~Character~ Leonard York

Authored by Windwakerguy430

Name: Leonard "Leo" York

Age: 49

DOB: February 16th

York is a member of The Organization, one of the longest lasting and most hardened by the job. It isn't clear from anyone if they have ever seen a positive, less cynical side of York in his life. Even York has trouble remembering things fondly without seeing the bad in it. York didn't have much trouble as a kid. Grew up in a well off family, did well in school, and was able to get a job with his skills as an agent of The Organization. But he was made into this, modeled, by all that he had seen, all the wrong that had happened, even from members of The Organization itself. York had never any intention on sticking with the job, yet something always pulled him back, and before he knew it, he was there for over twenty years, and already saw himself staying with it until he died. Though he is harsh and brash with his words, his intentions are good and his desire to help overshadows his own cynical outlooks and biases.





-York is harsh on the surface. He does not talk much with those he doesn't know, and those he does he speaks with in business terms with. But those that new him when he was younger saw him as a more optimistic, joyful type

-York can be very much insensitive about some things, such as his casual use of offensive slurs to his consistent swearing

-York does have a sense of justice underneath, and does what he can to do the right thing. But his own idea on the right thing has been tainted by what he has seen



-York is a chain smoker. In fact, he has already been warned by his doctor once before that his lungs can't take much more of it.

-York is a fan of cocktails. Despite his demeanor, he cannot stand the taste of alcohol, but enjoys getting drunk, so he tries to add flavor to it

-York is a big fan of basketball. He played it once as a child, but never pursued. He instead watches it as a fan

-York is technologically impaired and doesn't get how new phones and computers work

-York has his own mixtapes in his car, made from when he was in college

-York has a bachelor's degree in filmography, being a fan of classic movies. He never found use for it