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Rose and Ten Playlist

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Rose and Ten Playlist | Head Over Feels Rose and Ten Playlist | We Just Have A Lot Of Feelings
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Your Weekly Dose of Rose and The Doctor Feels – Playlist Post #19
This past Saturday morning, I was enjoying some lazy snuggle time with my dog when my phone started going BESERK with text messages.  Now, I only know two people who would text me early in the morning on a Saturday, and my mother isn’t nearly fast enough to fire off several text messages in a row, so I knew it had to be Sage.   So I rolled over and picked up my phone.  And rather than tell you about it, I’m going to SHOW YOU:
Yes, dear readers, it’s true.  David Tennant and Billie Piper are returning for the 50th Anniversary special, which is filming RIGHT NOW. The BBC released a picture on Monday of Matt and David at the read-through (OMG DAVID HAS DOCTOR SIDEBURNS AGAIN).  What appears to be Ten’s TARDIS has been spotted by people trying to get a glimpse of filming.  IT’S ALL HAPPENING.
Common sense would dictate that Tennant is returning as the meta-crisis Tenth Doctor, lovingly known as TenToo, who was last seen taking Rose Tyler’s hand on Bad Wolf Bay in the parallel world in “Journey’s End”.  I have always said that other than the need to give Rose Tyler the happy ending she deserved that they came up with TenToo to give David Tennant a legitimate way to return to the series at anytime.
But this IS Steven Moffat we’re talking about so common sense clearly doesn’t necessarily apply.  And he hasn’t been the biggest fan of Rose Tyler in the past (JERK).  So we could be in for a whole world of PAIN come November.  But until then, I am going to remain in my happy bubble and squee over the thought of seeing Rose and TenToo happy and kicking ass with Eleven and Clara.  BECAUSE THEY ARE HAPPY, DO YOU HEAR ME MOFFAT?  Russell T Davies SAID so.  David Tennant said so.  So keep them happy and don’t kill anybody, okay?
Obviously, all the songs this week are about Rose and TenToo, so let’s get to it, shall we?
I had a different song picked out for this post, but as I was heading to meet Sage for dinner earlier this week, “I’ll Follow You” came up on my iPod’s shuffle.  This verse played and I paused as I was overwhelmed by Rose and TenToo feelings (the life of a fangirl, I swear!).  And then I hit the back button and started the song over again.  This song is so beautiful and delicate and McLaughlin’s voice conveys such a gentle earnestness that it made me think of this scene:
TenToo: I’m part human. Specifically, the aging part. I’ll grow old and never regenerate. I’ve only got one life, Rose Tyler. I could spend it with you. If you want.
Rose: You’ll grow – grow old… at the same time as me?
Look at Rose’s FACE in that gif.  Such a look of disbelief…the best KIND of disbelief.  She’s saying “Really?  We get to be together forever??”.  It’s like she can quite believe what she is hearing.  All she has ever wanted is standing before her…and is saying he wants to be with her.  If she wants him to be.   And as Sage just said to me: For the first time, forever means the same thing for both of them.
It had to be weird for Rose though.  To stand on the beach and watch the TARDIS disappear with the man she loved WHILE she was left with the man she loved.  It makes my head hurt just thinking about what must have been going through her mind.  I’m sure there was an adjustment period for them.  After all, TenToo, while still being the same man, is not QUITE the same man.  As Ten put it (oh so perfectly): “That’s me, when we first met. And you made me better. Now you can do the same for him.” It had to be a bit terrifying for her actually.  You can see it in her face as she watches the TARDIS fade away.
But then TenToo steps up and takes her hand.  Like The Doctor did so many times before.  And they look at each other and there’s this moment of “Hey…I’m here.  I’ve got you.  We’re going to be all right, you and me.”  And in that moment  you believe that they WILL be.
Category Doctor Who, Kim\'s Post, Music | Tags: Ben Folds,Billie Piper,Bright Eyes,David Tennant,Doctor Who,Doctor Who 50th Anniversary,Jon McLaughlin,Joshua Radin,Meta Crisis Tenth Doctor,Rose and Ten,Rose and Ten Playlist,Rose Tyler,Rose x TenToo,RosexTen,Sara Bareilles,Steven Moffat,tenth doctor,TenxRose | 10 Comments
Your Weekly Dose of Rose and The Doctor Feels – Playlist Post #18
Here at Head Over Feels, we got a big old case of the Anglophilia. Shocking, I know. But I think I might even be understating it. Maybe we’re not Anglophiles. Maybe we’re Anglo….fanatics? Fiends? Anglopeoplewithtoomuchtimeontheirhands?
Call our disease what you will, the symptoms are obvious. 80% of our favorite things come from the UK – movies, television…men. And music! In this week’s playlist post, we’re paying tribute to artists who hail from our spiritual home, the United Kingdom. After all, who understands our favorite ship better than the people from our show’s motherland?
Robbie Williams – “Heaven From Here”
And you’ll help too, cause the faith in myself
Know no fear, we will see heaven from here
Wish they’d make it more easy to follow
Now it’s clear, we have seen heaven from here.”
I will never forgive the United States for not getting into Robbie Williams like I did, making it virtually impossible that he will ever tour here. Then again, he’s too snarky and tongue-in-cheek to be fully understood and appreciated by the country that made the “Party Rock” guys into superstars. Robbie IS capable of great sincerity though, and “Heaven From Here” is one of my favorite of his ballads.
The Doctor is constantly torn between his personal desires and his moral obligation to the greater good. In Series 2 in particular, you can see – courtesy of David Tennant’s superb performance – that he can FEEL himself prioritizing his relationship with Rose as he never has with any other companion. The line that makes this song so perfectly Rose/Doctor is, “And I’ve been caught with nothing but love on my mind.” He loves her too hard and without abandon, which leaves him completely exposed just in time for the eventual tragedy.
But, as a truly hideous needlepoint up for sale on Etsy for $17.99 once said, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” The Doctor doesn’t have the luxury of dwelling on all his sads. He’s got work to do.
Finch: “Their lives are so fleeting. So many goodbyes. How lonely you must be, Doctor. Join us.”
Sarah Jane: “No. The universe has to move forward. Pain and loss, they define us as much as happiness or love. Whether it’s a world or a relationship, everything has its time. And everything ends.”
I texted Kim a warning about this video this morning, and I extend that warning to you, readers, if you also have serious Nine/Rose feelings.
Every companion holds a special place in my in cold, dead heart (even Martha, despite what you may have read on Twitter), but one of the reasons that Rose is my girl forever is that she has such empathy for the Doctor. Donna did too, while Martha and Amy, I think, see him as being beyond some human emotion. Martha, because she relates to him logically (thanks, Kim!) and Amy because he’s still her imaginary friend and retains some of that magical quality for her. But Rose feels it all, even when its at odds with her own self-interest. (Ahem, “Girl in the Fireplace.”)
“Of all of the things that she’s ever said
She goes and says something that just knocks me dead.
You won’t find faith or hope down a telescope
I’ve been complaining a lot about River Song this week, and I do apologize. I like her, I do. She’s ballsy and funny and has fantastic hair. But when
calls her the Doctor’s “longtime paramour,” I have to throw up a giant stop sign.
Please correct me if I’ve missed something, but we’ve never had proof from the Doctor that he ROMANTICALLY loves River like she loves him. The flirting is wonderfully entertaining and Matt is brilliant at it, but what does it MEAN? I interpret their relationship as this: the Doctor is very fond of her, but he’s protecting her feelings, or, as Kim once said, “humoring” her. Is that too harsh?
Maybe I’m just biased. But has any scene with River ever had as devastating effect on the fandom as “Doomsday”? Basically, if this love is more epic than his love of Rose, I need to see the receipts.
To any piece by someone who has only watched the Eleven years and refers to River as “the love of his life”:
Category Doctor Who, Music, Sage\'s Post, Television | Tags: Billie Piper,David Gray,David Tennant,Doctor Who,Doctor Who Playlist,Eleventh Doctor,Ellie Goulding,Guns and Horses,Heaven From Here,Jessie J,LaserLight,Matt Smith,Robbie Williams,Rose and Ten,Rose and Ten Playlist,Rose Tyler,RosexTen,Science and Faith,tenth doctor,The Script,This Year\'s Love | 3 Comments
Your Weekly Dose of Rose and The Doctor Feels – Playlist Post #17
How is that after SEVENTEEN posts about Rose and The Doctor that we still have feelings about them?  The answer is simple.  We will NEVER stop having feelings about them.  We have several friends currently watching
for the first time, and every text, tweet or Facebook status makes us flail over our epic OTP all over again.  We’re not even sorry.  So let’s dive right into our feelings for the week, shall we?
“The Best Day of Your Life” -Katie Herzig
We’re gonna get there real soon, real soon
Hold your breath, I bet that we will get there soon
I recently re-watched “The Christmas Invasion” and unabashedly flailed about during this final scene.  They are both so adorably awkward here as they both essentially say “Do you still like me?”.  I love the look of relief on BOTH of their faces as the answer is clearly “YES. YES I STILL LIKE YOU.”  This song sums up all the excitement and anticipation they are both feeling as they are about to start a new journey together.
Rose: And what about you? What are you going to do next?
The Doctor: Well… back to the TARDIS. Same old life.
The Doctor: Well I just thought… ’cause I changed.
Rose: Yeah, I thought ’cause you changed you might not want me anymore.
He may as well have passed her a note saying “Do you like me? Check yes, no or maybe.”
Of course Rose checked yes.  She always checked yes.
 “Between the Raindrops” – Lifehouse featuring Natasha Bedingfield
Living like there’s nothing left to lose
I think that “Fear Her” is a very underrated episode.  It gets a lot of hate because of the villain in the episode but there is so much good shippy stuff between Rose and Ten here, from his pouting over Rose calling a cat “Beautiful Boy” to their bantering about sleuthing (see the gif at the top of this post).  They are SO carefree and coupley in this episode, which makes the next episodes (“Army of Ghosts” and “Doomsday”) all the more devastating.  And look how disheveled he is! No tie.  A few shirt buttons undone.
As we love to say here: doing it, doing it, TARDIS doing it.
lines: “There’s a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive… wormhole refractors… You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold.”  (I love this line so much my friend Jenn incorporated it into my Christmas present this year.  It hangs by my door and I see it every time I leave my apartment.)
And lastly, I was forever devastated that the Tenth Doctor did NOT light the Olympic Cauldron at the Opening Ceremonies.
“The Guy That Says Goodbye to You is Out of His Mind” – Griffin House
“Relationships, I don’t know why, they never work out and they make you cry
You always did kind of drive me crazy and pissed me off ‘cause I let it faze me
Now I’m back in town for a day or two and mostly I came back just to see you
This is a very recent addition to the playlist.  As we tend to do throughout the day, Sage sent me the link to the song and the lyrics saying “Listen to THIS!”.  And this is how I know that Sage and I are soul mates: we then proceeded to IM each other the EXACT SAME LYRICS (the ones I posted) at the same time.  And then we yelled at each other via caps lock.
It should be noted that this was not the first time that happened.  I honestly worry that we share one brain at times. Luckily, it’s an awesome brain.
Let’s again ruminate on the fact that the Doctor wanted the last face his tenth incarnation saw to be Rose Tyler.  The first face that face saw.  It all comes full circle.  The end at the beginning.  Mostly he came back just to see her. (more…)
Category Doctor Who, Kim\'s Post, Music | Tags: Billie Piper,David Tennant,Doctor Who,Doctor Who Playlist,Eleventh Doctor,Griffin House,Jimmy Wayne,Katie Herzig,Lifehouse,Matt Smith,Natasha Bedingfield,Rose and Ten,Rose and Ten Playlist,Rose Tyler,RosexTen,tenth doctor,Train | 10 Comments
Your Weekly Dose of Rose and the Doctor Feels – Playlist Post #16
is a show about ordinary people finding it in themselves to do extraordinary things. It’s a show about racing past your horizons and seeing for the first time how truly terrifying and wonderful the world is. It’s a show about bravery and compassion and pride and sorrow. And it’s a show about hot people.
There was more going on in that police box than RTD and Moff were willing to share with us. Kim and I re-appropriated a classic 
quote that we use whenever we’re talking about the good stuff – the good stuff that we didn’t see, but TOTALLY HAPPENED: “Doin’ it, doin’ it, TARDIS doin’ it.”
Today’s playlist post is full of songs about how Rose and the Doctor drive each other completely crazy. This is a fun one, so put away your sads and get out your filthy minds.
Frank Sinatra – “I’ve Got You Under My Skin”
“I’d sacrifice anything come what might
In spite of a warning voice that comes in the night
Don’t you know little fool, you’ll never win
Poor Nine. He just doesn’t know what hit him, does he? In Kim’s last playlist post, she emphasized all the times that Nine has just been completely knocked on his ass by his gorgeous and brave companion. By the time he regenerates into Ten, the Doctor is resigned to his lovestruck state. But Nine is resistant. He’s just not the kind of guy to lose it like that.
Except that he is. We know that from the lengths he will go to keep her beside him. But Nine doesn’t allow himself to act on his intense feelings (“MORE FOR US,” yell the smut writers) until the stakes are life and death. And it’s hot. Crazy hot. No, I mean really hot, she is actually about to burn alive from the inside out.
How long was this line burning a hole in his pocket? I bet he practiced it in front of the mirror every night before brushing his teeth and putting on his K-9 pjs.
Christina Aguilera – “What A Girl Wants”
Holdin’ hands, makin’ plans and it’s lucky for me you understand
And poor Rose! She’s got none of that superior Time Lord physiology, just an average human sex drive. And she’s stuck hanging around this all day.
Talk about frustration. But even though Rose is unsure whether she’ll ever have 
kind of relationship with the Doctor, she’s not going anywhere. She’ll settle for just being near him. It’s really all she needs. Still, thanks to Cassandra, we know Rose is harboring some very inappropriate daydreams about pinstripes, chucks, and delicious hair.
Robert Palmer – “Bad Case of Loving You”
Kim and my shared head canon says that there has been plenty of sexytimes on the TARDIS. We’re just not allowed to see it, because it’s a (boo) “family show.” But come on, BBC! You’re not subject to the same prudish censorship as our channels are. I thought that “family show” in Europe meant you were only allowed to see six topless women per hour.
Especially in the Eleven years, other characters make plenty of references to the fact that the Doctor is a bit of a rogue and has bedded plenty of historical figures. So if that’s true, are we honestly supposed to think that, in the years he traveled alone with the woman he loves, they never got it in? These two can’t fool me.
Category Doctor Who, Music, Sage\'s Post, Television | Tags: Bad Case of Lovin You,Billie Piper,Christina Aguilera,Christopher Eccleston,Cole Porter,Come to My Window Melissa Etheridge,David Tennant,Eleventh Doctor,Frank Sinatra,Heart Attack,I\'ve Got You Under My Skin,Matt Smith,ninth doctor,One Director,Robert Palmer,Rose and Eleven,Rose and Nine,Rose and Ten,Rose and Ten Playlist,Rose Tyler,tenth doctor,What a Girl Wants | 2 Comments
Your Weekly Dose of Rose and the Doctor Feels – Playlist Post #15
It should surprise no one that Sage and I are big fans of the phenomenon known as WGWG (White Guy With Guitar).  WGWG fever is sweeping the nation…just look at the last five winners of
(which at least one of them had no business winning, but that’s a rant for another post).  There’s just something about a (cute) guy with a guitar or a piano that stirs all sorts of adoration within the hearts of tweens (or tweens at heart like we are) everywhere.  I mean…WGWGs are always incredibly in touch with their emotions.  They write lovey-dovey songs or songs so filled with agony that you can’t HELP but cry over them.  And then want to snuggle the WGWG and take away all their pain.   So naturally, there are quite a few WGWG songs on our Rose and The Doctor playlist.  Let’s take a look at a few shall we?
“Love Comes Tumbling Down- Matt Nathanson
Spin you round through the roar of this crowd tonight, tonight
Dance you round through the bones of this town until daylight comes
Hope, hope will set this world of wrong to right, to right
This song makes me think of any moment that The Doctor completely gets bowled over by Rose.   This moment from “The Unquiet Dead” is the one that comes to mind…
[Rose stops laughing and smiles instead. The Doctor looks away, awkwardly]
JUST LOOK AT HIS FACE.  So bowled over by her that he even the romantic comedy cliché giant swallow upon seeing her (though to quote Sage ” he did it an imperceptible, timelord-y way”).  And I love how he awkwardly tries to cover up how besotted he is by immediately insulting her species.   And then the way he extends his arm and says delightedly, “Ready for this? Here we go. History!”?  You aren’t fooling ANYONE, Doctor.  You are the very definition of “besotted”, sir.
“I Won’t Give Up” – Jason Mraz
“I don’t wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I’m here to stay and make the difference that I can make
And in the end, you’re still my friend at least we did intend
I had to learn what I’ve got, and what I’m not, and who I am
I’m still looking up, still looking up.”
The Doctor (hologram): This is Emergency Program One. Rose, now listen. This is important. If this message is activated then it can only mean one thing: we must be in danger. And I mean fatal. I’m dead, or about to die any second with no chance of escape—
The Doctor (hologram): —and that’s okay. I hope it’s a good death. But I promised to look after you and that’s what I’m doing. The TARDIS is taking you home—
The Doctor (hologram): —And I bet you’re fussing and moaning now. Typical. But just hold on and listen a bit more. The TARDIS can never return for me. Emergency Program One means I’m facing an enemy that should never get their hands on this machine. So this is what you should do: let the TARDIS die. Just let this old box gather dust. No one can open it, no one will even notice it. Let it become a strange little thing standing on a street corner. And over the years the world will move on and the box will be buried. And if you want to remember me, then you can do one thing. That’s all. One thing. (The hologram turns to look at Rose.)  Have a good life. Do that for me, Rose. Have a fantastic life.
And then Rose Tyler, an ordinary shop girl from London, absorbs the heart of the TARDIS and the whole of the Time Vortex because she refuses to abandon her Doctor.  Because if there is one thing Rose Tyler never does, it is give up on The Doctor.  Even if it means dying.
Category Doctor Who, Kim\'s Post, Music | Tags: Billie Piper,Christopher Eccleston,David Tennant,Doctor Who,Eleventh Doctor,I won\'t give up,If Only I,If You Ever Come Back,Jason Mraz,Jon McLaughlin,Love Comes Tumbling Down,Mat Kearney,Matt Nathanson,Matt Smith,ninth doctor,Rose and Ten,Rose and Ten Playlist,Rose Tyler,Rose x The Doctor Playlist,Ships in the Night,tenth doctor,The Script | 3 Comments
Your Weekly Dose of Rose and The Doctor Feels – Grammy Edition!
You may have noticed that Kim and I didn’t do our usual red carpet and award show coverage for this year’s Grammys. Why? Because even people who win Grammys know that the Grammys are basically irrelevant.
But let’s just put a pin in that for now. Today, we’re going to use the Grammys for our own selfish reasons, and those reasons are OTP-related. This week’s playlist highlights are all by 2013 Grammy nominated or Grammy winning artists. And being a featured artist on Head Over Feels is the REAL prize.
“Ghosts That We Knew” – Mumford & Sons
So lead me back, turn south from that place
And our children come and they will hear me roar.”
If this 50th anniversary business doesn’t give us some kind of update on TenToo/Rose and their adorable babies, I QUIT. Seriously, I am out. You can keep your bow ties and your sonics and your crippling heartbreak. I’ll have escaped and started a fandom for, like, that new Ron Weasley show from the
We all have those friends, right? The ones who prefer their relationships to be dramatic and tragic 24/7? I’ve never understood that. If you don’t have fun together, why is it even worth it?
When Rose tells Nine that life is “better with two,” she’s right. But it’s gotta be the RIGHT two. If
were about two miserable people who bicker all the time and then retreat to their separate rooms to write emo-y LiveJournal posts, I don’t think this fandom would even exist.
“Gold” is about the people in this world who, when you’re with them, make you the very best version of yourself. You can practically see the weight fall off of the Doctor’s shoulders as Series 1 progresses. And he never forgets it. He may not have been able to say those three little words on Bad Wolf Bay, but he comes close. “You made me better,” he says to her. And isn’t that basically the same thing?
Category Doctor Who, Music, Sage\'s Post, Television | Tags: Adele,Billie Piper,Christopher Eccleston,Dark Side,David Tennant,Doctor Who,Eleventh Doctor,Ghosts That We Knew,Gold,Grammy Awards 2013,Grammys,Ho Hey,Kelly Clarkson,Mumford & Sons,Nine and Rose,ninth doctor,Once,Rose and Eleven,Rose and Nine,Rose and Ten,Rose and Ten Playlist,Rose Tyler,Someone Like You,Ten and Rose,tenth doctor,The Lumineers | No Comments
Your Weekly Dose of Rose and The Doctor Feels – Playlist Post #14
fans. Just admit it. Let your Whovian freak flag fly.
A few of you are doing a particularly shoddy job of keeping your fandom membership under wraps. Why else would your songs show up six, seven, EIGHT times on our Rose/Doctor playlist?
This week’s post is about the most well-represented artists on our soundtrack to the universe’s greatest OTP. Whether you know it or not, you’ve been writing music that perfectly scores our Rose and Doctor.
Also, Coldplay remains awesome. David agrees. Deal with it.
I’ve had to cross reference this song in my mind, as it has always been, until now, strictly a Fox Mulder anthem.
Look at those lyrics. That’s 100% the FBI’s Most Unwanted. But Fox is going to have to share it with my Doctor. They have a lot in common, after all. Complex and single-minded. Emotions turning on a dime. Obsessed with their own, specific morality. And they both press all my romantic, anti-hero buttons.
On a personal note: where did weird, folky Sarah McLachlan go and why was she replaced with Adult Contemporary Sad Dog Commercial Sarah McLachlan? Remember that time she spent an entire music video naked in a mud pit? I blame the kids. And the ASPCA.
“Dreaming with a Broken Heart” – John Mayer
“When you’re dreaming with a broken heart
No she can’t, ’cause she’s gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.”
When pressed to choose, I will usually pick the “Impossible Planet”/”Satan Pit” two-parter as my favorite modern era
episode. But maybe I should change my answer, because I keep coming back to “Human Nature”/”The Family of Blood” in these posts.
We’re mostly used to the enigmatic and manic Doctor that Sarah was singing about just a few seconds ago. But, ugh, how these episodes get right into the heart of him like no others do. The Doctor-Doctor won’t tell Rose how he feels about her. He won’t tell anyone else either, and hardly admits it to himself. But John Smith doesn’t know that. He just dreams and writes it down.
This is what’s ACTUALLY written in “The Journal of Impossible Things” and why people who deny that Rose/Ten is a real thing are just plain wrong:
“I find myself wanting to draw a perfect Rose, over and over although I cannot find a Rose anywhere!
In my dreams I keep asking a girl where to find one, and she is dressed in the most extraordinarily immodest way.
I remember this girl I have drawn her although I know her well in my dream
Category Doctor Who, Music, Sage\'s Post, Television | Tags: Backstreet Boys,Billie Piper,Building a Mystery,Christopher Eccleston,Coldplay,David Tennant,Doctor Who,Dreaming with a Broken Heart,Fearless,Incomplete,John Mayer,Nine and Rose,ninth doctor,Rose and Nine,Rose and Ten,Rose and Ten Playlist,Rose Tyler,Sarah McLachlan,Taylor Swift,Ten and Rose,tenth doctor,Til Kingdom Come | 4 Comments
Your Weekly Dose of Rose and The Doctor Feels – Playlist Post #13
Even though I was born in Michigan, I grew up in Nashville, so country music is practically ingrained into my DNA.  I LOVE country music, and I get very annoyed when anyone says they hate it.  In fact, I am convinced that anyone that says they hate country music has never really given it a chance.  Sure there are some TERRIBLE songs (“Red Solo Cup” is the most recent big hit that comes to mind), but that’s true of any genre (“Gangnam Style” anyone?).  To me, what sets Country Music apart as a genre is its focus on story telling.  Not that a good pop song can’t tell a story (we’ve got hundreds on this playlist that do) but country songs often take it to the next level and can make you feel all sorts of emotions.   Naturally, there are many country songs on this playlist that conjure up
feelings.  So those who claim to HATE country should give these songs a listen and then get back to me.
And if you get back to me and say you still hate country music, I can’t help you.  And I also question whether or not you have a soul.
“Somebody Like You” – Keith Urban
“There’s a new wind blowing like I’ve never known.
I’m breathing deeper than I’ve ever done.
I wanna love somebody, love somebody like you.
I’ve forgivin’ myself for the mistakes I’ve made.
Now there’s just one thing, the only thing I wanna do.
I wanna love somebody, love somebody like you…”
This song screams the Ninth Doctor at the end of “End of the World”, which I also covered in my last playlist post.  While the Doctor still has many many gruff moments post “End of the World” (which IS only the second episode of the series), I always pinpoint the end of that episode as the moment where The Doctor started to heal and began to open himself up to Rose.  He doesn’t completely change all at once, there would be no fun in that.  It’s an ongoing process.   But in that moment where he and Rose head off to get some chips, The Doctor begins to let go of his past and relax and allows himself to think that there could be something more for him.
“Come on then, tightwad. Chips are on me. We’ve only got five billion years ’til the shops close. “
This song is about partnership and finding that one person you can count on above anyone else.  If that is not what you think the Doctor and Rose are to each other, then you are watching the show wrong.  Fact.
Category Doctor Who, Kim\'s Post, Music | Tags: Billie Piper,Christopher Eccleston,Clint Black,David Tennant,Doctor Who,Doctor Who Playlist,Keith Urban,Lady Antebellum,Miranda Lambert,ninth doctor,Playlist Post,Rose and Nine,Rose and Ten,Rose and Ten Playlist,Rose Tyler,RosexTen,tenth doctor,TenxRose,Wynonna Judd,Zac Brown Band | 8 Comments
Your Weekly Dose of Rose and Ten Feels – Playlist Post #11
“Rescue me, Chin Boy, and show me the stars!”  — Oswin Oswald, “Asylum of the Daleks”
“But every night, Doctor. When it gets dark, and the stars come out, I’ll look up on her behalf. I’ll look up at the sky. And think of you.” — Wilfred Mott, “Journey’s End”
“It’s all waiting out there, Jackie. And it’s brand new to me. All those planets, creatures and horizons—I haven’t seen them yet. Not with these eyes. And it is gonna be… fantastic.”  –The Tenth Doctor, “The Christmas Invasion”
Yeah, yeah, I know that neither one of these quotes were said by our heroine, Rose Tyler.  But I DO think that these quotes demonstrate one of the greatest appeals of traveling with The Doctor for the companion…seeing the stars!  It’s why Rose ran away with The Doctor in the first place…she knew she wanted to see something MORE than what she had going on in her current life.  Heck, it’s why we all watch the show.  It’s why I went to Space Camp THREE TIMES (#nerdalert).  We ALL want to run away with The Doctor and see all of time and space.  It’s why we’re on constant alert for that TARDIS sound.
Needless to say, there are a LOT of songs about the stars out there, and there are quite a few on our epic playlist.  Let’s take a look at some, shall we?
And all about the photographs that line your drawers
This song SCREAMS Rose and Nine to me (and YES, I realize we talk a LOT about Nine here.  Because he is awesome.  Perhaps we should just rename these posts Rose and the Doctor feels?).  “Oh My Stars” conjures up images of when Rose first started traveling with The Doctor, when he was all prickly and brooding.  And (oh so gently) Rose would push him to start to FEEL again.  Conversations like this one from “The End of the World” would happen:
The Doctor: You think it’ll last forever. People and cars and concrete. But it won’t. One day it’s all gone. Even the sky. My planet’s gone. It’s dead. It burned like the Earth. It’s just rocks and dust. Before its time.
Rose: A war with who? What about your people?
The Doctor: I’m a Time Lord. I’m the last of the Time Lords. They’re all gone. I’m the only survivor. I’m left traveling on my own because there’s no one else.
And thus Rose Tyler, a completely ordinary girl from London, began to melt the heart of a 900 year old Time Lord and heal his battered soul.
Category Doctor Who, Kim\'s Post, Music, Television | Tags: Andrew Belle,Billie Piper,Coldplay,Cosmic Love,David Tennant,Doctor Who,Florence and the Machine,Grace Potter and the Nocturnals,ninth doctor,Oh My Stars,Playlist Post,Rose and Ten,Rose and Ten Playlist,Rose Tyler,RosexTen,Stars,tenth doctor,TenxRose,Tim McGraw,When the Stars Go Blue,Yellow | 8 Comments
Your Weekly Dose of Rose and Ten Feels – Playlist Post #9
It’s no secret that Sage and I are big music fans….the fact that this playlist is 535 songs (and counting) should make that fact abundantly clear.  The wonderful thing about music is that you can hear a song and you can instantly be transported to the movie or TV scene it played in or the moment you heard the song for the first time.  We’ve got some songs on the playlist that will forever be associated with something else.  But that doesn’t mean they can’t apply to Rose and Ten or
in general.  Let’s take a look at a few, shall we?
“Chasing Cars” is FOREVER linked with the Season Two finale of
(“I thought I was a surgeon, but I’m NOT.  So I quit.”) but very much applies to Rose and Ten as well.  Look at that gif.  In my head canon, Rose and Ten had many days like that…peaceful days where no trouble found them.  No monsters.  No threats of imminent destruction.  No need to save the universe.  Just days where they were together laying on the ground with his overcoat spread out beneath them while they talked and snuggled and watched the world go by.  Yep.  It happened all the time.
And “I don’t quite know how to say how I feel.  Those three words, they’re said too much”?  Nope.  Not at all relevant to their relationship.
Category Doctor Who, Kim\'s Post, Music | Tags: Anastasia,At The Beginning,Billie Piper,Celine Dion,Chasing Cars,David Tennant,Dirty Dancing,Doctor Who,Donna Lewis,I will Always love you,I\'ve Had The Time of My Life,My Heart Will Go On,Richard Marx,Rose and Ten,Rose and Ten Playlist,Rose Tyler,RosexTen,Snow Patrol,tenth doctor,Whitney Houston | 4 Comments
Martin Freeman – The 2014 Showman of the Year
Nicole Beharie: The Most Perfect Sunflower 2014
Abby Whelen Adam Scott Amy Poehler Andy Dwyer Ann Perkins April Ludgate Aubrey Plaza Aziz Ansari Bellamy Young Ben Wyatt Billie Piper Chris Pratt Community Cyrus Beene Darby Stanchfield David Tennant Doctor Who Donna Meagle Eleventh Doctor Fitzgerald Grant Jeff Perry Jerry Gergich Jim O\'Heir Kerry Washington Leslie Knope Matt Smith Mellie Grant Nick Offerman Olivia Pope Parks and Rec Parks and Recreation Rashida Jones Recap Retta Rob Lowe Ron Swanson Rose Tyler Scandal Shonda Rhimes Sleepy Hollow Steven Moffat tenth doctor The Mindy Project Tom Mison Tony Goldwyn
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