The Thirst Series Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Who is the best match for Sita? over a year ago by fanforbooks
a comment was made to the poll: Which vampire series is better? over a year ago by fanforbooks
a question was added: What are your thoughts and opinions on there being so much history in the books? over a year ago by canddfan29
a poll was added: Who do you like more? over a year ago by canddfan29
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: In "Shadow of Death" who turned out to be the traitor in the group? over a year ago by Tamziie_1D
an answer was added to this question: what is sita's last name? over a year ago by adamk
a question was added: what is sita's last name? over a year ago by alexbarton
a pop quiz question was added: What is the name of Ray's girlfriend who appears in the first book? over a year ago by adamk
a pop quiz question was added: What is Ray & Seymour's hometown in the first book? over a year ago by adamk
a comment was made to the poll: Who's your favorite main character in the series? (As in appears in more than one book?) over a year ago by Nikki_1996
a comment was made to the poll: Do You Think there should be more books released in the future> over a year ago by Nikki_1996
a pop quiz question was added: Who did Sita end up with? over a year ago by adamk
a poll was added: Who do you think Sita loved most? (Not who you want her with) over a year ago by adamk
a video was added: Last Vampire Book Series Trailer over a year ago by adamk
a video was added: Thirst No. 1 P1 The Sims 3 over a year ago by adamk
a pop quiz question was added: What is Seymour's favorite book? over a year ago by adamk
a pop quiz question was added: What was the password to access the files on Detective Riley's computer? over a year ago by adamk
a comment was made to the poll: Apparently, there's going to be a movie based on the series eventually released. Will you see it? over a year ago by FreakofColdOak
a comment was made to the poll: Which book in the series is your favourite? over a year ago by FreakofColdOak
a pop quiz question was added: What was Ray's last name? over a year ago by adamk
a photo was added: The Original Last Vampire Collection Vol. 1 over a year ago by adamk
a pop quiz question was added: As of "Shadow of Death", which two people have died and come back to life? over a year ago by adamk
a comment was made to the poll: I'm thinking of writing a series of books based off this series. Would anyone read it? over a year ago by adamk
a pop quiz question was added: What was the original name of the series? over a year ago by adamk
a poll was added: ** Potential Spoiler ** over a year ago by adamk
a poll was added: Who's your favorite main character in the series? (As in appears in more than one book?) over a year ago by adamk
a poll was added: I'm thinking of writing a series of books based off this series. Would anyone read it? over a year ago by adamk
a pop quiz question was added: What book did Seymour truly meet Sita? over a year ago by adamk
a pop quiz question was added: Who was the second person Sita turned into a vampire? over a year ago by adamk
a poll was added: Do You Think there should be more books released in the future> over a year ago by adamk
a pop quiz question was added: What year did the series return from a hiatus? over a year ago by adamk
a pop quiz question was added: In "Shadow of Death" who turned out to be the traitor in the group? over a year ago by adamk
a poll was added: Apparently, there's going to be a movie based on the series eventually released. Will you see it? over a year ago by adamk
a pop quiz question was added: What year did the series (originally) end? over a year ago by adamk
a pop quiz question was added: What happens to Seymour in book five to make Sita turn him? over a year ago by adamk
a pop quiz question was added: What is the name by which Sita knows Yaksha's son? over a year ago by sitarose97
an answer was added to this question: is that Taylor Swift?? JW cus'It looks like her Alot!!! over a year ago by POPclogger216
a question was added: is that Taylor Swift?? JW cus'It looks like her Alot!!! over a year ago by loveishere14
a comment was made to the photo: Thirst Anthology 2 over a year ago by POPclogger216
a comment was made to the answer: this book is about a very old vampire who goes through the modern life and trying to destroy the evil creatures that show up over a year ago by morgiemonkey
a comment was made to the answer: this book is about a very old vampire who goes through the modern life and trying to destroy the evil creatures that show up over a year ago by morgiemonkey
a comment was made to the answer: this book is about a very old vampire who goes through the modern life and trying to destroy the evil creatures that show up over a year ago by BeccyBear
an answer was added to this question: What is this book series about??? over a year ago by morgiemonkey
a pop quiz question was added: Who is Kalika's father? over a year ago by Magy6
a poll was added: Who is the best match for Sita? over a year ago by Magy6
a pop quiz question was added: How many daughters does sita have? over a year ago by Magy6
a question was added: What is this book series about??? over a year ago by BeccyBear