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Twilight Series Question

What is your favorite part(s) from each of the books?

Skip a line for each book (it's easier to read lol) thanx :-)
Guys I mean what is your favorite scene in each book!
twilightGGlost posted over a year ago
 twilightGGlost posted over a year ago
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Twilight Series Answers

RATHBONE07 said:
I love everything, the hate, the love, the betrayel(not much of that) and the vampire and werewolf stuff:))
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I love everything, the hate, the love, the betrayel(not much of that) and the vampire and werewolf stuff:))
posted over a year ago 
I ment lime differnt scenes---like maybe the meadow scene in twilight---the reunion in new moon--the meadow at the end of eclipse---and lisle esme in BD---like that
twilightGGlost posted over a year ago
Sorry I wasn't clear
twilightGGlost posted over a year ago
mandapanda said:
In Twilight: I really liked Chapters 13 and 14. Chapter 13, everything was layed out on the table. He told her everything. She then knew what world she had entered. Chapter 14 was their first real intimate moment. Everything was new to both of them. They had never experienced the first glimpse of love before.

New Moon:
The more I read it, the more I love it. I'm team Edward, but this book focuses on her pain and how she can't possibly live without him. Chapter 10 when she falls to her knees in the meadow, we finally get a glimpse of how much pain she's in. In chapter 16, the cliff diving scene. She flung herself off a cliff to hear his voice. She was determined to do anything, safe or dangerous, to hear him. And all of Chapter 20 when she was reunited with Edward. And chapter 23. When they talk in her room, that was when they realized they couldn't survive without each other.

Eclipse: Chapter 20 and 22. Edward and Bella in his room. They make a compromise and a very important decision. And in chapter 22, when Edward and Jacob have a conversation, it was the first time we actually understood how much pain it caused Edward in New Moon, and how hard it was to make a decision.

Breaking Dawn: Chapter 3 and 5. The wedding and Isle Esme. The wedding was beautifully written and it tied them together forever. Isle Emse, well, I think it's obvious. lol And at the very end of Breaking Dawn, Edward finally was able to see into Bella's mind.
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posted over a year ago 
Wow! Those r my gave parts to and thanxs for understanding the Q...awsome!and I'm Team Edward too and I love New Moon too! Lol
twilightGGlost posted over a year ago
*fave not gave lol
twilightGGlost posted over a year ago
lauracullen66 said:
oh theres so many...okay

twilight: the whole q&a that edward did to bella to get to kow her better, the meadow scene, prom scene

new moon: when she spends time with jacob and she begins to feel happy again, when alice comes back to fok, reunion scene, tthe end of nm when they relise they cant live without each other

eclipse: the tent scene..its so intimate, proposal

breaking dawn: wedding, ilse esme, finding out shes pregnant, birth scene!(will be gutted if they cut it out), when edward "hears" bella for the first time(possible my fave moment) and the happily ever after...
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posted over a year ago 
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