Arthur and Gwen Wall

Displaying wall entries 11-20 of 1003

portiaadjei123 said …
arwentko1 commented…
Why yes we can portiaadjei123. Angel defo deserves them...all of them Brilliantly done. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
she was amazing really well done :D cant wait to see merlin and her face off the evil looks they were giving each other at the end was like bring it on BITCH :D over a year ago
DarknessToLight commented…
Agree. Angel is brilliant! All the awards! over a year ago
big smile
KshMcKenzie said …
Ya'll are probably going to tell me I'm late with the new Info but season 4 of Merlin is now on Netflix. I am now doing my happy dance. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel commented…
That must have just happened, cause I seriously checked a few days ago and they hadn't added it yet. over a year ago
hapybeinginsane said …
The new teaser video for episode 5x07 is up on BBC Merlin - enjoy!! It's looking good - link Posted over a year ago
KshMcKenzie commented…
Video wouldn't play :( over a year ago
CanadianGurl1 commented…
won't play for me either ...probably cause i dont live in the UK :( over a year ago
HPMad said …
Hey guys just posted on the articles board the synapsis for series 5 episode 9 if u wanna read it and all i can say is OMG !!! Posted over a year ago
HPMad said …
in some pics weve seen arthur standing in a lake with Gwen i think this will be next episode if Arthur figures out gwens enchanted (after Merlins told him cause lets face it Arthur aint gonna figure it out )he asks the old wizard (old Merlin) how to get her back to normall he says he's heard of a lake which can undo even the darkest magic .So arthur goes to the lake with gwen dunks her under and she's returned to normal -just a hunch you never realy know with Merlin but i hope im correct :D Posted over a year ago
KshMcKenzie commented…
I really hope this happens just like that because that's pretty cool. over a year ago
arwenlover said …
How do you work the 5x03 deleted arwen?? I can't watch it, and i NEED to watch it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
what has a video been released of them if so please tell me where to watch it over a year ago
hapybeinginsane commented…
What video?! If there's a video, I need a link to it. Now. over a year ago
arwenlover commented…
By the way, ellarose88, i adore your pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
arwenlover said …
"We've waisted an intier day!" Such a sweet line!! What is going to be most sad in the next ep, is that Arthur still loves Gwen, but she now hates him, so the wont be any true Arwen!!!!!!!!!! CRY!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
IrishBloodGrace said …
I think that the move that Morgana pulled with spoil the Arwen relationship. I hope that Merlin i figure some thing out and fix it Posted over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
yeah,i hope so or else..............XD over a year ago
HPMad commented…
Merlin will ALWAYS figure it out :D over a year ago
arwenlover commented…
If merlin doesn't figure it out, there would be no show over a year ago
arthurxgwen said …
I loved this episode. Finally, a focus on Gwen! And surprisingly, a relationship between Gwen and Elyan! Yet, it is horrible that I didn't shed a tear for Elyan when he died? Perhaps because until this episode, he has remained mostly non-existent. Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
we want more ARWEN over a year ago
arwenlover commented…
Uh... Yeah, i liked the episode (I like every merlin episode!!) But what the hell happened to ARWEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? over a year ago
Bonne-Bell said …
Can I just say how proud I am of Gwen? She went through such a terrible ordeal and still fought every step of the way. All it took was one mandrake root to send Uther over the edge (that's how bad they are) and Gwen was locked in a dark room surrounded with tons of them and she still continued to fight for her sanity. That makes me very proud of her, she's undoubtedly a very strong woman. Posted over a year ago
Queenbb1 said …
The beginning scene with Gwen, her brother and the knights was so sweet. I'm gonna miss Elyan and his sweet relationship with Guinevere. Posted over a year ago
afirewiel said …
All that, and we still didn't get an Arwen kiss!? Well, at least we got to see them in bed together. Posted over a year ago
Queenbb1 said …
This season of Arwen is proving to be more and more pathetic, boring, and just plain NON-EXISTENT! I'm pissed about the 5 months I wasted getting excited about married Arwen in season 5. I need therapy... Posted over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
u are not the only one,but i think we should have patience and wait for the other episodes to come. over a year ago
Queenbb1 commented…
I agree! I'm just in one of my "pissedoffcan'tbreathe" moods. You know suffering from lack of Arwen syndrome. over a year ago
vaniadinis commented…
mannnn how i miss the sunlight and the violin... :( but it was cute toooo see how much gwen is love by her husband and friend.... i was really piss when gwen said to morgana i dont want nothing from you and she answed only my crown. BITCH PLEASE over a year ago
arwenlover commented…
What happened to the: I've missed you!... Are you ok?... I'm fine now that you're here!... I love you... KISS KISS KISS? over a year ago
arwenlover said …
Why?? Why no Arwen?? Please!! I'm begging you!!! Give us more Arwen!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
portiaadjei123 said …
arwenlover commented…
What the hell?? NO ARWEN!!!!!!!!!!! ELIAN DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!! GWEN'S EVIL!!!!!!!!!!! What the f*** is going on!!!!!!!?????????? over a year ago
portiaadjei123 said …
OMG,i cant wait for tomorrow's episode.angel is gonna be amazing. Posted over a year ago
arwenlover commented…
I know!! I can't wait!! I'm sssssooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!! It's going to be great!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
HPMad commented…
The best one yet AHHHHHHHHH :D i hope for a nice Gwen and Arthur scene at the end (probable wont happen though) over a year ago
lilyjane820 said …
Bradley said arthur would do anything for guinevere! what a slap to the haters face LOL. Posted over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
yes,in their fucking over a year ago
vaniadinis commented…
i still still not over it...Ms MACHO James used the word love and gwenereve not gwen in just one sentence... he just makes me love him more over a year ago
gwethlin commented…
he did? where is the audio/video? over a year ago
big smile
EvieFriday said …
Hi. I'm new, and I love Merlin, been watching it from the start. However, I don't think I would watch it without Arthur and Gwen, They're so lovely and cute. Made for each other! I really hope we see more of them this season :) Posted over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
Hello, Evie. Welcome to the Arwen spot. over a year ago
KshMcKenzie commented…
hello How's it going? over a year ago
HPMad commented…
Glad to know im no the only one who thinks we need more of the husband and wife side to them. it seems its always gwen saying to arthur "be carefull or else camelot will find its self without a king " we just need more them (as a couple) on screen time. :D over a year ago
arwenlover said …
"They don't know you like i do, if they did, they would feel nothing but love." AND CRY Posted over a year ago
VampyreFey commented…
Ugh. That scene was so perfect <3 over a year ago
HPMad commented…
my rewind button broke because i just watched this scene sooooooo amny times it was the best by far out of ARWEN series 5 but we really havent had any arwen scenes so far come on writters we need more ARWEN :D over a year ago
ellarose88 said …
Hey I'm confused! Has someone posted the audio of Bradley saying that he prefers Gwen over Merlin? Posted over a year ago
KshMcKenzie commented…
Yeah They did he said for the Show its more about the Bromance with Merlin/Arthur but for Arthur when you find someone you truly love then that's more important then anything. I believe that how it went. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
i will never be a bromance fangirl it will always be Arthur and Gwen :D over a year ago
kenya1234 commented…
I see more of the bromance than the romance though I see that the producers are trying to add more of the romantic intimate moments as the series progresses. General Audience ratings mind you but they are atleast attempting to have more romantic intimate moments. over a year ago
vaniadinis said …
I've got say that i am so proud of the Arwen/gwen/angle army <3 you guys are amazing this place you guys have such good and possitve energy... I am clad and very happy to be a part of this spot... Posted over a year ago
kbrand5333 said …
WTF is this "500 internal server error" I keep getting? Irritating. Posted over a year ago
arwentko1 commented…
Very annoying isn't it? over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
ahhhhhhhh me too. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
I bloody thought I was the only one getting it. LOL its such a drag especially when meh is doing class work. over a year ago
HPMad said …
just read the deleted scenes of Arwen are you f*****g kidding me whoever did the deleted scenes for episode 3 needs to get fired seriously :( Posted over a year ago
arwenlover commented…
Where can u find them?? How did u watch them?? I really want too!!! over a year ago
ellarose88 said …
Everyone should tweet link and tell them how upset you are about A/G scenes being deleted. But remember to be kind! Posted over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
i'm just gonna do that. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
If someone has deleted scenes of Arwen can they PLEASE upload them :D over a year ago
minde31 commented…
sad over a year ago
EPaws said …
Have you all read about all the deleted ARWEN scenes from 5.03!?! This is criminal no wonder it felt off! Go read it. You will be livid and yes, it is time to make our voices heard on twitter to them cause this is totally sick. They are actually doing this to ARWEN purposely. Posted over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
words cannot describe how angry,i am right not funny at is wrong with them.i need to tweet now. over a year ago
EPaws commented…
Good woman. The more of us that do. The better. over a year ago
Tizzy_Amy1 commented…
oopss...sorry for the Caps locks xx ;) over a year ago
big smile
HPMad said …
Hey Arwen fans just added a fan video i found on youtube called Arthur and Gwen Payphone its only has 260 (on youtube) views and totaly deserves more Please watch Arwen fans its great :D Posted over a year ago
arwenlover commented…
I watched it... and i LOVED it!! It's absalutely AMAZING!! over a year ago
HPMad commented…
thanks for watching :D over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
When does episodes of Merlin comes on Sci fi? In America? Thank you. Posted over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
It'll likely be in January but I don't the release date for the U.S. has been announced yet. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
thank you mate. I was wondering I thought they usually come back in mid sept? over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
They do in England but in North America, it's always in January. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
ok thank you mate. over a year ago
gwethlin said …
is angel on twitter? Posted over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
No, she's not. over a year ago
VampyreFey said …
I rely on your honesty, Guinevere. And I love you for it.

OTP is perf <3 Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
i was rewinding this part sooo many times i think i broke my TV love our camelot OTP:D over a year ago
RosalynCabenson said …
For all who havent watched new series you can watch it on YouTube here:
or here:
link Posted over a year ago
Pauligirl628 said …
Would like to add a pic for my ID, can anyone tell me how to do that? Posted over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
Go to your proflie page. Click on the icon pic that you have now. It'll take you to a page where you'll see a tab saying "add new images". Click on that tab and it'll let you browse your computer to upload the new image. When you're done click on the "make image my user ID" box at the bottom, click submit/save and you're done. over a year ago
Pauligirl628 said …
I am a direct decendant of Uther Pendragon. Proud Posted over a year ago
HPMad said …
anybody seen the new clip of tommorows episode it was amazing :D
BTW ARWEN fans episode 6 is when Gwen gets kidnapped by Morgana that means plenty of Arwen scenes finally :D Posted over a year ago
Theogirl commented…
No. Any chance you or someone could post it here? over a year ago
KshMcKenzie commented…
Or can you tell us whree you saw it at? over a year ago
KshMcKenzie said …
I was just on Youtube MerlinsChannel has been removed or Deleted so I guess no more watching Merlin on Youtube unless someone knows of another channel or place? azwarrior has told me about Couchturner but that's the only other website I know of. Posted over a year ago
mrshafiz1 commented…
You can try MerlinJunkie on Youtube. But it won't be with full episode, mostly the video will be within 2-3 minutes/part by part. But at least I've got chance to watch Merlin S5. link over a year ago
HPMad said …
I keep reading in TV magazines that king odin was behind uthers death but i thought it was morgana who helped kill uther with the necklace that reversed Merlins magic?? anyone else get where im comming from?? Posted over a year ago
Theogirl commented…
Odin actually sent the assasin that ultimately stabbed Uther while Morgana finished him by reversing the spell Merlin was trying to use to heal him. He was going to die of the sword wound without magical intervention. Hope this helps. over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
What Theogirl said. Also the assassin that Odin sent was intended for Arthur but Uther defended him and got stabbed in the process. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
thanks guys :D over a year ago
jereimy29 said …
Well I must say that arthur's words where fantastic: I trust her... I love her... :) Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
his love for Gwen is never ending over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
they were,but can he atleast show it. over a year ago
arwenlover said …
Directors say that they are having less romance cause the main plot is between arthur and merlin, but thats STUPID!!!!!! They're going to lose a load of veiwers. I keep shouting at the tv for them to just kiss already, then they dont! And then i get really angry and upset and either shout more or start crying. Arwen is my life. And i can't BELIEVE that arthur and gwen arent going to have kids. HELLO?? That is the whole point of getting married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
really,if so then this show is totally fucked up.fuck all the writers,producers and directors. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
i heard the most viewers for last year (series 4)was episdoe 9 Lancelot du Lac im sorry who was that whole episode based around ow yeah ARWEN were asking for some kids and a kiss come on writters get with it already over a year ago
arwenlover commented…
Uhuh, I so wish there was more arwen. It just makes me upset when there isn't. But it's the directers falt, the writers put in loads of arwen, but the directers cut them out!!!!!!!! over a year ago
jereimy29 said …
omg what happenn with arwen this season???? arthur and gwen barely speak to each other, arthur must save her not merlin... no kiss, no hug... merlin and arthur look in love and gwen it is just an accesory mmm and next chapter mithian came back, nor drama or nothing???? sorry I am just so disappointing until now sorry maybe next chapters will be better Posted over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
i think we should have patience maybe we will get more of it.remember is 13 episodes and we are on the 4 ep. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
come on writters we want ARWEN :D over a year ago
Bonne-Bell said …
The pop-out ads on here are driving me insane. Can they please find a better way to display their advertisement? Posted over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
i know fucking annoying. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
so annoying over a year ago
VampyreFey commented…
Ugh. I know- such a pain. over a year ago
HPMad said …
No Gwen and Arthur kiss whats going on writters my fan girl heart is breaking there better be a kiss next week Posted over a year ago
LadyLoraine commented…
I know how you feel. It's just bad, how Arwen has had no real interaction so far. No scenes, where they are alone and just as lovers. Really disappointing until now. But I don't give up hope. over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
u are not alone dear,we arwen fans are all dying. over a year ago
Bonne-Bell said …
It just hit me. Both of Arthur's parents died on his birthday. That's so horrible. I wish they'd mentioned his mother in this episode and I guess he's never going to find out the truth about his birth. Posted over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
the writers are so plain shit. over a year ago
LadyLoraine commented…
Oh my god, you're right... this is indeed horrible. How can he ever enjoy his birthday!? -.- over a year ago
HPMad commented…
you guys are so understanding :D over a year ago
RosalynCabenson said …
Merlin Day!!! I'm excited for tonights episode! Though I have to wait till Monday to watch...I'm sure it will be great! Posted over a year ago
HPMad said …
i cant wait for tommorow especially for the scenes that arthur has with his farther .i read online he really has a go at arthur for marrying a 'serving girl' and i think my fangirl heart is going to break when he declares his love for her and fights for their relationship :D Posted over a year ago
2Sam11 said …
I deleted the Guinevere 5x03 link! It seems that it was untrue - let`s just see how it works out. One would think that people have better thinks to do, than to tell lies. Sorry for all the confusion. :) Posted over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
No problem, Sam. Not your fault. I really wish people wouldn't do that because now everyone's in a tisy over some lies that they were told. over a year ago
EPaws commented…
It is untrue and not your fault. Relax. over a year ago
Merlin-Fan123 commented…
---♥☆♥-----------♥☆♥ over a year ago
Queenbb1 said …
Hello all! Been following this fan page for almost a year now, and finally became a fan today! Excited to put my two cents in, here and there. Too many times I watch a Merlin episode and have no one to gossip with afterwards! So happy I'm here! Posted over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
u are welcome,honey.u wont regret. over a year ago
arwentko1 commented…
Welcome and have fun posting over a year ago
HPMad commented…
i know exactly what u mean its nice to chat with people who love it just as much as you do :D over a year ago
big smile
HPMad said …
I would just love a kiss between Arwen in arthurs bane part 2 something like arthur returns dismounts the horse and gwen just runs and kisses him so romantic or what(because she was so worried about him ) (sorry fangirl moment ) :D Posted over a year ago
arwentko1 commented…
I totally would love that. Hoping this comes to true. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
well see tonight YAY :D over a year ago
HPMad commented…
so dissapointed there best be a kiss next week or my fangirl heart will break ;( over a year ago
EPaws said …
Don't forget to vote for the Bradley and Angel respectively for NTA. This is the last day to do so. You have until midnight. Posted over a year ago
EPaws commented…
link over a year ago
HPMad commented…
voted :D and happy birthday bradley over a year ago
RosalynCabenson said …
Happy Birthday to Bradley James! Posted over a year ago
vaniadinis commented…
happy birthday to my ex-never-future husband James lol... over a year ago
natashaobatala said …
Someone commed that even qwen looked stuning she always was!!! Im so glad merlin us back on !!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
jereimy29 said …
hi everybody, I am jereimy and I follow merlin since season two and I must say that even gwen looks stunning, I dont like when she said that the maid will be killed mmmmmmm everybody was surprise she can send her away from Camelot but deadddd mmmm I dont like that Posted over a year ago
KshMcKenzie commented…
I think she just acting out of hurt because she thinks her husband is dead but I really don't think that Sefa is going to die. Do you remeber what Angel Coubly said in an interview she said that she has her own merlin and I think that what Sefa is going to be to her. over a year ago
VampyreFey said …
"Respect is to be Earned. It cannot be bought with blood." - The Once & Future Queen. I just adore her <3 Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
all hail queen GWEN :D over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
She owned it! over a year ago
RosalynCabenson commented…
so true! over a year ago
big smile
vaniadinis said …
merlin tonight even though i live in USA i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy jumping around the house like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Bonne-Bell said …
It's Merlin Day! Posted over a year ago
arthurxgwen said …
I haven't been on in a while. Has the queen and king photo shoot happened yet? Posted over a year ago
RoxStar09 commented…
Dunno! :I over a year ago
Bonne-Bell said …
Gosh, guys, I can't believe that tomorrow is Merlin day. I'm so excited that I can't even function at this point. Can't even concentrate on the work that I'm doing. Posted over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Oh y I know!!! I've been squeeing and screaming all day and night! over a year ago
ellarose88 said …
Okay I'm totally having trouble keeping with Stacey and Kim!! You two :) Posted over a year ago
big smile
HPMad said …
I love how i can come on here and just be Arwen obsessed none of my friends are in to Merlin so its nice to chat to people who are as mad on it as i am and love Arwen just as much as i do :D thanks for being there guys <3 Posted over a year ago
gwethlin said …
hi, new member here, hope you welcome me to the fold Posted over a year ago
DarknessToLight commented…
Welcome! over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
Welcome! over a year ago
LadyLoraine commented…
Of course, welcome! :)) over a year ago
HPMad said …
lovin the new pics of the cast :D Posted over a year ago
famfan commented…
Omg, yes so do I!!!!! over a year ago
LadyMorganafan said …
hi lovely arwen fans...I've had a long break from fanpop...this spot has really grown.1000++++ fans<33 love it Posted over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
Welcome back. You're just in time for the new season to start. Yup, we've grown quite a lot. over a year ago
ellarose88 said …
So has there been any word on that Angel/Bradley photo shoot? Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
i saw a new pic of them in the sc fi now magazine :D over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
I meant the lady something or rather magazine. But yes I saw that one and its very nice! over a year ago
EPaws commented…
link over a year ago
hapybeinginsane said …
Only one more Saturday to go without Merlin guys! Posted over a year ago
EPaws commented…
How cool is that? over a year ago
HPMad commented…
i miss my otp :( come on Merlin series 5 over a year ago
LadyLoraine commented…
*happy dance* over a year ago
EPaws said …
We must get a SHINE publicist to get off his fine posterior and schedule the K&Q Queen Shoot for that fashion magazine. We need each of us to tweet him and ask when the date is for said. No fangirling please. If you want not to turn a publicist off, be rational. Is it possible to get your brilliant selves to tweet re how you are looking forward to the new season and and ask the relevant question. Please and thank you:
link Posted over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
Hey Stacey! I just tweeted him! over a year ago
RosalynCabenson commented…
what is that magazine called, and is it a bradley and angel shoot or arthur and gwen I missed something... over a year ago
EPaws commented…
The same fashion mag that the other two did their shoot with and it is the King and Queen shoot as said above. Hugs. Well done ladies. over a year ago
RosalynCabenson said …
OMG not long and I get my OTP back!!!! I hope the episodes will be on YOutube...
Oh and I miss u all so much!!! Love the pics of brangel on the balcony *____* I so wish I cold've been there to watch this *sigh*
lots of lots of lots of love! Posted over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
I wish you were there too!!!!!!! I'd be like i was there as well.. Lots of great pics, I knooooooow!!!! over a year ago
HPMad commented…
I want to see them on the balcony *cry* i wish i could have gone .Not long now though lets hope for some loved up scenes in series 5 of our favourite Camelot couple :D over a year ago
DemurePrincess said …
Hi everyone I'm so excited Merlin s 5 is almost here! I live in Canada so it will take awhile b4 i get to watch it so pls kindly post any link where i can watch online if u know one. I really appreciate it. Posted over a year ago
kenya1234 commented…
I know. But it has been a long period for waiting. At least we have the Fanfictions as posts to keep us going. over a year ago
big smile
HPMad said …
We got some new pics YAY :D Posted over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
i love them,its perfection. over a year ago
vaniadinis said …
i just found out about merlin i love bradley, colin, and angel they are my live now lol it took me a lot of a work to make my favorite causin to love it i finally have someone too go crazy about and fangriling... PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS NOT THE LAST SEASON"(( IT CAN BE THERE'RE STILL A LOT of STORIES TO TELL... PLEASE LOL... AY I AM 23 AND MY FRIEND THINGS THAT THERE'S SOMETHING VERY WRONG WITH ME BECAUSE I AM DEPRESS OVER A SHOW LOL.... Posted over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Well my reaction was pretty much the same, which cause everyone around me to mock. but I'm sure everything will be fine in the end so don't worry! over a year ago
HPMad commented…
Dont worry no one wil think your mad on this page we all LOVE merlin just as much as u do can't wait for series 5 :D over a year ago
vaniadinis commented…
thanks i feel so at home now no one seemed to undertand how much it hurds lol over a year ago
HPMad said …
Do you think in series 5 they should do one episode where it is Arthur and Gwens Anniversary i think that would be so sweet :D Posted over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
aww yes, totally!! I also wanna see the flashback of their wedding, but I know that won't happen. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
Be great if they did :D over a year ago
kbrand5333 said …
I finally bit the bullet and made a LJ account. Come find me and friend me; I am lonely. Posted over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
Totally friending you! Also you should post your fics there! And pimp them on camelot_love and onceandfutures over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
What is your username? Can't find you! over a year ago
ellarose88 commented…
Added you Kbrand! over a year ago
hapybeinginsane said …
Happy September everyone! It's finally Merlin month. Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
When i go back to school and i write the date in my book instead of September im gonna put Merlin month beacause im sad like thatiand i really can't wait for series 5 :D over a year ago
Miouwee said …
September 29th is so close... Oh the first Arhur/Gwen scene better be an epic one Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
Yes it best be like AMAZING or else there will be some angry fans i would still like to see the photo shoot of Arthur amd Gwen if anyone has any pictures please post them :D over a year ago
merlinforever said …
Happy birthday Angel <3<3<3 Posted over a year ago
arwentko1 commented…
Yes, Angel have a very Happy Birthday!!! over a year ago
RosalynCabenson commented…
Happy Birthday Angel!!! over a year ago
Melisey commented…
Happy belated birthday! over a year ago
kbrand5333 said …
Is Fanpop being bitchy for anyone else, or is it just me? It keeps going back to the home page when I am trying to look at photos. Grr. Posted over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Don't know, Haven't had that problem before.. over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
Yesterday, it was constantly giving me error messages everytime I tried to get on here. I hope they fix whatever's causing these problems soon. over a year ago
kbrand5333 commented…
Seems to be behaving better now. Perhaps it had PMS. over a year ago
EPaws said …
Alison Jane Reid needs to know that not everyone in this fandom is an asshole and that we appreciate what she is doing. Counter morons always. We are better than this. Let her know we appreciate her efforts towards the King and Queen shoot and that the twits who want something other than what is in a photoshoot.

Time for gratitude. We are better.
link Posted over a year ago
EPaws said …
Seriously it is becoming clear that we need to bombard Merlin Official and demand to know when the King and Queen photoshoot is. Tweet the living poopies out of them. Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
Im demanding it too we need the photoshoot just something to fill the gap between now and series 5 :D over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Well the end of the month is soon, so they better do it asap or I'll get mad.. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
Were not asking for much just a couple of pics of Arwen :D over a year ago
ellarose88 said …
Yay my account is finally working! Posted over a year ago
EPaws commented…
Good for you over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
better late than never! :D over a year ago
hapybeinginsane said …
This was posted recently on DS forums by Lil Miss Blonde, as a reply to Courts4494: Quote -
(Originally Posted by Courts4494)
Do we have any info on Gwen and Arthur as a couple? Like certain scenes...? I'm new so I wasn't sure if this has already been asked, but I was juts wondering. Thank You!

Cant say much but as a Arwen fan I don't think you'll be disapointed :) Posted over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
I sure hope so, but my experince says not to trust that so easily. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
I think every Arwen fan is hoping for some great scenes of our favourite Camelot couple in series 5 im hope were not dissapointed :D over a year ago
Arwen4-ever said …
Wauw, omg. It's been such long time since I checked this page. They finally started showing Merlin season4 in Denmark, and today we had our first Arwen kiss... Yay! Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
Wow ur so far behind the UK we start series 5 on the 29th September!!! hope u enjoy the series 4 though :D over a year ago
HPMad said …
Read that in series 5 while Arthurs away form Camelot QUEEN GWEN comdems someone to death :O (just thought you guys would be interested :D Posted over a year ago
LadyLoraine commented…
Heard, she will be enchanted again (!) - could be, that it´s then, that she would do such a thing. I refuse to believe, that Guinevere would do such a thing, if she´s in her own mind. over a year ago
TheKingsWard12 said …
My friend in England says that the writers of season 5 say that Arwen may have a bedroom moment! CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
OMG where did your freind read this !!! I really would like to see them have children at the end of the series or begining of series 6 :D over a year ago
arthurxgwen commented…
There better be some sexy bedtime scenes, or I shall write a very angry letter directed at the writers. over a year ago
EPaws said …
Vote with your LIKE if you want more promo pics. Remember this is a business. Go vote LIKE for our King and Queen of Camelot.

link Posted over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
900, not bad.. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
More Pics !!!!!!!! PLEASE :D over a year ago
HPMad commented…
Just spreading the LOVE throught the power of Arwen family :D over a year ago
alishamau said …
I'm so excited for season 5. I hope Queen Guinevere's first scene is with Arthur and i hope it is sweet i just miss the arwen scenes so much :( Posted over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
I think at the SDCC, Johnny Capps might have said that Gwen's first scene is at the round table. It's not an Arwen scene per se but she's sitting next to Arthur in the clips so that's something. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
I hope we don't lose those Arwen scenes we love so much just because they are now married and king and queen of Camelot.Maybe we could have some sweet scenes of Arthur teaching Gwen to sword fight or talking about having children (just a thought) :D over a year ago
arthurxgwen said …
I am rewatching Season 3, and I forgot how amazing Gwaine was. He better have some interesting storylines this season. Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
How about a love story line for him i think it would be nice to see him in love, but also it will be nice to see his contribution as a knight of the roundtable with some action packed fighting scenes :D over a year ago
arthurxgwen commented…
At this point, I would go for anything involving Gwaine. He is amazing, well him and his hair. Lol. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
His hair with that cool wave thing that only he posess :D He really is a noble knight of VCamelot !!! over a year ago
HPMad said …
Is any body else addicted to watching the series 5 trailer of merlin just want to know if im the only mad peson out there i can't stop watching it :D Posted over a year ago
arthurxgwen commented…
I am also addicted. I can't wait until one of better quality comes out. I can't get over how badass Gwen looks. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
4 series to finally get our queen i agree she does look badass :D series 5 looks EPIC !!!!!!! over a year ago
DarknessToLight commented…
Me too. I'm so excited for S5! It will be epic indeed. over a year ago
Bonne-Bell said …
Hey guys, the women's version of the Anglo Fan Favourite awards has just started. Please go and vote for Angel. Here's the link:


I'll make another post in the images section but this site isn't letting me do it right now. Posted over a year ago
guen_evere commented…
VOTED AND PROMOTED HER ON TWITTER. :) ... and discovered that she has twitter... didn't know it before. over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
That twitter actually isn't hers. It's some fan who's using her name and posting as her. It caused a whole lot of trouble awhile ago. over a year ago
EPaws commented…
Just voted again. We have a few days to turn this around yet. over a year ago
merlinforever said …
Can everybody vote for Colin Morgan for the best actor for tv choice award and merlin for the best drama voting ends on 13th July hurry up!!!!!! Merlin needs to win Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
Everybody vote Merlin is a great programe and deserves to win :D over a year ago
big smile
HPMad said …
Can't wait for the preview at comic con GO MERLIN :D Posted over a year ago
Alexaa_ commented…
I wish I could watch it live :/ I hope someone will upload it quickly to youtube :) over a year ago
HPMad commented…
Im going onto youtube to look for it too.I hope somebody will record the whole thing.I really wish i could go :( over a year ago
Tassja_G commented…
OMG OMG I just realized this is happening in like a few days and I'm FIT TO BE TIED. The preview will end me. END. ME. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
AHHHHHHHHH Preview Tomorrow im sooooooo EXCITED :D !!!!!!!!1 over a year ago
HPMad said …
i can't believe the writers haven't even thought about gwen and arthur having kids i guess they will have to write it into series 6 now Posted over a year ago
arthurxgwen commented…
I know..I thought they same thing! over a year ago
EPaws commented…
You aren't actually buying that blarney, are you? Of course they have. They just have no intention of giving away a plot line, if they intend to do so. over a year ago
HPMad commented…
It can be really annoying sometime BTW my mum told me never to lie or keep secrets LOL :D over a year ago
RosalynCabenson said …
I'm online again! missed you sweeties! S5 can't come soon enough! I remember saying this last year already XDD Posted over a year ago
EPaws commented…
Welcome home, my dear. over a year ago
sportyshuie commented…
Missed you too ... good to have you back :) over a year ago
Melisey commented…
I have missed you too Rose. I feel like we haven't talked in ages. over a year ago
MsLondon2u said …
Guys love Merlin. Came in 2 yrs late,hooked! Played catch up. Wish Uther at death had given Arthur his blessing to marry Gwen. He knew can look at them & he could hear! Perhaps from the beyond he can do so. I need Gwen to be cleared.Reveal the enchantment. Lots of dresses for Gwen,she's gorgeous. All knights/Merlin/Arthur hot. Brad don't get annoyed we want you &Angel together/ damned hot together! Let us dream. Don't care who you date. No Gwen no Arthur No more banishing Gwen! Luv Giaus Posted over a year ago
sportyshuie commented…
well said ...:) over a year ago
HPMad commented…
couldn't have put it better myself over a year ago
big smile
goldenturkey said …
GOLDENTURKY here i just cant wait until season 5 Posted over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
Welcome to the Arwen club! over a year ago
DarknessToLight commented…
Welcome. over a year ago
EPaws said …
Actually this spot needs a mobile version. Trying to see anything with the current platform on an Iphone or blackberry is shite! Posted over a year ago
Bonne-Bell said …
Hi guys, lucerne28's fanpop account has been suspended. She didn't do anything wrong and doesn't know why they've suspended her account. Could you please send a message to the admins asking for her account to be reinstated? It's probably a mistake. I remember they did that to Issie once and after we sent them messages, they reinstated her account. Thanking you in advance. Posted over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
I'm on it! over a year ago
HumbleQueen commented…
Sure thing. Why did they do that crazy thing? over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
Update: Lucerne's account has been reinstated so no need to send any more messages ot the admins. Thanks, ladies. over a year ago
HumbleQueen said …
Good that we have the club search box back. But is anyone else having trouble with a Jordan Knight Old Navy ad? Posted over a year ago
tns31091 commented…
yes, it's on all my pages! it won't go away over a year ago
HumbleQueen commented…
at least I know it's not just me. When I click on certain things on the page, this Facebook thing opens. I wrote them. over a year ago
HumbleQueen commented…
Thank goodness it's gone! Nothing against Jordan but I was sick of him!!!! over a year ago
RosalynCabenson commented…
good thing I have AdBlock^^ over a year ago
vaniadinis said …
i hope this time they don't left Angel out of the promotions... she's very loved, not just in UK but all over the world... we wanna see her more and let her know that she's loved... sorry for my English lol Posted over a year ago
tns31091 commented…
unfortunately this is a problem that happens to poc, but still praise and love her anyway. over a year ago
DamonsLilBird said …
Currently where I am manky from we are having trouble with our cable networks ugh so I was wondering when does S5 of Merlin starts? Posted over a year ago
tns31091 commented…
in the fall over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Can you tell me what part of fall? I am trying to see if we can get our manky stations to pick them up again. Thank you over a year ago
tns31091 commented…
end of september 29th over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Okay so it would be sept 29th? Thank you mate ugh I thought I was bloody going to miss it. Oy well at least I didnt. Again thank you mate cheers! over a year ago
tns31091 said …
Gwen's new purple dress is the best so far- link Posted over a year ago
EPaws said …
Woot 1,013 Fans! Posted over a year ago
Bonne-Bell said …
Yes, they finally brought back the feature for searching each club. Posted over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
hallelujah! over a year ago
RosalynCabenson commented…
yay! over a year ago
EPaws commented…
About damn time! Enough of us complained about it. over a year ago
sportyshuie said …
Finally we have our wish come true, Gwen's royal outfit was stupendous. She looked every bit our queen. happy days. But the moment I saw Arthur in his usual chain mail, my heart sank. Come on! Chain mail again? Won't we ever see him in his kingly clothings? I don't remember Uther wearing chain mail all the time? I hope there's valid reason why he's still in chain mail because it'd be a shame to waste a hunk with all his ehem ... to a chain mail. He deserves equal attention too. :) Posted over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
I agree!! i want more shirts of sex ^^ over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
Me too. over a year ago
RosalynCabenson commented…
yes new clothing for Artie and Merls would be nice^^ over a year ago