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Get Fit With Alyson



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Welcome to "Get Fit With Alyson," my new web series where I show you how to, uh, get fit! :-) I'll teach you all sorts of cool dance moves, since dancing is my favorite way of working out - you can actually get in shape and have fun at the same time! As the series goes on, I'll show you how to find your own personal dance style.

But being fit doesn't just mean looking fit - it means living a better, smarter, healthier lifestyle. So I also talk with other kids about stuff like dealing with anxiety, school, jealousy, self-esteem - the issues all teens deal with. I'll even talk about some things that have been going on in my own life, and tell you what I've learned from them.

"Get Fit With Alyson" is meant to be interactive, so PLEASE send me your thoughts and ideas, because I would love to read them! I hope you enjoy it, guys, and remember: fitness comes from the heart! Stay healthy, physically AND mentally! GETFITWITHALYSON.COM

P.S. You guys should also check out "Get Wii Fit With Alyson," my new show on the Nintendo Channel! I try out all the cool new exercises you can do with the "Wii Fit" Balance Board - it's waaaay fun! :-)
posted over a year ago.
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posted over a year ago.