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The Vampire Diaries Question

Whom do you think Elena should be with and why?

Whom do you think Elena should be with and why?
 BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
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The Vampire Diaries  best answer

MariamGH said:
I think Elena should end up being with Damon. Well, Stefan and Elena were definitely cute together and everything but I would have to repeat what Rebekah said on the show: "personally I don't get you two as a couple." For me Elena and Stefan are more like ordinary friends. I don't see the blind and desperate, passionate love between them while Damon and Elena have undeniable chemistry. What I like most about Damon and Elena is that their relationship started off with just understanding, a little hate and love at the same time.. They had ordinary conversations, they argued, fought, teased each other, basically Damon and Elena kept the show alive, etc. Elena brings out Damon's best side, while Damon always manages make her smile no matter what. Let's imagine how the story can be ended. Well, OK, let's say that Stelena is endgame (I hope it's not though).Then What happens to Damon? There are three possibilities: He meets another girl and falls madly in love with her. But this wouldn't look like Damon at all. If he loves a girl, he cannot get over her so quickly. Remember that he loved Katherine for over a century. I doubt that he will forget about Elena so quickly. Another possible ending: Damon needs to die. OMG OMG! If this happens, damon fans will be seriously pissed. I am pretty sure that 80% (if not more) of people watch the show because of Damon. He's cocky, hot, interesting, unpredictable, funny, loving, passionate... We cannot let him die. WE JUST CANNOT. And the third possible ending: Damon needs to adjust to the fact that Elena loves Stefan and he can do nothing about it. Elena needs to tell him one more time: "Damon, it's Stefan, it's always gonna be Stefan and I don't want to see you anymore. Just leave me and Stefan alone." I doubt that Elena will ever do it, but if she will, Damon will turn into a terrible monster. He'll be a hundred times worse and dangerous than he seemed to be at the beginning of the TV Show. If his heart gets broken again by Elena this time, I don't think he will find strength to get over this. He will be turned into a killer vampire, who hates everything and everybody in the whole entire world. What do you guys think? Any other ideas what will happen to Damon if Stelena is endgame? Sorry for my English, it's my third language and I hope I managed to write clearly.
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posted over a year ago 
I liked your answer! I don't think there's another possibility ... I’m pretty sure Damon won't die at the end, but maybe Stefan does. If Stefan dies it will solve all the problems (lol just kidding)
NiazAbedini posted over a year ago
thanks... I don't see any other possibility either... The love triangle cannot go on forever. I don't want to see Damon dead or heartbroken. I want Elena to be with one of the brothers, I would hate to see her playing with both of them... Loving two guys at the same time doesn't look OK to me. That makes her much like Katherine. And as long as both Damon and Stefan are alive she cannot seem to be able to make up her mind. One of the brothers needs to go. I don't mind if that's Stefan. Don't get me wrong, I like him too, but come on.. that's a fiction, not real life. Even good characters need to die to make story valuable, interesting and sort of tragic.
MariamGH posted over a year ago
What a fabulous answer! And, yes you were very clear. I was honestly surprised to find out that English was not your first language. I agree with everything you said above. The only other possibility that I can think of is that Elena chooses Stefan and tells Damon so. Instead of turning to anger and violence, Damon might just completely loose everything that makes him Damon. He may just become a shadow of who he is and live out the rest of eternity as an empty creature--as a shell,--unable to care. Granted, I know that doesn't seem much like Damon, but I do think it is a slight possibility. However, I REALLY want Damon and Elena to get together (and stay together). With the way things are going, the chance of that relationship cultivating is becoming more and more likely (especially since their kiss in 3X10). Can't wait for their next kiss! I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it's Elena that kisses Damon next time. That would be amazing and wonderful and perfect! Thank you so much for your answer.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
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Sayo-chan said:
Damon of course!
He's hot ><
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Damon of course! 
He's hot ><
posted over a year ago 
Totally hot.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
could not agree more :)
alena19 posted over a year ago
demididi said:
stefan,because i think he really loves her,mean damon who has hurts elena so much.
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stefan,because i think he really loves her,mean damon who has hurts elena so much.
posted over a year ago 
I see where you're coming from (even though I'm for Damon/Elena). Damon does have a well-established history of hurting Elena. However, what has Stefan been doing lately? Hurting Elena. Also, I have seen Damon change over the series. It's like Andy said, "Love does that, Damon, it changes us." As cruel and diseteful as Damon could be, there is a goodness in him that is so tragic--a goodness that Elena seems to amplify. Thank you for your comment!
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
20cosmogirl said:
i think elena is 18 years old, i think so far you can't expect her know who she wants to be with.
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posted over a year ago 
I completely agree with you. If I was her, I would have no idea who I would wanna be with either (though of all the predicimints to be in, it would be quite lovely...). However, as a bystander, I really want her to be with Damon. I think they'd be good for each other, especially now that Stefan has made his decision.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
Thank you for the answer
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
i agree
rueyourue posted over a year ago
I agree!
Lizzylodge posted over a year ago
alena19 said:
damon as he would be good for her and too her the fact he is way hot helps but he would make her life a bit more peacefull
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posted over a year ago 
The his mouth-watering looks are a deffinite bonus! I agree, I think they would be good for each other. When (I'm assuming they will) they get together I'm really excited to see how the goodness in Damon will be effected by Elena's romantic presence--if that makes any sense at all.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
Thank you for the answer
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
Pepper- Thank you for comment, however (like Alena19 has already said), it's pretty rude to label someone eles's opinion as "crap" simply because you do not agree with it. I don't necessarily agree with your opinion, but I can say that in a polite way. I ask you to do the same in any future comments. Thank you.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
Court_Marie said:
I think Elena should be with Damon since the have a stronger connection and there is just to much up and down for her relationship with Stefan to last
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posted over a year ago 
I totally agree with you. Thanks for the answer.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
completely agree
alena19 posted over a year ago
LilSweetsOmega said:
Damon of course lol they have great chemistery and both can trust one another and we know Damon would go to extreme measures to protect Elena.... and because Damon is hot and bad-ass <3
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posted over a year ago 
They have both gone to extreme measures. I love it when that happens, becuase it makes it so obvious the depth of the feelings that are there. And yeah, Damon is totally bad-ass. So sexy. Thanks for the answer.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
8meg8 said:
Even though Stefan is kind and has a good heart he has to many problems which Elena shouldn't have to deal with (blood lust is a major one!) and Damon is complicated but they bring the best out in each other. Also Damon will protect her even if that means hurting himself to do so. So my answer is that Elena should be with Damon xxx
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posted over a year ago 
That's totally true. They do bring out...something...true in each other. I don't know how else to explain it. Thank you for the answer.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
ar34222 said:
Damon because Stefan is just too protective and Damon is a "Bad" boy
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posted over a year ago 
I see what you mean about Stefan. However, on multiple occasions, Damon has been more overbearing and protective than Stefan. In the third season, he seemed to get a lot better at accepting that Elena is gonna do what she wants to do. But I do get what you mean. Stefan could be very protective. And, yeah, Damon is a total "bad boy." It's so hot.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
Thank you for the answer.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
NiazAbedini said:
Damon !
1. they have chemistry !
2. they have a deep and great friendship .
3. Damon will always be there for her .
4. Elena can control Damon and show his good side .
5. Damon can make the usual responsible boring Elena to a fun Elena !
and most of all :
6. no one can ever love Elena the way that Damon loves her ♥
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posted over a year ago 
3256min posted over a year ago
best answer!
STEFIdi posted over a year ago
I especially love number five :) great list :)
MariamGH posted over a year ago
3256min said:
i think that elina should be with daymen certainly because he loves her he 's hot and awsome

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posted over a year ago 
I agree with you. At the end of the day, if you don't have love, what do you have? I think Elena has a second chance at finding real love (meaning I think she really did love Stefan). I hope she doesn't logic her way out of it.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
Thank you for the answer.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
isa_lima10 said:
Damon. Not just because he's hot. But I think they have great chemistry, they are not boring. And I love the fact that Damon was trying to change because of her.
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posted over a year ago 
I LOVE that too! Damon trying to change for Elena is so romantic. It seems to be two steps forward, one stwp back. However, he's deffinetly improving. And you're right, they do have great chemistry. Thanks for the comment!
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
luiseelena said:
She should be with Damon, of course! I know, sometimes he's kinda freaking out, but that's past! Now he's such a cute boy who's caring so much about her... I'm pretty sure he truly loves her! He deserves a woman like Elena and Elena herself deserves a man as hot and loveable as Damon! <3 true Team Delena member <3
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She should be with Damon, of course! I know, sometimes he's kinda freaking out, but that's past! Now he's such a cute boy who's caring so much about her... I'm pretty sure he truly loves her! He deserves a woman like Elena and Elena herself deserves a man as hot and loveable as Damon! <3 true Team Delena member <3
posted over a year ago 
it won't be the end f the world if elena ends up with damon or stefan because they are both worthy of her love in there own ways and i can see how deep there love runs for her. i love them both and i think everyone should be prepared just in case the endgame isn't what you wanted.
pepper posted over a year ago
I'm not so sure that I would go with deserving Elena, becuase no one really is loved because the deserve it, per say (remember this is only my opinion) but because they need it. I think a part of Damon "needs" Elena. I see that in how Damon has changed by simply having the non-romantic relationship with Elena. Thank you for the comment.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
fanfangirlfan said:
damon!! he just seems to be more tender and intense with her. stefan is just kind of damon's HOT.
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posted over a year ago 
I never could find the right word for it until now, but yeah you're spot on! Damon does have a level of intensity that Stefan does not show. And he's a total babe. Thank you for your comment.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
Even tho she looks good with stephan i think Daemon cos he understands her!
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posted over a year ago 
I think Damon does understand her and think Elena understands Damon on a level that few do/can. It's a beautiful thing when two people can have that. Thank you for your comment!
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
vampirism said:
Damon Salvatore :"> Because they look cute.
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posted over a year ago 
They are super cute together! Thank you for your answer.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
Lizzylodge said:
To be honest neither of them, she hurts them both, and they hurt her as well. Neither of them are perfect and for her to be with them she'd have to give up her humanity. As extremely hot they are I don't think she'd give up her friends, family, being able to grow old have children have grand children and eat food to be with someone who has gone off the rails (and may well recover but I don't think you can easily forget all the horrible things she's seen him do) or someone who is ticked off at the easiest things and can be a monster at times. It's said maybe 2 or 3 times that the love shared between the 2 brothers is stronger than that of Elena, remember how she said "If he does come back I know it wont be for me" meaning if he does regain his humanity and come back it will be for Damon not Elena. Also he gave up himself for Damon. So I don't think they'd let another girl get in the way of their bromance :)
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posted over a year ago 
Interesting view point. I don't necisarily agree with it, but it's interesting none the less. I do see your point though. Both Damon and Stefan have done terrible things to Elena and to the people around her. However, love is not something you can be "Joe Sensable" about. It's never straight forward or logical. There is no rule handbook for love. People love each other not because they deserve to be loved, but because people need to be loved. But that's simply my opinion. Thank you so much for sharing yours.
BuffyAngel101 posted over a year ago
Hamlii said:
How can u all say that?? I dont understand any of u!!! How can u not see passion between Stefan and Elena. What they have is more than the chemistry she has with Damon, this is pure and true love, Stefan doesnt just make her happy but he is also ALWAYS there when she isnt, plus when we found out that she really did meet Damon first he compelled her to "get everything she wants" and shortly after she met Stefan. Could it be more obvious? Stelena is going to be the endgame, I know how u feel when u say that u think that Stefan is boring, because the first two seasons I thought he was boring to, but only when they werent together and he was a big douchebag in season 3 did I realize how good they´re love is, what she feels for Damon is nothing more than caring for him, and I think Damon really is grown up and can handle the fact that she is going to choose Stefan, I mean once in season 2 he told her that he loved her and than compelled her to forget but before that he said that he doesnt deserve her but that his brother does. ANyway what I´m trying to say is that it will be Stelena, it is sooo obvious its gonna be Stelena :)
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posted over a year ago 
ElyDE said:
Damon... <3 because Stefan can be her first love all he want... BUT DAMON IS HER TRUE LOVE. <3 DELENA ALL THE WAY
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posted over a year ago 
ElyDE posted over a year ago
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