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Dante99 said:
Dear Mr Maher,
I'm sorry I am a Canadian wishing to make a comment on the goings on inside the US political scene, but I just can't hold my tongue any longer. I have been trying to sum up the actions of this present administration of the US in a tidy little package. I can't say it is evil (exception Chenney), I can't say it is shear greed (once again with the exception of Chenney) The only thing I can think of that explains almost all of the actions of this administration is it's absolutely amazing!!!! level of incompetance! I am a left wing individual overall but I would have to at least acknowledge over the past differing governments wether they be Reagan, Ford, Carter Eisenhower, Keneddy, or Bush sr, they were at least competant!! This administration has been amazing beyond repraoch in it's never-ending parade of screw-ups when even a basic knowledge of municipal level governance would have averted things like the katrina debacle, the post "victory" screw up in Iraq, the housing investment crash, and possibly even the events of you know when. I think of this almost like a petrie dish, where we are seeing what we get when we put into play the feverish ambitions of a far right wing literati, the greed and power ambitions of Chenney, and stupidity of the likes of Rumsfeld, and to top it off the to chose everyone to work in the administration you have the mental deficiencies of Bush jr. You end up with the "perfect storm". I have been chatting with various political university profs and more than a couple of them have actually said that this could be the end of the "American Empire". You have the Venezuelans and the Russians ditching their American dollars for Euros, the Isrealiis have asked the USA to not send them any more Dollars rather just send Euros, and the chinese are muscling the USA out of the oil in Africa. As a matter of fact the only country holding the USA afloat with it's holdings of American dollars is China which realy begs the question can the USA really be a "honest broker" when it comes to chinese issues from now on? Will Tiawan simply be let go to take care of itself? Will Tebetan monks be told that the US can't get involved in their issues with china as the US is almost literally china's bitch now, 'cause if China ditches the US dollar for Euros, the USA will simply go bankrupt. All of this is very frightening yes, but also possibly true, and could have been averted if the USA had a competant administration. Who-ever wins the next federal election in the USA will have their first 4 years driven by the need to repair what's happened in this administration.
posted over a year ago.
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mccainiac said:
Billy, I truly hope nothing horrific happens to you or your loved ones after the deplorable comments about Sarah Palin's innocent 4 month old child. I have always thought of you as a borish, dope-smokin', liberal, and lover of many worldly things. Your personal relationships magnify why you think Barack Hussein Obama would be a qualified president.(In other words, I've slightly noticed the women you date, it's all you can get!) Barack Hussein Obama's not qualified to park cars at the White House let alone ride in a presidential motorcade!
However, you have completely crossed the line on your nasty, snide comments of that darling baby! You reap what you sew! Your career has been questionable at best... hopefully your loud, filthy, un-funny mouth will soon be out of a venue to pursue innocent victims of your crass, untalented attempts at comedy. You're not intelligent, not handsome by any means, not funny, and most importantly that baby has more class in his diaper than you will ever possess in your small finger which I am sure has been straight up Obama's ass(donkey!) for the past 19 months.
I will sit back and wait patiently for the "I told you so" moment when something catastrophic befalls you!
You need help both spiritually and mentally. Something must be deeply wrong with an adult male(?) who can so carelessly attack a special needs infant just because he is in disagreement with its mother's political views. Something must also be wrong with your career and you desperately need the media attention. LOL!
Good day and, again, I will be waiting with bated breath for your joke of a career to end soon and in front of all of those sadly lost dopeheads who would find your show appealing in any way what so ever(you'd have to be high). I find you a pathetic excuse for a human being(?) and moreso, your demented "fans" who would find you remotely informative. I find it amazing you even have a fan base or a show. Na Na na na, hey hey hey...good bye!
posted over a year ago.
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ajhummel said:
Sorry Jesus, but im pretty sure god doesnt exist

When I first left for Iraq in December 2007 I would've considered myself a fairly religious guy. I tried to say my prayers and put up a feeble argument when people were talking down toward christianity. But i'll tell you what, I sure had a lot of time to think in my 15 months over there. The conclusion I ultimately came to on my beliefs changed drastically due to my own common sense, and the sober time I had to use it.

As you can imagine I would say a lot of prayers asking for various things in my life.....due to the fact that my life sucked balls over there. And you know what, after a while I had to ask; might I just be talking to myself? "Most likely" was my answer but then.....oh no....I cant believe that! Blasphemy right? Fuck no it's not blasphemy, what does that even mean? It's a man made word. Same as all other words.

I started with an analyzation of the Bible. Or more like the idea of the Bible. I came to the conclusion (and this is indisputable) that the bible was written by man. There can't be anything in there (aside from Jesus jumping out of a page a saying "Whats up!") that can truly convince me beyond the shadow of a doubt that im not just waisting precious moments of my life talking to an invisible friend. Not to mention limiting myself to how much I enjoy life due to the fact that im scared of some irrational bull shit place called Hell.

How can you truly know one way or the other I suppose. You can't. Thats why I try to take an agnostic view toward religion in everyway. But I think we can agree that more than likely its all a bunch of bullshit. I believe people are so scared of the fact they will no longer exist after death they'll believe any crap they grow up hearing. Even if that means believing you have some invisible, invincible ghost living inside of you. When you die, if you were naughty you burn for eternity, and if you were nice you float up to the clouds and hang out with some angels and shit. Come on......doesn't that just sound like a ploy by society to make you a "good person". Except no one is really plotting...everyone really believes that shit! Oh my God!! Haha.

Religion is, and has always been, the cause of most violent action human beings take towards one another. Wether individually or as a nation going to war. When did America become a Chrisitan nation? If you read a little bit of history on our founding father's you would realize that the governtment of the American states didn't decide their nation should be considered Christian until later. Certain administrations openly admitted coming to certain conclusions on our foreign policy due to religion! Now if you don't agree that's absoloutely unacceptable than you don't deserve an oppinion.

Not to say some religions aren't more violent than others (cough cough) Islam (ahem). It has come to my attention that humans have figured out how to make nuclear weapons before we've figured out how to discern silly myths from scientific fact. There are thousands of religions, they all have tons of holes in them, and they all claim to be the one true religion. COME ON?! It is your duty as a respectable, logical and rational human being to take a stand against this god nonsense before it destroys the planet due to nuclear war. So if your teetering on the just need to realize your probably kind of brainwashed, stand up for what you know is right. We need to put an end to not just very dangerous religions like radical Islam, but all religions for they are all inherently violent.
posted over a year ago.
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baeeunice said:
"Religulous" is the most brilliant and refreshing movie I have seen in years! I bought it at a Target store not knowing who Bill Maher is but the title and description was captivating enough to make the purchase. All the while I was watching it with my husband, I thought, yes, this is what I've been looking for and there must be a more communication among people like us... rationalists!!! thank you sooooo much
posted over a year ago.
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bbt4358 said:
Bill, your ego is totally out of hand or was it in your hand while you were masturbating on a gun while reading the Bible (Idoit, God's gonna get you Shame on you!!!) to bad the gun didn't go off when you went off. Stupid Americans will not be bothered if you didn't exist anymore trust me on this one. Leave America if you can't stand it, leave, it's real simple,simple, simple, just leave. You are loosing your hair, and seriously looking old, are you alright, maybe you and Obama can take a trip together to another country and you can see a doctor under government control and the both of you can go around apoligizing for being Americans (I'm crying now for the both of you). You're such a Dennis Miller or the late George Carlin wanna be (Tell me which one would you really bend over for?). The one thing that comedians and actors can't understand is that American's don't give a F@#$ what your opinion is on political issues including yours. As for Sara Palin, you got to be kidding or is it just envy? Tell Me is it because she looks better in her skirs than you do, (you do have the money to buy your own don't you? Your severe case of anal glaucoma is uncurable. Is true that when Obama brushes his teeth, the moment he opens his mouth he tells you and all his followers of the elite good morning? Oh and by the way I lined my bird cage with a pictue of you printed off your web site so you can see what I see when you look in the mirror. I would wish you well but you're still in America where all the stupid people are and everyone knows how you feel about that L....E....A....V....E
posted over a year ago.
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Last night you talked about the Electoral College and it's dangers. I suggest you get , read and recommend a book written by James A. Michener in 1969 "PRESIDENTIAL LOTTERY." It is non fiction and written after he served as an Electoral for the Pennsylvania..
Second on the american Taxpayer I suggest 3 book all old. 1964 THE GREAT TREASURY RAID and 1972 THE RAPE OF THE AMERICAN TAXPAYER (Why you pay more while the rich pay less). Both by Philip M. Stern. The third is PERFECTLY LEGAL (the covert Campaign to Rig Our Tax system to Benefit the super rich --- and cheat everyone else) 2002 by David Cay Johnston.
Other old publications that have brought to light much of what you and your guest talk about is WHO OWNS AMERICA? 1971 by Walter J. Hickel and Irving Wallace THE PEOPLE ALMANAC 175 chapter 7 World Nations and People. you might be surprised to see he listed AT&T, BANK AMERICA, EXXON, GENERAL ELECTRIC, GENERAL MOTORS, IBM, ITT, SAFEWAY STORES and UNILEVER GROUP as nations. List how created, their size population, what the owned (back in 1975) and who rules them.
What you talk about has been going for years every since the Kennedy assignation which happened not long after he gave a speech hinting at nationalizing the oil companies and breaking up large conglomerates.
The problem with today is the fact that people are distracted and more concerned with sports, the teams and players. Instead of being concerned about what our so called elected (bought and paid for by the 1% that is both major parties) officials are doing and not doing. But then again a roman emperor when told the people will not like what he was doing replied, "The people! Give then the games. They will not care what we are doing." Thus is was and the last one's to realize that Rome had fallen were the Romans themselves and it will be with this country.
thank you
posted over a year ago.