~PLACES~ Under Society, New York

Authored by afewseconds


Under the state of New York City exists a world unknown to those who walk above the surface. Below the sidewalks of concrete and the buildings and roads, beneath the sewers and pipes, it exists there. A society owned by those who have been forced into the dark by those who label them monsters, abominations of the world, and hunt them ruthlessly. A safe haven for those who are looked down upon unjustly for their vast difference in appearance and existence. This place is the Under Society. The world that was once above, now so below. Within this society there exists things that shouldn't exist, some of wonders and myths, others of nightmares. 


It has existed there for so very long that it is just as ancient as the grounds that the buildings of New York were built upon. Witches, the vampiric, werewolves. Mutant creatures and other supernatural forces and even entities of unknown origin They all co-exist within the Under Society, a place built on the foundations of giving a place of acceptance and refuge to those who seek safety from the monsters of the surface that call themselves Mankind. 



The Rozzers

 Under Society, New York is protected and policed by a massive group of individuals that are known at the Rozzers, the Under Society's equivalent to the police force. The Rozzer Force consist of a number of different creatures tasked with different roles that play into specific talents and capabilities according to each individual. 

The outskirts of the Under Society are maintained by a race of reptilian, crocodile-like humanoids that call themselves the Underthings, who are capable of shapeshifting into human form with the use of a power called Anonaki, a variety of magic that they were gifted with long ago by a powerful entity that they came to call and worship as the Red Witch.