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United States Of America Question

Question 4 ALL americans

HEY!!! Im a proud Canadian, & I have some questions 4 U!!!

So, how do u guys memorise all those 50 states? it seems hard! U guys work hard I trust. Not that we Canadians Dont. =)

Do u HAVE to know all the presidents? Cuz WE dont! we just hav 2 know the more historical ones. & our current one.

Y does coke taste different over there? I like da coke over here bettr, but its only cuz Im used 2 da canadian 1. Pleez answer! ^ if u hav eny questions 4 Canada, comment, I'll answr! peace!
You're canadian?Cool!I did a play about Canada last year for multicultural day and everybody thought it was hilarious.(Don't worry,we didn't make fun of you guys,we just put in some hockey players saying how they're so much better than Justin Beiber and a girl squealing when she touched Celine Deon)
percylover22 posted over a year ago
lol. cool. I agree on the Justin beiber thing.
justinfangrrl posted over a year ago
yes you must memorize all 50 states and capitals, its the same about the presidents like in canada you just learn about the cool ones lol :D
souleater117 posted over a year ago
 justinfangrrl posted over a year ago
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United States Of America Answers

LifesGoodx3 said:
1) It seems bad but I remember all the states because when I was in the fifth grade our chorus had to sing a song in which we named the states in alphabetical order, call Fifty Nifty Untied States, lol.

2) No, I don't know all the Presidents. I know all the recent ones, the historical ones & the first few.

3) I've never tasted Canadian coke, so I wouldn't know.

The video is of the song I was talking about ^^
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posted over a year ago 
Aw, what a cute song <3 I can't believe heard it before! *faves it* I was trying to sing along, but I keep going too fast XDD
EgoMouse posted over a year ago
aw. how cute!=D.
justinfangrrl posted over a year ago
percylover22 posted over a year ago
Great song ! Georgia is my state !
LadyNottingham posted over a year ago
ShadowQueen013 said:
Well for the 50 states it took me a while at first but I just got used to it since we talk about the states so much an how they came to be.
I don't believe we have to know all the presidents,well I dont at my school but we do learn about most of them.
And I never tried Canadian coke so I couldnt say lol
and this might be a stupid question but why is the Canadian flag a maple leaf? lol
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posted over a year ago 
because, we have alot of maple trees over here. & the guy who made it wanted that very tree 2 be the representative. =)
justinfangrrl posted over a year ago
SouthParkSmart said:
Hello Canadian buddeh!

We don't have to memorize all fifty states (well, I did in fourth grade, but I forgot). It's not too hard, though, because each state has its own characteristics and things they are known for.

Don't have to know all the presidents...I certainly don't! Just Obama and the more recent ones, and the famous historical ones. Good for you knowing some of the presidents; I don't know the names of any Canadian Prime Ministers. :-(

I don't know why; I don't think I've ever had Canadian coke. Interesting question, though!

One Canadian question: How did 9/11 affect Canada? I have a Canadian friend on here who was talking about 9/11 conspiracies, and I was surprised that she knew so much about it!
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posted over a year ago 
It affected us alot. We were absolutely appalled when we found out! but I don't know much about it. I was only 5 at the time.
justinfangrrl posted over a year ago
I mean 6.
justinfangrrl posted over a year ago
That's interesting. I was about the same age.
SouthParkSmart posted over a year ago
justinfangrrl posted over a year ago
UofLCardFan08 said:
1. When I was young, I had this toy (a Geo Safari) in which you were supposed to match the name of the state on a map. That's one way how I learned to remember all the names.


2. No one forces us to know every president. It's not like someone walks up to me and says 'Name every President in order!' :-p But I do know the historic ones, first ones, and recent ones in order (starting from Eisenhower). Nice to see a Candadian like yourself can name some of them. I honestly couldn't tell you a Prime Minister at the moment.

3. Hmm, I've never had Canadian coke, so I couldn't answer you that.
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posted over a year ago 
lol. thanks.
justinfangrrl posted over a year ago
frostydragon said:
1. In school we learned the states by sections. Like north-east, south-east, north-central, south-central, mountain then pacific.
2. Didn't have to learn all the presidents just the ones who were president during particular events and dates of historical importance.
3. There are 2 formulas for coke-cola. If Americans remember they tried the second here and it failed. So the second is used for shipment for other countries. The one that the American public didn't like.

Hope that was helpful, just thanks for the heads up if I ever visit I won't order a coke.
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posted over a year ago 
oh, okay, thanks. =)
justinfangrrl posted over a year ago
Your Welcome my uncle in law works for coke-cola in Atlanta.
frostydragon posted over a year ago
justinfangrrl posted over a year ago
Ace-Of-Spades said:
We just do mostly cause of school house rock i think
I only hade to remeber the most historical presidents but i think its required for history in colleges
I thik its just cause you think its different thats all but i might be wrong
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posted over a year ago 
alimazimmer said:
Warmest greetings to all Canadians! Here is a great way to remember all of the 50 states: Divide regions( such as northeast, northwest,south etc.) then arrange the states in that region alphabetically. Eventually group all of the regions together, practice filling the names of the states in alphabetical order--it works. Try to associate an event with a particular president, or alphabetize. I always believed that Coca Cola soda always tasted different due to the region where it is being bottled, perhaps the condition of the water(water treatment interacting with overall process)
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posted over a year ago 
LunaShay said:
Yay,random Canadian person!X3

1.It's kind of hard to learn at first,since it's alot,but,at my school,we make some songs and play a certain type of game to remember them.:D(And yes,I'm in Junior High.>_<)
2.No,gladly XD.I suck at memorizing all the presidents,All I can remember is George Washington and Abraham Lincoln..Because I suck at politics and crap.
3.I didn't know it did.I actually have no idea really,since I never had one of your cokes and I didn't know until now.XD

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posted over a year ago 
Sasume said:
1. Well, I didn't have to memorize the states in order yet...I hope I don't have to :P

2. Nope, but we need to know some historical ones and the current president (of course)

3. Canadian coke? Well I've never been to Canada so I can't really say...
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posted over a year ago 
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