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posted by Nya_GodessWolf
Hello,some of you Feral Heart gamers may know me, im MoonWolf3. known by many names. im doing my reveiw of the game. enjoy reading

My reveiw on the game is that its very addictive wich isnt bad because its enjoyable.Its a online game so it requires internet which can sometimes be a pain, but its all worth it.

I find it interesting that you can create Maps/areas/worlds, there known by many names,objects,presets,and custom presets. i honestly dont know how to do the presets but i do know how to do the maps. its very fun to RP and chat with your friends on Genral,Local,Party,Group, and whisper chat.

I Highly reccomend downloading the game because you can create a charachter,name it, and do all sorts of things to personalize it. you can:
get a mate
start a family(adoption centers on Bonfire)
and explore
with your charachter

have fun playing and look for me! MoonWolf3
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