~CHARACTER~ Rave La Roux

Authored by pLaStIcSUNDAE and afewseconds

Name: Raven La Roux

Age: 21

DOB: March 18th

Raven was always shy while growing up. However, Raven was not always...well, Raven. And this has caused many, many issues in life for her that started in the middle years of high school, which eventually led her to relocating from her home in Los Angeles when things became far to rough to handle in her life. Everyone has their secrets...but hers nearly brought her entire world burning down around her. And now that she has managed to escape the torment of judgemental glares that even extended to physical harm a few instances, Raven has long since fled to a place where she has found comfort and a place to fit in.


(Raven in Costume)

(Raven In Costume #2)

(Raven out of Costume)


(Raven out of costume #2)


Personality Traits: 

  • FlamboyantExtremely flamboyant. But mostly only when she's acting her stage/club persona, Roux.
  • Raven tends to stick to being a night owl because its one of the only times that she's able to walk about the streets with her vaping mask on. Although she has been trying to quit cold-turkey eventually.
  • She has anxiety issues stemming from her past, and its very rarely that she would talk about them to anyone unless they were extremely close to her. Even then, she's vague about some of the details.
  • She's actually quite the video game fanatic when she wants to be, taking a lot of inspiration from some of her styles of dressing from them as well as pinups and artworks. 


  • Raven's eyes are actually a light brown, but she wears violet colored contacts the majority of the time.
  • She also secretly wears prescription glasses, but is embarrassed to actually have them on around other people. 
  • Cosplayer
  • She works as a DJ at nightclubs, and usually spends her free time making dub mixes and techno music.
  • She's in "uniform" the majority of the time.
  • Her hair never stays the same color for too long.


(Starts on Pg. 38)


[Post-Arcade Timeskip #1] 

After the incident within Arcadia, an arcade in which she had gone to with the company of Mason and Sammy, Raven was sent to a mental hospital under the premise that she was severely unstable and deemed unable to operate within society. With one of her favorite places left in flames and her still in shock due to the death of her friend, Raven became violent towards others as well as herself. Enough so to where she had to be placed in a padded room where she was restrained during the frame of the 6 months that would come and pass.

Unknown to her however, her placement into the ward was planned in order for Jackie to get closer to her and eventually free her and place her under her own care. Jackie eventually made the decision to block more of her memories in fear of her losing control once more, deciding it would be best to work with her under less stressful terms. 

During this time, Raven's suppressed memories left her drained and in a deep state of severe depression while they haunted her dreams. 


     (Post-Timeskip Raven #1)

(Post-Timeskip Raven #2)


  • By this time period in the RP, Raven's skin had become a lot more pale after the energy within her going destabilizing and in turn going haywire. 
  • Her hair is shorter than it was pre-timeskip, it currently being just below her bottom jaw.


[Post-Arcade Timeskip #2: After LA]