Wishbone I need your help Wishbone fans!

Capo3tanya posted on Mar 04, 2021 at 09:43PM
Hello all, I have a story you might find interesting. I will pose my
Question before I explain it. Can anyone tell me which episode has
The kids all standing outside, then a swirling vortex opens up in the
Sky over a house?

The reason I ask, is because back in 2000 I was caring for a 99 year
Old lady named Gladys in her home. If I didn't have a sitter, they would
Sometimes allow me to bring my almost 2 year old daughter with
Me. On one of those days, Gladys passed away while my daughter
Was in the living room in her playpen.

About a week later we were home watching TV, Wishbone in fact.
The kids were outside and a swirling vortex appeared,
Like a wormhole or swirling hurricane in the sky. My
Daughter pointed to the TV and said "like Gladys, mommy?"
Needless to say I was floored, every hair on my body stood
On end.

Anyway, I guess I am just trying to revisit that moment. Can you
Guys help? And we LOVED Wishbone by the way, what a truly
Creative and wonderful show you gave our kids, thank you all!!!

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