the first chapter 'cuz im bored.
and YEAH i cant believe you fell for it either. LOL!!! XD


Chapter 1
Waiting here alone

A boy sits on a soft plush chair, with people in white rushing past him, hurrying along, not having their minds filled with endless worry.

The room is white, and has many corridors. This boy leans back now, running his fingers through his hair. If you looked close enough, you might see a few grey strands.
He is waiting.

Leo is waiting, nervously drumming the sides of his fingers against the chair he is sitting on. The lights above him seem to be dimming, and he leans forward, placing his hands in a prayer-like way. He shuts his eyes, and whispers something that no one will ever hear him say.
His mind is focusing on everything in the room- driving him insane. He doesn’t mind it though, he is nervous enough as it is.

Anything to keep his mind off what could be happening outside the lobby...
The Lobby is a new addition, as far as Leo can tell. He is still wearing his mechanic apron (another word for that?) and the yellow work gloves he always wears. His tool belt is wrapped securely around his waist, but he is too nervous to make anything right now.

Sighing, he leans back again, and nervously runs his fingers through his hair again. He catches a glimpse of a grey hair, and frowns. He wished Percy didn’t tease him on that, it wasn’t his fault he was so stressed.
In a way, he had brought this onto himself, but that’s another story.

Leo glances around at the other people in the room- a kind receptionist who greeted him when he walked in. There is an older man sitting across from Leo, and a plump lady holding a small girl while another older girl darts between her legs, and laughs hysterically.
Leo holds back a lump in his throat...worrying his mind more than he could normally possibly handle-

His thoughts are interrupted when a lady in white walks into the room.
His pulse quickens, and his heart skips a beat.
“Miss Links?” she asks. The woman with two children gets up slowly, and follow after the nurse.
Leo leans back down, disinterested. Not what he was looking for.

He is waiting for his friends to arrive- but they might be hours away in Virginia, attending their last good-byes to their friend.

Leo feels a fresh sore on his heart. That stupid idiot to go and kill himself...just to save his friends.
Without knowing it, many doors down, his problems await him. He honestly didn’t want this. Too young. Not enough patience. He didn’t think he could take the challenge.

But, life likes to throw us a curve ball every once in a while, to see how bad we strike out.
Leo groans, and sits back up. His head leans on the wall behind him, and he closes his eyes again.

He hears footsteps, and his eyes pop open. His heart beats faster.

Still nada. This nurse takes a turn and walks into a room three doors down to the right.
He sweeps his eyes across the room. The clock ticks, marking his heart beats.


It’s like a rhythm, and Leo taps his fingers against his thighs. The old man across from him, smiles up at Leo with crooked teeth.
Leo gives a small smile in return, and it quickly vanishes as he stares intently down the hall.
An Elevator dings! from somewhere down the hall, and Leo straightens.

A cart rolls out, the wheels squeaking as it rotates the wheel. Leo lets loose a breath he has been holding, and slumps back down.

“What yer here for?” the old man asks him. Leo looks up. “Sorry, what? I wasn’t listening.”
“What yer here for?” he repeats. “You look stressed.”
Leo runs a few fingers through his hair. “Long story. Right now I’m just waiting for some friends...they had to uh, say their goodbyes to a good friend of mine.”

The man doesn’t respond as Leo leans forward.
Not being able to take it anymore, he gets up and paces. He rubs his hand on his chin, and goes back and forth, back and forth, back and forth....

He hears a DING! from the elevator. His breathing stops, and he freezes.

Small footsteps walk down the hallway at a quick pace, and Leo’s heart quickens his beat.
A nurse with light colored auburn hair peeks her head in. “Mr. Valdez?”

Leo turns to her, and grabs his jacket on the seat. “Follow me.” she says, and starts walking towards the elevator.

She presses a button labeled 5 and the doors close. The button gives off a small glow, as Leo watches the floor number go up. Finally it comes to a stop, and she leads him into an empty room.
“The Doctor will speak to you in a moment.” she says. “You’re welcome to any mints.” she gestures to a large bowl on the desk.

She leaves, gently shutting the door behind her. Leo doesn’t take a mint, having plenty in his magical tool belt.

He gets up and paces again, the only thing that can possibly distract his troubled mind.
Then he sits down, nervously drumming his fingers on the chair.

The door clicks! behind him, and Leo’s breath shortens.

This is it.

You’re probably wondering what Leo has gotten himself into this time.
It’s a long story.
This is just a part of it- but this is a story.
If we are going to begin, it’s suggested we start at the beginning.
So here it is.

over a year ago hollistergurl said…
lol, guess what, i didn't even read it because i knew what happened xD


i love the next chapter, ish so funny xD
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
And yet ANOTHER forum by universalpowa XD
How many are you going to do?!?!
Here we go again..... :D
As usual, it was awesome!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
More cliffies!!!:OOOOOOO
I cannot believe this...
Is this your ninth forum???????
Uh oh.......
Roller coasters!!!:D
Post soon!!!:D:D:D
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ LOL!! yeah it is number 9. LOLZ

i dont think ill be making anymore...i want to finish TTH first. :P
then probably my MOA- like, the whole thing, and then maybe ill go back to making forums. MEH idk.

LOL jazzy, it is a rollarcoaster.
i have like, 3 chapters done already. maybe ill post another one tomorrow. LOL
over a year ago TwigmanFTW said…
Awesome and ^^ too true lolz:D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Zelda4Efas said…

But I'm not complaining, who's complaining? Oh maybe some fans who want you to update you older forums more often rather than starting so many you don't update your old ones as much.
But I don't care, as long as you don't get too overwhelmed at the end of break and don't post on certain forums.

-Zelda is celebrating Easter because NZ is one day ahead of the world

over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ lol xD
mehhh i honestly cant say that, 'cuz i just updated my MOA and gave them a sneak peek of the sequel. so if they do complain, i will block them out and go 'la la la la la i cant here youu la la la' LOL
and i cant be overwhelmed! why do you think i made this forum? i caught up with ALL my forums, so i got bored. usually i have at LEAST one to post on, but my collabs its not my turn, and i posted on most of my forums for like, two days a row on each. xP

MEEHH HAPPY EASTER ZELDA! LOL. the cheese emote is back! LOL
over a year ago universalpowa said…
i got bored.

posting another chapter ;D ahhaahha
ENJOY! its so funny..oh Leo.. xD

Chapter 2
The Real Beginning

“Mr. Valdez,” the man says. The man must be, fifty, maybe sixty years old. He had a white lab coat like all the doctors wore, and he had greying white, receding hair to cover his head.

Leo lets out a small breath. “How is she?”

“Fine.” he gave no other explanation. but it was enough for Leo. He felt like a million pounds of worry had just been lifted from his shoulders.

The doctor introduced himself as Dr. Trans, and Leo had a random thought of him in a robot suit- how Transformers came to mind, he will never know.

Then he left. “I’ll be by in a few minutes to talk to you, but I have another patient to see. I’ll be making my rounds.”

Dr. Trans disappeared behind the glass doors. Leo looked on the clock that hung on the wall, watching it tick.
While he waited, he got a chance to remember how this all started.

He remembered the shock on his friend’s faces.

Annabeth had let go a strangled hiss of swears as she clung to Percy’s arm.
Frank and Hazel would be the last to know.
Jason had just been shocked.

Percy had wagged his finger at him, looking between him and her. “Valdez,” he had said. “You have got a lot of explaining to do.”

Leo remembered how nervous he had been. But it was almost over now.

Let’s take you to the beginning, the very beginning. If one thing had been off, none of this would have happened.

Leo wasn’t sure if he wanted this future, or if hanging onto the past would be his one and only option.

Back to the past. Leo used this time to go back to the time this all had started....


Leo sighed, leaning back into his chair.
It’s about two years before where he is sitting now. So imagine this is two years ago.
Time flies.

Leo was waiting in the Le Coffee Caliente Coffee shop. He found the store name quite amusing, even if no one else found it as funny as he did.

Piper and Jason came in, holding hands. Leo grinned at them. “So,” he said casually. “Do I get to be the useless third wheel again, or can I just make the tofu tacos?”

Piper scowled while Jason gave a small smile. “It’s more complicated than that.”

Piper looked around. “The others here yet?”

“Just Percy. He had to use the bathroom.” Leo replied. “And you know Annabeth...”

Piper sighed. “I’ll go dig her out of her apartment. Be right back.”

She dashed out the coffee parlor, while Jason took a seat across from Leo. “You working on that IT scholarship yet?”

Leo frowned. “Dude, it’s Senior year. Of course I did!”
Jason laughed, and Percy came out of the bathroom, still clutching his stomach from earlier today.

“Yo Percy,” Leo called, trying to hold back his laughter. “Did you like have a sex change or something-”

“This,” Percy panted as he took a seat next to Jason. “Is, not...funny...” he groaned. “I can’t believe you gave me food poisoning.”

Jason looked between Leo and Percy. “You poisoned Percy?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Leo said, starting to crack up. “Watch what you eat around me.”

Jason gave him a confused look while Leo busted up, and Hazel and Frank entered the shop. The door chimed with the little bell, turning heads in their direction. Percy and Jason turned around, and Leo kept laughing at their expressions. Frank took two chairs and added them to the table.

“Where’s everyone else?” Hazel asked, taking a seat between Leo and Frank.

“Annabeth and Percy were food poisoned by Leo,” Jason said. “Piper went to go get Annabeth. Percy is becoming a girl.”

Percy raised his eyebrows at Jason’s explanation, while Leo burst out laughing again until he had tears coming out of his eyes.

“Stop, just stop,” he said, still laughing. “AHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAAHA-”

Annabeth came in, Piper following her. “Hey guys,” Annabeth said tiredly. “Sorry I was late. I fo-”

“Forgot.” Percy finished. “Sit down. I would seat you like a real gentleman,” then he groaned. “But Leo has attempted to murder me, so I can’t.”

“Yep,” Leo said, trying not to laugh. “Percy is a girl, officially.”

Annabeth gave him a strange look. “Right....” she said, taking her seat next to Percy. “Why is Leo trying to kill Percy?”

“Why is Leo obnoxious?” Piper said. “It’s like trying to explain why -”

“We get it.” Hazel said, wanting to spare the miracle-of-life conversation. Annabeth smiled, while Leo sunk further into his seat. That shut him up.

“We don’t have to discuss THAT,” Percy said, finally sitting up. “What we need to discuss is-” then he turned green. “One sec,” he said, and ran off towards the bathroom for the fiftieth time this morning.

Leo chuckled, while Annabeth shot him a Why did you poison my boyfriend? glare.

Jason took Piper’s hand, and Leo picked up his coffee. He took a sip, and then spit it out.

“YO!” he yelled to the bathroom. “DUDE!”

Percy came out, grinning innocently. “What is the problem, Leo?”


Percy frowned. “Actually, I just heated it to the point of burning so you would feel my-” He was cut off by running back into the bathroom.
Leo snorted. “Wow, fail. You realize that with being a Fire user, I. Don’t. Get. Burned.”

Jason nodded in agreement. “I agree. That was the worst revenge I have ever witnessed.”
Piper looked at him. “Witness?”
“No comment.”

Percy came back out, and sat down again.

“Dude,” Leo said. “You have been alternating between this seat, and the toilet seat for over two hours. Choose one, and stay in it!”

Leo ducked to avoid a blow from Percy, and then got up, still chuckling, and headed to the counter to get an Untainted-by-Percy cappuccino.

When he got back, Percy was anxiously waiting. “No more interruptions,” he said, eyeing Leo. Leo gave a Who, me? gesture, and batted his eyelashes innocently at Percy, who rolled his eyes. “If anyone is planning to interrupt,” Leo pointed out. “It would be you having problems on the toilet.”
Percy ignored him.

“I have big news,” Percy started again. “Me and Annabeth-”

“You’re getting married!?” Leo yelped, falling off his chair. Percy sent him a Shut up! death glare, while Annabeth face palmed.
“Hahaha,” Percy said, still glaring at Leo. “Very funny. No.”

“Anyways,” he said. “Me and Annabeth are planning-”

“Your wedding!?” Leo interrupted again. This time Piper smacked him.

“No, Me and Annabeth are-”

“You both are pregnant!?” Leo interrupted for the last time. Percy shot him a WHAT!? look, while Annabeth shot Leo a look of disgust.

“DUDE!” Percy exploded. “DO I LOOK LIKE A WOMAN TO YOU!?”

“No...” Leo said, looking down.

“Hmph.” Annabeth said. “Leo, you need to stop jumping to conclusions.”

“Hypocrite.” Leo muttered.

“What was that?”

“Oh! Nothing.”

Frank sniggered at him, while Jason held back a laugh.

“Anyways, me and Annabeth,” Percy started again. He shot Leo a look, and Leo remained silent. “Are planning to invite you all to my school this year, Goode High School.”

Jason choked, and Leo’s eyes bugged. Frank laughed, and Hazel looked amused. Piper just stared around. “With these guys?” she said. “Well then, I hope you hate that school because by the end of the year, it will be ashes.”

“Come on!” Percy complained. “I already enrolled you guys for Senior Year!”

Hazel coughed. “Ahem.”

“And Hazel.”

“Thank you.”

Jason said “But I’ve never been to public school! Hello, does Kidnapped at two ring a bell? Any bell at all?”

The door chimed as another customer walked in, and Leo said “Yes. For that guy.”

Piper rolled her eyes. “Nevermind at this point. But Percy, why didn’t you tell us?”

“Because you would refuse. Too bad, ‘cuz your gonna be at school this fall.”

Everyone groaned, mind Annabeth and Percy. “Oh,” Leo said. “Percy Jackson wants to go to school. The world is ending!”

Percy frowned. “Don’t jinx us, Leo.”

“Can’t screw up what’s already destroyed,” Leo muttered.

“So, you guys are in?” Percy asked.

They all looked at each other in silent agreement. Each nodded, slowly.

Leo sighed. “Fine, I guess you win.”

Percy whooped, and then ran to the bathroom again.

Leo held back a laugh- this was just the beginning of his brand new, horribly messed up, future.

comment please!! :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…

NO PERCY!!!! *another sigh* why did you have to be STUPID ENOUGH to eat Leo's food that had POISON in it???!!!:OOOO
OHHH LEO........
Liz!!!!! You made Percy suffer!!!:oooo
Mustache Man is not happy...... :<{
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
yay, post next chapter, because that one i didn't read lol :D

over a year ago Kaia143 said…
This story is hilarious!!!! I love it!!
And I will NEVER EAT Leo's food.
It Leo made it, im not eating it.
I guess Percy learned not to every eat Leo's food again.

And I can not wait until u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!! I JUST FOUND IT TODDAY.
over a year ago kaitie85386 said…
I'm pretty sure I'm reading all your forums, but seriously? Nine? How do you find the time for allof them? I only have one, and I only update every few days. You must be a really fast writer! And technically, all your other forums were fanfictions too. Just saying.
over a year ago percyrocks54321 said…
sry my bro keeps going on my profile (because i never sign out) and posting random things.
over a year ago percyrocks54321 said…
over a year ago percyrocks54321 said…
Don't read this comment that I am typing right now if you are reading this comment you disobeyed my orders and Universals giant purple hippo named Joe will sit on you. POST SOON UNI
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
post soon!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
meh got bored
well, ENJOY! :D


Chapter 3
School Sucks

Leo dropped off his stuff at Camp Half Blood, and then waited up at the top of the hill for the bus to arrive.

Percy was already there, as well as Annabeth. Piper followed Annabeth up, and Frank and Hazel sleepily trudged over.

Leo frowned. “Where’s Jace-man?”

“Slept in,” Hazel said, yawning. “Nico woke me up this morning- I’m pretty sure the Stolls were involved, because I don’t think I’ve ever seen my brother wear so much eyeliner...”

Frank gave a choked laugh. “Any chance you just didn’t notice before?”

They heard a girl scream from the Hades cabin- like in the horror movies. Then there was a crash, and some yells from the Hermes cabin. Leo snickered as he saw two boys run for their lives out of their cabin, and head for the beach.

Leo turned around and saw everyone else already heading onto the bus, and Leo started walking down the hill to catch the bus.

Jason came running up behind him, and Leo already was on the first step on the bus. When Leo peeked inside, it was a complete madhouse. Kids were standing/sitting in seats and throwing lunches, hats, baseball bats, shoes, and hair brushes from all across the bus. Leo ducked from a burrito projectile as he made his way to the back of the bus.

Percy was glaring at some freshman and told them to get a new seat because the Seniors take the back. They backed up pretty quickly.

“Dude,” Leo said. “That’s kinda-”

“New Yorkerish?” Percy guessed. “Well, you get used to that in high school. Either fight back, or get trampled.”

Leo didn’t have time to figure out what he meant by that, when the bus lurched forward and pushed Leo into a seat next to Piper.

Jason made his way back, and Leo jumped from his seat to the one in front of them. “Hm,” Leo mused. “Hey Jace!” he said, getting Jason’s attention. “If were on a bus, promise not to forget who we are again, hm, k?”

Jason glared at him, and Piper took his hand. “Leo has a point,” she said. “I might seriously have to kill you if you forget me again.”
Leo chuckled as Jason shot another glare at Leo like: You HAD to bring that up?

Searching through his backpack, Leo found an old sketch of an invention he’d been working on. He started chewing on the tip of his eraser as he looked out the foggy window of the bus.

A girl sitting in the seat across from him winked at him, and Leo ignored her, lost in thought.

“Hey,” she said. He was frowning at his paper. “Heyooooo anyone home?”

“Oh.” he looked up. “Sorry, what?”

She rolled her eyes. “You a newb?”

“Uh, yeah. You?”

“Moved here two years ago.” she had a strange thick New York accent so bad, Leo guessed it was fake. “Can’t keep up with all this New Yorker drab.”

“Mmm.” Leo said, going back to his paper, already losing interest. “I’ve been here ever since me and my friends got here from across the country. I’ve been living here since then.”

She snapped her fingers in front of his face. “Yo, is not nice to ignore a lady.”

“Well,” Leo said giving her a cold stare. “I didn’t say I was nice. So why don’t you leave me alone and let me get back to work?”

“Watcha workin’ on then.” she asked, and Leo noticed her white teeth and there was pink bubble gum in her mouth.

“Nothing yet.” Leo said honestly. “And I have no clue what it is.”

Then he heard a screeching of tires, making him wince.

“Here we are.” Percy announced. “Welcome to High School.”

As Leo looked out the window at the faint line visible of the sign: WELCOME TO GOODE! WE ARE GOOD STUDENTS!
“I liked their motto the year before better.” Percy grumbled.

To Leo, the sign would have easily made sense to read: Welcome to Hades!


comment pweaseeee!! :D
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Hehehehe welcome to hades....... hehehehe!! XD
I love the chapter universal. It was amazingly awesomely hilarious!!
And I can not wait until u post again. I hope its really soon!!!!!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…

"Welcome to Goode! We are good students!"

i can just imagine that NY accent xP

awesome post :D

post soon even though you just posted!!!
over a year ago percyrocks54321 said…
superkadoodlechilernupnessiterifierickness­ofa­wes­ome­nes­s <--- that si what ill use from now on to describe your chapters because they are too awesome to just say awesome

I have home ech and we mad cinnamon bread today and it was delicious

over a year ago the-time-thief said…
big smile
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
amazing chappies, but I'm confused a bit about the beginning...whats going on?

anywho, post soon!!!
over a year ago beba157jello said…
big smile
well wat we go there.....................................­...­...­...­. of course ANOTHER FORUM FROM UNIVERSAL!!! awesome story i love it its so hilarious and epic just do one favor>
plz post soon !!!!!!
over a year ago TwigmanFTW said…
Apparently i forgot to put this on my updates : / oops : D
Awesome stuff though : D
over a year ago percyrocks54321 said…
over a year ago megon4ever said…
omg post soon!!
this is sooo goood, please make more chapters because i need them to survive!
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
big smile
Post soon this is awesome!
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
*drops to knees in pain* post soon or I will die!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
ZOMG thanks guys for getting this on the popular content so fast!!! :D

love all you guys... <3 :D

annnnnnnd i have to post on 4 other forums, but when i finish i will post a chapter here too!!! :D

no promises, but i will TRY to post today, okay? :D

number 4!!! :D lolz
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
LOL but the Pop Content is small, as usual :P

over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Hey, Homie. Can you give me the links on Google Docs. I might not be online as much as I used to.
over a year ago megon4ever said…
big smile
post soon!!!!!
over a year ago percyrocks54321 said…

post before i boast
i saw a piece of toast
under some roast
you can't compare to chuck
he drives a big truck]
you better post before i host a toast on roast

Do you like my song? :D post sooooooon
over a year ago universalpowa said…
lol nice song :D ahaahha

ENJOY! its Leo's first day of school. o_o we are doomed.


Chapter 4
Hi! My name is Kill me now

Upon entering the school, three of the most humiliating things happened.

1.) The ‘nice’ secretary told him to wear a newcomer’s badge so other ‘students’ could ‘show’ him around the ‘school.’
She could have easily have duct taped a piece of toilet paper to Leo’s shoe, and stuck a paper bag over his head.

2.) In the hallways, he tripped over some ‘student’ (gorilla) and made a complete fool of himself.

Handing out yearbooks already? Leo was already signed up for- LOSER.

3.) He got the wrong locker, which turned out to be some other pretty senior girl’s locker.
Basically, even before Homeroom, Leo was ready to bury himself in the dumpster out back and hide in a whole until the rest of the students were too old to have a High School Reunion.

It was a weird thing to image- old seniors in their old high school jerseys and shoes..and the girls with the six-inch sky-high high heels. And the skirts. And the make would be like a nightmare come to life.
Leo doubted now he would be able to go to a high school reunion now.

On his red new student badge, the secretary/receptionist had written his name in large fancy black letters- LEO

As soon as she was out of sight, he tore it off and tossed it in the trash.
It got stuck to his hand, and he tried rubbing it off, tearing it, and then it got stuck to his coat. Basically, it was a disaster.
Leo couldn’t get the sticky tag off.

He got his locker- number 76. It was in pretty good shape, considering he had seen some other lockers that had looked like some of the students had brought in a baseball bat and hit the lockers repeatedly.

Leo got his combo (no, he will never tell you what it is!) and opened up his locker. He was stuffing his books in when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

“Hey.” It was was that annoying girl from the bus. “Which Homeroom you in?”

“I haven’t looked at my schedule yet.” Leo said coldly. Then he went back to shoving his backpack in his locker, took out a pencil and his math binder, and slammed the locker shut.

She started following him, which was starting to tick Leo off a little. Then he saw Percy goofing off with Jason and everyone else so Leo snuck over. “Hey guys.”

Percy turned to him. “You survived?”

“I think so.”

Percy grinned. “Great! So, I’m figuring maybe for lunch that we can walk down the street to this awesome coffee parlor-”

“Coffee!?” Leo said. Piper looked worried. “Percy, make sure Leo buys decaf, or his head might disappear off his shoulders.”

The others laughed, and Leo smiled a little too. “Well,” Leo said. “Either that, or Percy poisons my drink as payback.”

Percy frowned. “I still haven’t forgiven you for that.”

“Why?” Leo said innocently. “Am I too awesome-”

“Shut it, Valdez.”

Leo laughed, and Frank snorted. Piper laughed too, and she leaned on Jason (who was conveniently standing next to her) and they held hands. Leo pretended not to notice. It wasn’t that he didn’t want his friends together, but it brought back old memories to Piper feeling broken when Jason had remembered he had another girlfriend back at camp...
Of course, who was there for Piper the whole time? Yeah, Leo. But he was glad to see them both happy, so he was happy.
The wonderful trio- somewhat fighting the evils of high school.

Leo glanced over at the clock, and then the bell rang. “See ya guys laterrrrr,” Percy said. “Maybe we’ll have the same classes.”

“That’s not likely.” Annabeth muttered. “And if we did, we wouldn’t want to because you would find a way to blow up the classroom before the period even ends.”

Percy didn’t argue with that, and started walking off to his first class of the day. Leo got a nervous feeling in his stomach as he looked around. “Well,” he said to his friends Jason and Piper. “So begins the wonderful high school experience.”

“Come on, Leo.” Piper said rolling her eyes. “We’re gonna be late.”

over a year ago hollistergurl said…
the "wonderful" trio :P
you heard my rant on chat lol


over a year ago percyrocks54321 said…
I am guessing that the wonderful trio isnt going to be wonderful anymore...

awesome post post soon
over a year ago TwigmanFTW said…
Awesome again lolz : D
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
awesome chappie! ;)
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
big smile
Awesome :D post soon!
over a year ago megon4ever said…
big smile
super awesome!!!!
over a year ago beba157jello said…
big smile
totally epic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
big smile
post soon! EpIc poison
over a year ago BitemeIVampire said…
over a year ago universalpowa said…
Chapter 5
Homework kills the conscientious student

Leo rolled his eyes at his science partner. “No, you should not light your clothes on fire.” Leo said in a bored tone.

“I want to!” Percy whined. “I think it would be hilarious.”

“No, what would be hilarious is if you killed yourself.” Leo grumbled. “Then I could finish this lab, and not have to worry about you-”

He was cut off when Percy melted the piece of metal they were supposed to be smelting. Leo sighed, and took the metal prongs. “Why did I give you the job of smelting again?”

“Because you love me?”

“Well, I don’t, so I don’t know why.”

Percy pretended to pout, and Leo finished the lab. “You owe me big time.” Leo said.

“I’ll buy you a Pepsi.”


Percy laughed as they headed off to lunch, where Leo got a paper bag from his locker filled with a sandwich and a bottle of water.
Leo saw a table where the other seniors were sitting, and sat down next to Jason. “Heyyyooo,” he said. “Miss me?”

“Not really.” Frank grumbled. Leo frowned at him, but was distracted by his lunch and started eating.


The rest of the day was pretty good by Leo’s standards. No random monster entered the building. Leo didn’t die.

It was a pretty good day.

When he got back to camp, he logged onto his computer (for the record he never stole it) and checked his updates.

Leo Valdez’s status: School is b-o-r-i-n-g. XO

Leo smirked as his friends logged on too.

Percy Jackson: DX Dude!
Annabeth Chase: Depends on what you happen to be learning.
Jason Grace: Ditto with Leooooo
Piper McLean: I. Hate. Homework. And. School.
Annabeth Chase: :( i feel shunned
Nico Di Angelo: FEEL THE SHUN!
Percy Jackson: *facepalm*

Scrolling through other updates and status changes on DemiBook, Leo sighed and turned off the computer.

He slipped into his bunk and fell asleep, wondering for tomorrow....

lolz :D
over a year ago hollistergurl said…



over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Ur chapters r sooooo hilarious universal. I love them!!
And I can not wait until u post again. I hope its really sooooooon!!!!!!
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
Lol post soon
over a year ago percyrocks54321 said…
super epic and you didnt leave us with a cliff hanger for once YAYYYYYYYY! post soon