True Writers The Really Random Collaborative Story We All Wrote! (aka the Olympic Dream)

cuteypuffgirl posted on Aug 06, 2012 at 06:58AM
So this is how it works, folks. This is both a game and a practice for us writers. So it starts with a line or a paragraph which the next poster will continue. After which the next. Okay? Alright, let's see how far we can do this :)

Story Stats:

Name: The Really Random Collaborative Story We All Wrote (or TRRCS for short)
Or the Olympic Dream.

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Rating: T... nothing above that.

Writers: Everyone!

A few rules:

NO SPAM! Don't post in this forum unless you're adding to the story. You can post your thoughts about the story [in brackets like this]

NO BADLY WRITTEN CRAP! Please spellcheck and beta your work before submitting. You don't want to be responsible for brain damage, would you?

NO COPYING! Everything you write has to be yours. Period.

HAVE FUN! Most important rule. Go crazy and just...WRITE.

K? Let's begin! Just start off with a random sentence, paragraph, chapter and we'll continue!
[b] So this is how it works, folks. This is both a game and a practice for us writers. So it starts w
last edited on Aug 24, 2012 at 06:43AM

True Writers 46 replies

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over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
[how about we each write one sentence. I'll start]

I've always wanted to be in the Olympics.
over a year ago hgfan5602 said…
But my parents always held me down- they always said that being in the Olympics was a waste of time, that I had to stick to my studies more.
over a year ago cuteypuffgirl said…
But studying wasn't my passion, gymnastics was.
I could bend and jump any way and every way. But every time I showed them, all they said was:

"Do you think being a human pretzel will pay for our house rent? No it won't. Now go back and study for you Biology quiz."

Things like that tend to annoy me.
over a year ago Dhampires said…
Then one day at school in practice at the Gym my coach came to me asking "Will you join the Gymnastics team?" she explained that she'd watched my talent- my passion for gymnastics and that it would be best sense they'd lost a team mate to terrible injury at the State Champion last year. I egerly jumped at the chance but when she gave me the form and said "You must have permisson from your parents." my spirt broke in half.
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
I got home that day, and told my parents. "Beverley, seriously. Gymnastics is a waste of preicous time! YOLO!" I hate it when my parents try to use "hip" words in the wrong places. According to YOLO, I SHOULD do gymnastics. I SHOULD take risks.
over a year ago cuteypuffgirl said…
Instead of saying anything else, I turned my back and ran up the stairs to my room.
My room can be described in one word:

A mess.

You have purple and green walls plastered with Green Day posters and a line of book shelves with rock music playing loud from my stereo.

Oh did I mention the trampoline?

"Stupid precious time," I muttered, punctuating every word with a jump. That was when my phone rang.

"One new message!"

Groaning, I picked it up.

When I looked down at the message, my heart skipped a beat.
over a year ago hgfan5602 said…
My coach had texted me. The text read:

You are one of the best athletes I have ever seen. If you can't join the Gymnastics team, then you can always join my other team- the Olympic Gymnastics Athletes in Training.

I was thrilled.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
I grabbed some Oreos off of my bookshelf to calm me down. Then, when I was calmed, I read it over again. I had skipped something.

The whole text read, You are one of the best athletes I have ever seen. If you can't join the Gymnastics team, then you can always join my other team- the Olympic Gymnastics Athletes in Training. However, you need sponsers to help you pay the cost. Text me back if you truly want to do it, and I'll tell you how much you need to raise. - Coach N

And as quick as I was thrilled, I was depressed. I knew it cost thousands of dollars for these things. That's when I almost lost hope. Then, I came up with an idea of how to convince my parents....
over a year ago hgfan5602 said…
When it was time for dinner, I broke the news to my parents.

"Mom, Dad, if I could get a scholarship to Harvard, would you let me join the gymnastics club? I promise I will continue to keep up with my studies. If you see any of my grades dropping, then you can immediately get me off the gymnastics club." I said.

My dad sighed, but he seemed like he was considering the idea. He always wanted me to go to an excellent school like Harvard.

"Well...I've been thinking about this for a long time, actually. And well...I think that you can join the gymnastics club." my dad answered.


"Bu...t....I can remove that offer if you continue to sit on me!!!"

I got off him, but inside, I was squealing with joy.

"But you have to promise me that you will continue to keep up with your studies. If we see your grades dropping, we can get you back from the gymnastics club. And another thing." my dad said.

"What?" I asked.

"Promise me that you'll have fun." My dad said.
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
The whole time, I knew my mom disapproved. I saw her quietly eating her Lima Beans out of the corner of my eye while my dad and I were talking. I can't blame her, we are short on funds. So, I guess when I suggested a scholarship, she almost HAD to support. It would mean that I could go to school for free, while getting the best education.

"Okay, Dad. Can you help me put up a website to help raise money for me to qualify?"
over a year ago hgfan5602 said…
"Sure thing. I'll go ask all your relatives to take a look at it. You can ask your friends to if you want."
"Okay, Dad."

over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
But the truth is, I don't really have any friends. I really don't want my parents to worry about me, so I've never told them. I sigh. Guess it's time to make some friends.
over a year ago cuteypuffgirl said…
The next day I decide it's time for change.

I keep my hair down and and dress in jeans and a tank top, throwing on the Abercrombie and Fitch overcoat I never wore as well. It itches, but I keep it on, just for making friends' sake.

When I reach school, I'm late. When I run into class, I collide head on with the school's most popular girl and local mean girl, Eileen Moriarty.

"Oooh, watch where you're going, Flexy," she says.

I bite back a retort. Flexy is the name she calls me ever since I bent like a pretzel during P.E. She finds it an insult.

"Speak for yourself, Ms. Priss," I say between clenched teeth. Before she can say anything, I duck under her arm and race to my seat.

And then our teacher, Ms. Rausch, enters, announcing something that makes me want to jump in joy and scream to the heavens.
over a year ago hgfan5602 said…
"Today, we will have a gymnastics class during P.E. It is free of charge and will be taught by the coach of the gymnastics club. One by one, each one of you will come up and tell us your name, and start on the pole-vault. Then, you will go on the high bars. You will have the choice to decide whether or not you want to do this or not. We will give you a score out of 10, and sevens and above will have the choice to join the gymnastics team."

I almost screamed. Thankfully I didn't. But still, I was thrilled.
over a year ago cuteypuffgirl said…
[lol I just realised I've been writing in present tense while you all are in past :P My bad]

As the day rushed by, I could only think of one thing: the gymnastics class.

By the time sixth period came around, I had soaked through my shirt in anxiety. This had unfortunately earned a jabbing remark from Eileen ("It seems someone needs a better deodorant which of course she can't afford,") but I eventually pulled through.

When our class filed into the gym, my heart dropped when I saw half the school there.

I was going to have to perform this in front of everyone.

I was so distracted looking around, I didn't even register the sharp jab to my knee until I looked down to see my enter class sitting on the floor.

My first thought was Apparently the bleachers are full until I saw who jabbed me.

My heart skipped a much needed beat.

He had black shaggy hair that looked so messy it was sort of cute (which kind of annoyed me since my own curly red hair never looked good messy.) and brown eyes that reminded me of chocolate.

And he was swearing at me which kind of ruined the moment.

"Are you deaf, bitch? Sit down we can't fucking see!"

Ugh boys.

"Whatever," I said as I sat down. I tried to get my mind off the annoyingly cute (uh...stupid) boy as the Coach began to speak into the megaphone.

"Afternoon, young students!" he said, "Today we are gathered here to begin a regime of training. There is a time for speeches, but now is not the time. I'll make things quick and easy. The person sitting to the left of you is the person you will warm up with for the next twenty minutes. Then you will be treated to a crash course in gymnastics after which you will be tested individually."
For some reason he seemed to look in my direction when he said that.
"Now without further ado, find your partners. Pair up and begin stretching!"

He put down his megaphone and waited.

Slowly half the student body craned their necks to the left looking at their partners.

I turned to mine and I could barely stifle the groan of horror that escaped my mouth.

Oh god, no. Why me?
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
Sitting right next to me, clearly not very happy at the moment, was Eileen. There was nothing but flooring next to her, so she absolutely had to be paired with me.

"What are you waiting for, Flexy?"

I bite my lip and start stretching. Eileen just stood there, kind of just observing me, when she shrieked, "OMG!! FLEXY HAS ON UNDERWEAR WITH MY LITTLE PONY ON IT!!!!!!!!"

That's when I lost it.
over a year ago hgfan5602 said…
I punched her in the face and yelled, "What kind of fucking ass do you think you are? You think YOU CAN BE SO POPULAR CALLING PEOPLE NAMES, MAKING FUN OF THEM ALL DAY?"

The coach glared over at me. He sighed. "Everyone, I think this young girl over here is warmed up enough. Let's see what she has for us today."

I was nervous, but inside I couldn't conceal my excitement.

I took a deep breath. And I flexed my muscles a bit.

I walked up to the mic, and said, "My name is Anastasia, but you can call me Taser."

The coach chuckled. As you might know, Taser was defined as something used for a gun that fires electrified darts to immobilize a person.

I ran down the runway, and accelerated into the box with the pole in hand. I got a really good bend in the pole, and I pressed it into the box. I forced my knee up into the air.

I drove down with my arms and legs, and this is really when I started to go up.

I rocked back, and popped up with my arms and legs to get a good grip on the pole.

When I got to the top, I stayed as straight as possible, and extended my body as long and high as I could.

I rotated around the bar, and let go of the pole.

I landed. Wait....what??? I LANDED? LITERALLY? I mean, barely anyone at the Olympics could get such a good landing. Not to brag.

Everyone seemed pretty surprised and satisfied with my performance.

Next came the high bars. I got a good hold of the bars, swung my body around once, twice, three times, until I thought I was flying.

I flipped my body over into a somersault and got hold of the bars again.

Then, I did a cast handstand.

I kept flipping around and around, over and over again, until I swung into a somersault once again and landed on my feet...kind of. This one wasn't that perfect, but it was acceptable.

The coach nodded, and everyone clapped. Eileen was pretty shocked, but she tried to keep that little smirk of hers on her face.

The coach held up a 9 and said, "Congratulations, Taser. You are invited to join my gymnastics club."

I literally screamed this time. But it was expected from everyone.
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
I stuck around to see who else I would be working with. I smirked when Coach N said, "Ahem, um, Eileen? I'm afraid you didn't make it." Which, I'm pretty sure, everyone was expecting. She fell of the high bars, and did some quite unnatural bends, plus, she hadn't stretched. She, however, was positively shocked, and infuriated at Coach. That got her suspended for the next 2 weeks. The next person to make it onto the team with me was...
over a year ago cuteypuffgirl said…
"Sup, my name is Fredrick McLawson...unnicknamed at the moment," said the black shaggy haired boy into the microphone as he finished doing three handsprings and four tuck downs.

"Well congrats Fredrick, you're on the team!" said Coach while displaying an 8.

I could tell Fredrick was disappointed he didn't score higher than me because he came over to me when he was done suitably fuming and look hot...uh, angry.

"The game is on," he muttered under his breath to me as he nudged my shoulder roughly.

When the trials ended, there were five other people on the team including me, Fredrick, two skinny blond twins named Alice and Meryl, a tall ninth grader named Rough (I'm not joking) a girl with dreadlocks name Tasha and (much to everyone's surprise) Suzie Williams, the school librarian's daughter who could pull off a decent front giant with her eyes closed.

But I guess the highlight of the day was when Eileen was picked up by her older brother an hour early because apparently she sprained her hand when attempted to imitate my climbing of the pole.

"I don't know why Father didn't just ship you off to boarding school when you were six, Eileen," he had told her gruffly. "You could've at least learned how to climb a six stepped ladder without crying."

And to top it all off, when I told my parents they looked at me and sighed:

"Well Anastasia Beverley Tyler, if it's really what you want..."

The rest of the sentence was muffled because I had leaped on to both of them, hugging them so tight they couldn't breath.

"Love you too!" they said somewhere in the mouthful of red hair.

It was the best day ever. That night, when I went to sleep, my dreams were filled with leaping gymnasts, fuming Eileens, cheering parents and (much to my mortification) smiling Fredricks.

And then the thought struck me.

We have our first meeting tomorrow and I have no idea what's going to happen.
over a year ago campcheerio123 said…
I could do everything. I could do floor, bars, vault, and beams... I don't know why I was so scared inside. It didn't make much sense.

But then another thought struck me.

It was because of Eileen. She was definatly going to be meaner to me than ever.
over a year ago hgfan5602 said…
Eileen no longer only hated me. Despised me. Eileen had pure hatred for me now. Pure envy. And, well...when envy and hatred are put together...there are no pleasant results. That, I can promise you.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
*2 weeks later*

The day I had dreaded had come. The day Eileen would be back. As I boarded the bus, Fredick and my eyes met for a brief second and then he glanced away. I blushed and headed for the back seat of the bus. The next stop, Evil Eileen boarded. She spotted me and started to head towards me. Adrenaline coarsed through my body.
over a year ago cuteypuffgirl said…
I expected a blow or a shove but instead she stood in front of as silent as a stone. Then she leaned forward and brought her lips close to my ear, her voice was dripping with venom and hatred. Four words.

"I will have revenge."

And she was gone.

The rest of the went better then usual. Random strangers cameo to me and patted me on the back saying congrats for pwning Eileen's face.

It was not until practice did things go downhill.

First off, we held our practices in the school outdoor gym (where everyone can see) because the indoor gym was taken by the basketball players. Secondly the uniforms: our school colors are blue and orange (go Bobcats) and some dork mixed up the shorts with the tops. Now we were stuck wearing blue shirts and orange pants. Someone please get a camera.

Then the first thing our Coach said was...

"To warm up, I'm going to pair you guys up with each other."

Since there were seven of us, the Coach paired with Suzie Williams and he began rattling names off.

"Rough with Tasha, Alice with Meryl, Taser with..."
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over a year ago hgfan5602 said…
The Coach took a deep breath. ".....Fredrick!"

I was kinda freaked out about being paired up with Fredrick, no, not because we're lovebirds, but because I haven't really gotten to know him yet. And I didn't know if he was a good person or a bad person. Ya know?

Fredrick walked over, glaring at the coach. But he had no choice to switch partners. So, the coach called us over. He said, "Taser, start swinging on the high bars. That's your weakness. Fredrick, go over there and start pole-vaulting. That's your weakness."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago campcheerio123 said…
I walked over the the bars. Again, that thing happened again! I felt as though I was a bird, soaring through the air, without a care in the world.

Fredrick was looking SOOOO hot pole vaulting. It was like.. WOAH.
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
That was when I heard a slight crack as I landed on my foot. I guess being on bars (aka way up high) it isn't a good idea to be looking at a certain smoking hot, uh, distracting person. Coach N rushed over to me since he had the the crack.
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over a year ago cuteypuffgirl said…
"What was that Taser?" he asked gruffly.

I looked down at my feet and felt a slight shock go up my ankle. Ouch, just a light sting, uh...I guess.

"Nothing Coach, just a light little... uh, pop?" I didn't sound convincing but he gave me the Eye.

"I saw where your eyes were Taser. Make sure you don't divert them next time."

With a nod, I turned back to see a smirking Fredrick (who by the way looked so frickin hot... Oh damn, I need to get these hormones under control) shaking his head.

"Yeah Anastasia don't divert your eyes next time. Even though you can't resist this ," he struck the most ridiculous pose ever and suddenly I had the urge to smack him.

"Shut up and go do pole vaulting, you self conceited bast--"

Unfortunately that was when I caught Coach's Eye again and I went back to the bars.

That was when I heard the scream and turned to see one of the team's members, Tasha, on the floor, an arrow lodged in her shoulder, with the unmistakable gush of blood steadily soaking her blue shirt.

And I turned just in time to see someone duck behind the bleachers. A person with curly black hair I knew very well...because I had spent years being hit in the face with it.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
I happen to know that Eileen is an amatuer archer, and that she was most certainly aiming for me, but barely missed, because Tasha was in the station next to mine. Also, if I'm not mistaken, if she had been on target, I wouldn't be surprised if she had aimed for my heart, because when Eileen gets revenge, she GETS revenge. I guess it's time to keep my eyes wide open and become a light sleeper, as Eileen is only a mile away from my house, and could most definitely run to my house in the middle of the night. I feel like telling someone, so I head for my best friend. Nick.
over a year ago cuteypuffgirl said…
Nick is one of the geekiest people on the planet.

Even though he doesn't go to my school (he's homeschooled) and is wheel chair ridden (Cancer survivor) he embraces his nerdy side... a lot.

Although he and I are like the geekiest duo on earth and pretty different, he is the guy who specialises in evilness (don't ask.)

When I reached his house after school, I found him on his front porch, leafing through comic books (que eyeroll.)

"Hey Nick," I greeted him.

He turned to me surprised, "Sup Stacey," he replied.

That's what he calls me, instead of Anastasia . Annoying.

"It's Taser to you now," I corrected him.

I heard him laugh, "Why are you here Taser ? Can't program your DVD player again?"

"Nope," I said as I walked up to him, settling down in a chair adjacent to him, "I have a problem. A very, serious problem."
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
"Okay, so, you know Eileen, right?"

"Gorgeous, Evil Eileen?"

I slap his face to get him out of his little day dream of Eileen.

"Yes, her. Well, she's out to get me. She kinda get suspended for two weeks because I kinda held a little rant in front of about half the school, and she blew her top."

"She's so hot when she's angry...." said Nick, shifting into daydream mode.


"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why do you need my help?"

"Well, this is my plan...."
over a year ago cuteypuffgirl said…
When I finish telling him what my plan is, Nick raises a skeptical eyebrow.

"Well Taser, that's uh... A bit complicated, no?"

I sigh, "That's the point. It's not about revenge, its about teaching her a lesson."

"But won't it interfere with your little Olympic dream?"

Cue eye roll, "I'm like, sixteen, Nick. I have plenty of time for that. Besides the nationals don't even start until February and it's December now.

Nick looks at me for a long time before answering, "Who are you and what have you done with the real Anastasia? I mean, you not caring about gymnastics? I think your hormones are getting to you."

I smack him on the head in response.

"Says the one daydreaming about Eileen."

"Hey Eileen is freaking hot. I mean have you SEEN her eyes. All blue and floaty and--"

"Nick!" I cry, "Focus!"

"Alright, alright," he groans as he adjusts his glasses, "What's the first part of your BRILLIANT plan oh great Taser?"

I take a deep breath, "I have to find a way to be friends with Fredrick."

"And I need to stand up and walk to the moon barefoot... Wearing a skirt."


*the next morning*
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over a year ago campcheerio123 said…
I grab my backpack, relieved that Eileen didn't kill me during the night.

*at school*

Eileen is no where to be seen. I ask her stupid little possie or "little b******s, I like to call them, where she is and they say that she got strep throat over night.

What a suprise.
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
I'm starting to rethink my plan. Is it really worth getting suspended for revenge? Then I shake of the question wit the answer, Of course it is, you dumb***! Just go and do it! And so, I was off to Fredrick. I had some major convincing to do.
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over a year ago cuteypuffgirl said…
I saw Fredrick by his locker with what looked like a couple of friends talking to him.

His black hair was messier than usual and hung in tufts across his forehead. It was all I could to restrain myself from my hands through it.

As I got closer, I started hearing bits of what their friends were saying to him when I suddenly realized they weren't his friends.

"Hey punk, didnja mommy buy you a Spandex suit for pretzel class?" one of them said.
He paused to grin manically, "Oh wait you dont got a mother!" The entire group started laughed and one of them shoved Fredrick against the locker.


"That hurts, don't it, you son of a b****? Well Imma punch and pummel you until you can't see the difference between the sun and the sky!"

He aimed a kick at his stomach and Fredrick just winced and doubled over. Another punched his face and with a shock, I saw a steady stream of blood pour down.

That was when I snapped.
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
Yeah, I do seem to snap a lot. Why? There are b****y people at my school.

[Sorry it's short, gotta go to my "Middle School Orgizantional Skills" camp my mom signed me up for (XP) 9-12]
over a year ago hgfan5602 said…
I walked over to the gang of boys. Yeah. It's not a good idea, is it? I yanked one of the boys over and kicked him in the stomach.

"Don't mess with him," I hissed.
"What? Oh, lovers!!!" He grinned.
"Shut your fucking mouth," I said.

I aimed a punch at his left eye. It was starting to swell now. He was shocked, I could tell.
I didn't notice at first, but Fredrick was glancing at me, with profound admiration.

[I'll post more later. The story's going on nicely!]
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
[^^I know right! I'm sorry, I'm just terrible with fight scenes. I can't write this next part.]
over a year ago hgfan5602 said…
[Okay, I'll do it then Sadie. I love a good fight. XD]

He walked over and scraped my neck. I grabbed him by the arm and hissed, "Apologize."
The boy just, you know, being stupid, shook his head.

I twisted his arm and threw him onto the floor.

The other boy decided that I was dangerous for him. Or did he? He pulled a switchblade out and headed for me. Inside, I was panicking. A switchblade against human fists. The odds were not looking good for me. But I still walked forward, hoping for the best. I was almost a black belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu, after all.

He swiped at me with his blade. I kicked his arm, and he swiped at my leg with his blade. I kicked him in the face, and threw his blade far behind me. He was panicking now, I could see. He ran down the corridor, carrying his friend with him.

Fredrick glared at me. "What was that for?"

I said, "I just thought you might've needed some help there."

Fredrick walked over and punched me in the shoulder. "Listen. I can handle myself, okay? From now on, you don't fight my fights. Is that clear?"

I nodded, but I could see a small grin on Fredrick's face.
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
I could tell my plan ws working. Now I just need him to admit it and REALLY like me, more than just for the plan.
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
[BTW, thank you!!!! XD]
over a year ago hgfan5602 said…
I walked over to Fredrick one day and said, "Hey."

Really, I was thinking, Seriously, Taser??? That's the BEST you can do?

Fredrick answered, "Hey."

[Sorry I'm bad at these kinds of "going out" stuff can someone else continue?]
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
[I'll try..... no guarentee it'll be good....]

"So, uh I was kinda, wondering if..."

"Sure." He said before I could finish what I knew would be awkward.

"Gr-great! Uh, how is, uh, Friday at 6?"


"Awe-awesome. See ya then."


Jeez, how did he keep so cool like that!?!? Was the only thing I could think of as I walked away, blushing.

*Fredrick's point of view*
over a year ago cuteypuffgirl said…
[I'm baaaaack! Gawd, the story's going well. Also I'm sorry but I can't do Fredrick's POV, I suck at writing guys D: Sorry! ]

When I went home that day, I nearly collided into the the front door when I realised something.

Holy mother of pie, I didn't even schedule where we would be going!

Smacking myself, I ran up to my room and pulled up my computer. On the school website they give you an email address that you use to email people. So you search up a person and then voila.

I searched 'Fredrick McLawson' and began typing.

SUB: Uh...hi?

I paused, my fingers over the keys. Now what?

over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
I think then start writing......

I kinda forgot to ask you where you wanted to go earlier.... ~.~... So, uh, e-mail me back, I guess.... Later?
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over a year ago cuteypuffgirl said…
Taking a deep breath, I press send. After two excruciating hours of waiting, page-refreshing, nail-biting and spilled Kool-Aid (don't ask) a new email appears in my inbox.

My heart drops into my stomach and I can't breathe when I hover the mouse over the message. I take a deep breath and click it.

I feel like hyperventilating as I read his message:

SUB: Re: Uh...hi?

How does the lil cafe by the park sound? Maybe some ice-cream w/ a walk along the lake?


P.S Anastasia? Lol, really? XD

I sigh. That wasn't so bad...well maybe except the jab about my name, but yeah, whatever. I begin to type a quick reply:

Sounds great :) See you there.

I'm just about to close the computer down when two messages pop up. The first one is from Fredrick and the second, marked urgent, from...

Oh god.

Coach N.
over a year ago sadiebugz00 said…
Which to click? That's the question. It just so happens that I am TERRIBLE at making desicions. I hovered over Coach N's message for a while, and I decide to open Fredrick's. However, whe I' mmoving my mouse, I accidentally clicked her message. It said:



SUB: URGENT!!!!!!!!!

Listen up, kiddos. Apparently some other school, Washington High, challenged us to a gymnastics competition. This school has decided that they're so good, they're putting it on the local TV station, so, we've gotta take it up a notch if you don't wanna look like a fool on TV.

Coach N
Gymnastics Head
Gym Instructor