The Fanfic My version of the Rick Mythos

Spikegilfer1997 posted on Oct 05, 2012 at 03:33AM
Disclaimer Damn well pay attention to this before you consider being a critic if you have read this say as you will but if I find falsehood in it I will call it into question, if your smart then we have no problems. This is simply another way for the story to have happened and is basically a what-if. Understood? Good.
Within this alternative verison there is Arisutea Akira Takahashi or Arik for short, Son of Nemesis with titles beyond counting. Birthplace unknown he traveled from the first land he ever knew. Japan. Through a will of unbendable steel he traversed the lands of the east and by the mere age of ten. Because of his heritage he'd fought for his life hundred's maybe thousands of time's before he'd landed in the western world. Two more year's he lived pushed to his physical and mystical peak and beyond until he ran across one demigod and then another within a moment. Their names where Thalia Grace and Luke Castellan. In Luke he found a solitary embittered warrior that told him of his origin's as a son of Greece, although like none he'd ever seen. In Thalia he found a warrior he scarcely believed that he could keep up with. Where as in his brassness he judged most people (Mostly rich people) to be weak with strong qualities when Arik first saw Thalia he knew instantly she was a person of high calibre. The first time he'd been around people for a extended period of time was then so despite having known dozen's of languages the fine edge of his speech was very rough and Thalia would constantly criticize him for it with a deep mirth filled sigh shurgging aimlessly. If a book could be keep in decent condition she'd club him over the head with one and tell him "Cave man gooder reader thanks now!" Grudgingly he did, by the time they found Annabeth it was him criticising her. She claimed that her dyslexia gave her an excuse, you shouldn't even need to think to far back to know how much that agiatated Arik. When they reached half-blood hill Arik would not abandon Thalia. As She fell and became the pine that guard's the border Arik became the stone sentinel, stone encased the 14 year-old a shadowy figure spoke in his mind saying that as stone he would be protected from the corruption of the earthen soul. Five years later as storm clouded the earth Arik was awaken by a descendent of nature spirit's known as Zeurul the wanderer. Briefly Arik spoke with Luke before heading of on a quest with a son of Poseidon and a grown-up Annabeth. An errie experience to be certain by the end he was rewarded with the name of his mother. Nemesis Goddess of Balance, Vegeance, Justice. Arik countinued to accompy Percy on his adventure's, heart felled with sorrow as Thalia joined the hunters but he understood it was necessary.......... for the moment. Before the battle of the labyrinth Arik stalled the Titan charged Luke, to discuss a plan that would rearange the structure of the Greek world. Luke and Kronos both struck free of the evil of Pandora's Pithos. Then it was laid out. Next year in the battle of Olympus the evil's would force them both to slay all that Arik loved, within their mind they both knew that if this happened the more shadowy part's of Arik's heritage would grant him the strength to surpass a god, or a Titan. Percy was struck with a mortal wound trying to protect him and Thalia was murdered before his very eye's. This granted him strength unparallelled. He would force the evil's to come to the surface to surpass the avatar of the fade. In his moment of greatest desperation the Pithos would appear and Arik would become the bearer of the eternal spirit of hope. With hope set free in the heart's of everyone Nico and Percy (Nico aged to 16 by the power of the Titan king in a effort to destroy the fates view for the world) found the strength to bind the Heretic Luke, them and the rest of the world unaware of the plan. The empty Pithos would transform into the Pandoran Arc blade of binding. Arik would drive this blade though his best friends heart as he took the hatred of the unknowning masses as his burden into the depth's of the underworld. Kronos and the rest of the Titan's would be freed, using his time magic no one save Thalia had died in the final battle. The blade contained the evils. Olympus which had been destroyed in the wake of Arik's rage of Thalia's death would be rebuilt with his ultimate power bring him back to his original state. Arik traveled to the underworld to meet his father. He was no mortal, the Child of Nemesis and Tartarus imbued with the fade soul raised as a normal street urchin thus limiting himself to mortal achievement's. For a short time he spoke with his father then he gave the blade to guard and keep order within the Abyss and bid fair well. While Percy wished for equality among all god's Arik wished for the return of Thalia. They all balked at the motion but Athena raised her hand to forward to motion seeing that if they didn't call for the ressurrection of Arik's first, greatest and perhaps more friend then he'd just head down to the underworld and get her himself. It was a unaminous. Thalia Grace was the first person ever to die and be brought back to life. Bianca Di Angelo no longer lost in the land without water took Thal's old hunter position. There was a calm for the time but Arik predicted it wouldn't last the year and vanished to the Roman camp to meet up with another avatar of the fade Markus Finnick son of Jupiter whom of which had his greatest power's and four year's of his age taken away for challenging Mars to a duel and tricking him in battle. Mars called it cheating occasionally slipping into Ares, (I.E being immature like a junior high bully) Markus called it strategy and the court ruled in Mars's favour. No one to this day know's what it was. Anyway's he was granted the experience back making him eighteen like Arik. The both went on the quest to free death (Percy tried to kill Arik for pretending not to have known him) Markus got a little close to the Hylla if you know what I'm saying (Arik is calling him the Amazon king now) and when the Argo lands (I get my copy of MoA lol breaks the fourth wall) this tale shall countinue.
P.S this is probably going to fill a terrabyte harddrive.
P.S.S if this recieve's good feedback (Or any) I'll post the rest of my stuff here)

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