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The Matrix Question

Matrix community: Who?


I am a video game student and I am currently pursuing a project that aims to create a new (fictional) game around the Matrix universe.
For this, I must analyze all aspects of intellectual property and therefore the target audience but especially the Matrix fans.
That's why I turn to you today. I could not find much relevant information for my research so far and I thought you might be able to help me.
I have a lot of information to collect, like different groups of fans, their estimated number, their meeting place (virtual or real), their composition (gender, age, generation), their values ​​(who likes and dislikes in Matrix, which is important to them). And finally the social organization of the group (hierarchy, firm or flexible, interaction with other members)
So far I have mainly identified three major groups: Matrix Online fans, movie fans for their story and those for the philosophical aspect.
In order to make an analysis and a game corresponding as much as possible to the fans, I would like to collect the best possible information and I have very little time.
If you have time to give me some advice, idea or information. Any item will be of great help to me.
Thank you.
 Illirea posted over a year ago
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