VRSOF Link me your Links and i will Rate!!

BL_forever_love posted on Sep 15, 2009 at 09:16AM
Soo i really hate when medal whoring goes on and when things go un-rated...

So if you have stuff that has been on a spot for more than one month link it to me and i will rate!!

I feel that everyone's work should be rated and commented on sometimes to know if there work is good.

P.S - Im not going to rate if i know how you work and if it hasn't been there for long and if its been rated before!!!
And anyways its the VRSOF RULES... not mine :)but link if you want me to comment on your work to give my opinions!

last edited on Sep 15, 2009 at 09:59AM

VRSOF 3 replies

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over a year ago misanthrope86 said…
Please read the VRSOF Guidelines: link
over a year ago BL_forever_love said…
I read them, OPPS! but i fixed it :)
over a year ago ilovekud said…
PLZ! PLZ! PLZ! rate!! especially the older stuff on these spots.


ty for ur time! xo