Yugioh 5ds Signer RP

YugiohFanatic1 posted on Jan 16, 2010 at 12:01AM
For people who want to RP come here and RP,but you have to have a character.

Yugioh 5ds 233 replies

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over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex rode his way back to New Domino City on his Duel Runner when he first saw the first Dark Sign. Alex's mark started glowing and his cards where acting up. Alex thought to himself "What the hell is going on?"

Then he sped off toward the tower. He didn't know that Yusei was at his house wondering the same thing.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
My mark starts glowing and I close my eyes for a few seconds.I gasp."OH NO!I HAVE TO GET THRE NOW."I run to my duel runner and I sart riding to where the dark sign is."I have to get there quick."I rev my runner up and I start going faster.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex didn't know what he was doing at all, but he knew that he had to do something. He sped faster and faster. And then he heard someone's thoughts and he saw Emi Otani's duel runner behind him.

"Why is she doing here?" he asks himself as a person steps in front of him and he skidded off the road. Alex flew off and landed beside the road. He then heard laughter on top of him. "You think you Signers can beat us?"

Alex got up and saw a woman standing in front of him. "Alice?" he said as he tries to stay up standing.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I see him crash and I skid to a stop,then I run to him."Hey!Are you ok?"I say while cheking out the crash."Here,I can help you." I run to my duel runner,get some tools,and I run back to the guy's duel runner.I start fixing it up."So what's your name?"
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex turned and said "My name is Alex Yamamoto." He looked around and Alice was gone. He then looks at Emi. "What are you doing?"

Of course he knew what she was doing, trying to fix his duel runner. "I'll help." he said as he tries to get up but the pain was terrible.

"OWWWW!" he yelled as he fell to the ground.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I look back at him and I run over to him."Hey you've gotta rest! Come over here."I help Alex to a bench by his duel runner."I'm fine.I can do this by myself,you just stay there.Are you bleeding anywhere?Can you tell if anything is broken?"I say while fixing Alex's duel runner.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex looked all over his body and said "I don't think so. I might have fractured one of my ribs." he said as he watches Emi fixing his duel runner. "Did you see a girl where I crashed?" he asked as he looks around the area.

"I was trying to get back to New Domino City when my sign started glowing and I saw a Dark Sign..." Alex heard some things about Emi Otani in the street and he picked his words carefully. "I heard that you are a witch, that you knew things before it happens. Is this true?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I chuckle."You ask a lot of questions don't you?It's not true that I'm a witch.I'm a normal person,kinda,but no witch.I can see the future.And yes I did see a girl,but I wanted to attend to you first.You seemed in pain,so I stopped and helped."I keep fixing Alex's duel runner."I'm more of a protector.I duel anyone who tries to make trouble on my turf."I stand up and I examine the duel runner."Well that looks done.Ok now to check you.I'm sorry,but I'm going to need you to take off your shirt.I promise I will do nothing but examine you for any broken bones." I blush lightly,but I stay serious.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex was able to hear Emi's mind, as he removed his white t-shirt. "You don't need to apologize that you think that I am hot." smiled Alex as he throws his shirt onto his duel runner.

"You see I am a lot like you, and yes I can read minds like yours. That's how I was able to win a couple of big duels in the streets."
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I blush a dark red."I-I DO NOT!I'M SIMPLY DOING THIS TO SEE IF THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG!"I start examining Alex for any injuries."Looks like you have a fractured rib,like you said."I reach in my aid kit and get a roll of gauze.I start wrapping it around Alex's chest."Don't move around too much ok?"
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex just laughs "I can if I want." he said as Emi started wrapping the qauze around his chest. He couldn't help having the thought that someone was watching them. He takes out one of his cards and looks at it carefully. "My prized card." he said as he shows his card.

"It's the Red Sun Dragon. It has 2200 Attack and 1800 Defense. His special ability is when sent into the graveyard I can resummon him while I sacrifice 800 Life Points"
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I finish wrapping the gauze around his chest."SUGOI!!I HEAR THAT'S RARE!!My prized card is the Seeing Dragon.It's got 3000 attack and 2500 defense.Its special ability is you can special summon 2 Future Dragons to the field."I put my aid kit away and I hand Alex his shirt from his duel runner."Here.You also had a few cuts on you,so make sure to be careful with what you do,"I say while looking off in the distance."Now get on you runner.We have to get to the signal.I can see my mark glow from inside my jacket.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex pulled on his shirt and slowly pulled on his black leather jacket on and saw that his sign was glowing from inside his jacket's sleeve.

He get's on his duel runner and said "Let's rev it up!" and he sped off towards the city.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I smile slightly."RIGHT!"I speed off towards Alex.After a bit I catch up with him and I wave/salute with 2 fingers.I speed off faster than he is going.'I can beat him to the city!'I thought and chuckled to myself.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex just smiled as he smiled on her thought of beating him to the city. He sped up and caught up with her. "Hey Emi! Watch this!" He did a wheelie and got in front of her.

Then his Red Sun Dragon somehow got released from the card. A glow formed behind Alex and Red Sun Dragon started flying as fast as the duel runner. "What's going on!!!" yelled Alex as he watches his dragon flying without him being summoned.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I satre at the dragon in awe.Then I catch up with him."ALEX WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?"My dragon starts acting uo,too,and it summons itself."WHAT?!?!?HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?!?"I look in front of me and I see a person who looks familiar to me and I screech to a hault,almost tipping over.I stare at the figure and realise it looks just like my sister,Eri."ERI?!"I keep staring at it,then it runs away and I run after it."WAIT ERI!!"It runs around a corner and when I turn the corner the figure disappears."Eri....Was that really you?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex stopped right when he saw Emi stopped and ran to the corner. "Emi?!" yells Alex as he jumps off his duel runner. He grabs his ribs and the pain started acting up again. "Emi help me!" he cried out in pain.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I look back and I run to Alex."ALEX!!WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!DON'T MOVE TOO MUCH!!!"I wrap on of his arms around my sholders and one of my arms around him,and I help him back to his duel runner."Now stay here and don't move!!"I run off,with my dragon following me,and I run down the street to look for the girl that I saw.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex did what Emi told him to do until he lost sight of her. He looks at Red Sun Dragon. "Should I follow?" The dragon just looked at him and growled. Alex got up and ran down the street with his sign glowing brighter.

He ran faster and faster he didn't care about the pain.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I keep running as fast as I can.'I have to find her.I didn't even know she was still alive...Or was she...'I come to a fork in the road."Damn.which way do I go?"I stand there until Alex catches up with me.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex caught up with Red Sun Dragon. He didn't know why he took the left. He went faster and faster the pain was terrible. He just had to stop running. "Emi? Please help me." he called out with tears in his eyes.

Red Sun Dragon roared as Alex fell onto the hard pavement.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I look back with wide eyes.Seeing Dragon roars back and I start running towards Alex."ALEX YOU MORON!!"I say while running trying to find him.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex heard Emi running back to get him. He tried to get up, but the pain was terrible. "Hey watch who you are calling a moron!" yells Alex. Red Sun Dragon just stood in front of him guarding him until she finds them.

Alex all of a sudden saw his little sister Alice in front of him laughing. "You'll never win." Then everything went black.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I keep running around corner after corner."MAN THIS PLACE IS LIKE A MAZE!"I finally see Alex and I run up to him."ALEX!!ALEX!!!!WAKE UP ALEX!!!"I say while shaking him.I pick him up with one of his arms around my shoulder and I help him back to his duel runner.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
As Emi helps Alex back to his duel runner Alex felt scared as he goes in and out of consciousness. "Alice...Alice was here." whispered Alex as he tried to stay awake. He closed his eyes as Red Sun Dragon and Seeing Dragon flew over watching for any trouble.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I keep walking."Who's Alice?"I ask with curiousity.I see we start getting close to our duel runners.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex looks at Emi with weak eyes. "Alice is my little sister." said Alex as he looks at the duel runners. "She ran away a couple of days ago." He felt his ribs hurting more.

When they got to their duel runners, the wind became stronger and stronger. Purple light moved around them and when through them but nothing happened. "WHAT'S GOING ON!?!?!" yells Alex as Emi helps him back on his duel runner.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I stop moving when he says 'little sister'.'Did he just say little sister?'My eyes go sad,but then I see the purple light.I close my eyes for a few seconds."Oh no...We need to get out of here NOW!"I put Alex on his duel runner,then I get on mine and I speed off towards the city.'We have to get to the city and quickly.'She goes faster.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex follows Emi as a back up because of his injuries. "Emi! There's a shortcut to the city through the old city!" yells Alex as he sped past Emi. He did a sharp turn to the right and started going through the ruins of Old Domino City.

Red Sun Dragon flew faster and dodges every rusted up cars in the streets. Alex accidentally hits a bump and the rips started hurting more but he wanted to go through. "Emi! there's an old subway somewhere on your screen find it!" yells Alex as he jumps off an old bridge.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I drive with one hand and searches for the subway with the other.I finally find it."THERE TO YOUR RIGHT...NOW!!"I catch up to Alex,get in front of him,and turns where the subway is.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex took the sharp turn and went down the stairs of the old subway. He looks around and jumps into the tunnel. Red Sun Dragon still following him right behind him. He realized that his headlight on his duel runner he yells out "Red Sun Dragon use Fire Blast!"

Red Sun did was he was told to do, he took a deep breath and breathed out fire in front of Alex and the tunnel was filled with fiery light.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
"THANKS THAT WAS HELPFUL!!"I keep speeding down the tunnel with Seeing Dragon right behind me.'What's going on here?Why is all of this happening so fast?'She thinks.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex heard Emi's thoughts "I don't know why this is happening." He sped faster and faster. Then he saw a dead end and skidded in a stop. "Oh dammit!" yells Alex as he gets off his duel runner. "We have to take another tunnel!" he said as he puts his hands on his waist.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I skid to a stop as well and I get off my duel runner,and taking off my helmet."Damn..Well we could look around.Can you walk?"I look around and I hear some people coming.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex looks at Emi and smiles "Yeah my ribs are not hurting as much now." He then looked around and heard people coming. Red Sun Dragon roars as a person comes into view. The woman looked like she's been down there for ages.

Alex walks up to her "Hey who are you?!" yells Alex as he grabs his red duel disk and puts it on his left hand.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I put my hand on Alex's arm."Wait."I put my black and red duel disk on my left arm.Seeing Dragon stays rigth next to me."Who are you and what do you want here?"I stand with awareness and with my guard up.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
A fimilar voice came out of the darkness. "Alex!? Emi!? What are you doing here?"

Then Alex reconized the voice "Yusei!? Yusei! We are trying to get back to New Domino City!" said Alex as he saw Stardust Dragon, Black Rose Dragon, and Fairy Dragon flying above them.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I run up to Yusei."Do you think you could help us?Alex is injured and we need to get to the city,and FAST."
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Yusei looks at Alex who is struggling to stand straight. He walked up to Alex and punches him in the ribs. Alex just screamed in pain and fell to the ground. Red Sun Dragon just roared like it was in great pain too.

over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I stare in disgust."WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?"I run over to Alex and I make srure he's not too badly hurt.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Yusei just looks at Emi and Alex and said "How would I know if you both are really Alex and Emi?"

Alex looks at Yusei "Oh for Crissake! If I wasn't Alex how would I know that you got into the Facility for when you escaped the Satellite?" yells Alex as Emi checks his ribs.

Yusei just looks at them. Luna closes her eyes and then opens them again. "He's telling the truth Yusei." she said as she and Fairy Dragon walks to him.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HIM?!I MEAN COME ON IS THERE ANYONE ELSE WHO EVEN SLIGHTLY LOOKS LIKE ME.This is what I get for falling for him.'I sigh and I get up."You're lucky you didn't comepletly break his rib off!"I stand in front of Yusei.'I'm sorry Yusei,but I have to do this.'I punch Yusei as hard as I can.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Alex watches Emi punches Yusei. And heard that she had a crush on him. Something happened when Luna touched his ribs and the pain was gone.

Luna runs onto Emi and started pulling her hair. "You don't hurt Yusei!"

Alex just leans on his duel runner and smiles.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I start flailing around."GET OFF OF ME!!"I slightly scream in pain everytime she pulls my hair.I try to shake her off."HE HURT ALEX!WHEN YOU HURT SOMEONE YOU HAVE TO PAY THE PRICE!!NOW GET OFF!!"
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Luna wouldn't get off until Yusei rubs his jaw. "LUNA GET OFF OF HER!" Luna did what she was told to do. And looks at Red Sun Dragon and then Stardust Dragon. She was confused and then said "Hey Yusei, did you notice that his dragon and your's look the same.

Akiza looks at the dragons and was bewildered. "She's right." she said as Black Rose Dragon roars in agreement.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I rub my head where Luna had tugged on my hair."Man..You know that really hurt."Seeing Dragon can barely be seen,for it is clear.'I don't think anyone even knows about Seeing Dragon.'Seeing Dragon stays beside me and is very quiet.'It's a lot like me.I had no idea that your soul monster could be so much like you.'I walk over to Yusei and I touch him where I hit him."Sorry Yusei."I make sure I didn't hurt him too much."Does it still hurt?"
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Yusei just smiles at her. "Yeah not as much."

Alex jumps onto his duel runner and started heading towards a hole that he seen through Seeing Dragon.

He and Red Sun Dragon went through the hole without problem.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I smile and I look into Yusei's eyes."That's good.I'm really sorry I did that."Seeing Dragon roars slightly.'Ah..So much like me.'I look back at Seeing Dragon and I smile,and I think I could actually see the dragon smile back.
over a year ago hiddennobodie said…
Luna started jumping up and down and yells "ALEX IS GONE!!!" Yusei looks through Seeing Dragon and saw that Luna was gone. He jumps onto his duel runner. And follows him through the hole.
over a year ago YugiohFanatic1 said…
I run to my duel runner and I follow you two.'DAMNIT ALEX!!WAHT IS WITH HIM!!HE NEEDS TO STAY WITH US!!!'Seeing Dragon has a bit of trouble keeping up with me as I go past Yusei."COME ON YUSEI!!YOU HAVE TO GO FASTER IF YOU WANT TO CATCH UP WITH HIM."I speed off down the hole.