Recent Answers


If you can remove one emotion from your life, what would that be?

2 fans have answered this question

What do you wish for right now?

2 fans have answered this question
Machine Gun Kelly

What's your favorite song off MGK's 100 Words and Running mixtape?

3 fans have answered this question

Do i look like Justin Bieber?

28 fans have answered this question
Justin Bieber

Hey please please! Give me Justin Bieber's real phone number! 🙏 i b request u! I'm from India n I'm just 11! N i really want to talk to Justin Bieber! Please please! Give me his real phone number please!!! 🙏🙏

2 fans have answered this question
Justin Bieber

Which justin bieber number is real?

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What do you like most about Shrek?

4 fans have answered this question
Adam Sandler

What is your least favourite movie starring Adam Sandler?

2 fans have answered this question
Finding Nemo

What was your favourite part of this movie?

2 fans have answered this question

If you had a universal translator in your ear, which Disney character would you want to meet?

2 fans have answered this question

What do you love about Spiderman?

2 fans have answered this question
Black Panther

if the next movie comes out do you think the old Black Panther will come back to life?

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Have you ever gone to Disneyland or Disney world? If was it?

2 fans have answered this question
Taylor Swift

How many fans do you think Taylor swift has

3 fans have answered this question

Does MAN AT ARMS ride cringer/ battle cat? If so I need pictures

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Twilight Series

Is it just me that thinks True Blood is copyng Twilight a little?

19 fans have answered this question
Taylor Swift

What is your favorite Taylor Swift song?

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Taylor Swift

What is the best Taylor Swift song and album?

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Just a random question xD What do you do when you can't sleep?

1 fan has answered this question

What's your perfect night like?

2 fans have answered this question

By looking at this picture, what do you feel?

1 fan has answered this question

What is the best line from any of your favorite songs?

2 fans have answered this question

What are the characteristics of your ideal house?

2 fans have answered this question

What's your top most downloaded pictures about? (Top 3)

2 fans have answered this question
Harry Styles

What is HARRY STYLES favorite Color?

Answer: Harry's fav Color is blue and Orange

How big is your fantasy world?

1 fan has answered this question

If you were a unicorn ...what would you look like ?

1 fan has answered this question

Why do you like unicorns?

1 fan has answered this question
Magical Creatures

What is your dominant magical ability?

1 fan has answered this question
Alpha and Omega

What if A&O did had a series (based on the false news years ago on wikipedia)?

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Magical Creatures

If you could be a magical creature, which one would you be?

1 fan has answered this question

What is your favourite Christmas song?

5 fans have answered this question

What's your favorite thing about Christmas?

1 fan has answered this question
Jason Momoa

Does Jason Momoa have a VIP card or membership card?

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Would you rather see a movie at the cinemas or at home on DVD? Why?

12 fans have answered this question

What is the scariest movie you have ever seen? Do you like horror movies? Why or why not?

4 fans have answered this question

Do you like black and white movies? Why or why not?

9 fans have answered this question

Who is your favourite director and why?

3 fans have answered this question

What was the best movie you saw this last year and why?

1 fan has answered this question

What is your favourite movie of all time and why?

14 fans have answered this question

Which movie character or characters do you relate to the most?

3 fans have answered this question

Need a free movie website?

1 fan has answered this question

Can someone please help me Identify the film in which this gif originates from? PLEASE.

2 fans have answered this question

What do you think of Bridesmaids?

2 fans have answered this question


1 fan has answered this question

What movie should I watch?!?

13 fans have answered this question

who els is in <3 with perri kiely?

1 fan has answered this question

What 2013 movies are you looking forward to seeing?

24 fans have answered this question

What don't you like about Disney's Peter Pan?

3 fans have answered this question

What do you like about The BFG?

3 fans have answered this question

What don't you like about the sequels?

3 fans have answered this question

what was the last movie you've seen ?

12 fans have answered this question

Do you prefer The BFG or Peter Pan better?

1 fan has answered this question

Do you like The BFG?

3 fans have answered this question

does anyone know some cool site for moviefans? as for book lovers there is goodreads.

3 fans have answered this question

What movies could you watch over and over and still love it?

39 fans have answered this question

What is your least favorite movie?

19 fans have answered this question

What movie makes you laugh?

23 fans have answered this question

What do you think of the movie 'The Avengers'?

2 fans have answered this question

Rebelde Way Fans!!!

1 fan has answered this question

who's your fav characters from all the movies that you love the most?

5 fans have answered this question

Am I the only one that.....

2 fans have answered this question

What movie are you watching?

7 fans have answered this question

who is your favorite actor or actress?

106 fans have answered this question

Any suggestions for more 'subtle' evil warrior cat names?

9 fans have answered this question
Tim Allen

In the movie "The santa clause", 1st bathroom scene when he tries to shave there is a picture of 3 guys in a boat. Is this a REAL picture of Tim Allen (in the middle I think) and his friends?

1 fan has answered this question
Taylor Swift

What is your favorite song from Reputation

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Taylor Swift

What is your holy trinity of Taylor's albums? 🙏

2 fans have answered this question
Taylor Swift

whats your phone number taylor

2 fans have answered this question
Taylor Swift

Hi Taylor Swift what’s your number I want to hang out sometime and talk with you on phone

2 fans have answered this question

What is your comfort album? 🎼

1 fan has answered this question
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

Haruhi Suzumiya question. Who are the Radicals that Ryoko Asakura mentioned in The Melancholy of Haruhi-Chan Suzumiya?

1 fan has answered this question

Haruhi Suzumiya question. Who are the Radicals that Ryoko Asakura mentioned in The Melancholy of Haruhi-Chan Suzumiya?

1 fan has answered this question
Taylor Swift

What is the best Taylor Swift album

3 fans have answered this question
Twilight Series

Do you think that Charlie and Sue Clearwater possibly got together at the end of Breaking Dawn?

3 fans have answered this question
Bellatrix Lestrange

Bellatrix's Birthday?!

6 fans have answered this question

Does Booth live over sportsman liquor store that's always shown

1 fan has answered this question

How could Zack become an apprentice for Gormogon when he has both parents still alive? Gormogon's apprentice was always a widow's son!

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Warrior Cat Names: Give me some ideas of what you like and I'll give you your perfect warrior cat name!

13 fans have answered this question
Blue's Clues

What Getting healthy with blue ?

1 fan has answered this question
Taylor Swift

What is Taylor swifts number what to text her right

1 fan has answered this question
Jacqueline Wilson

Have you ever written to Jaqueline wilson? if yes, did she answer back?

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Taylor Swift

What is Taylor Swift's phone number???

4 fans have answered this question

Walter Jones and David Yost?

1 fan has answered this question
Taylor Swift

Is it fun at the Taylor Swift show??:)

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