Akame ga Kill! Ghost's Akame Ga Kill! RP

TheAdventGhost posted on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:46PM

Imperial Arms/Teigu
Form (Weapon or armor or mark.):
Trump Card:
last edited on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:57PM

Akame ga Kill! 2077 replies

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Showing Replies 1551-1600 of 2077

10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He looked at the mountain as he got down from the Air Manta* I never thought I'd see the day where even spiders would be interesting.... Given, I've got more of a dragon fascination myself.. *He said grinning, knowing what he said was biased by his power* Regardless, I guess sometimes even the ugliest of creatures can have quite a bit of elegance... Forget art.... This is a whole civilization of the things...
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
After looking out for a little longer, Kairi jumped down from the tree, "For sure... It's honestly really impressive."
Satoru led them through the forest, trying to get closer to Mt. Ashlis. "This mountain has been their territory for decades now, so they have everything basically perfected. As we get closer, we have to start getting more cautious before one of us winds up into their traps...."
Kairi followed behind Satoru, trying to be careful with ever step she took, "What kind of traps should we be looking out for anyways?"
Satoru explained, "There's a variety of them, but as long you keep a keen eye for their silk, you should be able to avoid them. Some will wrap around your ankles or body and either drag you out to their cave. Or, it'll keep you in the very same spot and they'll come out themselves to collect you.." Satoru paused for moment, noticing a line a silk that wrapped between multiple trees. He kneeled down to give it a closer look, "Some of them even work like tripwires and there's no telling what's gonna come at you."
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: So uh.... Say if I were to get caught in this silk.... Surely I could use my body to burn myself out of it.. Then again, these spiders are so advanced.... If the spiders themselves are along the lines of advanced, then if ibwere to guess.. Their silk may be quite advanced as well. They may can even imbue it a poison or something of the sort..
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
"You're definitely not wrong about it being pretty advanced... But, in all honesty, your flames still give you a pretty great advantage against their silk." Satoru explained. "Here I'll give a little example.." Satoru continued to lead them closer to Mt. Ashlis, now purposely getting himself stuck into one of the traps. Silk quickly wrapped around the entirety of his body, dragging him closer to the mountain.
"You're using yourself as the example!??" Kairi yelled. Out of panic, a shadow figure of a hand quickly emerged from the ground, gripping onto Satoru so he's not taken to the Zonatoths. Kairi ran up the shadow hand, slashing the silk that was wrapped around Satoru. But, the slash did little to nothing as it regenerated back around Satoru."The silk regenerates itself??"
Satoru nodded, "Yup! One of the many reasons why Isla wants them specifically... It also has a natural coating around it that'll start to eat at you after awhile, but Isla already has some plans on how to remove it."
Kairi sweatdropped, "You're explaining this so casually while wrapped in their silk already..."
Satoru grinned, "The coating takes awhile to kick in. Plus, I'm being protected by the 'finest New Empire's warriors,' aren't I?" He said, repeating Katsuki's words. "Another reason why Ren's fire works great against this. While it'll still regenerate, it'll regenerate at a slower rate after being burned. So, it'll give me enough time to escape out of it."
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He sweatdropped, looking at Satoru while he explained everything* Yeah, you and Isla deserve each other, that's for sure... Here... *He then did a controlled flame, keeping it on the silk and preventing it from touching Satoru* I honestly can't tell who's crazier, you or Isla.. Still, it's a good thing I came.. The only other Imperial Arm that may could cut it is Extase, and even then.....
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
Satoru dropped down as Ren burned up the silk. "Extase would definitely have better luck with it, but flames definitely make it a lot easier."
Kairi's shadow figure reverted back into the ground, bringing Kairi back down. She had a smirk, "Not gonna acknowledge the Isla comment? You two do make a pretty good pair."
Satoru blushed and just continued to move forward, avoiding all of the traps along the way. "Let's just focus on actually getting there, alright?"
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He smirked, realizing that Satoru didn't deny it* Fine.... [Looks like a bit of matchmaker needs to happen.. Interesting..] *He thought to himself as he followed along and avoided the silk traps along the way* So, Satoru... We might as well talk a bit since we're walking... How exactly did you and Isla meet?
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
Satoru thought about it, "To be honest, I've known Isla for as long as I can remember... We both grew up in the same small village together. We clicked basically instantly and there was never time you'd see us apart... When we were done with our errands for the day, she would drag me out into to forest just to keep finding new things she's never seen before... I just hung around, but a lot of our bonding comes from that..."
"Sounds like Isla alright... Was she always as cunning as we know her now?" Kairi asked.
Satoru shook his head, "That was all the Empire's doing... At some point Isla lost interest in the forest and started talking about going to the Capital......" As Satoru was explaining the story for them, the moment was playing word for word in his head...
In the forest by their small village, Satoru and Isla sat on top of a big rock and stared into the starry night sky.
There was a silence between them for a few minutes before Isla broke it. "Satoru.... I've been meaning to tell you something for awhile.."
"Huh?" Satoru still kept his eyes on the sky, "What is it?"
Isla felt a little uneasy, but if she didn't say it now she knew she would never do it. "I..... Satoru, I want to leave the village.... I want to leave to the Capital!"
Satoru's eyes was quickly taken off from the sky, looking at Isla with disbelief. "The Capital?? But why!? You have everything here! Isla there's no clue what could happen in the Capital, you'd be much safer if you just stayed here!"
"But, this isn't about my safety Satoru!" Isla argued. "It's about the opportunity... I can only do so much at this village, there's only so many secrets I can find about this forest.... But, the Capital? It's practically a whole different world over there!!" Isla grabbed his hands, staring at his eyes. "Think about all the research I could do over there, Satoru.... All the libraries I could probably go to!"
Satoru stared back at her bright eyes, "You're really dead set on this, aren't you..?"
With a big smile on her face, Isla nodded multiple times.
After giving it a little more thought, Satoru finally sighed. "If that's what your heart's telling you... Then who am I to try and stop you..? I want you to be safe, but I also want to see you happy...." Satoru's hands started to grip hers and he took a deep breath. "So because of that I'm going with you, Isla!!"
Isla's expression of excitement slowly turned into an expression of shock, "Wait.. wha...?"
Satoru continued, "I can't just let you go to the Capital alone.. I'd worry about you... The whole village would worry about you! But, it's what you wish... So, if you're going to the Capital then so am I!" He stood up, looking down at her, "Isla.... I promise you that no matter where you are, I'll always be there by your side... I'll always protect you!"
"Satoru...." Tears started to cloud her eyes. Isla immediately stood up, tightly hugging Satoru. "Thank you..."
end of flashback
Satoru sighed, "Ever since that day... I've always kept that promise to her.. And I have no plans on breaking it either."
"You two are completely adorable.." Kairi said. "All of that and you two are still just friends?"
Satoru blushed, "Well......"
Kairi tried to reassure him, "You don't have to hide anything, Satoru.. I mean, if anything it's just obvious."
Satoru scratched the back of his head, "I just... I've never admitted my feelings to her, you know..? She was never one to talk about her feelings like that, so I'm not even sure if she has the same feelings...."
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Well.... Even if one doesn't... The other should at least extend the olive branch. Look kid, you have a good heart. And believe me, this is coming from the guy that wanted you both dead... *He then rubbed the back of his neck* Which, II might as well apologize for... But, I believe that you should confess to her. Down to when you were both in the cells, it could be seen then... Your concern for her, when you said that you've tried to stop her. It was showcased then, everything may as well come full circle.. I'm not asking you to stop her from doing her work, but at least get it out there.
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Guess I really should just get it off my chest to her, huh?" Satoru said. "It's already been so long and our relationship is so strong that I'm sure it wouldn't affect anything either... If she rejects, I'd still always be there to support her.."
Kairi smiled, "That's the spirit!"
"Thanks Ren.." Satoru told him. He then chuckled, "Also, your apology's accepted.. I could admit we were a problem, so I'm not mad at you for it... But, I appreciate the advice."
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: No problem.... I guess you could say.... Not that long ago I was in the same predicament.... Though thanks to some surprisingly good drunken advice... I got the honor to be in a relationship with one of the smartest people in the realm.... A woman that even the old Empire considered a threat. Not to mention, she's got a funny and creative mind.
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi giggled, "Where's Najenda to listen to all this right now?"
Satoru looked over at Ren, "I think you could easily tell who'd be the next in line for marriage.."
Kairi grinned, "Not unless you and Isla beat em' to it!"
Satoru chuckled, "Please, it's not like its a race anyways... Besides, that's already rushing things! We've known each other forever, but I'd still want to take my time with her..." He then blushed, "If she feels the same way that is. Whatever answer she has, I'll still be happy."
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: [Well, at least there's that.. Still, to think we're getting along like this now... It's a complete 180 from when we first met...] You're right that it's not a race, and of course I can't wait for the day that I get to have Najenda's hand in marriage.... Though.. *He put his hand on Kairi's head* I can't wait for the day you officially become my sister in law...
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi's face turned slightly red, "You would think from how often it's brought up, I would stop blushing from the thought of it at some point..." She looked up at Ren, "Katsu's been so hush-hush about it, I can't even tell what's going in his mind... Heh, got any secrets you know he's holding from me?"
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Secrets? Oh, I see... You want to learn something early.... Well, sorry to disappoint you.. If he's holding secrets, he surely hasn't told me anything. Which I'd assume was just in case you decided to get nosy.. *He then looked at her with a grin* The only other thing I know from him is that he loves you dearly..
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi pouted, "I already get the joy of hearing him tell me that everydayy... Man, I guess it was worth the try asking."
Satoru chuckled at them, "I'm suree you'll get your answers sooner or later... But, for now we got other things to focus on again...." When they made it deeper into the forest and even closer to Mt. Ashlis, all the traps increased in number and were beginning to get more difficult to avoid. When Satoru was at a good scouting distance, he jumped onto a tree and looked towards the mountain. "A few Zonatoth's just went into a cave not too far from here... I'll sneak around in there to get their general positions and report back to guys, like I mentioned earlier. Sounds good?"
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Uh.... I mean it's fine..... But, if thing go south.. You better call as loud as you can.. I mean, with the idea of an advanced spider civilization... I feel like sneaking may be a bit out of the window...Sorry, is that pessimistic?
last edited 10 months ago
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
"I mean, if I didn't have anything to use to my advantage, then I'd definitely be on the same page as you. But, I think you're forgetting that I do have my own Imperial Arm for camouflage..." Satoru smirked, "You were the one who chased after me when I used it against all of you, remember?"
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Right, but I also have an enhanced smell and vision.... *He rubbed the back of his neck* Look, it's just.. I'm concerned is all... Not to mention, it would suck to have given you that advice and something happens... I'd rather be at your wedding, not at your funerals... That's all...
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
"It really is so interesting to see how much our relationship has changed since all of the incidents... From being at each other's necks to this.. It's nice...." Satoru thought to himself.
"I won't lie, you do have a point... As much as I have is my camouflage and daggers. In the chances you do get caught, you have better luck of getting out of there compared to me.." Satoru then grinned, "I appreciate the concern... If you want to handle the scouting, I have no problem on trusting the role with you."
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: [Right.... At least if I get caught I can burn the silk and use my claws to escape... I've got to do this..] Alright.... You two stay safe out here... Anything happens out here, make sure you get me as soon as possible.. Other than that, you kids play nice now... *He said as he began to make his way and scout the cave*
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
Satoru nodded as Ren proceeded to move closer to the cave. For being just spiders, they were incredibly big for their size and much taller than the average person, so Satoru still wanted to make sure he came out safe. Satoru and Kairi moved along the trees, trying to keep a clear eye on Ren. Once they found a good spot, they ultimately just waited for Ren to report back on what he saw so they can build the plan from there.
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He began to look around in the cave, seeing the spiders in a bit of a closer distance. He looked around, seeing the line they moved in* [Their size is unbelievable for spiders... But, I could just put that down to them being Danger Beasts... Still, if they're this size.... How big is the lead spider? That'll be the one we'd net the most benefit from.]
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
Even in the caves the traps didn't stop. While they weren't as abundant, they were still very much there and very subtle. The deeper you move into the cave, the more it would start looking like a maze with multiple different paths you can go through, some even being a dead end. It was a way to confuse anyone who dared to enter these caves, but also it was their way to connect all of the cave systems within Mt. Ashlis.
Located in the very dead center of the mountain was where the lead Zonatoth resided. There were only a few paths that led to center. But, there was also a gaping hole from the peak of the mountain that led straight down to that center cave. While it could've been the easiest entrance there, not many even knew about it and it's not the safest either.
Satoru and Kairi still kept themselves positioned outside, looking out for Ren but also keeping themselves well hidden to not get spotted.
last edited 10 months ago
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *As he maneuvered through the cave, coming across the dead ends and being slightly annoyed hy them. After retracing his steps, he then found his way to the hole leading to the center cave* Oooh... *He got a grin to his face as he saw it* It's not a dead end, which means it leads to somewhere quite interesting. *He then made a mark in the area and began to make marks as he made his way out in reverse, then emerging out of the cave* Alright... So I may have found the cave center... Where we could probably net quite the benefits... Anything interesting happen out here?
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
When Ren exited from the cave, Satoru stood up from his position, "Nope, we were just out here waiting for you."
Kairi rolled her eyes, "Yeah, until Satoru almost got himself spotted..."
Satoru crossed his arms, "I just wanted to have a look around the perimeter...... And maybe one of the Zonatoth's."
"You're lucky it was just one! If it was multiple, you would've definitely been caught..." Kairi said.
"I made sure to be carefull... If I got reckless, that would've ruined the point of sending Ren..." Satoru then shook his head, "Forget about what I did! What's it like in there, Ren?"
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Well, the caves structure is definitely interesting... But, most of the inside is different corridors leading to dead ends.... But, I did find an area that leads to a hole.. And if this cave is filled with dead ends, but an area with a hole.. That hole probably leads us to an area where we could get what we're looking for.
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
"A hole, huh? You sure the hole is safe to go down from? Don't want us stuck if an even worse situation." Satoru said.
"I mean, I could easily use my shadows to help us get down here. Not to mentionnn..." Kairi patted on Ren's back, "Someone here has wings too! That's if you could carry us both." Kairi giggled, talking to Ren.
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Believe me, I wouldn't have considered going down that hole if I didn't consider my flight...Not to mention, carrying two humans is child's play... Kairi will use her shadows to get us down there, and I'll use my wings to get us out.. Sounds good to me, does it sound good to you two?
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Sounds more than good to me!" Kairi responded.
Satoru nodded, "If you two are down with it, then it's perfectly alright with me. Lead us to the hole and we can get this whole thing over with."
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: You got it! *He began to lead them through the cave, following the markings he made in order to navigate through. The markings made it easier to navigate so they wouldn't run into the dead ends like he already did* Hey, at least you two get to walk straight through to get there... I kept running into the stupid dead ends... *He then said as they made their way to the center cave hole* Here....
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
As they made it to the hole, Satoru looked around. "You came across dead ends before finding this? They really don't want you anywhere near this hole then... This is definitely gonna be more than enough for Isla."
Kairi kneeled down, looking straight down into the hole. You could see nothing but absolute pitch darkness. "I wonder how far down this even goes... You can barely hear anything, even from up here.." She glanced around her, grabbing the nearest rock and throwing it down the hole. She listened closely to hear it land. "This definitely goes pretty deep down...."
Satoru just glanced down the hole, "Well, guess you gotta make sure the lead Zonatoth stays protected right?"
Kairi stood up, dusting off her legs. "Guess so." She then held out her hand and a shadow disc appeared along the edge of the hole. She jumped directly on top of it as it was going to be their elevator down. "Not enough to stay protected from us though... Get on!"
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: No time like the present... *He then got on the shadow disc* And here I thought your shadows would be nothing but an extension of your sword.. Your Imperial Arm really is quite interesting Kairi...
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Thank you! Since my mark isn't so obvious, I like to use that to my advantage." Kairi said with a grin.
As everyone got on top of the shadow disc, it started to descend down the center hole. The further they went down, the walls were crawling with more and more baby Zonatoth's. Using her ability, Kairi covered and trapped most of them under small shadow domes. "I guess I should've expected to see some of them here.. I can only hold them there for so long, but I rather not deal with them on our way down..."
As they continued to moved downward, they finally reached the center cave. Right in the very center was the Mother Zonatoth, much bigger compared to any Zonatoth they may have seen beforehand. Around the area were other working Zonatoth's, walking in and out through other entrances. Kairi kept the shadow disc hovering over them, still trying to keep them well hidden. She kneeled and looked down at the cave, "We're going to have to move quick here.. I can hold down most of them, but that means letting go of the baby Zonatoth's we passed earlier." She stood back up, unsheathing her katana. "They'll probably come down quick, so make sure to watch out for them too. Hope you guys remember the plan.."
Also looking down at the cave, Satoru took out his daggers. "I sure do.... It's time to light this whole place up!"
Kairi closed her eyes, trying to keep her focus. Beneath the Mother Zonatoth and any other nearby Zonatoth's, a large shadow figure emerged from the ground, almost like a tentacle. They quickly and tightly wrapped around each Zonatoth, forcing them to stay in position. Kairi opened up her eyes, "Now!!"
last edited 10 months ago
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Alright! Kagutsuchi, imbue! *He covering Satoru's blades in flame* Remember, the flame is controlled so it'll only be hot enough to penetrate the skin... *He said beginning to move, controlling the flame into his claws, beginning to take out the Zonatoths* I'd dare to say we hit the jackpot of Zonatoths here!
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
With Satoru's daggers covered in flames, he jumped right into the cave, targetting and attacking all of the surrounding Zonatoth's. He chuckled, "If anything, it's thanks to you for finding this part of the cave to begin with, Ren!!"
As the two fought the Zonatoth's together, the baby Zonatoth's started dropping down from the hole above them. Some surrounded the Mother Zonatoth as a way to protect her as she tried to struggle her way out of the shadow figure. Other's were going straight towards Ren and Satoru, but Kairi wasn't going to let that happen. With her katana still in her hand, she rushed towards the baby Zonatoth's, slashing through them. Right afterwards, she went straight to the ones surrounding the mother. But as she killed the last one, the Mother Zonatoth's escaped out of the shadow figure, ready to unleash its own attacks. "Oh no you don't!!" Kairi yelled. A shadow hand swiftly emerged out of the ground and went straight for the Mother Zonatoth. It successfully grabbed onto it, slamming it against the wall. "Ren! Imbue my katana in flames too and let's all attack the mother together!!"
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Coming right up!! Kagutsuchi, imbue!! *He said as he covered Kairi's katana in the flames* Now, it's time to go all out!!! I'll take out this things legs, then you two do what you gotta to finish it! [Just gotta move fast. Then slice fast!] *He then moved fast, using the flame in his claws and his speed to slice the legs on both sides of the Mother Zonatoth* Alright you two! You're up!
10 months ago LillyBlack said…
Satoru nodded, "Got it!"
Kairi released the Mother Zonatoth from the shadow's grip, "Got no where to go now!" She said with a smirk.
Satoru quickly moved in, targetting the main body of the Mother Zonatoth. He jumped high up in the air and spun along the body of the Zonatoth, slicing through the silk and body with his flaming daggers. "You're the last one, Kairi!"
Holding onto her katana tightly, Kairi dashed in and made the final attack on the Mother Zonatoth. With a clean, fiery cut she sliced right through the neck and sent the katana straight through its head. "That's all for Isla's quest.."
With Kairi doing the final slash, Satoru was left with a big, smug grin on his face. "We got everything Isla could ever need! Now it's just time for gathering all this stuff up and bringing it back out."
10 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Right, gathering the stuff... *He would stare at the dead mother Zonatoth, not really being sure what he had to do in order to help Satoru* Um...... So what exactly are we doing to gather this stuff that we need? Contrary to a popular believe, I'd much rather not stick my hands inside of a creatures guts...
9 months ago LillyBlack said…
"Especially with a giant spider? Yeah I rather not either.. But, I have it covered for the most part." From his pocket, Satoru took out a few compact balls that would stretch out into a net on impact. He threw them around, collecting all of the parts of the dead Mother Zonatoth and even of the other surrounding Zonatoth's. He made sure to get some of their webs get caught up in it too. He then grabbed onto some of nets fo carry it, handing some to Kairi too. "Just gotta carry them out! We'll meet up with the Air Manta again and we'll leave it on its back."
9 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Alright..... Then I guess it's my turn... *He then grew his dragon wings as he held Satoru and Kairi close to him, and tightly* I'll have to ask that you stay close to me and you hold on tight as well... Ready for takeoff! Let's go! *He said as he carried them into the air and made his way back up through the hole and back to the upper part of the cave, then letting them go as they all landed* Now... What do you say we take our haul and meet with that Manta.
9 months ago LillyBlack said…
On their way out, Satoru and Kairi held onto Ren for their dear lives as he flew out of there.
As they made it out, Satoru readjusted his grip on the nets, "The Air Manta isn't gonna be too far, so thankfully it's a quick trip back." He said, as he started to lead the way.
Kairi followed behind him, "Let's please get back to it quick too... These things are already starting to stink, bleh...."
(Mini time skip to the Empire?)
9 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
(Yep, I'll set it up.)
Ren: Hm, sounds good to me.
*As they escaped the cave and left on the Air Manta, it took them back to the Empire safely*
Ren: You know, if I see another spider at any point, it'll be too soon... Even just being in that cave, I feel like I need a hot bath.
9 months ago LillyBlack said…
As they made it back, Kairi leaned her back against the wall. "Mm, a hot bath does sound pretty nice.... Maybe even a massage too..."
Satoru took the any nets that Kairi was still holding onto to help her relax. "You two could take your time to rest now, I'll probably go drop this by Isla's."
Najenda then came along to welcome back the group, overhearing their conversation a bit. "Well, well it's nice seeing you guys back in one piece. Sounds like that Mt. Ashlis was pretty pleasant." She said, being sarcastic.
last edited 9 months ago
9 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: About as pleasant as can be... I'd hug you but... Well, you know... Fun spider infested caves.. *He then looked at Kairi* A hot bath AND a massage.... Well, I'm sure a certain emperor would be more than happy to accommodate you.
*Katsuki then came to greet them*
Katsuki: Welcome back..
Ren: Speaking of, there he is...
Katsuki: Hm?
9 months ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi watched as Katsuki came in, "Katsu!"
Najenda chuckled, "I think the new spider girl has a request for you..."
"Bleh, don't even call me that.." Kairi said with a shiver sent down her spine. She walked over to Katsuki, "After that whole thing, I was thinking a nice little hot bath and a massage would help me relax a bit... Think a little someone would be willing to help me out?"
9 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He blushed* A massage and a hot bath.... Of course.. [How many times have I been with her? Even the thought of giving her a massage brings my heart to skip a beat.]
Ren: He's blushing.. What goes on in that mind of yours? *He said with a smug look*
Katsuki: Shut up.... I'm just saying that I'd be more than willing to accommodate.. Besides, spider infested cave or not... I'm sure after any job your body is tense...
Ren: So you've done this before?
Katsuki: ..... Well, I hadn't given Kairi a massage before...
Ren: Ah, so it's long overdue.... Just make sure you don't get TOO handsy...
Katsuki: Again, shut up...
9 months ago LillyBlack said…
Kairi giggled, "If it happens, it happens... I don't think I'd quite mind if he happened to get a little handsy with it...."
Satoru sweatdropped, "I think this is my sign drop by Isla's now... With everything she needs now, she'll hopefully be done by later tonight. Then I could probably get her to finally fall asleep.." He said, starting to head down to her workshop. "The moment she's done, I'll be sure to report to you guys!"
9 months ago TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Will do.... I'll go ahead and run that bath in the meanwhile.. *He said as he began to head back to their quarters*
Ren: I guess I'll get a bath ready myself... Just make sure you knock for those two...
Katsuki: [Though I guess thinking about it, even since Esdeath I never really did massage her body.. Sure, we've connected closer... But, nothing beats a massage after a job and after a fight such as that.. It may not be able to be helped..]
*Not too long after, Katsuki ran the hot bath for Kairi, leaving the bathroom and sitting on the bed*
9 months ago LillyBlack said…
As everyone went on to do their own thing, Kairi headed to the Emperor's Quarters for her bath. Walking in the room, she noticed Katsuki sitting by the bed. "Mm, I can already hear the water running in there..." She said, starting to slowly take off her boots. "I know you're always willing to do favors like this for me, but... I really do appreciate this, Katsu.."