The Fanfic Writer's Contest -- 2012 Submission Forum

universalpowa posted on Jul 28, 2012 at 08:17PM

All writers wishing to qualify in this year/month/day/century's annual/preannual/random out the blue writer's competition must submit a small piece of writing to this spot. :D

Anyone wanting to help sort through submissions and judge is welcome to help :D

Current judges:
Liz (universalpowa)
Nia/An (FairyWizard)
Kaylee/Teddy/whatever she is (TeddyKellogg123)
Wierdo (wierdo4)
Spikey [lol i have no idea what the hell to call you bud XD] (Spikegilfer1997)

Your piece should be at least a page long (we don't need a novel here folks) and may go up to about 10 pages (double spaced). We don't need one of Jazzy's essays. Haha....anyways, be sure it's your best work, and then we'll sort into groups, and send the links here to other updates and places to vote for your favorite authors!

*New- Nia's update*- If you are too shy to submit in public, message either Me (universalpowa), Nia (FairWizard) or Kaylee (TeddyKellogg123)
So yeah, we want as many people submitting...

And there is no guarantee you will make it to the voting round, and hopefully when we get through this stage, we'll be not dead :D

Thanks!! 8D

:D Start submitting, writers!

- Submissions should be SUBMITTED and entered BEFORE August 18th (8-18-12 / 18-8-12) So we have time to review them and all that jazz.
On a side note, Happy Birthday to Percy! -all my PJO/HoO fans, WHOOP!-

All crossovers, Percy Jackson & The Olympians, Heroes of Olympus, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, The Kane Chronicals, One Direction, Winx Club, Random, just writing in General, all fanfics are allowed and fair game.

Also, keep the writing T appropriate. Us judges do not want to read a fanfic about porn. o_o (Really, we dont. Well Idk about Nia but...- LOL JKS.)
last edited on Aug 03, 2012 at 09:50PM

The Fanfic 114 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 114

over a year ago FairyWizard said…
Okay so Nena is sending me a sample of hers. We have one person.
over a year ago universalpowa said…
Good job Nia :D
Affirmative captain, LET THE WRITING GAMES BEGIN! Hunger Games moment, haha...
over a year ago TeddyKellogg123 said…
May the Pencil be ever in your favor :D
over a year ago FairyWizard said…
I still need to see that movie:P
And read the last book..even though its crappy:)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
So entering but when you say at least 1 page does that mean in word process or what?
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ Yeah, we don't want mini stories that are only five lines, but we also don't want a 20 page History report. Somewhere in between that's short, but holds a lot of content. Come on people, submit!
over a year ago FairyWizard said…
;D I said I was cool with reading porn.:D
Just saying. Lol I would read a 20 page history long as its not an actual History Report.

*Snooze fest*
And Hey Shaliee! I forgot to add you! And awesome pic of the boys<3
Lol I somehow knew you would be interested...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FairyWizard said…
Lol Nia has gotten another person...Don't you just love meebo?
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
I'm gonna submit soon.
over a year ago dragonsmemory said…
Submitting now. The following entry's pairings are based on a fanfic in the club Snape's Family and Friends, called The Irony of Life, written by yours truly.
This story takes place during The Irony of Life, in midwinter.


It was just another ordinary Monday morning at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The students were all eating breakfast at their long House tables. With a rustling sound, a flock of hundreds of owls flew into the Great Hall. Jo looked up, scanning for her tawny owl, Mercury. She didn't see him, but she did see a bright white owl.
"Hey guys," she said, nudging the two black-haired boys next to her. "Isn't that your dad's owl?" Both of them looked up.
"That's him all right," Albus said. "Looks like Dad couldn't wait for us to sneak him a Floo call." Jo laughed at the memory of the many late-night Floo calls she had read about.
"James, it looks like you're in trouble with Uncle Harry," Rose Weasley piped up. Just like her mother, she was a stickler for the rules.
"Look everyone! Potter's got himself a Howler," someone said as the white owl landed in front of James. Sure enough, Jo could see the red envelope tied to the owl's leg. He sank underneath the table, so that just his messy black hair could be seen.
"Tell me when it's over," he said, trembling. Jo flipped ahead a few pages in the book she was reading, and grimaced.
"This'll be…interesting," she said, hoping to reassure the oldest Potter. She had read about that famous temper. The envelope started to smoke.
"You'd better open it quickly," Albus said, trying to help his older brother. It wasn't working.
"O, give it here," Rose said, grabbing the envelope. She ripped open the Howler. There was a sudden explosion of sound, and Harry Potter's voice, a hundred times louder than normal, echoed in the Great Hall.
"So it was you that put all those owls in the common room," he sneered. "I was wondering who could have pulled it off. I should have known it was you, Potter."
"Sod off, Malfoy," Jo said, doing her best to defend James.
"Jo, stay out of this," James muttered. Scorpius pounced.
"Exactly, Mudblood." Jo felt her own notorious temper rising. She clenched her fists, wanting nothing more than to punch the blond square in the jaw.
"Jo, come on, he's not worth it," Al said, hoping to calm down his Muggle-born friend. Luckily, it worked. She sat down, still fuming.
"Oh, I can't WAIT until we play them."
over a year ago DMLIME said…
Ok, so I tried to send this to universal but on the message format it said to delete 7161 characters because it was too long....Anyway, here it is!

A Glass Half Full

January is not the prime of weather in England. Especially not London. Although the sun shines in every corner the cold wind flows and weaves it's way through the streets like a predator, searching for more human victims to consume with it's cold touch. People try to protect themselves from the winter beast by wearing furry, thick coats, but to no avail. They still shiver and shake, hurrying to their destination quickly so as not to lose feeling in their hands.
The coffee shop on Bethnal Green road offers a kind of retreat for those who relish the heat. The bagels being baked out back and the tea and coffee brewing behind the serving bar offer warmth to all who need to escape the freezing outside that Londoners can never get used to. The victorian style chairs, brown leather sofa and numerous coffee tables make this coffee shop seem that little but more like home, making it easier to sit down and relax while talking to your friends.
Steven Grant was one person who had decided to retreat into this coffee shop and ordered his strong black coffee feeling particularly depressed.
Then again, he was always depressed. He wasn't very sociable, wasn't funny and didn't have much to show for his fitness but the fact that he could hold his breath for 2 minutes. He could never be bothered to do anything, leaving him working unpaid overtime in an office that bored him to death. The only attribute of Steven's that was worth anything was his IQ level. At a whopping 186 (certified genius) he could have done anything, but he was mentally a very shortsighted person.
His actual eyes were a fine brown with a small tint of green aroud the edge. His eyesight was perfectly fine but the problem was in his mind.
He couldn't see past the effort it took to gain something. He saw, as he waited for is drink, the time and effort it took to stand and wait for it to be made, not the drink and warm feeling afterwards. Drinking coffee however was essential to his day nd so he had to make do. He couldn't see the cake, only going out an buying ingredients. He couldn't see the A-level result, only the long, hard time of studying and practise.
Steven Grant's glass was half empty.

Bobby Cott, or 'Fun Bobby' as his friends called him, was another londoner that had esaped the cold into the coffee shop and was having and fun conversation with his friends, Lucy and Matt, about running the marathon again. They were just telling him that they were only going to sponser him for £1.
"What? You can't be serious! Only a pound each?" He asked incredulously.
"Uh, we meant a pound between us actually Bobby."
Matt replied, laughing with Lucy at the expression on Bobby's face.
He knew they were joking and laughed with them. Bobby Cott was the sort of person who liked everything. He saw the greatness in every single thing and person, and then he went and expanded it. He had the unique ability to cheer anyone up no matter how upset they were. Not only did he love everyone, everyone loved him back. His cheeky, playful smile could bring out the best in everyone. He was a ball of light that went around, brightening everyone's day.
He saw life as a joke, you just had to see the funny side.
Bobby Cott's glass was half full.

It was as Bobby was laughing with his friends, after telling another joke that had Matt and Lucy on their knees, something in Steven snapped. He hated Bobby Cott. Why did he have to be so great at everything and have loads of friends? Why did everyone like him and not Steven?
He became angry and in a moment of pure frustration, walked over to Bobby and said, "I bet you think you're so perfect don't you? Running every London marathon, raising loads of money. Bet you think you're smart too, don't you? Well I bet your IQ isn't 186 like mine!" He shouted.
He didn't realise that he had created a scene and so Bobby tried to calm him down and stood up, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Lokk, mate, I don't know why your so upset but if you feel that bad about it, why don't you do it with me?" He asked calmly.
"Me?!?! Do the marathon?! Your having a laugh! Lokk at all the fat I'm carrying around. I couldn't run the marathon to save my life. I'm not as great and amazing as you!" He screamed.
"Alright, I'lll prove it. There's 4 months till the next London marathon. If I can get you fit and healthy enough to run the whole journey, then you change your attitude about everything. You have to stop being so miserable." He proposed.
"And if I win?" Steve was intrigued.
"Then I will pay you £100. How's that sound? But you have to put effort into this. I'm gonna have you training morning till night. In fact, we'll start now. Get your coffee, we're going to the gym.
Bobby picked up his jacket and said goodbye to his friends. But Lucy was shocked.
"You can't train him for the marathon in 4 months! That's impossible! He won't last a week in the gym."
Matt spoke up too, "She's right, and you just lost £100 quid. You'll never change him."
Bobby left them with 2 words.

"Watch me."

On the way to the gym, they introdced themselves, realising that they didn't know eachother's names. But Steve, or 'Stevie' as Bobby called him, knew the name 'Fun Bobby'. Everyone in the area knew and was most likely friends with Fun Bobby. But they got on to a second name basis and ade their way to the gym.
Steven was reluctant to go to the gym. He'd never been their before and expected loads of body builders and bulky guys running tens of miles on treadmills while others lifted extremely heavy weights. What he actually saw what quite different. Most people were on a treadmill, but going at a slow pace and only doing a few kilometres. Others lifted small weights and no-one looked they were training for world's strongest man or woman. It was larger than he thought, with seemingly endless rows of treadmills and bike machines.
He was most relieved to find that some people here were actually a lot like him., They also jhad a bit of fat around their waist that they were trying to cut off. There was only one difference between them and Steve: they had a determined look on their face, like they really wanted to be fitter. Steve couldn't really care. He wanted to try, but at the moment the 100 quid was looking a lot better.
Bobby was feeling a lot more optimistic. He wanted to start off slowly, then work it up harder to train Steve. He knew he had to take his time, but he had to be quick. He only had 4 months after all.
"Okay Stevie, your gonna start on the treadmill, doing 2 kilometres..." He began.

They carried on increasing the size of the runs as the next 4 months went by. Steve had trouble at first, but began to see the rewards as time went by. He was finally getting closer to seeing the result. He could see the prize of running. He enjoyed the feeling of being able to run even further the next day. He loved the sensation of seeing 20 kilometres written on the treadmill and thinking, truthfully, Easy peasy.
About a week before the marathon, he began to feel worried. It was in the coffee shop on Bethnal Green road, that he expressed his feelings to Bobby.
"Ah, look, Stevie's getting the jitters." He joked.
Steven didn't look amused.
"Look, the way I see it is this: you're doing a good thing for yourself and others. It doesn't matter how long it takes you,because it's your first time. I'd be surprised if you did it in under 4 hours but you never know."
"I get that, but what if I collapse halfway through?" he asked.
"After all the training we've been doing together, you better not!" he laughed.
Later that day, Bobby met Lucy and Matt for a drink in the local pub. As he sipped his beer, Bobby told them how he thought Steve could easily pull off a marathon in 4 hours.
"I don't get it." Matt said.
"What?" Bobby asked.
"How you can completely change people like Steve, so that they want to d a marathon. The best part is, they don't even do it for themselves, they do it for you." He smiled.
"I don't get it." Bobby said, feeling really confused.
"Your this amazing great person, who just loves everything. People can't help but like you too. So they will do anything to impress you." Lucy explained.
"I...never really thought about it like that." he replied.
He said goodbye to his friends and went home for the day, thinking about what they had said. Did he really have that much of an effect on people? It was crazy to think that he could change people that much, but then, thinking about it, Steve had changed a lot. He seemed to look forward to going to the gym now, and had become much more sociable. He made some friends at the gym and had even made some pretty funny jokes that made Bobby laugh so loud the receptionist had given him a look that meant, Stop, or I'm kicking you out.
The week passed and it came to the day of the marathon. Steve looked nervous but determined - an expression he wouldn't have been caught dead in a few months ago - although for Bobby it was just another normal run. He was positive that Syeve would make a good run like any other here. Steve himself was fairly confident that he could do well and (hopefully) not make a fool of himself.
The London marathon was about to begin! The runners lined up and 1000's of people switched on their televisions to watch this national event.
The signal went for the runners to begin and Steve started along with 1000's of other runners.
For most of the run, Steve felt fine, but nearer the end, like the last few miles, he began to feel tired. His heart was clearly telling him to slow down or stop conpletely, but he had to keep going. Bobby had promised to go alongside him, cheering him on. Bobby had kept his pace and noticed his slowing down. They had now turned the corner on to the last street and could see the finish line about 400 metres ahead.
Steven couldn't do it. He didn't have the strength. This was typical him. Steven Grant, not finshing because he couldn't be bothered. He felt angry at himself for not finishing. Why couldn't he do it? Why did Bobby have to do it so easily? But he knew that thinking wouldn't get him anywhere. Bobby had helped him, and it was Steven's fault he couldn't finish.
No, he would finish. He stopped and stared at the finish line and in the spur of the moment, decided to sprint. He didn't know where the energy came from, but he sprinted ahead. Bobby trailed behind, slowed with his shock. Steven Gant looked mad with his arms waving about and his mouth wide open, trying to close in as much air as possible. He closed in on the finish line, looking much like he belonged in a mental institute, and crossed it, 50 metres ahead of Bobby. He had a look of complete surprise and enormous happiness on his face. And he collapsed on the ground with exhaustion.
Although it had been a hard long journey, he wouldn't be getting his 100 pounds and he was knackered to the point of unconsciousness, one thing was for sure:

Steven Grant's glass was now half full.
over a year ago 1999jacko said…
I am working on my fanfic of the enemy and that was amazing
over a year ago Ares2002 said…
The life of Zack Hanns

A Heroes of Olympus fanfiction written by Ares2002

There are over a thousand billion people in the whole world and a huge amount of them are half god and half human. Old Gaea the Earth goddess was under the ground at that time planning her next move to destroy the gods. Just above her place was a boy who was about 15 years old. His name was Zack Hanns. Zack was not so tall. He had black hair and blue eyes. Now, Zack had an unfair life. First his father left him and then his mother died. Then he was taken away to an orphanage where a drunk man took him and made him a slave. So right now Zack was in an old battered house cleaning the house with a broom.
“Are you done yet?” asked Mr.Stancati, the owner of the house from across the room. Mr.Stancati was a fat and greedy man. He usually went out of the house to play poker and stuff. He had short blonde hair, blue eyes and he had freckles and wrinkles almost all over his face. Many times Zack had the urge to say ‘You’re ugly. You know that?’ but he kept his mouth shut.
“Almost!” shouted Zack. Zack lazily cleaned and cleaned the house. Not keeping his attention on the broom he accidently hit one of the tables which had an expensive vase on top of it. The vase fell down and made a big noise and was in multiple pieces. Mr.Stancati heard the noise and ran to him.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?! THAT VASE COST ME A MILLION DOLLARS!!” He roared. Zack slowly stepped back becoming nervous. Mr.Stancati held him by the arm and pushed him outside of the ajar door. Zack fell down and groaned. Mr.Stancati shut the door with a loud bang. Zack got up and noticed that his arm hurt a lot. Lowering his head down to see what happened he saw some blood on his arm. Zack gulped, he wasn’t such a big fan of blood. He remembered a place where he could go, but it was far away. He was thinking about his best friend Eve French’s home. Zack and Eve had met at a stupid school. Eve was probably the nicest person he had met. Zack always failed at his ‘school’. He had ADHD and dyslexia. Eve also hated that school but she didn’t have the disabilities Zack had. Eve always said that she would one day would have a scholar ship and become a famous person. Zack had never told her but he had a big crush on her. Her family was nice and kind but unfortunately poor. So with that Zack went off to a place near Long Island where Eve lived.
At Eve’s house Eve was just lying on the floor doing an English essay on plants. ‘Seriously why do they give so stupid topics on 10th grade.’ Eve thought. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door. She got up and went to the door. She thought it must be the mailman giving the month’s bills. But when she opened the door she saw her best friend Zack.
“Zack? What are you doing here?” she asked.
“Umm..ahh...Mr.Stancati kicked me out of the house so can stay here or something?” Zack replied. He was pretty sure she was gonna shut the door on his face so he got ready to go away and live on the streets or something. Surprisingly Eve smiled.
“Sure you can. Well if it’s ok with my parents. It’s kind of surprising though.” She said. Zack just loved how she smiled with her chocolate brown eyes. Her silky brown hair was also one of the things he loves. Eve invited him in and told her parents about him. Being as kind as they are they were happy to have one of Eve’s friend over.
Two days after this event Percy Jackson and fellow campers were fighting a strong pack of hellhounds outside the camp borders. The whole crowd was very close to the few houses near Long Island, one including Eve and Zack. Those two were outside their house enjoying the scenery. Zack was just going to tell Eve about his crush on her.
“Umm...Eve I’ve got to tell you something, I have a cru-“ Zack started to say but was interrupted by a cry of pain.
“Percy!!” yelled a blonde haired girl. A boy who was about 17 rushed to her and helped her. But that wasn’t what caught Zack’s attention. It was the wolves.
Eve was going crazy. She was listening to Zack who was about to say something but then saw something weird. She saw a huge crowd of kids with knives trying to kill some vicious ‘dogs’. Suddenly something bad happened. One of the hellhounds saw Eve with her eyes wide open. The hellhound or ‘Sharpy’ smelled terror and meat. Sharpy ran as fast as he could to her. When Zack saw Sharpy coming he tried to push it away. But Sharpy bit his hand and pushed him away for later. Sharpy bit Eve’s hand while she screamed in pain. Then he beheaded her with his strong paw. Then he continued eating her dead body. Clarisse La Rue saw a bit of the scene. She quickly killed the hellhound in front of her. Then she ran to the unconscious boy and the dead girl. She killed Sharpy with her spear and saw that Zack was regaining conscious. When he opened his eyes he got up. There was golden glittering dust everywhere. But there was also blood. He tracked where the blood was coming from. It was coming from a girl whose head was taken off. He walked slowly to the crowd around the girl. He looked at the head of the girl and what he saw shocked him. He fell down on the ground becoming once more unconscious. When he regained conscious he saw a boy with sea green eyes and a girl with blonde hair.
“Who are you? Who am I?” Zack said. Just then a blue sign appeared above his head. It was a road with travelers on it.
“You’re the son of Hermes.”

Zack experienced a memory loss. He could not remember what his name was or what he was because his head was a bit cracked when he fell down on that day. Eventually after 2 weeks his memory returned. He died 10 years later because of the titan Oceanus.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago universalpowa said…

You guys are awesome! I'll get my crew together and we'll start reviewing...weee ~!
over a year ago 1999jacko said…
here I go and this is a fanfic of charlie higsons horror series the enemy so hope you enjoy

present day
Ryan stood at the top of the building looking down at the destruction The sickos had caused the night, thinking of how many kids they had lost yesterday,"was it 10 or 100" he thinks to himself"and all my fault if only I hadn't ordered them to fight the sickos" but that was all it was, and what it was was useless. A stupid,dumb 'if only'.
two weeks ago
" Sam hurry up, your gonna get us killed if you don't !" Ryan shouted at Sam with desperation in his voice as the sickos turned the corner, he could easily see the pus oozing out of the boils as they moved closer and closer to Sam, his best friend." Shut up Ryan I am going as fast as I can its not my friggin fault you almost cut off my leg at Waitrose"Sam winced at the pain in his leg as he said this.Ryan saw the leader of the army the one they called st George running up his mouth salivating at the thought of sweet, juicy, mouth watering human flesh." Sam run they're after you St George is right-"Ryan didn't finish his sentence as St George ran straight for Sam clawing at his skin with his long yellow and infected nails drawing blood."Ryan help me please"Sams eyes filled with tears as he screamed at the other sickos reaching him and ripping bits of his flesh off, Ryan was about to run forward his 3 bladed spear flying when Sams scream was cut off by a sicko ripping his head off and tear his eyes out. Ryan screamed," Sam NOOOOO!" he almost ran into the mob to die with Sam but he stopped himself and started to turn around, tears filling his eyes, and run away from the scene.
Ryan ran and ran for how long no one knows but everyone knows that an army of fearful sickos followed him until finally he turned a corner and ran into a group of kids.Ryan thought they were sickos after his traumatic experience he had had just 2 hours ago and lashed out violently at the kids who dodged every blow and simply tripped Ryan up and held him down while the oldest one who seemed to be the leader of the group stood up an started to speak," I'll let you up when you calm down and tell us who you are okay, otherrwise you'll be sat on for another hour and you won't like that will you"the boys voice sounded as though it was full of gravel although it was very threatening. Ryan nodded vigorously,afraid of what the boy would do, and started to speak,"I-i'm Ryan and please let-let me up sickos are coming,"his eyes filling with tears of fear"please."The other boys let him up and the nod of a head from the older boy," I'm glad you decided to cooperate with us and I am Shane, what are these sickos you speak of by the way?" Shane spoke with real happiness at the prospect of a new member.Ryan looked confused," you don't know what the sickos are... you know the grown ups who eat us and torture us," Ryan explained."Ohh you mean the strangers"Shane said.Ryan spoke back with urgency"Yeah yeah sure now can you show me where your staying because I want to join you.". Shane nodded and started to walk back the way they came with the little kids scuttling after him.Ryan the realizes they mean for him to follow and run after them.
after a couple hours of travel they reach... The Tower of London.

that was just a small preview because I have to do other stuff so hope you like it so far
over a year ago FairyWizard said…
Dafaq Liz? Me and Kaylee have been here....where are you?
:D I didn't read anything yet, my brain is too fuzzy
But I guess I'll do it now.
But yeah if you want to message something you kinda have to break it in part like a bud of mine. did...Lol I guess i'll be reading...
And Dafaq do you mean your crew?
:D I didn't think anyone else would be interested
Wow these are great!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
^ haha you knew. Mind reader and yeah it's my FAVOURITE picture.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
He is my Fire to my Rain
I was making my way through the dark alley of district 12 to visit my best friend Lara my long curly blonde hair blowing in the wind.
Lara has been my best friend since I was fairly little since my mum, Katniss Everdeen became friends with Lara's mum and dad.
In the distance I heard a shuffling of feet but who could it be know one ever came down this alley I found it myself besides the alley was pretty depressing.
I focused my grey eyes that were the same as my mothers trying to see who it was but no use.
I could hear them better now they were getting closer and closer then "bombe" the person had ran straight into me.
"I'm so so sorry it's just I got lost and ended up in this alley and you see I lost my glasses and now I can't see", the poor bow cried his blue eyes tearing up.
"Don't worry about it it's fine I'm Cat Mellark by the way".
"Oh so your the bakers son's daughter".
"I'm Thomas Carter".
"Cool well come on I'll take you back to my place because we can't stay in this alley to much longer the peacekeepers don't like us down here".
"Alright then Cat".
Wow this boy is amazing he reminds me a bit of mum's old best friend Gale because I've seen pictures of him except he had the cutest blue eyes and smile.
He looked to be about my age, 12/13 roughly the time we would start having our names put in the bowl for the hunger games.
It's so hard to imagine that right now it would be the day before the reaping and I know for a fact I would never want to be put through the same thing mum and dad did they still have nightmares and not to mention that they've lost a lot of people close to them.
Once we reached my house I noticed our hands were intertwined with each others and he too noticed quickly letting go and he ran and ran.
I felt as though my whole world just came crashing down.
I didn't mean it I just couldn't help myself I scared the last boy away too but there was just something different about him that I couldn't out my finger on but I knew that I couldn't just let him leave from my life just like that I had to go after him.
Alright so it may seem way to fast for me to say I'm in love with him but I just I really like him even if we only just met.
I just felt as though he was my fire to my rain.
I went inside and grabbed the phone to ring Lara.
"Hey Lara I can't come over today but I'll be over tomorrow afternoon", I said sadly leaving it on message bank.
I went in my room and layer on my bed that had bright purple sheets on them while my bed frame was white and very fancy.
My walls were that same bright purple of my sheets while my carpet was white and soft.
My room wasn't that big but it was a Farley good size.
You see my family are rich because they won the hunger games so we like get this awesome house that is massive.
I got out my sketch pad and began drawing the boy I had found earlier writing in big letters under it He is my Fire to my Rain.
I had figured out I had my dads skill of drawing and painting things but then I guess I had my mums fiery personality.
I sighed in boredom and decided to go find Thomas since I had nothing else to do.
I got up off my bed tying my hair in a messy bun before descending down the stair and quickly out the front door.
"Cat where are you going I thought you were with Lara today?"
"Yeah I was going to but then I was running late and you know how she doesn't like it if I'm late so yeah anyway I'm just going for a walk".
"Alright but be careful honey".
"I will mum", I said our identical grey eyes locking with each other.
I made my way past the houses and past the fence my mum used to go through to hunt and that she had shown me multiple times.
I couldn't see him anywhere.
I wonder where he is.
Maybe he went back to the alley.
I was just about to go back there when I saw him on the grass over by the fence fiddling with something.
I went over and sat next to him and saw the thing he was fiddling with it was a photo.
"I'm sorry about earlier if it makes you feel better I scared the last one off too", I laughed.
Thomas smiled.
"No it wasn't you it's just that last year I had a girlfriend and she-she died last month not that we were together then though".
"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't even realize".
"It's alright and I also just want to let you know it may sound stalkerish but I've been watching you all day and everyday at school I just I like you and when you were holding hands with me I just got overwhelmed".
"I like you to Thomas but maybe we should take it one step at a time".
"Yeah sounds good well we should meet up here same time tomorrow".
"Yeah that sounds great".
As I walked home I smiled with a big huge smile.
That kid is definitely my fire to my rain and I'm sure about it.
over a year ago 1999jacko said…
that night
Ryan stood at the top of the building looking down at the destruction The sickos had caused the night, thinking of how many kids they had lost yesterday,"was it 10 or 100" he thinks to himself"and all my fault if only I hadn't ordered them to fight the sickos" but that was all it was, and what it was was useless. A stupid,dumb 'if only'.
This morning
" Sam hurry up, your gonna get us killed if you don't !" Ryan shouted at Sam with desperation in his voice as the sickos turned the corner, he could easily see the pus oozing out of the boils as they moved closer and closer to Sam, his best friend." Shut up Ryan I am going as fast as I can its not my friggin fault you almost cut off my leg at Waitrose"Sam winced at the pain in his leg as he said this.Ryan saw the leader of the army the one they called st George running up his mouth salivating at the thought of sweet, juicy, mouth watering human flesh." Sam run they're after you St George is right-"Ryan didn't finish his sentence as St George ran straight for Sam clawing at his skin with his long yellow and infected nails drawing blood."Ryan help me please"Sams eyes filled with tears as he screamed at the other sickos reaching him and ripping bits of his flesh off, Ryan was about to run forward his 3 bladed spear flying when Sams scream was cut off by a sicko ripping his head off and tear his eyes out. Ryan screamed," Sam NOOOOO!" he almost ran into the mob to die with Sam but he stopped himself and started to turn around, tears filling his eyes, and run away from the scene.
Ryan ran and ran for how long no one knows but everyone knows that an army of fearful sickos followed him until finally he turned a corner and ran into a group of kids.Ryan thought they were sickos after his traumatic experience he had had just 2 hours ago and lashed out violently at the kids who dodged every blow and simply tripped Ryan up and held him down while the oldest one who seemed to be the leader of the group stood up an started to speak," I'll let you up when you calm down and tell us who you are okay, otherrwise you'll be sat on for another hour and you won't like that will you"the boys voice sounded as though it was full of gravel although it was very threatening. Ryan nodded vigorously,afraid of what the boy would do, and started to speak,"I-i'm Ryan and please let-let me up sickos are coming,"his eyes filling with tears of fear"please."The other boys let him up and the nod of a head from the older boy," I'm glad you decided to cooperate with us and I am Shane, what are these sickos you speak of by the way?" Shane spoke with real happiness at the prospect of a new member.Ryan looked confused," you don't know what the sickos are... you know the grown ups who eat us and torture us," Ryan explained."Ohh you mean the strangers"Shane said.Ryan spoke back with urgency"Yeah yeah sure now can you show me where your staying because I want to join you.". Shane nodded and started to walk back the way they came with the little kids scuttling after him.Ryan the realizes they mean for him to follow and run after them.
after a couple hours of travel they reach... The Tower of London. And thats when it all went wrong they're leader Jordan stepped through the gates and walked up to welcome me and I realized who it was the kid who had left me for dead at the London eye blood all over me my hand cut off like it still is today, so a natural instinct for I charged forward with vengeance in my eyes my makeshift spear ready to jab a hole right through his stomach, screaming "YOU LEFT ME THERE JORDAN REMEMBER ME LITTLE RYAN WHO HAD HIS HAND CUT OFF FOR YOU COULD KILL YOU FOR THAT DAY" but he simply knocked my clumsy blow away from his stomach and then gripped the sledge hammer at his side and bringing it up to Ryans face ready to mash his nose up when he said,"I didn't leave you there I was taken ok-" he doesn't finish that sentence because I knife flies through the air, puncturing his his stomach and instantly killing him, I drop him to the floor with a sickening crunch of his skull."Everyone an army of sickos or strangers as you call them are going to come round that corner any second now and if you don't fight with me thy will take this place down and rip you all to shreds, and trust me I know they will because they did it to my group of kids and ripped everyone I had with me to parts. so you have a choice FIGHT WITH ME or wait it out starvation slowly seeping into your lives and killing you off one by one until your so hungry you walk out and welcome the embrace of death by sickos." Every kid raised their weapons and shouted that they would fight and some ran back inside for the medics and some shields." then we'll make a line crossing the road so they can't go anywhere okay!" he shouted while waiting for the grunt of agreement at that moment while everyone was grunting their agreement the sickos came.Ryan shouted the Command," SCREW THAT ITS TO LATE NOW SO CHARGE." he took the sledge hammer from the dead Jordan hands and lead the kids into battle the stench of sickos and death hanging over the road as the battle begun.Ryan was knocking the sickos heads off with sickening crunch's and the splatter of blood everywhere, it was then he saw st George with Sams hand still in his weapon free hand. It sent Ryan over the edge he charged forward at St George ready to rip him to shreds when I saw there was only 10 kids standing in the battle left but the realization came to late as St George had seen him and was charging forward a shaft of light shining off the blade.
Ryan fought with George as best he could until he and Shane were the only ones left in the battle the bodies of the kids he had just ordered to charge were dead there blood spilled on the remaining 10 sickos pus covered faces and bodies, "Shane lets take them all out and run okay," a tear in the kids eyes formed as he ran forward his sword and hammer waving about the place crushing into their skulls. His hammer wasn't fairing well because of the blood and shards of bones had stabbed through the wood and it was almost destroyed so he dropped it and started punching St George's face until his hands were a mess of blood, ooz and pus but luckily it had done the trick and st George was dead on the ground. Ryan looked around for Shane and saw him fighting over 5 sickos with his sword he ran forward and picked up a knife to help him and then went to work on the sickos until no one was left,breathing hard Ryan managed to say,"its over, its over YES we won shane we won." He waited for an answer hat never came and when he lifted his head he saw 6 knives stabbing Shanes chest, it took him awhile until he figured that he had given him the killing stab. And as Shanes body slowly fell to the ground Ryan turned and ran to the tower saying to himself over and over."I can't take this anymore I can't I can't."

that night
Ryan stood at the top of the building looking down at the destruction The sickos had caused the night, thinking of how many kids they had lost yesterday,"was it 10 or 100" he thinks to himself"and all my fault if only I hadn't ordered them to fight the sickos" but that was all it was, and what it was was useless. A stupid,dumb 'if only'. Then to end his guilt and pain he slowly stepped off the tower and started to fall to his death. But you know what he welcomed the embrace of death happily he stepped out into a deep deep sleep and his last thoughts were:
over a year ago 1999jacko said…
over a year ago TheKingsWard12 said…
The cold Christmas breeze send chills down the young soldiers spine. He clapped his hands together and tried a few jumping jacks to keep himself warm, but unfortunately it did not work, The cold breeze sent shivers throughout his body. "BARTER!" A loud masculine voice screamed. The young man turned to see a large man dart towards him. "Tristan I have some bad news" He said shakily. Tristan raised his eyebrows waiting for a response. "Williams dead. He was shot sometime last night" He Shouted over the sound of guns. Tristan looked at the ground trying to hold back his tears. "It cant be. No, he was alive yesterday I saw him I did Adam" He murmured tears filling in his cobalt blue eyes. Adam turned and pointed to a stretcher in the distance. "He died fighting not just for himself but for his country". Tristan shook his head and wiped away his tears. The sound of screams, guns, cannons and bombs filled the air that day. Adam broke the sad silence between the pair and said; "Any word from Ariana?". Tristan looked up at his ginger haired friend and replied with, "No not since last week". "Is she doing well?". Tristan nodded breathing in the smell of death, war and blood. "Yeah shes alright shes an ARP warden now in London". Tristan reached into his left pocket and pulled out the letter which she had sent to him. The letter still smelt like her, Vanilla, Strawberries and cinnamon.
Meanwhile in London............

A beautiful woman wearing a green uniform, stood in the middle of a circle of sandbags. She watched as Mrs White was the last person on the street to put up her blackouts, The womans eyes quickly looked up at the grey sky, scared. She held the handle of the bell tightly in her sweaty hand. "Are you all right Ariana" A sweet voice asked. Ariana turned to face a slender blonde haired woman. "Yes just a little nervous" she replied her voice full of fear. The sweet smiling woman wrapped her right arm around Ariana. "I am sure Tristan is alright Ariana, hes a fighter. This bitter war will be all over soon" She reassured her. Ariana gave the woman a weak smile not taking her eyes off the dull sky. A high pitched terrifying noise made the woman jump fifty feet into the cold air. Ariana and the Lilly jumped into action. Grabbing their whistles and bells they ran to every house on the terraced road banging furiously at each door. Woman and children ran for safety in the air raid shelters. "GO, GO FAST!" The women screamed watching as the heads of the women and children disapered, leaving them alone in the dark street with nothing but the sounds of bombs. Ariana slid of her helmet revealing her long wavy brown hair,she slid on her gas mask and then put on her hard hat. Tiles from house numbers 6 and 8 blew off the roof and smashed to the ground, leaving them in pieces along with the roof. Ariana felt a tear fall from her eye as she watched home after home being bombed to the ground. She turned to see Lilly with tears flowing from her eyes. "I want to go somewhere safe, I am really scared. My poor Daniel hes out in the middle of all that-" She was cut off when Ariana pulled her into a hug. "It'll all be over soon Lilly, This war will all be over soon" She sobbed hugging her friend tightly.

At the front.................
"FIRE!" A voice roared. Tristan watched as the balls of gas flew into the Germans trench. He watched as Adam filled the Cannon with explosive gas. "I dont like this Adam" Tristan watching as a cloud of gas rose above the German trench. Adam stopped filling the cannon and looked to his friend with rage. "YOU dont like it" He said as calmly as he could. "Do you mean to tell me you feel sorry for those ejits. Fritz the enemies" pushing Tristan with every word he said. "I just think that this is stupid! Ending peoples lives for power. Were fighting for nothing. Were fighting something STUPID!". Adam shut his eyes breathing slowly. "Wars a bastard Tristan, I know. Elaine died in hospital she was gased. War takes everything from us. And its all because of the Fritz" He sniggered at the name "Fritz" he made the name sound dirty and cold. Tristan watched as Adam filled the cannon with more gas.

Bullets being fired from one side to the other filled everyones ears as the lay in the trenches, the rats crept in the dark of the trenches watching some of the men sleep while other prayed to the Lord. Tristan rested his head on his jacket while he looked at the letter Ariana had sent him. He rubbed his thumb across the three words, "I love You" written neatley in black ink.. He looked up at the stars that night praying Ariana was safe. "I just hope your safe, somewhere far away from here" He whispered remembering her soft lips, gentle smile and mesmerizing green eyes. "Mr Tristan Barter" A voice chuckled. Tristan turned his head to the side to see a white-bearded man with a bottle of whiskey smiling. "Hello Tom" Tristan yawned getting up onto his feet. The toothless man showed him his gums. He gave Tristan the bottle of whiskey. He gulped back a few mouthfulls. "Thanks Tom" He smiled handing him the bottle. Tristan sat next to Tom on a wobbly bench. "You know all them posters say Save ur country. I cant believe I was fooled into thinking I had to go to war. Poor Agnus nearly died when I told her I sighned Meself up. I had broken the rules sayin I was 49 thats what really pist her off". Tristan grinned at the old man who slurped back a small drop of whiskey. "I never planned I was going to die like this. Poor Agnus will have to live on her own." He said watching a man with a hole in his head struggle to stay wake. "T-Tristan I have known you for a while and your a strong lad you can win this war with the rest of the lads" he began watching the ravend haired boys eyebrows arch, "Please try to help Agnus for me. She will be lonely if she dosent have company even though she has the dog!". Tristan smiled at the old man. "I would be more than happy to help. But only if you grant me a favour in return". Tom nodded at Tristan. "If I dont make it out of the pit of hell look after Ariana". He smiled tears filling in his brown, kind eyes. He nodded and gave a loud cough.

Back in London..........

Ariana watched as heads appeared from the under ground shelter. "This Way!" A brutal looking woman ordered guiding the first number of families to their homes by torch. "Its gotten worse Lilly" She mumbled watching as small little children grabbed their mothers skirts with fear. Lilly nodded. "Tristan says its gotten worse. More deaths than ever". White fluffy balls began to fall from the grey sky, it was snow. "What date is it today?" Lilly asked smiling as she felt snow fall on her buttoned nose. "The 10th of November 1918" She said looking scared as women started to cry at the sight of there blown up homes. "Lets hope this hell ends".

over a year ago TheKingsWard12 said…
“I'm miles from where you are I lay down on the cold ground”- Snow Patrol
Please read my story above (I put a lot of effort so please read! Please do not steal my story!)
over a year ago 1999jacko said…
wow that is amazing
over a year ago TheKingsWard12 said…
Thank you sooooooooooo much xxxxx
over a year ago FairyWizard said…
;D I would just say whose in and whose out...but like it doesn't end till August 18...
Oh what the hell i'll say whose in based on whoever has posted right now..
This is whose decided so far......
People that we are still debating
199jacko-We can't decide with you at all..
TheKingsWard12-BTW that almost made my cry...
Pink-Bookworm And hey Shailee! Once again I need to fan you..
And thats the update...Not really permanent though
OH and a Cake for me!!I ts my birthday!!
Oh and for annabethxchase-I ask that before you submit anything, you heed my advice and proofread your story. I saw a sample of your thing, and you misspelled a lot of words....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bcd655 said…
Forever Night
I never imagined a life like this one. A quaint town full of so much darkness and drama. My name is Addison Casperfield; I am today a hundred years old. I am a ghost that was wrongly punished for my selfishness. It all began in 1906 in cold Alaska. I have seen it all. I was one of the richest people, living in my luxury mansion, and never worrying about a thing. That all changed when I met the most beautiful girl, her name was Brittany. Brittany Evergleam was so attractive with her long brown hair, her blue eyes, and her small figure. She was so dreamy it was almost impossible to ignore. I thought I had it all. Until, I met her sister, London Evergleam the foulest woman alive. She had a lot to do with sorcery, she was the town witch. She had pretty blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a beautiful face. This was where it all went wrong. I have tried my whole life to stay out of trouble, but that got me no where. On the day of my wedding, I was getting dressed. London walked in. “You look handsome you know. I almost can’t help myself. My sister always was the lucky one. I can’t believe she gets you.”
“Please leave; I don’t want people thinking we’re having an affair.” I said coldly.
“I know you’re not talking to me. If you are, I will end you.” She said angrily.
I tried to get away from the woman, but she grabbed me. We started kissing. I tried to stop.
“I have always loved you, I tried to get your attention, but you seemed to always look at her.”
I pushed away from London, and headed towards the wooden door.
I kept walking ignoring her anger. I was about to grab the glass knob, and suddenly I felt a sharp pain. London had stabbed me with a dagger.
“If I can’t have you, no one can.” She said bitterly.
I woke up a few days after, but I wasn’t myself. I was granted a second chance at life, but the price was I was no longer human. I was a ghost. Forever on I would walk the earth like this. From that day, I swore vengeance. I realized I woke up years later! It wasn’t 1906 it was 2012, and there were strange things that were metal driving around the roads. I saw my mansion, it looked different. It was white and decorated. I flew towards the lot in hopes I was dreaming the whole thing. That maybe just maybe I had fallen asleep on my couch, and I wasn’t really dead. That hopefully my life wasn’t over anymore. Whoever lived there now had cheesy taste, and terrible decorating skills. I saw another one of those metal things with wheels. It was black and old. I heard a dog barking. I looked over, and saw in the window a rat looking thing. I flew toward the house. I saw a strange midget sitting on the yard.
“Back you evil creature!” I screamed at the statue.
“Who’s there? Is that Satan coming to tempt my family, and cause sin?” A strange old man said weirdly.
I appeared toward him, and watched him scream. He had a bottle with a cross on it that said Holy Water.
“Hmm, you’re not a normal man are you?” I asked.
“Back you evil demon from hell! Go back from where you came!” The man said strangely.
“TRAVIS!” I heard something scream.
“Is that a banshee screaming?” I asked scared.
A older woman came out with a pan.
“Travis, I told you to go to the grocery store ten minutes ago. You know our precious Huston needs his protein. Why haven’t you left?” The woman angrily.
The old lady was wearing a flower dress. It went down to her ankles.
“Who’s this you’re talking to! You didn’t tell me we had company. I am not cleaned up.”
“I am so sorry, I should’ve told you.”
“Yes, you should have told me.” She said loudly. “Just go get the eggs, we will talk later.” She added.
“Yes, m’am I should have known.” He said apologetic.
“Well, come on in, would you like some eggs?” She asked.
“No, I don’t eat.” I mumbled.
“Well, here you eat because we make our boys big and strong. Like my baby Huston, he is our precious little man.”
“Maw Maw I need some more juicy juice.” A voice hollered.
“Coming up baby doll. It’s almost bath time now, you best be ready when I get up there.”
“Well, this is a very odd family.” I said scared.

It was dinner time at the Davis’s household. Huston was a bigger boy. He had brown hair and dumbo ears. He was wearing a bib so he wouldn’t get his linen suit messed up. He often took things the wrong way, and made the rest of the family angry. From what I can tell he is treated like Jesus.
“So why did you end up with all these kids?” I asked.
“Well, I felt their parents weren’t fit to take care of my precious baby. I didn’t like the way they neglected to give him his baths three times a day, feed him when he needs it, and make sure he uses the potty everyday. You know what they say; an apple a day keeps MawMaw happy.” She said cheerfully.
The phone started ringing, and everyone dropped their forks.
“Who’s calling this late? People know it’s unheard of at this hour.” Brenda said.
I looked at the clock and it was two p.m. I didn’t understand their ways. An alarm went off.
“Okay kids, it’s time bible hour. Everyone get out their bibles.” Travis said.
Reid was the second oldest, and had brown hair. She was painting her fingernails black. Suddenly, Travis ran into the room.
“That is Satan products!” He said furiously.
“Paw Paw, its just nail polish!” Reid said.
Travis got a paddle that said Jesus’s way, and hit Reid with it.
“You don’t worship Satan young lady!” He screamed.
I looked at the house, and wondered why these people lived here.
Once bible hour was over they all went to bed. It was four o’ clock. I didn’t understand why people went to bed this early. Then I heard a knock at the door.
“Why would someone knock at this hour, they could wake Huston up.” Brenda said.
Brenda ran to the door as fast as she could move.
“TRAVIS GET THE DOOR!” Brenda demanded.
The door flung open. A woman walked in.
“Hi, Travis you called saying you needed an exorcism?”
“Yes, I am a very religious man. Do you worship God?” He asked forwardly acting like hell could come out any minute.
“Yes, I am very religious myself.” The woman said.
I felt like I have seen her before. Then it came to me. That was London!
The woman came over to me. Well, this one looks like a keeper. She then winked at me.
“You sick whore! You lay with demons!” Travis said.
London looked at him. She then threw her hand up. Travis went flying out the door. Brenda sat there laughing. London then made a zipper magically appear on Brenda’s mouth. Brenda ripped it off!
“You don’t come in my house and act like you own it.” Brenda yelled.
“Shut up old lady. I will speak to you when I feel like it.” London said. “I will destroy that precious little boy up there, if you even try anything.
“Not my baby! She pleaded.
“Why are you here? I asked.
“I want you back, I love you so much.” London said.
“We were never together!” I yelled.
London was so mad she flew off. Leaving and making the house shake.
“At least Huston is safe now.” Brenda said.

The night finally ended. Brenda and Travis did research on me, and sadly they ended up being descendants of me. I cried for at least an hour. Huston appeared with a video game. I just looked at him with disgust. Thinking why did I have to run into him. A girl walked in. She apparently was his girlfriend. Her name was Astrid. She had a red afro and go-go boots. She dressed like a hippy. I could tell Brenda and Travis didn’t like her.
“Oh Huston, you don’t need her. You have me, and I will always take care of my baby. You know I will need you to take care of me.” Brenda begged.
“Huston, you know we don’t like her. She dresses like a prostitute, and that means Satan is controlling her. Now, I have some holy flakes that could possibly cure her.” Travis said.
Reid entered the house looking at all of us like we were trash.
“I hate this family.” She mumbled.
Travis came over and got the paddle.
“You don’t use hate. That is how Satan gets you!” Travis said.
Huston and Astrid started kissing. It looked like two dogs making out. They made me feel sick, and I was dead! I tried to get away, but this circus family kept following. Brenda had Gizmo in her arms.
“We can’t let my special man touch the floor.” She said talking to the dog.
Huston started to get up. Brenda ran over.
“Is my baby okay? Did that terrible soul sucker hurt you?”
“I am fine; I just need to go to the bathroom.” Huston whispered.
“Okay, I will be up in a minute to check on you.” Brenda whispered back.

I fell asleep and wandered off in my dreams. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I kept having nightmares of London appearing. I was absolutely terrified. I woke up and found London in my room.
“You look cute while you’re sleeping.” She said.
“Get out.” I mumbled.
London came towards me seductively.
“I can leave, but do you really want me to?” London said flirty.
“Yes, that would be great.” I said.
She came on the bed. I started to back up. I was trying to get away from her.
“I know you want me.” London said.
We started to kiss passionately. I couldn’t help myself. She was quite attractive after all. We started to go too far for me. I then pushed her away. Sadly, I pushed to hard and she went hurling into the wall. CRASH! I heard start screaming.
“Maw Maw I heard noises.” Huston said innocently.
London came flying back. We started to make up violently. We were crashing into walls. The room started to crack. Huston started crying.
“Maw Maw I still hear the noises. I hear screaming.” He said crying.
“YES!” London screamed.
“Maw Maw I hear a girl in here. I think the wrestling to hard. She is screaming to stop.” Huston yelled.
Suddenly, we came crashing through the wall into Huston’s room.
“Ahhh!” Screamed Huston.
We landed on his bed. Huston started balling. There were tears flying everywhere. He was begging us to leave. Brenda came in.
“What the heck happened here!” She screamed.
“I think they were play fighting too hard.” Huston said confused.
“GET OUT!” Brenda belted.

I walked out the house in shame. What did I just do? I slept with my rival. The reason my true love was gone. Who just wants to use me. I now have no where to live. I just flew around the town the whole night. I knew I needed to make this up. So I could have a home. I then remembered the last supper party was being held in their mansion. I could get them to forgive me. I needed to help them. So I would find some very special wine to make up for it. In the very end I knew this was going to be one wild adventure. I arrived at the mansion, and noticed many people dressed up to go inside. One person in particular was London. She was wearing a showing blue glittery dress. She always did like to be the center of attention. Why was she here though? She was a witch. She must be looking for me. I ran towards the door, and flew in. I saw Brenda and Travis greeting guests. Reid was in her room hiding from her grandparents. Huston was with Astrid. Astrid was comforting him from last night’s “drama”.
“What are you doing here?” Brenda demanded.
“I came to apologize with a special wine.” I said.
“Thank you.” She said.
“You know we’re family, and there is really no reason to be mad at each other.”
“You’re right” Brenda said.
London came over to me.
“I missed you last night.” She whispered.
“Please go away. I don’t want us to happen.” I cried out!
“Too late you’re stuck with me now. Haven’t you heard? I am pregnant.” London said.
“What! You tricked me. You knew what would happen when we were together.” I screamed.
“Yes, I did. You should be thankful I did this.” London said.
The party was going smooth. A great song was playing. It was My First, My Last Everything by Barry White. I absolutely loved it.
“Well, what do I do now?” I asked Reid.
“Why are you talking to me?” Reid asked impatiently.
“I thought we were friends.”
“Well, that tells you something, to not think.” Reid said.
“Fine, if you want someone to talk to that bad. All I can say is marry her.” Reid said.
“I don’t love her though.”
“Don’t know what else to tell you.”
This was only the beginning of what would feel like a soap opera. The drama wasn’t over yet. There was much more to come, but as for now that story will have to be told another time. This was only the beginning of living with the Davis family, and I would have to say it felt like nighttime never ended. The nightmare was like it was forever night.
over a year ago 1999jacko said…
yay I am an anomaly yay and yay again
over a year ago wierdo4 said…
Wait they have to be double-spaced?
over a year ago TeddyKellogg123 said…
Okay. Guys... Words of wisdom that I've learned from being a writer on Fanpop:

Do not mash all your paragraphs together. Make it neat. If you have to, check out Universals stories or mine (When Camps Collide) and see how it looks.

Also, please please PLEEAAASSSEEE use Microsoft Word or some type of writing thing (dunno the word LOL) to spell correctly. Sometimes it's hard to spell words and it really helps to use Microsoft Word, Wordpad, Gmail drive... Something that tells if something is spelled wrong.

Thanks so much guys for your entries! I REALLY like them. A LOT. You all have a unique and special talent for writing.(:

@Weirdo4: No, they don't have to.(:

over a year ago FairyWizard said…
*Cough Cough*
Unique doesn't mean good. And yeah if you mash your story togehter, itts extremely hard to read. Especially if you get unfocused really easily..
Lol Writing tool or software?
;D If you have a gmail could you spell check before you send it...
THIS IS WHOSE IN SO FAR *WE'RE WAITING FOR A FEW MORE ENTRIES THAT'S COMING* Then again we need Liz to make it official....
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TeddyKellogg123 said…
If you want to guys, you can partner up and do a fanfiction with a friend. Two girls who are friends of mine are doing it together currently. It's alright to pair up and do a story with a close friend.(:
over a year ago TheKingsWard12 said…
Happy B-Day FairyWizard!
over a year ago 1999jacko said…
eh to bad I'll try when I'm more experienced in writing
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
Scratch that I'll judge, caution I judge fairly hard.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
i guess i'll join....if thats okay.

The Nine Days Beside Axley Hails

"And that's all you remember?" the lady asked.
I nodded and crossed my scarred arms across my skinny chest and stared at the tile floor. Looking at a small brown stain between two tiles, I was instantly reminded of sitting in blood, hiding my face as all hell broke loose. Could that have been nine days ago? Nine days ago, it seemed as if my world was falling apart. Nine days ago, when I first woke up, my family was alive and well.
But nine days ago, I had never heard of Axley Hails.

Axley Hails was tough as nails, I thought, and smiled. Him and his scary purple eyes, the absence of any flaws when he was fighting the bad guys and killing them mercilessly. His little sister, Brandy, kicked ass, too. She wasn't nearly as experienced as him, or as big, but she was important in keeping us alive.

The Hails' were trained in the art of combat and manslaughter. I still wonder just how they randomly were picked to aid me in reaching my target, the Capital (this has nothing to do with the hunger games, i just needed to call it the capital). The Capital, who approved of dropping nuclear bombs on the innocent people living around them. Tha Capital, who made my family suffer for so long in poverty among other things, much like other families.

My father contacted their father, a man named Abraham. I knew they liked to talk to each other, but never in any way did we come into contact with him or his family. Until my father went looking with Abraham for a pair of natural born assassins and killers and strategists. Like, for example, his children.

When I first laid eyes on Axley and Brandy, I was shocked they weren't in the army, fighting for our cause. Axley was 14 like me, but built like an ox and towered above even my father. He had glossy black hair, long and shaggy, but it couldn't hide his unique purple eyes. Brandy was strong looking, but more in a 11 year old girly way. Both were tanned and well groomed. Neither took their eyes off me, scanning up and down my pale, scrawny body. I felt awfully ashamed that we were polar opposites, my violent and valiant protectors and I.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago FairyWizard said…
;D nice to have a fellow judge, we're really not taking any shit either. And thanks!! And cool! There provably will be more..if Liz and kAYLEE FEEL LIKE GOING THROUGH ALL OF THIS AGAIN:)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
How many judges would be needed?
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
was mine ok? also, if needed, i will judge, if thats ok with you....
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
Somehow I think that won't work, you'd be judging something you've entered into
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
well ur right. i didnt think of that. my apologies.
should i just go back to my post and make it all into one post or no? if im not careful i will turn it into a freaking novel with nine sequels and two prequels.
well, maybe i should ditch my story and make a new one, one that is simple and will just be a short story.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
I'd personally stay with a sample.
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
and leave it the way it is?
ok thank you.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
Improve it as you see fit, personally I'm a sucker for the whole assassin angle.
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
excellent. *cackles evilly* i will lure you in.
i will fix it where needed.
thank you.
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
You're welcome I guess
over a year ago FairyWizard said…
If you wanna be a judge sure!
:D The problem is the fact that were all really close as contacts, thats why its really easy for us to get together...
over a year ago flabaloobalah said…
^yeah im fine with not judging. i was jus wondering. and i agree with you.

is mine okay? i mean, like is it of quality? is it long enough?
over a year ago DMLIME said…
Hey guys! WHEN DO WE FIND OUT WHO WINS, LIKE WHEN DO YOU JUDGE IT? Whoah, just saw the caps, sorry..
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
So how's my signup process going for Judge? Or is Universal getting pelted with potatoes
over a year ago Spikegilfer1997 said…
I'll go with the potato option then