Tiva ^,<,v

Blue85 posted on Dec 12, 2009 at 04:04AM
I've done this over at the NCIS spot and it got a pretty good response, so I figured I would do it here as well.
All you need to know is that:

^- Answers the question.
<- Tells what you're doing.
v- Question.

Example: Do you like the idea of Tiva?

^ Of course.
< Watching TV.
v Favorite Tiva moment?

Even though we're on the Tiva spot, the questions asked don't have to be about Tony and Ziva. Feel free to ask whatever you want.

Tiva 5950 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 5950

over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
** Yay! I love this game so much!

^ Oh goodness! I don't think I can answer! There are so many I LOVE!!
< Watching Tiva YT videos!
v Hook them up now or at the end of the series?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Such a hard question. On one hand I'd love to see them get together but I'm afraid it would ruin the passion & tension that makes us love them so much... so I'm going to say the end of the series (as long as I have some prime Tiva moments to hold me over!)
< Around
v 1 Word (beside passionate) to describe their relationship?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ Friendly.
< Watching a Celtic Woman concert on TV.
v In Reunion, did yout think that Ziva was going to kiss Tony on the lips instead of the cheek?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ Yes and No. Yes, because of the hype of the promo. No because it's NCIS we're talking about here. :P
< Listening to music.
v Do you think Tony will get Ziva a Star of David necklace?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ I think he might, I hope he does anyway.
< Watching a video of the Signature Magazine Photoshoot that Cote did.
v Which kind of Tiva moments do you like better: serious/heart to heart ones or silly/fun?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Serious, it's more meaningful.
< Just uploaded my new Tiva fanart :)
v What do you would've happened if Tony hadn't killed Rivkin?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ O gosh... as Ziva said "I guess we'll never know." I can't even begin to guess. They may have stayed together for a little while, but I don't think nothing would have came of it.
< Relaxing.
v When Tony & Ziva first met did you want them to get together?
over a year ago goodgirlmikey said…
^ At first, I thought they would become REAAAAALLLLY Good friends....like best friends. You know, the sidekick type, always there for one another. But as the series progressed....I decided that there was just to much chemistry and tension for their relationship to be only 'brotherly' or platonic.

< Just read old TIVA fanfiction.

v When do you think WILL they get together? Mid-season? Season finale? Any other ideas?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ Finale. They like to keep us hanging LOL.
< Listening to music and about to go out to film our coursework for Film Studies.
v Would you like the type of relationship that they have?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ No I don't think I would b/c although its passionate, it's like keeping the one you love just past arms reach, never being able to fully feel what the both of you could truly have. I wouldn't like that feeling.
< Working.
v Do you sometimes feel that their relationship is more friendiship than opposed to bf/gf relationship?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ Sort of, but then I see another scene and I'm like, 'There's something there!'
< Just got back from filming :D
v Truth or Consequences vs Reunion? :P
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ Both. I loved Tony and Ziva's conversation in ToC and the fact that they brought her home, but I also loved the bathroom scene in Reunion.
< Making my brother a birthday card.
v If Tony and Ziva did a song together, what kind of song do you think it should be?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Something sexy... like Temptation or to the other extreme & really upbeat & fun!
< Working
v Do you have a favorite Tiva photo?
over a year ago goodgirlmikey said…
^I have a LOT of favorite Tiva photos! I couldn't name everything. :) It's just too many to mention :)

< Just got home from school.

v Did you expect something big for TIVA from the Christmas episode? Was the outcome enough for you?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ Of course. I'm aways expecting something big when it comes to Tiva haha. I could have seen more, A LOT more than what we were given but it was still a good episode.
< Working on fanart and listening to music.
v What is your favorite Tiva quote?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago goodgirlmikey said…
^ As of this moment....Hmmm. I remember Ziva saying something that she knows the language of love... HAHA. Yeah. I love that. Damn. I wonder what it meant for Tony. :>
< Going to upload fanart.
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Starting? I've had my suspicions since Endgame? It's she's gone out of her way to be especially nasty like she has something to hide? :P
< About to go see my best friends play?
v Best Tiva Season 5 Episode?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
**That language of love thing was soooo for Tony! <3 I don't know if I'm suspicious of a secret relationship, I think b/c I'd be so disappointed with all the Tiva moments we could have seen if it wasn't hidden. Last nights episode wasn't as Tiva-esque as I'd like it to have been but there were a few small things that may hold me over until the Jan 5 episode**

^ Identity Crisis & In the Zone had a prime Tiva moment or 2 for me. <3
< Working
v What did you make of last nights "language of love" comment?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
* I haven't even considered a secret Tiva relationship. . .until ya'll said that. Now I am wondering. . .she does seem to constantly insult him with a smile (more than before, I mean). But I hope we aren't missing it!

^ I squeaked. I thought it was totally flirtatious. Why else say it?
< Eating lunch
v What did you make of her forcing him to give the gift?
over a year ago goodgirlmikey said…
big smile
^ Plain encouragement, although I thought THERE WAS SOMETHING IN THERE.

< Still Hyperventilating from the NEW TIVA SCOOP FROM AUSIELLO!

v How do you feel about the new TIVA scoop?

if you haven't read it, here it is:
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ OMG!!!! Yayyyyyy TIVA! I hope that is one good scoop!
< Working
v Honestly... do you feel like they will have the type of relationship that could turn into marriage or the kind that is passionate but will burn out?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ Honestly, I don't think it would "burn out." I mean, it could, but they have had time to develop friendship first, and their friendship has survived despite very, very, VERY large obstacles (you know, like killing people the other loved, separation, terrorist prison camps, death false-alarms. . . the like)
< Relaxing
v Best Tiva episode in season 4?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
*I hope that scoop is the real thing and not just some rumor floating around.

^ If I had been asked this question a few years ago, I probably would have said burn out. But a lot has changed, they've changed since then, so I think that marriage could be a future possibility for them. They are soul mates after all.
< Reading emails.
v Would you like to see the two of them go undercover again?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
** I don't think the part about Paris is wrong. I had already heard something about them going undercover in another country together before this spoiler came out, so hopefully it's the real deal.

^ JENN's - Sandblast or Cover Story :)
^ LAUREN's - I believe that is what this Paris thing is about! And yeah, of course, I would!
< Listening to music.
v How did you feel when you found out Jeanne was Tony's girlfriend?
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over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
**I'll answer both questions. Let's see... best Tiva episode in Season 4...I'm gonna go with maybe... Sandblast? I thought that whole "Why are you following me" convo was great! Or Coverstory! =]** **EDIT: We always post at the same time. lol, so see for your answer below:**

^ Of course! <3 More prime Tiva action! [[Dani - I was disappointed b/c I was afraid it would hinder my Tiva-esque moments. I have to say I kinda liked Jeanne though after awhile... didn't love her, but she was okay]]
< In DE with my mommy =]
v Do you think they work better together or independently? (ie: They figure out ideas for the case for themselves & then tell as opposed to them standing around discussing it & figuring it out)
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over a year ago Blue85 said…
* I hope that's what the Paris thing is about.
Haha, I just noticed we all seem to be posting at the same time. Again.

^ Dannii's question: Honestly, I didn't like the idea at all. I kept thinking that it should be Ziva instead.
Jenna's question: I'd say they work better together, they seem to figure things out faster that way.
< Looking for pictures to use for fanart.(Thanks Dannii for that suggestion on the NCIS spot, btw.)
v Favorite season 6 Tiva moment.
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
No problem, Lauren! :)

^ Either 'Woah, my ninja!', 'Nesiah Tovah.' or the 'For You.' but obviously not the argument.
< Gonna take some photos outside, it's been snowing so school's closed!
v Perfect Tiva song?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
**Speaking of the banner, do you think I should use the same photos that I used in the other one or use something else? And do you think it would be better with text, or without?

^ I'm not really sure, there's too many out there that could fit.
< Eating lunch and working on more fanart.
v If Tony and Ziva do ever get together, do you think they'll do it on their own or do you think they'll get a little help?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
** It's up to you really. It would be nice to have some text, though :D

^ Knowing Tony and Ziva, they'll probably get a little help :P
< Watching NCIS
v What season do you think they realised that there were REAL feelings there?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ Five or six.
< Watching NCIS and uploading photos.
v How do you think Tony found out about Ziva's tattoo?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Maybe when they went under cover together? Or something else ;)
< About to go get ready for the dentist.
v Do you think that if there wasn't a Rule 12, they would admit their feelings?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ I don't think their unwillingness to admit their feelings really has anything to do with Rule 12. I mean it's Tony and Ziva, they haven't exactly always followed the rules. I think it has more to do with the fact that they're both strong willed, somewhat stubborn people and that they're waiting for the other to make the first move. And I also think there might even be a little fear of being rejected that is holding them back as well.

< Writing.
< Do you think Tony and Ziva would make good parents?
over a year ago yay4wicked said…
^ Eventually. I think Tony needs to grow up quite a bit before he would be ready for that kind of responsibility. As for Ziva, I think that she would make an excellent parent, with a couple of years separating her and her horrible experience in Somalia.
< Watching Bones
v What do you think of a scenario where Tony and Ziva gets together but hides their relationship (at least for a while) from the team, with us of course being in on it?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ I think it'd be interesting to watch, as of course everyone would be worried about how Gibbs will react but on the other hand I'd be absolutely ecstatic that they had relationship and we could see it.
< Listening to music and making icons.
v Do you think the whole elevator scene in 'Knockout' with Tara and Tony was a sign?
over a year ago goodgirlmikey said…
big smile
^Yeaaah. That was absolutely a sign. The whole thing where the elevator door opened and Ziva was standing there. I mean, Tony already got the answer for "Who's the right woman for me?". It's as if it's that easy....but it's not.]

< At the airport just waiting to board the plane.

v Any visualizations on what could happen in Paris?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
** Have a good trip wherever you are going, Mikella! :D

^ I can imagine a lot of laughs, if nothing more. To be honest, I'm ALMOST hoping that nothing happens in that just so that the writers prove to us that they won't turn into another Jenny and Gibbs. Does that make sense?
< Eating breakfast and checking emails.
v Do you think that, when they goe together, that it'll be this epic moment or just something small?
over a year ago goodgirlmikey said…
**Thanks, Dannii!

^ well, Shane Brennan wants to satisfy all viewers, not just the Tiva fans...so maybe, it won't be anything big, but it'll be remarkable.
<Scratching my itching arm while typing.
v How do you want the 'Moment Of Truth' (aka admission of feelings) to go, no matter how big/small?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
**Have a good trip, Mikella. :)
And Happy Holidays, everyone!

^ I want it to go well. For good things to come out of it.
< Checking my email.
v Do you think Ziva will ever tell Tony about what happened to her in Somalia?
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over a year ago goodgirlmikey said…
^ She has to open up, eventually. HEHEHE.

< Eating carrot cake and listening to Parachute

v What if Jeanne came back in the middle of their healing process? Hypothetically speaking.
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ I think it'd be fine if she wasn't after Tony, but if she was, I'd be really upset.
< Eating breakfast.
v Carrying on from Mikella's question, if Jeanne did come back looking to get back together with Tony and he rejected her, how would you feel?
over a year ago goodgirlmikey said…
big smile
^ If I had to put my Tiva shipper instincts aside, I would feel sorry for Jeanne. She had been caught up in a bunch of lies after all. However, from a Tiva shipper's perspective, I'm not really sure. I just want her to leave Tony alone. He needs to move on and he's millimeters close to finding the RIGHT WOMAN.

<Going to set up the other laptop for mom's use.

v A follow-up from my previous question; How do you think/want Ziva to react if Jeanne DOES come back?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ I think that she'd act like before where we only saw glimpses of her.... sadness? EG Trojan Horse. However I'd like her to show it a little more. Does that make sense?
< Nothing much.
v In 'Reunion' when Tony answered the phone and it was for Ziva, did you wonder how Abby knew that Ziva would be with Tony?
over a year ago goodgirlmikey said…
^ Yeaaaah. it gave me a feeling that TPTB reads forums and fanfictions....which is creepy.
<Going to add another Tiva song to the Tiva songs forum.
vYou think Gibbs would ever regret imposing rule 12, assuming that he has been seeing sparks between Tony and Ziva ?
over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
** It is a little creepy, isn't it? xD

^ If he has seen sparks between them, I think he knows that he can't exactly stop them from doing anything, because as has been said before, Tony and Ziva don't exactly follow the rules, so in that respect I think he might regret it LOL.
< Watching a Tiva video on YT.
v Do you sometimes think that being a Tiva shipper is torture, but you'll carry on anyway? xD
over a year ago goodgirlmikey said…
^ Yes.....it is torture. It serves as a distraction the whole day but at the same time it's something to look forward to when the class gets dismissed. So...I'll carry on. I'll put up with their longing glances and staring for a little more...Just imagine how McGee feels. I consider myself luckier, ya know, because I don't have to work alongside the two of them and witness first-handedly ALL the tension and repressed emotions.
< Youtube video-surfing.
v "For every piece of me that wants you, another piece backs away."- The quote fits who more? Please explain your answer:)

***The quote is from "You Give Me Something" by James Morrison
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over a year ago Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ I chose Tony, because I feel like everytime he's about to do something, he changes his mind at the last minute.
< Watching Tiva videos :)
v How would you feel if they never did get together AT ALL? :(
over a year ago goodgirlmikey said…
big smile
^ Upset is definitely an understatement. Any better words? But I suppose we should be contented with whatever they turn out to be.
< Helping my mom with Windows Movie Maker :( :|
V Follow up on Dannii's question: They can't stand being without each other

[I couldn't live without you/I'm tired of pretending/It was inevitable/Do you ever think about soulmates/Like it was meant to be/the man you were becoming needs a woman/etc.]

....so maybe they'll seal the deal, don't you think?
over a year ago NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I think they will eventually end up together... maybe not as a relationship, but maybe an awkward admission of feelings & then more denial & flirtations.
< Getting ready to go to bed!
v Do you think Ziva stayed so strong in Somolia partially b/c of her love for Tony (& the team too)?
over a year ago Blue85 said…
^ Yes.
< ...
v What song do you think best describes their relationship?
over a year ago goodgirlmikey said…
^ It's hard to give a definite song for them because a lot of songs fit. And those songs depend on the circumstances/situations/moods too! But I think, the song that fits them the most is You Give Me Something by James Morrison.
< Still helping my mom with the damn Movie Maker.....shiz. She still has a lot to learn and she's trying too hard:(
V Will fraternization in the workplace really work for them?