The Fanfic I Kill Dead People

sparkles3 posted on May 25, 2012 at 06:38PM
Disclaimer: I only own my OC,Darcy, and the plot
Summary: Sam was looking for Dean when he was in purgatory. At the same time, Dionysus has been driving people insane. One of his victims is Darcy Winchester, and she was put in an asylum because she attacked a grown man. Sam tries to find her, because at the time, she's the only family he has that he's certain is alive. But does Darcy want to be found?

The Fanfic 10 replies

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over a year ago sparkles3 said…
ok, i'll start posting chapters sometime after June 14th. 1st person other than me to post something get a prop!!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
I read the title and was immediately pulled yeah, post soon :D XD
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Sounds cool. I have to admitt though, when I saw the title I was like "WTF? How can you KILL DEAD people they're already DEAD."

Post soon!
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
attention!!!!!!!!!!! attention please!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
hey guys. i'll post at 5:30ish, eastern. So, yeah...
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Sorry im posting late. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DARCY!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 1
Sam typed in: "What makes people crazy?" in the search bar on The first answer that showed up read: 'Dionysus, God of Insanity'.

"So, this is him..." Sam muttered. The link below that said '6 Year Old Darcy Winchester Declared Crazy.' Sam read it again, sure his eyes were fooling him.They weren't. He clicked on the link and found that it was four years old.

"So she's ten." Sam reasoned.He read further and found the this little girl had almost killed a man.

"She now resides in Peace of Mind Institute for the Mentally Unstable." he read the last line out loud. "Great, I have a sister. Horrible, she's a psychotic attempted murderer."

Meanwhile, Darcy sat in, lonely, so lonely, in room twelve. She was muttering something about purple. She became fixated on something floating in a corner that no one else could see. Her eyes took on the look of a frightened animal, wide and terrified. Yep... This was one of her bad days...
over a year ago the-time-thief said…
I like it! Post soon!
over a year ago Wizard_Heir said…
big smile
OMG sooo awesome post soon!!!!!!
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
i'll post on Friday. Still working on the next chapter.
over a year ago sparkles3 said…
Here's the next chapter!!!!:

Chapter 2

A day later, Sam came to the institute. After waiting in a line of people hoping to see crazed friends and family for a while, he came up to the secretary, a cheerful looking woman with her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. Sam thought she looked like a Barbie doll.

"Can I help you?" she chirped. Sam nodded.

"I need to see Darcy Winchester." he said. The secretary appeared nervous.

"Sir, Darcy's unavailable.....right now; she's meeting with her therapist. If you can wait ten minutes, she'll be out then.

Sam nodded. He went into the waiting room and wondered why the secretary got so scared when he mentioned his sister's name. Of course he wasn't her full brother. His mother had been gone for more than ten years. But that was besides the point. He continued to ponder this a while longer.

"Is someone here to see Darcy Winchester?" A man in a crisp white uniform stepped into the waiting room. Sam nodded and stood up. The man jotted something down on a clipboard and instructed Sam to follow him.

Darcy sat in her sterile white room. Every minute or so, she glanced at the small, plexiglass window on her door. Her hands were clenched in tight fists, and her nails dug into her palms. Two faces appeared by her window. One of them was familiar, and that man was in a white suit. The other, well, she had never seen in her life. He smiled at her. She waved tentatively. The door nob turned, and Mr. Smiles walked in.

"Who are you?" she asked bluntly.

"Sam Winchester. I'm your brother."

Shock. That's all Darcy felt. She began to shake her head, claiming she had no family. Mr. Pedesko, her therapist, and the man in white, walked over and crouched down beside her.

"Darcy, he researched his family tree, and you were on it. He's your half-brother." he explained slowly. Darcy's eyes widened. Her hands grabbed at her hair randomly. Her gaze darted from Pedesko to Sam nervously. Her mouth opened. Her head tilted back. She screamed and screamed and screamed until the world went black.
last edited over a year ago