misanthrope86 posted on May 28, 2009 at 05:34AM
Hello friends,

Now that the good old rating system is back in place, I think it is time we re-established the goals of the VRSOF.

link is the original forum in which we discussed some guidelines for the VRSOF. The main outcomes were:
1) Content submitted to the VRSOF for rating must not have been rated by anyone (unless of course the person submitting the content has already rated the content before posting the link).
2) Content submitted to the VRSOF must have been posted and unrated for at least one month. This time period was to give other fans of the the spot time to rate the content. For example, I sometimes visit a spot once a month and go on 'rating sprees'. Many other people do this.
3) Un-credited/un-keyworded content submitted to the VRSOF was either not to be rated or rated low, depending on the preference of the rater.
4) An unofficial rule was that medal-whoring was frowned upon, as the spirit of the VRSOF was to give people ratings that they deserved when other fans weren't doing it.

Clearly, when that insane new rating system came in, we were unable to identify how many people had rated content, so the VRSOF guidelines were undermined. But now that the old rating system is back again, the VRSOF should swing back into action.

So, in this forum, lets discuss the guidelines. Do they need revision? Do we need more guidelines? Less guidelines? Stricter guidelines? More flexible guidelines? No guidelines? What should be done about people who do not follow the guidelines?

VRSOF 32 replies

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over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
Sounds good to me. I'll admit, I've been neglecting the VRSOF... it's hard to find content that's actually worth rating anymore! Even here, you can't escape the credit-less crap with two generic keywords. *twitch* Anyway, I'm glad you've said something - maybe we can restore the spot back to its former glory. Looking forward to finding spots that actually deserve rating.

HEY! I read it! Stop it with the grapes! *ducks*
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
*puts down grapes*

Yeah, I have taken on the responsibility of rating so many of my beloved spots that the VRSOF has taken a backseat for me too. But I hope we can restore it!

I also think thatthe VRSOF could maybe take on more a promotional role, like, for advertising rating and informing people about rating.
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
...and maybe sponsoring public beatings of those who don't rate at all? =P
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
big smile
Oooooooooooo that would be awesome.
over a year ago Sazza said…
I read this yesterday but it was late and I was too tired to respond....I love the idea of only posting links that are at least one month old because then it does give people time to rate the stuff.

I also liked how before the forums were used to post unrated spots, links had to be made instead. It made it so much easier to see if people had rated the content already rather than visting the spot and discovering four or five people had already done it.

What do you think of only a certain number of people rating each content? I mean if someone says their images need rated only the first 3 three do it.

This is the way I do it, if I am part of the spot I am rating I rate anyway but if I am not part of it I only rate if there is less than three peple who have already rated.

If anyone actually understands what I have put it will be a miracle
*sits down and rubs head*
over a year ago DarkSarcasm said…
I don't think it's really necessary to put a limit on how many people can rate something... limit or not, if I see something posted here that's worth rating, I'll rate it.

I'm with you guys on the one month thing, though.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Sazza!

I guess that system of only rating content that has been rated by less than 3 people could be a personal decision. So if you see that 3 or 4 other VRSOF raters have already rated content, then you could choose whether or not you rate that stuff as well.
over a year ago smoore23 said…
I think what bothers me the most was the blind rating - people would give 5s to people who had little to no keywords or no credit. I did not like that. I didn't really mind if it hadn't been a month. But yeah, hopefully people will start following these rules again.
over a year ago heeeresjoyce said…
I can't think of anything to add to those guidelines. They sound good. Like smoore said, though, it bothers me when people rate things a 5 even though it has no or bad keywords and no image credit. Maybe we can do something to bring attention to that?
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
big smile
Thanks guys! Its great to get peoples opinions about this!
over a year ago katiemariie said…
Sounds good to me.
over a year ago McDreamyluva said…
yup, sounds good.
It also bothers me how sometimes ppl are posting really good stuff and are updating all the time but no one rates them. Like you see things like 50+ views with no ratings, it really sucks to be those who are contributing :(

oh and I really like the 'promoting ratings to ppl' idea! it sounds good!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KalziEee said…
i didnt realise there were rules here, i just thought you rated stuff for people and people did it back so thats why ive been posting stuff that have just been added like 5 hours ago.
i've read them now and will stick to them now ;)

and i agree with McDreamyluva about the lots of views thing.
over a year ago harold said…
No revision needed.
over a year ago McDreamyluva said…
hey I have a question, if you post something and it's been rated by one fan the next day, but u know that they're rating them blindly, eg. they can give you a 1 star and 5 star the next time, are u allow to post it here after a month if no one else rated the content?
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
I'm not sure what you mean... Can you give us a link?
over a year ago McDreamyluva said…
alright i'll see if I can still find it
over a year ago harold said…
My answer would be "no"; a person can't absolutely know how a person decided to rate any given content. It's either rated, or it isn't.

over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Very true harold. Of course, it would be great if people left a comment saying why they rated something low, so that we could try and improve our postings.

I guess if you genuinely feel your postings have been trolled, you should post them to the ATSOF and see if they can help.
over a year ago loves-oth said…
ok, little question here cause i'm new to this spot/club.

if a spot has over 1000 fans, do you still rate there? like i content hasn't been rated for a month?
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
It doesn't matter what size the spot is, as long as the content has not been rated for more than 1 month.
over a year ago kuhriissten said…
hi, i'm new to this club too and my question is, what if the content has thousands of views and only 2 ratings, am i allowed to post a link to that content?
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
I would say no. The VRSOF really is for unrated content, and while it is really annoying to see that your content has been viewed thousands of times but only rated by a couple of people, you at least have some ratings for it.
over a year ago kuhriissten said…
mmmk mmmk. so another question...why did you guys choose 1 month for the content to be out with no ratings? just curious
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
The 1 month timeframe is to give people a chance to rate the content. For example, if I post come images in a spot, other members of the spot may not notice and it may take them a week, or two weeks or a month to visit the spot again. And to illustrate further, in spots that I am active in, it sometimes takes me too long to rate all the content at once, so I will go back and rate when I have more time. So the VRSOF 1 month rule is there to give Fanpoppers time to rate the content.
over a year ago McDreamyluva said…
kk thanks harold!
over a year ago chameron4eva said…
So... VRSOF only rates stuff that hasn't been rated yet?

That sounds ok to me.

But what if someone asks you to rate their stuff, and when you go it, it's already been rated?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
If it was already rated when they posted it to the VRSOF, then I would suggest that you do not rate it. However, sometimes it can be very hard to know if other VRSOF users have just gotten there before you. My advice is that if the content has been rated by more than 4 people, then it isn't vital that more people rate it. It is very hard to judge sometimes, especially when there are a few people out there who just want ratings so that they can get medals. I guess it is a personal judgement. You could always ask another persons advice in specific situations if you are unsure.
over a year ago Nine00 said…
What if something is Un-credited because I made it myself? Would it still be rated low? If so, that would suck.
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
You should firstly, in my opinion, be crediting the owner of the image that you have edited (ie the photographer, the company, or at the very least the website you got the image from) and then you should also say that you made the image. If you don't say that you made the image, people have no way of knowing that you made it.
over a year ago chameron4eva said…
Well, I have a question about the credit. I post like 20 pics at a time, so I can't credit all the artists, so I say "several artists." plus, some pics that I find really have no artist. Would I get lower rates for that?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Definitly. You should take the time to credit all the individual artists, and bulk posting is not an excuse. Saying "several artists" is as pointless as not giving a credit.