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vaniadinis said about Arthur and Gwen
i missssssssssssssss the time i would wake up my roomate because laughingOL... the best part was the after eps where we used to get together and laugh about one another comments... only smart and funny people in this place GOOD TIMES</3 Posted over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
We're still here. Some of the ladies are doing a rewatch of the series if you want to join them. They have a discussion after each episode in the forum section. over a year ago
vaniadinis said about Arthur and Gwen
"till the day i let u go until we say our next hello is not goodbye"<3 ARWEN FOREVER Posted over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
What a beautiful quote and so fitting for them. over a year ago
arwenlover commented…
Stop making me cry!!!!!! :'( over a year ago
vaniadinis said about Arthur and Gwen
as an arwen fan and a person who really love and admire angel coubly i feel so disrespected and hurt about those comments a real professional should never said what that man and that little bitch katey were saying. that was so disrespectiful we loved the show we always supporedt them they should have never take a side between merthur and arwen those kind of conversation belongs to a fandom not to a grown up man.i know i shouldn't but i am hurt because i love my arwen and they didnt deserved that Posted over a year ago
HPMad commented…
Arwen is the best :D over a year ago
Bonne-Bell commented…
Nevermind him, he's a bitter ol' asshat who tried to get back at people after they wouldn't sign on for a series 6 and he got fired by his own company for running the show to the ground. That commentary was his last act of revenge. If he was worth his salt he'd still have a job so the joke's really on him. over a year ago
portiaadjei123 commented…
well,i cant stand both of them and they both are really can they even ruin us like that.what a bad day for me.i cantttttttttttttttttttttttttttt over a year ago