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Real Time with Bill Maher

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mccainiac said:
I have been so disgusted by your latest crass remark of that poor little innocent palin baby I am rendered almost speechless! Almost! Is it possible that you're jealous of that baby because he already possesses a higher IQ than you at 4 months and w/ special needs!I think I still have enough in me to tell your dumb, talentless, liberal, dope smokin' ass what I think!!!!!!!!!!!!
That baby has more class in his diaper that you will ever possess in you little pinky which we all know Barrack Hussein Obama prefers up his rectal canal! Skip the gerbils!
You sir, are a waste of DNA. I cannot wait to see what will befall you for such a viscious, verbal assault. There will be repercussions for your vile remarks... wait and see. I know I simply cannot wait to see your smug, rank, little peron out of work or worse! You're a loser and everyhing you promote is either illegal or just debase.
Please keep opening your diseased mouth, you're only helping to make sure that McCain/Palin wins in Novemeber. Thank you!
Your boyfriend Obama needs more friends so candidly outspoken in their vometous support!
Here's to you and your cannabis smokin' fanbase: "Put down the bag of cheetos, put ou that blunt,and change the channel to Fox News and then get a sponsor - it'll be ok!
Losers for Obama!!!!!!!!!! You all should have to get tatoos so we know who the REAL special needs people are!
posted over a year ago.