The Fanfic If the boy who lived had a twin

sparkles3 posted on Apr 13, 2012 at 10:48PM
disclaimer: all harry potter stuff is J.K. Rowling's.
long story short, Harry Potter has a twin sister, Leilanie, who was put up for adoption a week after birth, and she grew up in Hawaii. The only thing she has from them is a locket with a 'P' incrusted in rubies on it. There is a picture of Lily a James in it.

other info: Leilanie looks just like Lily, but with icy blue eyes. She wears contacts.
last edited on Apr 23, 2012 at 09:14PM

The Fanfic 60 replies

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over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Chapter 1

Most ten-almost-eleven year olds spend their weekends inside on the computer or just goofing off. Not me. I was outside waving a stick, shouting odd words like "lumos" or "expelliarmus" while scanning the skies for...something. The stick waving was just a way to keep myself busy. What I was really doing was waiting. I don't know what for, just that it would be huge. Like, life changing huge. Hours ticked by, nothing happened, except for I got a really bad sunburn. Once it started to get dark, I went inside.

"Anything interesting happen?" Mom asked, like she did every night. I shook my head, then went upstairs to find the aloe lotion. After spreading the cool, green stuff on my arms, I went to my room. The digital clock on my nightstand was blinking 10:40. I was still wide awake, so I decided to sketch something. An hour later, I was finished. It was a boy with messy black hair and round glasses. His eyes were a brilliant green. On his forehead was a scar in the shape of a lightening bolt.

"Harry." I breathed. "His name is Harry."

"Who's name is Harry?" Mom came into my room. I held up my notebook. Her eyes narrowed.

"What?" I asked. She shook her head.

"It's time for bed. Give me the book."
She said. I handed her my notebook. She kissed my forehead and left. I glanced at the clock. 11:50. Just ten more minutes, then I would be 11. And when I turned 11, something magical would happen. I'm not sure what, but it would change my life. 11:55. I could feel my excitement growing. I glanced down at my locket. The red stones were glowing against the gold metal. 11:59. I bit my lip. My heart pounded like a drum.

"Beep! Beep!" The clock chirped. Finally midnight. Finally July 31st. I waited. Nothing happened. The clock changed to 12:01. I sighed. Nothing interesting had happened yet. 12:03. Silence. I yawned. Boredom is so tiring. 12:05. My eyes started to droop.

"Happy Birthday, Leilanie," I muttered. "Make a wish." Something slammed against my window. I shot up out of my bed and pulled the curtains back. I blinked in surprise. A man in a flying motorbike hovered near my window. In the side car, HE sat. Harry. The boy I had sketched. His face was a mirror image of the man in my locket. I think he probably was as shocked as I was.

"Who are you?" I asked. The man smiled.

"I am Rubeus Hagrid." He said, then jumped out of the bike and into my window. He pulled Harry along with him. "And you must be Leilanie." I nodded hesitantly. How did this guy know me?

"Hagrid, why exactly are we here?" Harry asked.

"Well, Harry, there's one more thing I haven't told you." Hagrid started. "Leilanie is your twin sister."

My jaw dropped. My hand flew to my locket. The other baby, it was HIM! Harry stood there, staring at me. I smiled and extended my hand.

"Nice to meet you." I said brightly. He nodded at me. My hand fell to my side.

Hagrid started to climb out the window and motioned for us to follow. Harry climbed out the window next.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Hagrid smiled.

"Hogwarts." He said. I shrugged and climbed into the bike.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
if you would like to write as Harry, send me a message with an excerpt of the chapter you will write next.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Umm, excuse me, but I believe you've taken part of my idea. In my own fanfic, "In The Background," Hailey, Harry's twin, also looks like Lily but with hazel eyes. And, of course, Hailey has the same eye problem and rew up away from her brother.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome chapter.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
sparkles3, check your wall.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
What? My boggart is someone taking my story idea.
Besides, wasn't mine posted first?
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
I'm sorry, but I'd never even seen your story until Wednesday, after I posted this.

Attention readers!!!

If you like to take part in the writing of this story, please contact me. Wall post or just a message will do, but send me a little of what you would have happen next. This is improv storytelling, so I need helpers!!

over a year ago sparkles3 said…
ok, for now, I'll write as Harry, but I really could use some help.

Chapter 2

I may not be awesome at math, but even an idiot knows that heavy book + flying motor bike x supersonic speeds = disaster. And it did. The first time I tried to read one, it flew out of my hand and hit Harry in the face. I couldn't help but laugh as it smacked his nose.

"Here we are." Hagrid said as we neared the ground. A little sign read "The Leaky Cauldron" on a black building. We all walked in, but I stayed toward the back of our group.

"The usual, Hagrid??" A bald and toothless man, I assumed he was the bartender, asked. Hagrid shook his head.

"Not today,Tom. We're here on official Hogwart's business." He motioned to Harry, then me. "I got Harry Potter and Leilanie here." Whatever he said next was drowned out by a large group of people rushing over to Harry, and basically acting like a bunch of fan girls and boys. I was pushed to the outskirts of the crowd, and found myself in my usual place; on the outside looking in.


"P-p-p-pleasure t-to m-m-m-meet y-you." A man in a purple turban come up to me.

"Hello, Professor Quirrel." Hagrid said. I held out my hand, he looked down at it and shuddered. I glanced over at Leilanie, and could almost hear her thinking 'OK...GERMAPHOBE ALERT!!!'

"Harry? You hear me?" Hagrid asked. I jumped, I was startled and shook my head. "Professor Quirrel teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts." Hagrid repeated.

"N-not th-that y-you'd n-n-need it, e-eh P-potter?" Quirrel stuttered. I shrugged and looked at my twin, she was staring at Quirrel with a mixture of curiosity and fear. Hagrid led us out to the back of the restaurant and tapped on the brick wall with his pink umbrella. The bricks shifted to form an arch.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley." Hagrid beamed.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome chap and I would write for Harry but I'm already writing so many things at the moment.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
thanks. do you know anyone who might want to?? if so, just have them message me.
over a year ago Silver78 said…
Kewl!!!I can write for Harry, if you'd like...
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Eh, it's fine. I'm just one of those paranoid writers. Mine's probably a lot more involved, anyway.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
ok. thank you, Silver78. Message me what you would have the next chapter be, and if it's good, you can write.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Sporsho(Silver78)...You are enthusiastic! It's a miracle!...Any who!Nice story! I think I also read another one of your stories. It's good!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Post soon!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
im waiting for Silver78 to post, not sure when though.
over a year ago Silver78 said…
Oh, okay. This is just my opening post, so that's why it's so short.

I jumped back in surprise-Leilanie did too. Hagrid grinned at their amazement.Once we had stepped through, I looked back to see the hole again, it was closing. I looked towards the street-Diagon Alley. The nearest shop was a shop full of cauldrons. A sign on the shop said:"Cauldrons--All sizes--Copper,Brass,Pewter,Silver--Self-st­irr­ing­--C­oll­aps­ibl­e--­&qu­ot; Hagrid saw them both looking and said,"Yeah, you'll both be needin one, but we gotta get yer money first." Is that good enough?

over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Yah..... Good post Sporsho.
over a year ago Silver78 said…
I'm just wairin for Spark....(Sparkles3)
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
hiya. you waiting for me to post my chapter??
over a year ago Silver78 said…
Yep, Vi.(Instead of Spark)
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Ok... this is completely random, i didn't have to prepare anything, but I'll try.
Chapter 4
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. "I've already got money." I said, grinning. Hagrid shook his head, and my smile faded.

"Not that kind of money. You need wizard money." He informed. I sighed and stuffed the cash into my pocket. Or I tried. I just then realized that I was still in my pajamas, which, by the way, were kinda ratty. People were staring at, and I stared back. They were dressed even stranger than me. Floor-length cloaks in the middle of summer!

"Where do we get the money?" Harry asked, snapping me out of my staring. Hagrid grinned again, and I got kind of scared.

"Gringotts. It's the wizard bank. Aint no place safer, except maybe Hogwarts." He informed. I grinned. So, this Hogwarts place was really safe. Or maybe Gringotts had a security problem. Anyway, we walked in, and saw little men with pointy ears and long noses. I shuddered as I walked by them.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
this is her in her pajamas: link
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Awsome post!
over a year ago peterpansbff said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
over a year ago Silver78 said…
I've come back! I'll post a chap soon, so don't worry about it... Tommorow, at the very least.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Good Sporso!
over a year ago Silver78 said…
A day late, but better late than never!
Hagrid walked up to a counter where one of those really creepy dwarves-sorry, goblins was writing something. Hagrid told the goblin, "G'mornin, I've come to withdraw money from the Potter vault for Mr.Harry Potter And Ms.Leilanie Potter." The goblin replied sharply,"And do either of the Potters have their vault key?" "I've got it here somewhere," Hagrid replied, searching through his 101 coat pockets, and when a couple of door mice came out, Leilanie shrieked and fell over a desk knocking over papers.The only reason I didn't laugh was because she was my twin, and only because she was my twin. Hagrid gave him the key, and also gave him a note and said very quietly, "And, uh, You-Know-What in vault You-Know-Which. It's explained in the letter." The goblin nodded, and he yelled "Griphook!" and another goblin came and the first goblin gave him our key and the letter. Griphook motioned for us to follow, and as we walked by the desk the first goblin had been writing on, it turns out he was only drawing a house. I bit my tongue to keep myself from laughing. Griphook got into a mine cart and so did we, but Hagrid looked he was marching to his doom. The cart started on it's own, with no one driving. The cart seemed to have a mind of it's own-heck, this is the wizarding world, so it probably did.
There you guys go!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Ok zen... It's... Good... A little creepy but... Good.
over a year ago Silver78 said…
Why of COURSE it was!
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
awesome. i'll take a while to post my chapter, my mom is getting remarried this weekend, so i need to help get ready. nice chapter Silver!!
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Congrates to her!!!!!!!!
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
I'll tell her. I'll be posting 2morrow.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Ok, Here it goes.

Chapter 6
The cart was going so fast, I felt like my face was peeling off. Which really isn't a bad thing. It was a lot sliding down Mt. Kileau on a trash can lid.
"Here we are." Griphook said. He stepped out of the cart and walked over to a vault. "Lamp, please." He said. Hagrid handed him the lamp. Griphook walked over to the entrance of the vault. "Key, please." Hagrid took back the lamp and handed him the key.

"Sweet Pele." I muttered as the door opened.

"Who?" Harry asked. But then he caught sight of what was in the vault, our vault. Piles and piles of gold. I decided to explain about Pele later, seeing as he had already started putting some in a little pouch. I just then realized that they all had accents, and I giggled. Hagrid gave me a funny look, but didn't say anything. I pulled a little plastic baggie out of my slipper(don't ask) and started to fill it up with gold. When it was full, we got back in the cart and headed to whichever vault Hagrid needed to get whatever out of.

Ok, that's my chapter. If you didn't know, Pele is the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes. She's said to reside in Mt. Kileau.
over a year ago Silver78 said…
Belated congrats to her, and why would someone pray to the god of volcanoes, actually, nevermind....*Gulp*
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Oh Silver. Why?
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Because if you make her angry, she'll make the volcanoes erupt. And we wouldn't want that, would we??
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
no we would not.

Sporsho I might be seeing you soon.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Silver, could you please post when you get a chance? I have my chapter ready, but I want to look inside Harry's mind first.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Silver78 is not here at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep*BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*
over a year ago Silver78 said…
Sorry? Ah, it's no use. You'll end up giving me a noogie any way.But...Wanna turn this into an RP with predetermined characters?I'll make this one a chapter though.I'm basing this one off memory because my cousin lost my copy of the book!
Chapter 7

"What's vault You-Know-What?" I asked as I attempted to keep my glasses from flying away."Can't tell ye, 'cause my jobs worth more."Hagrid replies and belches.I cringe. When arrived at the vault, the little goblin dude went up to the door and traced his finger down the middle. All the locks opened and Hagrid stepped inside. There was a grubby little pack. I elbow Leilanie. "Bet you ten galleons that's something that's worth a million!"I whisper. "Deal!"She says. Hagrid stepped out and the door closed by itself. We stepped out of the cart with Hagrid looking like he used a spell that shoots green paint but backfired. After his face cleared up, he looked at us and said,"We need to get ye yer robes first! Follow me."He waved as he walked to a store that had sign that read, "Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions" We walked in and there was a pale boy who was being sized up by someone who must've been Madam Malkin. When he stepped off the stool, he came up to us and said, "You know about broomsticks? First-Years aren't allowed any, but I think I'll bully my father into smuggling one in for me." How do you bully your own father? I think.

over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
That was soooooo long*rolls eyes*
Eh NOOGIE!!!!!
over a year ago Silver78 said…
Right, like I have the book.
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Eh you could have asked me you know, I could send you it.
over a year ago Silver78 said…
over a year ago cinnominbubble said…
Yah I'm not THAT mean Sporsho.