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Twilight Vs. True Blood Question

If the Cullens were to fight the Vampires of True Blood who would win?

true blood because i rekon true blood were givin more strenght.
KatiiCullen94 posted over a year ago
and welll trueblood vampires get real human blood.
KatiiCullen94 posted over a year ago
 uscfever94 posted over a year ago
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Twilight Vs. True Blood Answers

ericsminion said:
Eric Northman could fight off the entire cullen household. Hands down (or cheeks up!)
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posted over a year ago 
katej1975 posted over a year ago
dimitrisgirl said:
The Vampires of True Blood would win defiantly
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posted over a year ago 
Cythraul said:
The vampires in True Blood are definitively the better vampires, but when one thinks about it...
The "vampires" in Twilight can't be harmed by anything else than a "werewolf's" teeth or another vampire's fangs. They could just bring a stake and stab the other, or silver and tie them down until dawn. But I guess they wouldn't have the brains for that, so the vampires of True Blood would totally win :3
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posted over a year ago 
zanesaaomgfan said:
Emmett will fight any of them and win. :>
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posted over a year ago 
aubzdall said:
The Twilight vampires aren't even vampires so easily, the True Blood characters would win! Boo-yah!
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posted over a year ago 
h4ever said:
totally trueblood. f***k to the sparkaly idots.bring back franklin cos he was a visous sicopath.
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totally trueblood. f***k to the sparkaly idots.bring back franklin cos he was a visous sicopath.
posted over a year ago 
exactaly and true blood vamps are stronger.
thomascromwell posted over a year ago
twilight is just silly fandom made worse by fan girls who dont know a good story when they should see one; aka True Blood, Anne Rice, Darren Shan, or the original of all vampires Dracula all those vampires could kick twilight fiary vamps and their wolves with one hand tied behind their back! so my vote: True Blood - cuz they are VAMPIRES!!
Faith-Rulz posted over a year ago
IloveOTH4eva said:
I'd say the vampires of True Blood would win because the vampire's in True Blood are much stronger and faster.
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posted over a year ago 
shannon1647 said:
TRUE BLOOD no doubt about it
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posted over a year ago 
The cullens would win because they have more powers in each vampire.
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posted over a year ago 
Nicoleandjames said:
Easy True Blood
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posted over a year ago 
haniff13 said:
I would deffinately think that that vampire's on True Blood would win because they seem more dangerous and vicious.
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posted over a year ago 
Remedy2013 said:
Definately True Blood vampires would win. They at least have fangs.
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posted over a year ago 
Gigilicious said:
I think it would be the cullens bcause they have different powers......
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posted over a year ago 
JezebellaX said:
I would love to pick the TB vamps because I just prefer the show more....but thanks to Meyer making her vampires all perfect Mary and Gary-Sues,they're basically invincible.

Oh well,brownie points for TB vamps actually being realistic three dimensional characters.(oxy moron?
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posted over a year ago 
slytherinangel said:
I'm pretty sure the vampires from true blood since they are to their vampire powers and vampire nature and don't have to hide it like the cullens have to.
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posted over a year ago 
MJodella said:
Are you kidding me? True Blood of course! Hahaha..
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posted over a year ago 
crazy_tahltan said:
i would say true blood. but then yet twilight. bcuz they have power on there side. it would be hard to say for me. but then yet true blood are vicious.
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posted over a year ago 
justliveitlive said:
True Blood, no doubt about it.
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posted over a year ago 
tammy63 said:
True Blood vampires
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posted over a year ago 
stephstar61597 said:
i totally think that true blood would win just because the cullen's can be broken with base ball bats which gives the true blood vamps a better chance plus they are way better fighters just compared to the action scenes that are in the show/movie
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posted over a year ago 
Anel_With_Sin said:
Can the Cullen clan fly like the vamps of true blood. I dont think so.
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posted over a year ago 
earthwoman65 said:
True Blood! If you think about it, the Cullen vampires are weak, they are not vicious enough to survive. True Blood Vampires are not afraid to kill other vampires. True Blood is Twilight for adults.
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posted over a year ago 
33197Dillon said:
I'm actually offended that so many of you sided with True blood! This just suggests you don't know what twilight vamps are capable of I guess.. Either read the twilight books, or search "twilight vs true blood vampires" on google and read the first article that pops up.. Then come back and re-post your justified decision.
I'm going to start off by stating the first factor of Twilight vampires that would allow them to quite literally obliterate the entire populous of true blood vampires - their unstoppable, godlike physical strength. Strength which is far superior to even the oldest true blood vampire. Twilight vampires are thousands of times stronger than any human, they are able to lift objects many hundreds of times their own weight. In breaking dawn, when Bella arm-wrestles Emmett, she describes the power in his one arm to be about the same as a cement truck moving down a sharp decline at over sixty miles per hour. Bella then proceeds to smash his arm into the granite boulder their arms were resting on, which splits in half. Emmett, angered by the loss, proceeds to kick the rock across a nearby river, where it slices two maple trees in half before thudding against the base of a huge fir tree, which smashes to the ground. Yeah, I know right. Also, while true blood vampires are definitely able to have sex with humans, twilight vampires have a difficult time achieving this, not just because of their blood lust, but because they are so ridiculously strong that they could smash the human to bits during intercourse. In addition to this, vampires in Twilight are so strong they need thunder to play baseball. They hit the ball so hard that it causes an explosive sound as loud as thunder, and the ball goes supersonic. Suck on that Eric Northman.
The second reason twilight vampires would own true blood in a fight is because of the fact that they are virtually indestructible. Their bodies are harder than granite, and so durable that humans can't even harm them whatsoever. Bullets bounce off them like they would off superman, and bombs are ineffectual to them, Unlike soft true blood vamps. In fact, the only thing able to kill Twilight vamps are other vamps, because they are strong enough to rip their "diamond-hard" bodies apart. Their razor sharp, unbreakable teeth also aid in this process. However, even torn into unrecognizable chunks, they can reassemble themselves. After they are torn apart, fire is the only way to destroy them completely.
I've seen every episode of true blood ever made, and I'm honest when I say in comparison, true blood vamps are weak and breakable.
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posted over a year ago 
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