~CHARACTER{Otherworld}~ Weisson Elridge

Authored by afewseconds

Name: Weisson.
Pronunciation: Wee-son

Age: 19

Gender: Male

D.O.B.: September 8th

•Short black hair (almost shoulder length)
•Silver-blue eyes
•Slightly pale skin complexion
•5 ft 7 inches tall
•Lean but exceptionally fit

°Adventurous, Headstrong, Determined:
Weisson is often the individual that loves to go traveling far in search of new things such as sights and knowledge. As a child he would venture off to discover things that were new to him at the time. During those periods of time that he disappeared to go on these mini adventures, he'd end up climbing constructs to catch glimpses of different views and scenery, which later led to him learning how to rock climb without the guidance of anyone else. And this would lead to him venturing through caves and other places just out of curiosity, sometimes finding himself in danger. He was told a lot while growing up that he gets the habit from his mother.
He is also known to be very stubborn at times, another trait that was said to be inherited from his mother. Due to the fact that he has an older sister, Fallon, (whom he doesn't know about and instead thinks that she is only his mentor) that outclasses him in every respective manner, Weiss constantly feels as if he has something​ to prove. There are times where he won't be willing to accept help from any other individual if he feels that there's something he has to do himself. If there is something that he has his mind made up on, there's rarely an occasion where he will change it.

°Arrogant, Naive, Reckless:
 Weisson has a tendency of picking fights with people who are deemed to be out of his league, especially when it comes to his mentor/older sibling. When he gets the upper hand in sparring matches or fights, he lets his guard down, something that his older sibling constantly gets onto him about.
Being that he is both kind-hearted and empathetic, he believes that everyone deserves a second chance as long as they are able to learn and repent.
Whether from anger or excitement, he tends to jump directly into the heat of things and act off of instinct rather than taking the time to come up with a plan.

°Visually Observation​al, Dutiful, Loyal:
Despite the rather reckless behavior that he can display sometimes, he makes up for it with his sense of visual observation, being able to learn things visually faster than others and catch on to reoccurring actions.
Weiss has somewhat of a sense of honor when it comes to the goals of his duty as an upcoming knight, as well as his morality as an individual.
If he makes a promise he's bound to keep it. If he befriends someone, he expects to be able to trust them as much as he would like to be trusted. He doesn't take betrayal lightly.

He doesn't remember much of his early childhood, but for as long as he could remember he had always felt as if he were... different​. Growing up an orphan he was often given strange sympathetic looks from the head of the house and be picked on by the other orphans.


Magic: Though he isn't as credible as his sister at using magic at his disposal and seems to lack the ability to project elemental attacks, he excels greatly in Mana Manipulation, and seems to have an abnormal abundance of dormant/passive magic potential within him. Using Mana Manipulation, he is able to disperse a barrier of aura that surrounds his body like an outline and can be used as a means of defense against physical and magic damage. He is able to increase and decrease the amount of Mana being used at will. He is also able to channel Mana into his blade to increase raw physical offensive power.

 Possesses a weapon of osmium, loadstone, molten dragon claws, and pure tungsten as well as bronze, all forged into the form of a lengthy blade that had been forged within volcanic heat. The sword had been forged by his grandfather and is known as Slávne Ráno (The Glorious Morning). The blade itself holds a mysterious essence to it, and only seems to be compatible with Weisson's Mana source.