~TERMINOLOGY~ Classes of Magic Users

Authored by pLaStIcSUNDAE and afewseconds

Within the universe of The Worst Generation magic is a versatile thing. There are not only a variety of magic types, but classes of magicians as well. 

  • Mages 

A mage is a magician that learns magic in a more organised way. To mages, magic is a science like chemistry, physics and biology. It can be understood and taught to people with little innate magical skill. This method of magic use makes mages less powerful than wizards and sorcerers in many cases, but it gives them much better control over their spells. Some mages are also able to create spells as well, which is no simple or easy task. Mages are also known as Magicians depending on the context.

  • Sorcerers

 A sorcerer is a magician who's magic is entirely innate. Sorcerers, unlike Mages, do not need to learn magic exactly if knowledge of their power is already present, although they can develop a better understanding of it which requires study and practice. To sorcerers, magic is more like an art than a science. Sorcerers have the potential to be extremely powerful, but a reckless sorcerer is more prone to lose control of their magic which would lead to death in some cases. 

  • Psions

 Psions are rather unique individuals that are actually capable of utilizing psychic, or psionic energy. This is due to the bonding between the psyche and mana which occurs when the limits and boundaries of the psyche are loosened enough to willingly draw mana from their souls. (More to be revealed.)

  • Warlocks and Witches

 Warlocks/Witches are magicians who dabble heavily in the art of dark magic, black, or evil magic. However, the difference in the two are that witches usually indulge in the practices of "folk magic", or the lower forms or ritualistic spell casting. Warlocks often gain all of their power and abilities from demons, gods, or other assorted means. 

  • Wikkens (Why-Can)

On the other hand of Warlocks and Witches there are the Wikkens, types of born witches and warlocks that dabble less in the fields of dark magic and more-so in the realm of benevolent spirits and nature. With this being so they are sometimes mistaken as druids or shaman or even witch doctors in some instances, which isn't too far off considering that they are somewhat associated with both in some cases.


  • Wizards